Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 372

Jinyang, the emperor's palace.

It was already May, and it was relatively hot, so Gao Wei was only wearing a piece of expensive tulle, and his chest was exposed, his white sides were very delicate and shiny, his lower abdomen was slightly protruding, and he looked very rich. The majesty of the emperor, but Gaowei has held many open conferences, and showing his breasts is really not a shocking move.

Gao Wei was reclined on the soft and comfortable dragon bed, with his head resting on Feng Xiaoling's flat and smooth belly, and one hand was placed on Feng Xiaolian's chest, caressing and twisting slowly, playing with the pair of proud plump, feeling Concubine Feng Shu's delicate skin was icy cold, and her heart felt hot.

"Your Majesty, do you want to drink it?" Feng Xiaolian's cheeks fluttered, her almond eyes were full of spring, watery and alluring, and her already soft voice was even more soft and ecstatic, which only made people fascinated.

"That's right," Gao Wei closed his eyes lightly, and slowly fed Feng Xiaolian's iced sour plum soup into his mouth. A stream of cold air went straight from his throat to the bottom of his heart, and then along the spine to his brain, making him feel slightly relieved. Trembling, couldn't help it, Gao Wei put more strength into Feng Xiaolian's mischievous hand, which only made the latter let out a low moan, his winking eyes were like silk, and his body became softer.

"Your Majesty," Feng Xiaolian whispered, her breathing was a little short, and her exhalation was blue.

Gao Wei opened his eyes, looked at Feng Xiaolian, who was so delicate and charming, with half-closed star pupils, who was already emotional, and couldn't help cursing softly: "You little bastard, didn't I feed you enough last night?"

"Your Majesty, are you good or bad?" Feng Xiaolian twisted his body resolutely, his proud chest trembled suddenly, and he looked at Gao Wei with resentment and reproach, with a mixture of joy and anger on his face.

"You little goblin," Gao Wei swallowed hard, and was about to throw Feng Xiaolian under him, but Feng Xiaolian let out a coquettish giggle, turned sideways, and dexterously rolled over from under Gao Wei , leaving Gao Wei in a vacuum.

"You seductive fairy, you still dare to run, let's see how I punish you," Gao Wei looked at Feng Xiaolian pretending to be annoyed, and said viciously, but Feng Xiaolian was not afraid at all, and cast a provocative glance at Gao Wei At a glance, the slender hands gently brushed the firm breasts, and the already loose skirt was opened a little, the white breast muscles inside were faintly visible, and the provocative meaning was self-evident.

Gao Wei snorted softly, supported the dragon bed with both hands, and threw himself at Feng Xiaolian again, with great agility.

It stands to reason that a person like Xiang Gaowei who is extravagant, licentious, and excessively drunk is not in good health, otherwise Gao Yanzong would not be too fat to walk, and Yu Wenyun died early, but since Gao Wei got "Longevity" After the Jue", the problem of qi deficiency and frailty improved greatly, and even the intercourse skills have made great progress. It is no longer like Zeng Jin who needs to eat a lot of food every day, but occasionally feels powerless. Even the charming Feng Xiao Lian, recently she can't stand Gao Wei's beatings, she often throws away her armor and cries for mercy, which greatly satisfies Gao Wei's self-esteem.

Although Gao Changgong and Dugu Yongye did not follow their orders to annihilate the traitor Gao Xin, Gao Wei was in a good mood after breaking through to the second level of "The Secret of Longevity" at the beginning of the new year, and the news that Gao Changgong was assassinated twice and could not afford to be seriously injured also made him The suspicion and resentment towards Gao Changgong faded away.

Although Gao Wei is licentious and innocent, he is not a fool, and he also knows the importance of side troubles, otherwise he would not let Dugu Yongye guard Luozhou, and he came to Jinzhou to monitor Ande Wang Gao Yanzong himself, even if he was among them The reason for the fear of heat.

Gao Changgong was assassinated and seriously injured. Although Gao Wei was very happy in his heart, he could not blatantly throw stones into the well, otherwise he would completely hurt the hearts of the people in the world, and his emperor's throne would not be stable. Not only that, Gao Wei also pretended to send envoys to Xuyi After condolences to Gao Changgong, Gao Changgong was dripping with gratitude. As for what the two of them are thinking, outsiders naturally cannot know.

Seeing Gao Wei pounced again, Feng Xiaolian pulled back to dodge again, but a piece of skirt was torn by Gao Wei, exposing more white and jade-like skin, making Gao Wei move his index finger, and Gao Wei softly shouted "" Don't run", then rushed towards Feng Xiaolian again, Feng Xiaolian giggled coquettishly, dodged left and right, but refused to follow, fortunately the dragon bed was wide enough, the two of them would not be in danger of falling to the ground.

The two chased and frolicked for a while, Gao Wei accidentally caught Feng Xiaolian's round ankle, and pulled it into his arms with a strong tug, Gao Wei immediately laughed triumphantly: "Haha, let's see how you can escape again." , you little goblin, I will punish you well today," said Gao Wei, with his right hand quickly climbing onto Feng Xiaolian's chest, and squeezed it hard.

"Hmm," Feng Xiaolian frowned slightly, her face seemed pained and joyful, her pretty face was blushing like blood, and her misty eyes almost dripped water.

Boundless desires surged into his heart, Gao Wei tore them apart with both hands, and with a "hiss", Feng Xiaolian's clothes burst, and most of the delicate, rose-colored skin was exposed to the air, Gao Wei let out a low growl , I want Feng Xiaolian's delicate red lips to be chewed away.

"Wait a minute, Your Majesty," Feng Xiaolian panted and stretched out his hand to block Gao Wei. Gao Wei frowned, gasped heavily, his eyes were red, and he looked dissatisfied at the beautiful woman who was close at hand.

The blush on Feng Xiaolian's face dissipated and was replaced by deep sadness. The spring water in her eyes instantly turned into tears and fell from the corners of her eyes, and she began to sob softly.

Seeing Feng Xiaolian crying sadly, Gao Wei relaxed a little, and asked with some trepidation: "My concubine, what's the matter with you, if you have any grievances, just tell me, and I will make the decision for you."

"Your Majesty, my concubine just suddenly thought that because I am favored by His Majesty, I enjoy endless glory and wealth, but my elder brother sighs and sighs every day, lives a mediocre life, and has nowhere to display his talents. The life is even more miserable. Feeling sad and guilty for no reason, disturbing your Majesty's pleasure, please forgive me," Feng Xiaolian said, quickly wiped the tears from his face, and looked at Gao Wei sincerely with some fear.

"My concubine, don't blame yourself. Your elder brother is also my elder brother. He can't do his best. It's my responsibility to take care of him." Gao Wei gently wiped the tears from the corners of Feng Xiaolian's eyes, and said softly: " It's just that this is the first time I've heard you, my concubine, talk about your elder brother, but I don't know who it is."

"Your Majesty naturally knows this person," Feng Xiaolian said with a little sadness in his eyes.


Feng Xiaolian said softly: "It's the original Huaiyin King Gao Anagong, the adopted son of Junjun Lu Lingxuan, and the adopted brother of his concubine."

Although Lu Lingxuan was born as a maidservant, in Gao Wei's heart she is more important than her biological mother, the Empress Dowager Hu. Because of her, Sangui of the Northern Qi Dynasty was favored by Gao Wei, and Feng Xiaolian deliberately curry favor with her and recognized her Became a foster mother.

Hearing Feng Xiaolian's mention of Gao Ana's arm, he frowned happily, sat up, and said with a little displeasure on his face: "He asked you to come and blow my pillow and say good things,"

Gao Anak led an army of 20 to crusade against the traitor Gao Xin. Not only did he fail to accomplish an inch, but he also wiped out the entire army of 20, and even lost the two prefectures of Jiqi. After crossing the Yellow River and making such a big mistake, how could Gao Wei not be angry, and how could he easily forgive him? If Han Changluan and Mu Tipo hadn't interceded for Wang Jue, they would have sent him to the guillotine.

Originally, Gao Anak was captured by Gao Xing, and all his men agreed that he should be killed to sacrifice the flag, but Gao Xing thought that a living Gao Anag was more useful, so he released him against all odds.

The officialdom of the Northern Qi Dynasty has been rotten to the root. Even if one Gao Anachu dies, there will be tens of thousands of Gao Anachus. As long as the three nobles of the Northern Qi Dynasty do not die, the current political structure will not be broken. I am happy and confident After experiencing this disaster, Gao Anaku will not have the slightest toughness when facing him again, which will be extremely beneficial when he deals with Gao Wei in the future.

"No, no, no," Feng Xiaolian quickly denied it, stood up and looked at Gao Wei aggrievedly, and said, "Your Majesty, Brother Yi knows that he has sinned deeply, so how dare he ask for His Majesty's forgiveness? For the past six months, he has been at home every day, eating fast." One is to repent of the mistakes one has made, and the other is to pray for His Majesty and me, and I hope that Your Majesty will live forever and that Daqi will prosper and last forever."

"He is sincere," Gao Wei's face paled.

Feng Xiaolian was overjoyed, and continued: "Yes, brother Yi's sincerity to His Majesty can be learned from heaven and earth. He is not young and has many worries. He eats vegetarian food and recites Buddha every day. Now he seems to be ten years old, with a haggard face. The courtiers and concubines wept, and even the stepmother couldn't bear it.

It's just that the step-mother knows that His Majesty is the Nine-Five-Year-Old King, and she speaks well, and Longwei can't be lightly committed, so she can only suffer? Brother Yi is ignorant and can't share His Majesty's worries, but she weeps secretly from time to time. The concubine really can't bear to look at His Majesty There is a estrangement between you and your adoptive mother, and you have lost a heartfelt subject, so you have the courage to remonstrate with Your Majesty, hoping that Your Majesty will forgive your foster brother and let him take the crime and make meritorious deeds."

Saying that, Feng Xiaolian hurriedly got down from the dragon bed, bowed respectfully and prostrated himself on the ground, terrified.

Gao Wei's face was uncertain, he looked at Feng Xiaolian who was kneeling on the ground quietly for a while, and sighed silently: "My concubine, get up first."

"Your Majesty, you are willing to forgive Brother Yi." Feng Xiaolian looked at Gao Wei in surprise, and the tears that had just dried up poured out again: "I thank Your Majesty for your kindness, and I will repay Your Majesty's kindness even if I am a cow or a horse."

"Get up, Gao Anak has followed me for many years, and there is no need to doubt his sincerity. It's just that he lost too badly. If I don't punish him, it's not enough to convince the public. He must have reflected a lot in the past six months, and he will definitely work carefully in the future. I share my worries," Gao Xing nodded and said slowly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you," Feng Xiaolian bowed again before standing up, walked gracefully to Gao Wei's side, and lightly held his shoulders for him. Pulled into the arms, overwhelmed on the dragon bed.

Feng Xiaolian groaned softly, and let Gao Wei do whatever she wanted. The maidservants around had retreated quietly at some point, leaving only the two ecstasy and lingering. The movement was played in this magnificent palace.

After a long time, the fighting stopped for a while, Feng Xiaolian half leaned against Gao Wei's arms, gently drew circles on Gao Wei's chest with her slender hands, and said coquettishly, "Your Majesty has become more and more powerful, making this concubine both happy and afraid." ,"

Gao Wei smiled triumphantly, and slapped hard on the buttocks of the beautiful woman in his arms, the waves of breasts and hips made Feng Xiaolian groan softly.

"Your Majesty, that traitor Gao Xin is really hateful. He has repeatedly challenged your majesty. If you don't get rid of it as soon as possible, there will be endless disasters," Feng Xiaolian said worriedly after the two of them stayed together for a while.

"My concubine's words are true, but Gao Xin is really difficult to deal with, several conquests have failed, and I am also extremely distressed." When Gao Xin was mentioned, Gao Wei felt very annoyed and aggrieved.

"It is rumored that Sui Wang Gao Changgong is used to fighting, why don't your majesty let him send troops to fight against rebellion?"

Gao Wei shook his head and sighed: "My concubine doesn't know something. Gao Changgong was assassinated a few years ago and was seriously injured. How can he be able to fight? It's just that the generals in the court and the central government have their own missions, and they can't leave easily. Ordinary people can't." Against Gao Xin,"

"Your Majesty, although King Sui is seriously ill, is it possible that the son is also seriously ill? If King Sui is used to fighting, his son is not bad either." Feng Xiaolian frowned for a long while before his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hey, how could I have never imagined that my concubine is really smart, and my love for you is not in vain, hahahaha,"

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