Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 373

Shandong Province, Xinghua City.

Zhang Shunzhi put down the file in his hand, slowly lay back on the wide chair, and sighed silently, his voice was so exhausted and desolate, his face was wearing a ghost mask, the expression on his face could not be seen, But the exposed eyes were full of worry and bewilderment.

Three months have passed, but Gao Xing has not returned yet. Although through the beggar gang, Zhang Shunzhi already knows that Xing Xing has returned to Qi, but without Xing Xing sitting in Shandong and Jiangsu provinces, he feels like a rootless duckweed , very unsteady.

Although Gao Xing had made as thorough and detailed arrangements as possible before leaving, Zhang Shunzhi was still powerless in the face of the livelihood of nearly 200 million people in the two provinces. He is an excellent executor, but not an excellent planner, and he cannot control the rudder of the development of the two provinces well.

Even during the past three months, in order to avoid revealing his secrets, Zhang Shunzhi had lived as reclusively as possible, reticent, and discussed carefully with Cui Jishu and Zhang Diao when encountering problems, but there were some things that they were powerless to deal with and make decisions other than being happy.

"Your Excellency, Zhao Gou has something to report," a clear voice came from outside the room, Zhang Shunzhi's thoughts returned instantly, a gleam flashed in his eyes, he sat up straight suddenly, and said lightly: "Come in."

The door of the study creaked, and Zhao Gou in a blue Confucian shirt pushed the door open. Today's Zhao Gou is no longer as simple and stupid as before, exuding a touch of bookishness. The honest and gentle smile on his face made people very kind, but his pair of deep eyes showed his wisdom.

"My subordinates will see the governor," Zhao Gou respectfully saluted without any neglect because his elder brother was sitting in front of him.

"Excuse me, sit down and answer," Zhang Shunzhi's tone was very flat, carefree and joyless.

"Yes," Zhao Gou saluted and thanked, then sat respectfully across from Zhang Shunzhi, his waist straightened, "Governor, with the recent influx of refugees into Shandong and Jiangsu provinces, we have no more land to distribute. "

The policies of Shandong and Jiangsu provinces are extremely favorable, and the rich and healthy life of the people is also the envy of the people in the surrounding Northern Qi. The family fled to Shandong and Jiangsu provinces with their mouths.

Gao Xing is very clear that land is important in the era of cold weapons, and population is equally important, so he never rejects the influx of refugees from other places, which not only saves the poor people, but also allows him to have more resources, but the sharp increase Not only did the cities and counties in Shandong and Jiangsu provinces become crowded and mixed, but they also brought huge pressure on the government in terms of management. If it weren't for the various profitable businesses under the happy name, I'm afraid it would have already collapsed.

But even so, in this era of extremely low productivity, even though Shandong Province has a vast land and few people, it is not easy to develop it in such a short period of time, and because of the short period of time, the common people's ideas are still a bit outdated. They still regard the land as the fundamental place of survival, and even some wealthy businessmen, although they have made a lot of money with happiness, they still have the air of landlords in their bones, and they always try to buy land.

Although I am happy to build a lot of factories and let the people exchange their hands for daily necessities as much as possible, but there is no arable land, most people still have no sense of identity and feel panic in their hearts.

Therefore, arable land resources have become a serious problem that Shandong and Jiangsu provinces have to face at present, but they are not happy. Cui Jishu and Zhang Diao dare not make a decision in vain. Refusing refugees is even more stupid, let alone happy Not allowed, this will destroy the reputation that Gao Xing has built.

"Zhao Gou, do you think there is any way to solve this problem," Zhang Shunzhi asked lightly, rubbing his swollen temples.

Zhao Gou was stunned for a moment, and then said: "At present, a large amount of cultivated land is in the hands of powerful merchants. If we can all ransack their homes, this problem will not be a problem." It also passed away in a flash, and the refined and bookish atmosphere disappeared immediately. He was originally born in poverty, and he was born to hate the rich, so he made this cruel suggestion.

Zhang Shunzhi couldn't help but shook his head and said, "It's easy to say, but it's too difficult to do." Not to mention that he needs to rely on the intricate relationships in the local area to sell his products, and even manage local affairs without their help. Not to mention Zhang Shunzhi's inability to deal with the chaos and turmoil it caused, even if he was happy to use force to subdue all obstacles, the ending would cause serious damage to the vitality of the two provinces, which is obviously not what he likes to see.

"There is another way, which is to learn from the state of Zhou, ban religion, and seize the cultivated land from the monks." Zhao Gou also knew that Zhang Shunzhi would not agree with his suggestion, so he didn't care, frowned for a moment, and then said with burning eyes.

Zhang Shunzhi was shocked all over, and couldn't help frowning and thinking deeply.

This method is not bad. Compared with the state of Zhou, Buddhism with the support of Gaowei possesses a staggering amount of resources. It should be noted that after the fall of the Northern Qi Dynasty in history, there were 300 million monks who were ordered to return to secular life by Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. At that time, the total population of Northern Qi was probably only over ten million.

As Gao Xing's confidant, Zhang Shunzhi knew some of Xing Xing's thoughts. Xing Xing had implicitly stated that he did not have much affection for Buddhism, especially for Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, the Five Schools of Good and Evil, which use the Central Plains as the chessboard and the common people in the world as the chess pieces. His behavior was extremely disgusting, otherwise he would not have made such a big commotion in Jiangling City if he was happy, making Tiandaozong a target of public criticism.

I'm just happy to know that Buddhism has a huge influence among the people, and we can't act too hastily, that's why we haven't touched Buddhism for a long time. However, after nearly three years of development, Shandong and Jiangsu provinces have become extremely stable, and Gao Xin's prestige has never been shaken. It should be a good time to crack down on Buddhism, but Zhang Shunzhi didn't dare to take this decision lightly.

"Leave it alone, how is Xinghua Academy developing now, and how many talents are there?" Zhang Shunzhi thought for a moment, then asked softly.

"Indeed, there are quite a few talented people who come from poor backgrounds and study hard, but they are relatively young, and they are still a little green in dealing with people. They cannot be qualified for public office without some training, and there are many factions in government agencies. You're being excluded," Zhao Gou said with some helplessness, his brows furrowed.

"Are those people restless again?" Zhang Shunzhi's eyes flashed a look of sullenness, and he said in a cold voice, "Let the beggar gang investigate secretly, especially pay attention to collecting evidence of their crimes, and deal with them properly after the young master returns. ,"


After Zhang Shunzhi arranged some affairs for Zhao Gou, the night was getting dark, Zhao Gou took his leave and left, Zhang Shunzhi also walked towards Gao Xing's bedroom. Naturally, he had to perform a full set of plays, food, clothing, housing and transportation were all in accordance with Xing Xing's habits and standards.

"Who?" Zhang Shunzhi just stretched out his hand to push open the door, but suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, and immediately reprimanded in a low voice vigilantly, all the muscles and bones of his body tensed instantly, ready to explode at any time.

"That's right, by the way, your kung fu has improved a lot," following the gentle voice, the candles in the room were lit, and a handsome young man in white was sitting on a chair calmly, looking at Zhang Shunzhi with a smile, His eyes were full of admiration.

Zhang Shunzhi was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, and bowed his head, "Master Governor, why are you back? Ah, no, this subordinate pays homage to His Excellency the Governor." But because of excitement, Zhang Shunzhi spoke incoherently and tremblingly.

"Get up, Shunzhi, you have worked hard for a few days," Gao Xing got up and helped Zhang Shunzhi up, with admiration and gratitude in his eyes.

"This is what my subordinates should do," Zhang Shunzhi stood up, his excitement calmed down quickly, and he said with some trepidation: "My lord, some things have been mishandled by my subordinates, please apologise."

"Shunzhi, how many times have I told you that you are not only my subordinate, but also my friend, brother," Gao Xing squeezed Zhang Shunzhi's shoulders, and said with emotion: "You work hard and handle things in an orderly manner, I praise you How can you punish you before it's too late?" You are not allowed to say such foreign words in the future, otherwise don't blame me for being rude, "

Zhang Shunzhi was moved in his heart, and his hanging heart was finally let go. Seeing happiness, the heavy pressure in his heart disappeared, and the relaxed and bright feeling made him almost float. Only then did he realize that his face was indifferent. What a joy, how much pressure must be carried behind it.

It is easy to be an official, but it is difficult to be a good official.


After happily returning to Xinghua City, Cui Jishu, Zhang Diao and others who knew the inside story were immediately relieved, but the common people felt that Xinghua City, which was already prosperous, became more lively, and the vigorous development momentum surprised countless people.

On the third day of April, Gao Xing ordered the establishment of Xinghua City Hospital, and recruited [-] doctors with superb medical skills in Shandong Province to sit in the clinic, with the genius doctor Sun Simiao as the director. The medical staff and dean are also concurrently held by Sun Simiao.

At first, many doctors were quite critical of this decision, but after seeing Sun Simiao's inscrutable medical skills, no one dared to object. Not only that, everyone sincerely asked Sun Simiao for advice. The higher the level, the stronger the living capital will be.

Although these two measures are not unprecedented, they are definitely unprecedented. It is the first time in history that a hospital is officially undertaken by the public and it is open to the public. The apprentice, the master starved to death, was happy to set up a medical school, and while many people hated and scolded, it also made countless people applaud.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws, but who doesn't want to live well, with hospitals under unified management and medical schools that teach medical skills, people's safety is more guaranteed.

Next, Gao Xing decided to expand Xinghua City. If it wasn't for Zhang Rong and Gao Changgong, this matter would have been put on the agenda at the beginning of the year, but as the number of residents in Xinghua City increased and the situation became more and more severe, Glad this order had to be given.

It was not easy to build a city in ancient times, but it is not difficult to be happy with the relatively developed industry, and in this way, it can not only stimulate the development of the economy under the rule, but also greatly relieve the pressure on the population, so as not to let the endowed labor force and the scarce arable land A greater contradiction broke out in resources.

Just when Xinghua City was expanding like a raging fire, there was a sudden news from Yecheng that Gao Anagong was reactivated, taking the place of Zhao Yanshen, serving as Sikong, and was named King of Leling. At the same time, Gao Wei was named the son of Sui King Gao Changgong I am happy to fight against the Generalissimo, and I will send troops to fight against the traitor Gao Xin from now on.

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