Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 374

Jiangsu Province, Renzhou City.

Gao Xing walked quietly on the street, feeling the various pedestrians coming and going around him, and seeing the satisfied smiles on their faces, he felt very relieved. Only then, his tired mind would be relaxed, and his killing would be effective. Meaningful, protect the ones you cherish, and do something for this suffering society.

Gao Xing had just returned to Xinghua City for more than a month, when an edict came from Yecheng asking him to crusade against himself, against the Generalissimo, such a big name, Xing Xing couldn't help laughing, even though he knew that he would ignore Gao Wei's words Order, the latter has nothing to do with him, but it will have a huge impact on Gao Changgong's prestige.

As a show, the superficial work still needs to be done well. At the very least, it can make Gao Wei feel at ease, and the major events in the future will be a little less fettered.

Xing Xing didn't bring any attendants, and just walked quietly on the street in ordinary clothes. Although the surroundings were very noisy, Xing Xing's heart was peaceful and peaceful, but after walking for a while, Xing Xing's brows furrowed.

Not far ahead, there are many passers-by standing around watching something, many people have expressions of anger and righteous indignation on their faces, and there are faint sounds of fierce quarrels, anyway, they have nothing to do, and they are curious when they are happy Walking forward, I am the master here after all, and it is my job to resolve some civil disputes and difficulties of the masses.

"Mr. Murong, I beg you, your lord is generous, please be merciful," before approaching, a hoarse and immature voice came from the crowd, the tone was so helpless and sad.

Although I don't know the specifics yet, Gao Xing can probably guess that it is the conflict between the rich and the poor. Thinking of this, Xing Xing's pace can't help but speed up a little.

"Forgive me, my son is not a Buddha and Bodhisattva, let alone a charity hall. Why do you be kind, you untouchable, you still owe me 100 taels of silver. If you don't pay it in three days, you can wait to go to the yamen to sue." , "A voice like a male duck sounded, and the arrogance in the tone was quite unpleasant.

Gao Xing has come to the front at this time, and can clearly see the two people who are talking.

The first one was a ragged, sallow and thin boy, unkempt, whose real age could not be determined. Behind him lay a man with a haggard face. He was dying, apparently terminally ill.

The young man was kneeling on the ground at this moment, looking at the gorgeously dressed young man in front of him with pleading eyes, and from time to time glanced at an old pottery bowl with broken sides in his hand, his eyes were full of passion and longing, Not far away, Xing Xing clearly saw one or two pieces of broken silver and a dozen copper coins in the pottery bowl.

"Young Master Murong, please do me a favor. As long as you stay and take the money, and let my father cure his illness, I will definitely repay your kindness like a cow or a horse,"

Seeing the mocking and disdainful look on your young master's face, the young man didn't show much resistance, and the expression on his face became more and more sad. While begging, he kowtowed respectfully, grabbing the ground with his forehead, and made a muffled sound of "bang bang bang". Although the voice was not loud, it was like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's hearts, making people feel depressed and heavy.

"As for your low life, you are not afraid of polluting my son's place when you are an ox or a horse." Mr. Murong put the money and silver in the pottery bowl into his arms, and then sneered: "Your bastard, I still don't care about it." What are you doing alive, wouldn’t it be better to die, once it’s over, it won’t drag you down, haha,” he casually threw the pottery bowl in his hand on the ground, and smashed it into pieces with a “snap”.

The shattering of the pottery bowl caused despair and anger in the boy's heart. He really wanted to tear the innocent young man into pieces, but when he saw his father lying unconscious beside him, the anger in his heart was completely suppressed.

The young man held onto Mr. Murong's leg, and begged loudly: "Mr. Murong, please, as long as you save my father, I will let you do what you want." Then, the young man kowtowed again. The skin was broken and blood flowed, and the onlookers didn't look sideways, their eyes flashed with anger, but no one dared to come out and criticize.

Mr. Murong looked at the bleeding young man indifferently, and the sneer on the corner of his mouth was a bit crueler than Yan Dong's. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and jokingly said: "You are really willing to give everything for you,"

"Yes, I am willing, as long as the young master saves my father, I am willing to do anything," the young man suddenly seemed to grasp the straw of life-saving, and was so excited that he was incoherent.

"That's what you said, don't regret it when the time comes," Young Master Murong said, pulling his legs out of the boy's embrace, looking at the dust on the hem of his clothes, a look of sullenness and disgust flashed across his face.

"I won't regret it, I will never regret it," the young man promised repeatedly with tears of gratitude.

"Ada, go and get Dahei," Master Murong ordered without turning his head. Behind him, a stout man dressed as a servant immediately agreed, and rushed out of the crowd with his feet loose.

"I don't know what Mr. Murong wants the villain to do," the young man didn't get up, and looked at Mr. Murong flatteringly.

"You will know later," Mr. Murong smiled inscrutably, then threw the money that he had just put in his arms to the young man and said, "Take it."

"Thank you, thank you," the boy said while picking up the money, but his tone was sincere and sincere.

Looking at the young man's cowardly and humble appearance, he felt sad for a while. The reason why he has the desire to dominate the world is because he is used to the injustice and darkness in the world, and he hopes to use his own hands to prop up a piece of blue sky and protect a piece of pure land. Let the world have less disputes and more justice, but now that the great cause has not been accomplished, this kind of oppression still exists under his own rule, which makes Gao Xing feel a sense of failure that he has never had before.

Through conversations with the people around him, Gao Xing probably knew the cause of the incident. Mr. Murong is the son of one of the richest families in Renzhou City. He has a very close relationship with the Yamen, and few people dare to provoke him.

This Murong family used to be just an ordinary wealthy family, but they joined in time when they were happy to secure Jiangsu in peace, so they got a lot of benefits. Moreover, the head of the Murong family is very good at speculation, and has developed extremely rapidly in the past few years, and has become the most prosperous in Renzhou. One of the powerful families.

The root of the conflict between the Murong family and the people is still the most important thing between the landlord class and the peasant class. The land is happy to be friendly to the common people. This is something that the people in Shandong and Jiangsu provinces are familiar with. Robbery, but trickery.

Although Jin Yiwei did not have the power to enforce the law, it was not a display after all, so the landlords restrained their eating habits, so as not to be too ugly and let Gao Xing take advantage of it.

Intimidating, harassing, making the people tireless, panicking, and finally buying and selling by force, these are just common means, the most insidious ones are tampering with the seeds of spring plowing, or secretly attacking people.

The ancients may not understand genetics and genetics, but it is an indisputable fact that full-grained seeds can grow good crops, which gave some people with ulterior motives an opportunity to sell the fried two kinds to Farmers, let them have no harvest. In order to live, farmers have to sell their land. The result can only be a vicious circle, getting poorer and poorer.

Besides life attacks, rich people are mostly thugs and servants, attacking an honest person in the dark, one hit is right, and if you want to treat the family members, you have no other way except to borrow money from the old landlord and sell the property.

No matter what the method is, the end result is the same. If the land is lost, the farmers will lose the capital to survive. Even in the happy land, the industry has been relatively developed, but after all, it is impossible for the whole people to industry, and most people still have to farm.

The young man’s home originally had ten acres of good paddy fields, and the rice seedlings were growing happily, but ten days ago, it was destroyed overnight. I don’t know who cruelly ruined the rice seedlings to a mess. The boy’s father couldn’t bear the stimulation and fell ill , in order to save his father, the young man had to sell the land, but the Murong family kept the price extremely low. Even though the young man was unwilling in every way, he had to reluctantly buy the land. Now he not only lost the property, but also owed debts. His symptoms did not improve, so he could only live on the street, begging along the street.

Thinking of the contradictions that arose under the rule, his brows could not help but frown deeply, his heart felt heavy, and his face could not help but gloomy.

"Wow, woof, woof,"

At this moment, there was a sudden barking of dogs in the distance, and then there was a commotion in the crowd, but it was the servant named Ah Da who was leading a big black dog galloping forward. Strong, like a calf, eyes the size of copper bells, sharp teeth exuding a cold light.

The appearance of this big dog startled everyone, the crowd couldn't help but disperse a little, but they were even more strange in their hearts, wondering what Master Murong meant by bringing a dog.

Seeing the big dog approaching him, the young man couldn't help but change his color, his body shrank together, trembling constantly, his eyes were full of horror.

"Dahei, be good, get down," Seeing the boy's frightened expression, Mr. Murong smiled triumphantly, and softly shouted at the black dog, which immediately rushed forward wagging its tail, and hugged Murong affectionately. Young Master's thigh, the scarlet tongue in the giant kiss kept licking Young Master Murong's palm, leaving the stench all over the floor.

Mr. Murong teased Dahei for a while, then turned his head to look at the young man playfully and said, "Boy, since I have given you money, you should fulfill your promise, right?"


"I have a lot of servants and servants in my son's house, and I don't lack you, but you can't waste your body, why don't you give it to Dahei for lunch, I believe it will like it very much, right, Dahei," Murong said. The young master said softly while stroking the shiny black fur on Dahei's body.

"Woof," Dahei howled joyfully, bloodthirsty gleams shining in his fierce eyes.

"Hiss," everyone couldn't help but took a deep breath, a burst of horror, the timid couldn't help but take two steps back, let the dog eat people, or live people, such a vicious and cruel method is really outrageous.

"Mr. Murong, you, you," the young man looked in disbelief, his whole body trembling like chaff. He was not afraid of death for his father, but being bitten and swallowed alive by a dog couldn't help but move him.

"Why, you want to go back on your word," Mr. Murong suddenly pulled out his voice, "It's only natural that the father should pay the son the debt, if I sue the yamen, you and your dead father will probably be guillotined."

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