Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 375

Seeing the stench from the black dog's mouth dripping on the ground like a drizzle of rain, the young man felt icy cold, as if he was in an endless dark abyss. Fear and despair stagnated the blood in his body, and his brain went blank.

Yes, or no.

"I knew you would go back on your word. A pariah is a pariah, like a pig or a dog. How can you know etiquette and filial piety?" Mr. Murong said in a cold voice with a strong disdain flashing in his eyes: "My son always says what he says, even if you deny it It is also in vain, today's matter is yours, and there are dozens of hundreds of people testifying, even if you go to the yamen, I will take the truth, "

The boy was still speechless, trembling all over.

A cruel smile flashed across the corner of Mr. Murong's mouth, and he said indifferently: "Dahei, go and have a good meal,"

"Wang Wang,"

Dahei immediately let out a joyful cry, bared his teeth, and walked slowly towards the limp boy on the ground, his scarlet tongue kept swallowing, bringing unprecedented fear and oppression to the boy.

"No, I don't want to die, I don't want to die, please spare me, please forgive me," the young man looked at the black dog approaching in horror, trying to escape with all fours, but the fear and despair in his heart made his body tremble. Sore and trembling, unable to raise any strength at all, can only feel the breath of death approaching a little bit.

"It's up to you, Dahei, come on," Mr. Murong said coldly, with a flash of excitement and bloodthirsty in his eyes, lightly clenched his fists.

"Wow," the black dog roared fiercely, its huge body suddenly jumped into the air, and Senli's fangs bit fiercely at the boy's neck.


The onlookers couldn't help but exclaimed, and many of them couldn't help closing their eyes, not wanting to see this tragedy happen.



At this moment, there was a muffled sound in everyone's ears, followed by the animal's howling in pain.

Everyone looked up, and saw a tall and straight man suddenly appearing in front of the young man, with a grimace mask on his face, and the vicious Dahei was lying one meter in front of the man, The eyes, ears, mouth and nose are constantly overflowing with bright red blood, the faint breath, and the dim eyes all indicate that the big dog is about to die.

"Who dares to hurt my Dahei? I'm really impatient." Seeing his beloved pet dying, Mr. Murong burst into anger, his originally handsome face twisted into a horrifying horror.

"Who am I, don't you know?" Gao Xing stared at Young Master Murong coldly, his cold voice almost freezing the air around him.

"Governor, it's the Governor,"

"Yes, it's him,"

"The grassroots refer to the governor,"

Someone in the crowd of onlookers recognized Gao Xing's identity, and immediately fell to the ground excitedly and terrified.

Gao Xin, the governor of the two provinces, often wears a ghost mask because of his facial injuries when he was assassinated. Nowadays, in the borders of Shandong and Jiangsu, not to mention grimace masks, ordinary people dare not carry even ordinary masks, for fear of attracting difficulties from the officials.

In a blink of an eye, everyone was kneeling on the ground, only Mr. Murong and the three servants were watching happily, but the fear in their unbelievable eyes was from the bottom of their hearts. Gao Xin was kind and loving to the people, but He never softens his heart when he kills people. Ordinary people may not know it, but how could he, who is in a rich family, not know how cruel Gao Xin's methods of torturing people are, especially for powerful people.

"You are so brave, you dare to pretend to be the governor in broad daylight, and you are impatient to live. Come here, bring this villain to the official for me, and don't let him tarnish the reputation of the governor." Although Young Master Murong was shocked and fearful in his heart, he pretended to be calm on his face, looked at Xing Xing angrily and cursed.

Although Gao Xin did not claim the title of emperor, his authority in the two provinces was no different from that of the emperor. Offending him would definitely lead to no good results. If he wanted to survive, he could only pretend that he did not recognize him.

It's just that although Mr. Murong is smart, he doesn't know that Gao Xing has never acted with common sense. Gao Xing was thinking about how to deal with the increasingly intensified class conflicts and the shortage of cultivated land, when Mr. Murong ran into the gun.

"The kid is pretty smart," Gao Xing said with a light smile. Although his tone was much milder, everyone didn't hear the slightest appreciation from his words, and some only mocked and ridiculed.

Mr. Murong frowned, but still said with a sullen face: "The villain, if you show your true colors, you will be arrested without a fight. If you are taken to the yamen by this young master, the crime will be serious."

"Hahahaha," Gao Xing heard the words and looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, the laughter was heroic and majestic, shaking people's eardrums ached, but fortunately Gao Xing did not use his true energy, otherwise the people around would be in trouble.

"What are you laughing at?" The ghost-masked man was confident, and his calm and composed appearance made Mr. Murong feel more and more uncertain. He basically believed that Gao Xing was the governor, but the arrow was off the string, so he could only bite the bullet and continue.

Gao Xing didn't answer, but raised his right foot slightly, and then dropped it seemingly at random.


With a muffled sound, everyone felt the ground under their feet turbulent, and they couldn't help but panicked. Young Master Murong, who was the closest to Gao Xing, staggered and fell to the ground, his expression changed completely, and he looked at Xing Xing in horror.


After a short period of panic, everyone saw that the bluestone slabs with a radius of three meters around the happy body were all cracked, and everyone looked at the happy eyes with horror. Could it be ordinary people who can crack the bluestone floor with one kick at will? Everyone's skeptical thoughts disappeared in an instant. You know, Gao Xin is recognized as the number one warrior in the two provinces.

"Boy, do you know what's wrong?" Gao Xing said calmly with his hands behind his back, looking down at Young Master Murong.

"Your Excellency, the villain has eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai, so please forgive me for offending you," Young Master Murong immediately fell to the ground submissively, pleading in fear.

The happy tone was somewhat displeased: "Is that all?"

"Here, the villain knows his mistake, and I ask the governor to hold you up high," Mr. Murong was dripping with sweat, and his body trembled intermittently.

"Hold your hand high, then why didn't you think of this when you let the dog do the murder?"

"Here," Mr. Murong hesitated a bit, and then said with tears in his voice: "The villain did not force him, it was all because of your own wishes, and I hope that the Governor-General will learn from you."


"Yes, yes, everyone here can testify, and adults can ask as much as they want,"

"Is what he said true?" Xing Xing looked around with deep eyes, and all the people immediately lowered their heads, not daring to make a sound.

The scene suddenly became extremely silent, and the dull and strange atmosphere enveloped everyone's hearts, making them breathless. They were so happy that they wanted to clean up Mr. Murong. Who would dare to offend Huwei and testify? Besides, the Murong family's crimes are too numerous to record. Glad to kill the killer.

"Come here, take me away," Gao Xing coldly glanced at the horrified Mr. Murong, and waved gently.

"Shua, Shua, Shua,"

There was a sound of orderly footsteps, and everyone followed the prestige, and saw a dozen soldiers in helmets galloping not far away, the leader was a handsome young man, holding a long sword in his left hand , the look on his face was very dignified.

Seeing the appearance of the officers and soldiers, the crowd of onlookers hurriedly moved out of the way, and everyone was silent.

"Governor, please forgive me," Young Master Murong said in pain, the appearance of the officers and soldiers made the last trace of luck in his heart disappear, but he was happy but did not look at him, raised his hands slightly, and said in a clear voice: "Fathers, folks, please hurry up , "Although I am happy and don't like everyone's kneeling, but sometimes to maintain the majesty, obvious class divisions are indispensable, especially when the great cause is not yet accomplished.

"Thank you, Governor General," everyone bowed again before slowly getting up, their faces full of awe.

"Let's all go away," Gao Xing waved his hand, and everyone didn't dare to make a sound, and quietly dispersed.

"Take it to your father to see a doctor." Gao Xing admired the young man who was frightened by a series of accidents, took out a heavy silver coin from his bosom and stuffed it into the young man's bosom, then patted him on the shoulder and said: "A man has gold under his knees, don't kneel down so easily, you have hands and feet, you can definitely tide over the difficulties and live a good life,"

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for the young man to speak when he was happy, turned around and left, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


In the hands of Gao Xing, there is no way for Mr. Murong to survive. In just one day, Mr. Murong confessed to his past crimes, and was finally sentenced to death and beheaded at the Meridian Gate. Guilty, but happy to speak, who dares to resist.

Mr. Murong is the only child of the Murong family. His death not only makes the Murong family hold a grudge against Gao Xin, but also makes other families feel sad.

It should be known that it was they who took the lead in taking refuge in Gao Xing back then, which stabilized the situation in Jiangsu. Now, in just two or three years, Xing Xing turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, and raised his butcher's knife without hesitation.

Today is Murong's family, tomorrow may be Ma's family, Zhang's family, the gentry and wealthy family of this era, whose property is clean and clear, the first to attack is the strong, and the second is to suffer. Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous.


On May [-]th, the son of the King of Sui, Generalissimo of the Rebellion, was so happy that he finally gathered [-] soldiers and horses to attack Jiangsu. The brave general Xiao Mohe was the vanguard, leading [-] soldiers and horses to approach Renzhou, while he led an army of [-] troops. Carrying countless supplies and armaments, they came in a mighty way.

On May [-]th, Generalissimo of Rebellion was pleased to set up camp ten miles outside Renzhou City. The banners and flags of the barracks stretched for tens of miles, full of murderous aura. Even though it was far away, the people of Renzhou felt uncomfortable. They could Not afraid of Gao Chuo, not afraid of Gao Anagong, even Dugu Yongye dared to fight, but facing the elite of Huaizhou, the soldiers of the American general Gao Changgong, he felt nervous and afraid for no reason.

On the night of the thirteenth, Gao Xin, the governor of the two provinces, wanted to attack the camp at night while the Huaizhou army was still standing still, but he was glad that he had already prepared, and the two sides wanted to meet. Gao Xin threw down dozens of corpses and returned to the city decisively.

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