Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 376 Persuasion

The cloudy weather is like the mood of hundreds of thousands of believers in Renzhou City, depressed and irritable. The prince of Sui was happy to have [-] troops stationed outside the city. The boundless evil spirit and majesty made them nervous and panic.

Although Gao Xin, the governor of the two provinces, once repelled Gao Chuo, defeated Gao Anagong, and did not allow Dugu Yongye to get cheap, but he was at a disadvantage in several frictions with the King of Sui. Inevitably some lack of confidence.

In the past, there was a lot of traffic, but the noisy and lively streets are now extremely empty. All the shops and businesses are closed, and there is no pedestrian on the road. This result is not only the cloud of war, but also the order of Governor Gao Xin.

Gao Xin ordered that everyone must stay at home during the war, but anyone who dares to disobey will be punished as collaborating with the enemy.

This is a strange order. If it is to protect the people in the city from harm, you only need to evacuate the residents close to the city wall. After all, no matter how powerful the enemy's long-range equipment such as catapults, bows and arrows, the range cannot reach ten miles. Everyone was amazed and confused, but they didn't dare to disobey at all. That's why Renzhou City was so empty and lonely on the [-]th, so quiet and eerie.

"Boom! Boom, boom,"

With the beating of the dull and powerful war drums, [-] Huaizhou troops quickly assembled outside the gate, with banners waving to cover the sky and the sun, and the breath of killing came towards Renzhou City like a billowing tide.

Compared with the [-] elite soldiers outside the city, Renzhou has only [-] soldiers and horses, which is almost the entire territory of Jiangsu. According to the three-to-one regular defense of the city, the Renzhou side has a good chance of winning, but wars sometimes But it is not as straightforward and simple as arithmetic.

Gao Xing stood proudly on the top of the city, wearing a chain mail and a ghost mask on his face. His whole person was less elegant and chic, and more stern and murderous. Gao Xing quietly looked at the endless streams in the distance. For several miles, the Huaizhou army was slowly approaching, there was no fear in their eyes, only joy, excitement, and a touch of undetectable longing.

The wind blows, the clouds move.

The [-] Huaizhou soldiers marched forward boldly, the sound of orderly footsteps was as deafening as a mountain roar and a tsunami, the ground trembled slightly, and countless sand and dust seemed to feel the atmosphere of war and beat uncomfortably.


Soon, the Huaizhou army came to 800 meters below the city of Renzhou. As they got closer, the strong evil spirit on their bodies became more and more intense.

Soldiers, it doesn’t mean that no matter how tall and strong the body is, there will be as much combat power, but more importantly, morale and military spirit. The Huaizhou Army has fought against Chen Guo for more than three years, and it took countless trials of blood and fire to gain its current power. Gao Huan was glad that he had never seen the elite soldiers from the six towns who had traveled across the world, but he was confident that the current Huaizhou army was the most elite army in the Northern Qi Dynasty, not one of them.


The Huaizhou Army Lieutenant Marshal galloped out, but he was not a rebellious marshal with a silver helmet and silver armor, but a stout and mighty general.

This person was riding a chestnut horse with two short halberds slanted behind his back and a heavy lance in one hand. Although the armor on his body had lost its dazzling luster, the dim color was reflected in this May day. The weather was very cold. Although it was far away, the Jiangsu rebels at the top of the city could feel the real evil spirit on him.

Everyone was stunned, and they couldn't help but think of one person: Xiao Mahe, although Xiao Mahe hadn't made much achievements in Huaizhou in the past few years, his bravery was comparable to that of Guan Zhang. His prestige remains undiminished.

Xiao Mahe rushed to the place where Renzhou City was within a stone's throw away, looked up at the proudly standing Xing Xing, his heart was agitated, it was excitement, admiration, and inexplicable complex meanings, it was this 16-year-old boy who only used one With one move, he completely changed his destiny.

Since ancient times, there is no one in literature, and no second in martial arts. Xiao Moha bravely won the three armies. Although he admired General Chen Wu Mingche, it was not because of his bravery, but because of his style of running the army and his ability to command military affairs. However, He sincerely admires and respects him, not only because he is happy to kill and decisive, and his martial arts is superb, but also because of his rigorous military management, sincerity, fairness and selflessness.

Although this is the first time for Xiao Mahe to visit Jiangsu Province in person, as a core member of Gao Changgong's subordinates, he is no stranger to the situation in the two provinces under Gao Xin's rule. Maha is confident that he can also do it, but he thinks he does not have the ability to build the two provinces so prosperous and impregnable.

These thoughts just passed by in a flash, Xiao Mahe quickly cleared up his mood, his face was cold, and he looked at Xing Xing with burning eyes and said loudly: "Your Excellency is Gao Xin,"

"Exactly." Seeing Xiao Mahe, although he was happy in his heart, there was no fluctuation in his words, and said indifferently: "You must be General Xiao Mohe. It is really extraordinary when I saw you today." Compared with Xiao Mahe's rough The voice of joy, but the voice of joy is much clearer, and it can be heard several miles away.

"Your Excellency is absurd." Xiao Mohe stared at Gao Xing closely and said, "Gao Xin, you are guilty."

Happily, he said in a neutral tone: "What is the crime of this Governor, so much that I want to ask General Xiao for advice?"

"A disobedient criminal, gathering crowds to cause chaos, is a crime to destroy the nine clans," Xiao Mohe yelled sharply.

"Hahahaha," Gao Xing looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Gao Wei's child is perverted, the world hates him, and the people abandon him. This governor is just following the destiny, why is there anything wrong?"

Xiao Mohe's eyes widened angrily: "It's nonsense, Gao Xin, although you are young and ambitious, you are weak after all. Today, we have [-] soldiers from Huaizhou approaching the city. You feel that you have a chance of winning. Once we start a war, swords and guns will have no eyes. , Blood flowed like a river, and there must be countless innocent people affected, this is what you want to see, the king of Sui is kind and generous, it is well known in the world, as long as you sincerely admit your mistakes, the king of Sui will deal with it leniently, and the people in these dozens of cities will also be lenient. Can continue to live and work in peace and contentment, and will not be harmed in the slightest," he said.

He was happy without joy or anger, and said indifferently: "General Xiao, if King Sui is the emperor of Daqi, Gao is naturally willing to submit, otherwise, let's not talk about it, let's see the truth for all the subordinates."

"Gao Xin, you really don't think about it anymore," Xiao Mahe said sincerely.

Gao Xing did not speak, but took the longbow from the guards around him, and Xing Xing raised the bow and set an arrow. With a sound of "swish", the black feathered arrow rushed towards Xiao Mahe from the top of the city like lightning.


Xiao Mahe's complexion changed suddenly, and he pulled the rein suddenly, the steed under his crotch suddenly stood up in pain, and let out a mournful neighing, it was the moment the steed swung its head, it just avoided the powerful arrow , Looking at the arrow that was stabbed obliquely on the ground with its tail constantly trembling, a cold light flashed in Xiao Mahe's eyes, but he felt a sense of awe in his heart: The little prince is really ruthless. Cool.

"Gao Xin, do you know how much damage you will do to Renzhou City if you are obsessed with obsession and stubborn resistance? I will give you half a stick of incense. If you still refuse to switch and dedicate the city, don't blame my marshal for being merciless." face, "Although Happiness has expressed his attitude, Xiao Mahe still hopes that he can change his mind.

"Prepare for battle," Gao Xing looked uncomfortable, and shouted in a deep voice, the sound waves rolled, like thunder, and went straight to Xiaohan.


"Boom, boom, boom,"

With the dull sound of horns and the rapid sound of war drums, the city of Renzhou was crowded with people, and all the soldiers immediately moved into action. Instantly pushed to the fixed point.

Facing the provocation of the Jiangsu Rebel Army, the Huaizhou Army was awe-inspiring and did not make a sound. However, everyone's hearts were full of breath, their eyes were tearing, and their faces were flushed. They are elite soldiers. How can they bear it? The mob was showing off their might, but they also knew that military discipline was strict. As long as the generalissimo didn't give an order, they wouldn't take any action.

In this oppressive atmosphere, time passed bit by bit, and finally, after half a stick of incense passed, Yang Lihua straightened her waist suddenly, and shouted sharply: "Beat the drums, strike,"

"Boom, boom, boom," the dense and rapid drumbeat sounded, and the Huaizhou army immediately moved in an orderly manner, and more than 100 catapults slowly approached Renzhou City.

"Kill, kill,, kill,,,"

Behind the catapult, the swords and shields were lined up in a dense formation, the shields were held obliquely above their heads, and they moved forward slowly, making resonant roars from their mouths, each one more powerful than the other, and after the last one, the momentum of the Huaizhou army suddenly reached After reaching the peak, even the dark clouds in the sky seem to be unable to bear the tendency to dissipate.


Following Yang Lihua's majestic shout, accompanied by the sound of "creaking and creaking", a huge boulder flew into the air under the action of the catapult, and smashed towards Renzhou City, which was ten meters high, with unparalleled force.

"Bang, bang, bang,"

The boulder hit the thick top of the city, the towering turrets, and the arrow tower made a dull and loud noise, and the huge city of Renzhou even trembled slightly.

Facing the aggressive Huaizhou Army, the Jiangsu Rebel Army was not to be outdone. The soldiers hidden in the thick city wall roared angrily while operating the catapult under the command of the officer. Compared with the stone bullets issued by the Huaizhou Army, the Jiangsu Rebel Army The ones that came out were even more terrifying, both in quantity and power. The rain-dense rocks took advantage of the height of the city wall, and their speed and strength were astonishing.

"Bang bang bang,"


The two sides came and went, stone bullets covered the sky, some collided in the air and turned into powder, some smashed each other's equipment into pieces, and some unlucky soldiers were hit by gravel. Death is injury.

Shouts of killing and screams were intertwined, earth-shattering, and made the people in the city tremble.

If Governor Gao Xin and Gao Wei were to face each other, they would definitely choose to support the former without hesitation, but it happened that Gao Changgong was the one who attacked this time, which really made them a little hesitant and difficult to make a choice. And betrayal, what they need is simple food and clothing, nothing more, and this, whether Gao Xin or Gao Changgong can give it,

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