Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 377 Devil's Fangs

"Marshal. Most of the catapults have been destroyed. The enemy took advantage of the city's location. Our people can't get close at all. If we blindly attack by force, I'm afraid there will be heavy casualties." Outside the city of Renzhou.The general in charge of the catapult troops looked at the stern Yang Lihua anxiously.Report loudly.

Yang Lihua fixed her eyes on the towering city wall in the distance.Looking at the arrows flying down overwhelmingly.There was no slight change on his face.The voice was extremely cold and calm: "The infantry formed a shield formation to protect the catapult troops. Mobilize all the catapults. Regardless of losses. Concentrate on attacking in the same direction."

"Yes." The general was clever.Go quickly to carry out the order.

This time the Huaizhou Army brought a total of [-] catapults.Following Yang Lihua's order.All catapults were pushed to the front line.Under the guard of the shield array.Three hundred catapults roared and attacked Renzhou City.Hundreds of huge rocks roared towards Renzhou City.densely packed.The momentum is very frightening.

"Bang. Bang. Bang. Pop. Pop. Pop."

Stone bombs hit the thick city wall.While shattering itself, it also made the city wall vibrate.Masonry spalling occurs.Filamentary cracks appear.Just a round of stone rain.A city wall with a radius of 30 meters in Renzhou City became riddled with holes.Devastated.

Naturally, the Jiangsu Rebels were not to be outdone.It is convenient to have a city.The enemy is completely within the attack range of one's own side.Catapults can exert even greater power.Even with shield guards.The catapults of the Huaizhou Army continued to be damaged.The number is getting rarer.

Gao Xing and Gao Changgong are a family.Naturally, it is impossible for the two sides to fight to the death.But it is obviously impossible if there are no casualties.Therefore, Yang Lihua did not let the sword and shield fighters assume the ladder to seize the city under the cover of catapults, bows and arrows.And Gao Xing did not use the furthest range.A powerful bed crossbow and gunpowder.Even the springs of the catapults were adjusted.Reduced range.In order to reduce casualties on both sides.

Happy to hate killing though.Especially the fight between one's own people.But in order to accumulate strength.Wait for the best time to come.But he had to make this cruel decision.

One will succeed and all will die.It is not only enemies who die.There are people of our own.To know.On the battlefield of later generations.The infantrymen carried rifles and machine guns.When charging seemingly with enthusiasm.But nearly one-fifth of them were "sudden" to death by the comrades behind them.

The siege of May [-].It only lasted half an hour.It ended with the destruction of half of the catapults of the Huaizhou Army.When the two sides call for gold and withdraw their troops.Accompanied by a lightning that tore through the sky.It rained heavily.Dispel the evil spirit that filled the sky.

Glad to have a ban.Now it's raining cats and dogs.There is no one on the streets of Renzhou City.Even the guards on the top of the city had to hide in the turrets and arrow towers.It made the whole city seem more and more silent.There is misty smoke between the sky and the earth.Severely obstructs the line of sight.Also wash away all dirt.


"Xiao Ling. Are all your subordinates in place?" Ling Xiaoyun held the long sword in his arms.Hide your body tightly in the thick grass.Whispered to the side of a black.Xiao Ling asked with a stern face.

Xiao Ling nodded.Then said: "When will you do it?"

"Whenever they act, let's do it." Ling Xiaoyun frowned slightly.Some said with a sigh.

Xiao Ling brows frivolously.He asked bluntly, "My heart has softened."

Ling Xiaoyun shook his head.He whispered: "Killing so many people at once. I don't feel very comfortable."

"Hmph." Xiao Ling snorted coldly and said, "This is their choice. Put away your sympathy. They don't know how many people are suffering while they are alive. Just act as justice for the heavens." Rare.Xiao Ling said a few more words.This is also the reason for facing people who are close to each other.Although now he knows how to use camouflage when performing tasks.But in front of familiar people.Personality is still cool.

"You're right. The governor gave them a chance. It's just that they didn't seize it." Ling Xiaoyun said in agreement.Dispel the confusion and melancholy in my heart.Then his eyes looked through the grass like a falcon to a quiet house a hundred meters away.

Xiao Ling also stopped talking.Droopy eyelids.The breath is long.If it is not a familiar person.You must think he is asleep.


Big raindrops hit him.Ling Xiaoyun frowned.Although he has internal strength and spirit.Will not catch cold and get sick.But being wet from the rain is obviously uncomfortable.Ling Xiaoyun looked at Xiao Ling beside him.But the latter is like an old monk who has entered meditation.Still motionless.Let the rain fall down your hair.Pour into collar.

Ling Xiaoyun was amazed in his heart.I frowned.He also closed his eyes and quietly waited for the time to act.Although he didn't compete with Xiao Ling.But Ling Xiaoyun is clear.If life and death fight.He is definitely not Xiao Ling's opponent.Compared to Xiao Ling.He lacked perseverance.And this is also the reason why Xiao Ling was happily appointed as the head of the Shadow Thorns.


"There are still two hours until the time when we agree to act. I wonder if you are fully prepared." Murong Wen glanced at the surrounding people with a gloomy face.Shen Sheng asked.

Murong Wen is not tall.Slightly fat.Although he is in his fifties.But the red face does not show the slightest aging.It's just that at this time, the whole person is gloomy and sad.A few days ago, Gein's only son offended Gao Xin and was beheaded for public display.

Murong Wen is old enough to have a son.Nature is very pampering and pampering to her only son.So he committed a lot of sins.But this is nothing to Murong Wen.The lives of ordinary people are not much more noble than chickens, pigs and dogs.Taking life and death is not just letting the rich and powerful be happy or angry.

Although Mr. Murong is disrespectful to the governor.But sin is not unto death.But Murong Wen begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother.I did my best.Gao Xin just refused to let go.Still sent Mr. Murong to the guillotine.

Murong Wen was devastated by the accident that the white-haired man sent the black-haired man.He was extremely resentful towards Gao Xin.I think back when Gao Xin defeated Wu Sangui.He was the first to stand in line.Now Gao Xin doesn't miss the old love.How could this not make him jealous.

The matter of Mr. Murong and other big and wealthy families naturally also noticed it.It is inevitable that there will be cold lips and teeth.The feeling of sadness when the rabbit dies and the fox.Today is Murong's house.Maybe tomorrow will be me.Ever since.Under Murong Wen's instigation and contact.Half of the wealthy families in Jiangsu Province decided to join the King of Sui.Against Ge Gao Xin.After all, compared to Gao Xin, a murderous monster who never blinks an eye.Gao Changgong would not raise his butcher's knife at them casually.

"Patriarch Murong. Don't worry. This time there are 40 elites from the Sui Dynasty and Huaizhou. Even if Gao Xin has three heads and six arms, it will be in vain. We will capture him alive later. Let you kill this official again. Avenge your son. "A [-]-year-old.The lean middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Old Zhao is right. Although the prince of the Sui Dynasty is young, he is also well-known. How can Gao Chuo and Gao Anaghu be compared. With his help. Gao Xin must be doomed this time. Killing him not only It can reorganize the court. We can also get a lot of benefits."

"Extremely. Extremly. The match factory and the old man in the garment factory have been coveting for a long time. I waited desperately. I hate that Gao Xin only gave us less than [-]% of the profits. This time I will call him Precious imperial power. All wealth is turned into nothingness."


There are three 40 people in this house.Although deliberately lowered the voice.But the chatter is still quite noisy.But when I think about tonight.There will be no more demons over your head.Everyone couldn't help being excited.

Although in the past two or three years, Gao Xin has disintegrated many people who tried to overthrow his regime.However, Murong Wen and others are quite confident in this operation to destroy the heights.Not to mention that there is the most elite Huaizhou Army support outside the city.Talk about size.manpower.physical resources.This time is also unprecedented.

"Gao Xin, I will kill you today to avenge my son. Who told you to be greedy and merciless. You have to blame for all of this." Looking at the surroundings, his face was full of red.Lively discuss the action plan.The benefit distribution of the people.Murong Wen clenched his fists tightly.Clenched teeth.The fierce look in his eyes hesitated.He said viciously in his heart.

When the time comes.Murong Wen's somewhat stooped waist immediately straightened like a pine.The eyes that were originally cloudy suddenly lit up wantonly.His whole body was filled with a sharp and very fierce aura.The others also stopped talking to each other.Quietly waiting for Murong Wen's order.Because Murong Wen and Gao Xin had a feud to kill their son.This time it was him who led the way again.Contribute the most.So the people made him their leader.

"Gentlemen. The auspicious hour has come. The action begins."

"Follow Patriarch Murong's orders."

Murong Wen nodded slightly.He looked at the crowd with high spirits.He shouted in a deep voice, "Where is Li Kui?"


It was a man with a rough face who spoke.Huggy.A large Xuanhua ax was inserted obliquely on the waist.A full beard.The pupils are pale yellow.Very aggressive.This Li Kuinai was a gangster that Murong Wen took care of in his early years.Martial arts are extraordinary and ruthless.Over the years, he has helped him solve difficult problems that cannot be brought to the table.

"You will lead three thousand dead men to attack the governor's mansion. It is best to capture Gao Xin's dog thief alive. If not, kill him on the spot." Murong Wen sternly said.

"Yes." Li Kuiweng agreed angrily.Shaking off the two thick thighs, he walked out.The rough and fierce look in his eyes made everyone around him tremble.

"Zhao Chi. You are responsible for creating chaos in the city and attracting the defenders. Li Wan, Zhang Song, and Yang Duo. The three of you are responsible for attacking the east gate and attracting the defenders. Wu Qi, Diao Heng..."

Murong Wen's order has not yet been delivered.Then I heard a shrill scream from outside the house.Then I saw the door of the room was smashed open with a "bang".Li Kui, who had just left the house, fell to the ground in embarrassment.The seven orifices bleed.Dying.Obviously dead.

Everyone was shocked.look up.But he saw two people standing in the heavy rain outside the door.One person in blue shirt.One person in black.Both of them looked at everyone indifferently.Everyone felt like falling into an ice cave.Hands and feet are cold and numb.Forgot to speak for a while.Although they don't know the man in black.People in Tsing Yi are no strangers.Gao Xin's bodyguard captain Ling Xiaoyun appeared here.The result...

"Murong Wen. The governor wanted to let you die. But you are still obsessed with it. You took the risk." Ling Xiaoyun looked coldly at Murong Wen whose expression changed drastically.The long sword in the right hand pointed obliquely.The bright red blood and the rain fell to the ground.Slowly fades.

Not only did Murong Wen not have the slightest fear when he heard the words.Instead, he laughed angrily and said: "Life. Gao Xin never gave me a way of life. The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Even if I fight for my life today, I will bite off a piece of his body. Come on. Kill me."

"What nonsense. Kill." Ling Xiaoyun wanted to say something else.Xiao Ling said something impatiently.The body turned into a cloud of green smoke.In the blink of an eye, he rushed into the room.The golden moon scimitar is shining brightly.But it was the call of death.

"Oh..." Ling Xiaoyun didn't move.He just watched Xiao Ling dance in the crowd with a sad expression.Harvesting one life after another.But I felt a heavy and inexplicable fear in my heart.

The devil's fangs are bare.This night is destined to be full of blood.

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