Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 378 Good Nephew, Good Son

Outside Renzhou City.In the tent of the Huaizhou military commander.The tallow candle as thick as a child's arm made a "beeping" sound.Illuminate the spacious tent as bright as day.Compared with the strong wind outside the account.Downpour.It was unusually quiet inside the tent.Needle drop can be heard.

There are a total of more than [-] people in the account.Except for Yang Lihua's personal guards.Most of the others are important generals in the [-] Huaizhou Army.Everyone sits according to the size of the official position.All the generals put on armor.All are sitting upright.His face was solemn and calm.It seems to be waiting for something.Yang Lihua, who is in the handsome position, stands with her hands behind her back.With his back to the crowd.Quietly looking at a huge military map hanging on the wall.It is a map of Shandong and Jiangsu provinces.


I do not know how long it has been.A long shout suddenly came from outside the tent.Everyone was in a state of shock.Eyes are shining.Yang Lihua turned around suddenly.He looked at the door of the handsome tent with burning eyes.He shouted in a deep voice: "Talk."

After a while.The thick cowhide door curtain is raised.A wet messenger rushed in one by one.He fell to his knees in the tent.He said loudly: "Report to the Marshal. I don't know why. There was a sudden riot in Renzhou City. There was also a white flag raised at the south gate."

"Very good. You step back first." Yang Lihua's eyes lit up.The excitement in his eyes was fleeting.Wait for the scout to retreat.Yang Lihua sat down on the handsome seat.His eyes swept towards the general in the tent.Everyone was shocked.The back became straighter and straighter.His face became more and more serious.

"Everyone, we will take Renzhou tonight. Whether we succeed or not depends on you." Yang Lihua rested her hands on the table.He said something majestic.But the conversation suddenly changed: "All generals obey orders."

"Yes." All the generals immediately got up from their seats.Respectfully bowed to Yang Lihua.The voice is loud.Murderous.Know the war is coming.These iron-blooded generals showed no fear or cowardice.Some are just excited.

"Xiao Mahe. I order you to lead [-] infantry to attack the south gate of Renzhou City. Be sure to control the gate within a quarter of an hour. Open the passage for the follow-up troops."

"Yes." Xiao Mahe agreed loudly, then quickly turned around and strode out of the handsome tent.

"Niumang. You lead 5000 people to attack the east gate. The purpose is to attract the enemy's forces. Don't be greedy for merit. Cause excessive casualties..."

Yang Lihua sat behind the table.He issued orders one after another calmly.The generals under the account took orders and left one after another.The sound of slogans one after another soon sounded outside the tent.


Although the bean-sized raindrops hit his face and it hurt.But the soldiers of the Huaizhou Army still didn't realize it.Each waist is as straight as a pine.Even in the muddy wilderness, they still maintain a neat formation.The footsteps are vigorous.The sound of wind and rain raged.Although it caused a lot of trouble for the rapid march.But it also saves the trouble of concealing whereabouts.Even more unexpected when raiding.


The war broke out first in the east of Renzhou City.Five thousand Huaizhou archers attracted most of the defenders in an instant.For unknown reasons, riots broke out in the city.Enemy troops suddenly appeared outside the city.The Jiangsu Rebels suddenly panicked.In a hurry.Everyone shrank their bodies behind the city wall.While guarding against cold arrows in the dark night.While drawing a bow and nocking an arrow to fight back.

Vision is greatly affected during rainy nights.Therefore, both sides shoot arrows by feeling.Big miss.Naturally, the casualties were not large.But also because of this.Everyone was extremely vigilant.Don't dare to underestimate the enemy.Both sides come and go.Caught in a stalemate.

Just when the Dongcheng shouted and killed loudly.Xiao Mahe led 1 horses and appeared outside the south gate like ghosts.Xiao Mahe was about to take a closer look at the city's defense forces.However, the heavy south city gate suddenly and slowly opened.Under the cover of shouting and killing in the rainy night.The "creak" sound of the city gate opening was insignificant.

"Brothers, go ahead. Capture the traitor Gao Xin alive." A smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Mahe's mouth.Before the city gate was fully opened, he shook the rein.Bow down.The steed took him and jumped out like an arrow from the string.Go straight to Renzhou City.

"Kill." Xiao Maha behind him.The [-] Huaizhou Army immediately roared crazily.Holding the weapon tightly in his hand.The strong legs swung away with all their strength.Like a torrent, they flocked to Renzhou City.

Although the cold rain soaked their clothes.But it couldn't extinguish the raging fighting spirit in their hearts; although the muddy muddy water polluted their faces.But it couldn't cover the sharpness of the weapon in his hand.

In front of ten thousand Huaizhou elites.Renzhou City seemed so small and flimsy.When Xiao Mahe led the charge into Renzhou City.Completely took over the South City Gate.The outcome of the war was already doomed.If you want to use any words to describe this war.It is best to destroy the dead.The momentum is like thunder.

Although the rebel armies in Shandong and Jiangsu provinces have defeated the strong with the weak.Defeat Gao Chuo.High Ana.It also made it difficult for Dugu Yongye to move forward.But in front of the Huaizhou Army, it looked like a mob.Chickens and dogs are generally vulnerable.

The Jiangsu Rebel Army only lasted for less than half an hour before they were completely defeated.A thousand miles away.Even Gao Xin, who could fight three thousand soldiers by himself, fled north in panic all night.Naturally, the Generalissimo of Rebellion would not let go of the opportunity to beat the dog in the water.Chase all the way.They chased them for a full fifty miles.If it is not rainy night, it is not easy to travel.The Huaizhou army wished they could go straight to Huanglong.Take down Xinghua City.

It was three o'clock.The torrential rain finally subsided.Renzhou City, which had been in turmoil for most of the night, finally returned to calm.The people in the city finally let go of their hanging hearts.Drowsily wrapped in a quilt and fell asleep.With a calm and serene smile on his face.It's just that they don't know.overnight.Renzhou has changed hands.

May [-]th.The day was bright.All the people of Renzhou City took to the streets.When I saw the corpses piled up like a mountain in the square in the city.I was horrified in my heart.

Although in troubled times.They are used to death.Has become numb to the change of dynastic regime.But when I think of the people I once knew well, I can no longer stand up.My heart is naturally very painful.However, the prince of the Sui Dynasty.The generalissimo "happiness" against rebellion has been cordoned off early on.No matter how distressed and begged the people are, no one is allowed to approach the corpses of the soldiers who died in battle.When the sun is in the middle.He even ordered all the corpses to be burned.

With the burning of the bodies of the fallen soldiers.It means that Renzhou City has finally returned to the rule of the Gao family of the Northern Qi Dynasty.It was also the first positive victory between Northern Qi and the rebel forces in three years.

Except for a few, however.Most people don't know.The so-called soldiers who died in battle were not soldiers of the Jiangsu Rebel Army at all.It's Murong Wen and others who are trying to overthrow Gao Xing.overnight.There are more than 1 families of different sizes.More than [-] people were killed mercilessly by Gao Xing.The local soldier clan suffered an unprecedented and devastating blow.Since then it has been in a slump.


Huaizhou Army rested in Renzhou City for three days.Five thousand soldiers and horses were left to garrison.Others split into two groups.Along the way, Xiao Maha led 3 horses and went straight to Xuzhou.All the way, led by Yang Lihua, went straight to Tongzhou.

May nineteenth.More than [-] Huaizhou troops stormed Tongzhou.It took only half a day to tear Tongzhou City apart.Another city.Yang Lihua once again left five thousand troops to garrison.Instead of resting, he turned to the northeast again.Three days later.Yang Lihua broke through East Chuzhou like a bamboo.

Just ten days.The Huaizhou army is in full swing.Go all the way.Take the three states.Include more than a dozen counties and counties in his arms.It made the Jiangsu rebels frightened when they heard the news.Crying for father and mother.


"Marshal, traces of rebels were found in the valley twenty miles ahead."

"How many people are there?" Yang Lihua reined in the horse.Looking at the scout in front of him seriously, he asked.

After a short rest in East Chuzhou.Yang Lihua led more than [-] troops.Continue to advance to Xuzhou in the north.As long as Xiao Maha is joined together, Xuzhou can be obtained.Almost all of Jiangsu was recovered.If Gao Xin can be captured alive in Xuzhou.Of course it couldn't be better.

"About 5000 people."

"What is the specific situation?"

"The enemy's formation is scattered. They look sluggish. They are currently resting in the valley. They haven't found our troops."

"Explore again."


Wait for the scouts to retreat.Yang Lihua looked sideways at the generals beside her and asked, "Generals, what do you think?"

"It seems that there should be enemy remnants in the valley. It's nothing to worry about. With our 30 elite troops, we can wipe out the enemy without any effort." A [-]-year-old Jiang Ling said confidently.

"Marshal. Give me 5000 troops. Let me wipe out the enemy."

"Marshal. I only need 3000 troops. It takes only one stick of incense."

"Don't argue with me, Marshal. I only need 1000 people."

"Marshal. Give the order."

Just ten days of effort.There are dozens of counties in the three states.This achievement is enough to make every Huaizhou army officer proud.Although they were as proud as they were, they didn't take the Jiangsu Rebels seriously.However, the Jiangsu Rebel Army is still relatively capable compared with the entire Qi State army.Despite the war with Chen Guo.The Huaizhou Army also won more than lost.Breeze.But the victory of defense is not as smooth as the siege.

Therefore, all the generals around Yang Lihua asked for orders one after another.In order to fight for the number of troops, they were red-faced.Very excited.

Yang Lihua frowned slightly.He pondered and said: "It's true what everyone said. Five thousand enemy troops are not enough to fear. But if Gao Xin did it on purpose. The purpose is to lure us to attack rashly. So what should we do."

Everyone couldn't help but quiet down.They all frowned and thought about it.They can be generals.Naturally, it is not from speculation.It is the accumulation of meritorious service.Of course, I understand that what Yang Lihua said is very likely.

"Marshal. In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies and schemes are in vain." Niu Mang stepped forward.He said loudly: "My old cow is willing to be the vanguard. I will lead 3000 troops to test the water. If the enemy is really a remnant and defeated, my 3000 people are enough to contend with it; if it is the bait thrown by the enemy. Not only can the loss of our army be reduced to The lowest. The marshal leads the majority to respond at any time. It can smash the enemy's conspiracy. Disciplining them to steal chickens will not lose money."

"Great kindness." Yang Lihua's frown suddenly relaxed.He said joyfully: "Niumang. It's up to you to lead 3000 people to wipe out the enemy. Remember not to be greedy for success. You must step by step. Advance layer by layer. Keep a distance from the Chinese army."

"Yes." Niu Mang agreed.Immediately excitedly gathered soldiers and horses.Heading towards the valley twenty miles away.


Jinyang City.The emperor's palace.

"Han Aiqing. I have a good nephew. The King of Sui has a good son. It took only ten days. He was able to beat the traitor Gao Xin to death. It's really gratifying. It's amazing. What does Han Aiqing think. "Gao Wei held the battle report from the south in one hand.said with a loud laugh.But there was not only a trace of surprise on his face and eyes.Instead, it was icy cold.

"Regaining the lost land. Naturally, it's gratifying. It's just..." Han Changluan lowered his head.Said in a flat tone.

"Just what. Han Aiqing. If you have anything to say, just say it. I forgive you for your innocence." Gao Wei casually threw the battle report on the dragon chair.Light and authentic.

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