Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 379 The Fruit Picker

Chapter 370 IX The Fruit Picker

Han Changluan didn't speak directly.Instead, he pondered for a while.Then he said slowly: "Your Majesty, the reason why you have done so much to please the Generalissimo. It all depends on your unparalleled power and power. Command well. Wherever the army goes, the people are begging for surrender. If you come to Renzhou in person. I'm afraid of all the bandits, and I don't dare to have the slightest resistance."

I heard Han Changluan's flattery.Gao Wei has a big heart.Laughed out loud.He is the master of the entire Qi State.Of course the greatest credit goes to himself.From the heart.He hoped to catch Gao Changgong's power to pacify the rebels.I don't want Gao Changgong and his son to make contributions.

See Gao Wei smiling.The faint smile on Han Changluan's mouth was fleeting.He frowned slightly.He hesitated and said: "Your Majesty. Although the rebellion against the Generalissimo is happy, the road is like a broken bamboo. Siege the city and pull out the stronghold. But there are hidden dangers in it."

"Oh. How do you say that?" Gao Wei frowned.Can't help sitting up straight.He looked at Han Changluan seriously.I don't know if he is worried about the failure of the counter-insurgency.Still hoping to be happy.

"Your Majesty, remember. Wu Sangui, the leader of the Renzhou rebels three years ago."

Gao Wei frowned and thought for a while.Then he nodded and said: "It seems that there is such a person. He was also knighted by that old man Chen Xu. He tried to attack the King of Sui on both sides. But it failed."

"Your Majesty has great knowledge and strong memory. I admire you." There was a pause.Han Changluan went on to say: "Your Majesty. Although Chen Guo is now focused on putting down the Sima Fu rebellion in the southwest, he has no time to look north. But his heart to destroy us and Daqi has never been broken."

Gao Wei nodded.A look of annoyance.Obviously, he was very displeased with Chen Xu's repeated attacks on him.Although he is content with pleasure.Not enterprising.But I don't want people to trouble me every day.If the country is ruined and the family is destroyed.Where does he have fine clothes and fine food?Wealth and wealth can be spoken of.

"Your Majesty. King Sui has a total of [-] soldiers and horses. It is the most important force to prevent Chen Guo from going north. Now the Generalissimo of the Rebellion leads [-] troops to the north to quell the rebellion. Huaizhou is naturally empty. If Chen Guo takes advantage of the situation and goes north, I am Da Qi It is dangerous. The Generalissimo of the Rebellion is happy to go deep alone. If Huaizhou is in trouble, he will not be able to rescue it at all. Once Chen *jun invades Huaizhou, and then colludes with the rebels. If you are happy, you will lose. When the time comes Yecheng. The consequences are unimaginable." Afterwards.Han Changluan couldn't help turning pale.In a cold sweat.

Gao Wei was also shocked.If so.The safety of Yecheng is really worrying.To know.Jeju on the south bank of the Yellow River.Qizhou and other places because of the rebel Gao Xin.Now it has become a deserted city.There is no ability to stop the enemy's advance at all.Thinking that hundreds of thousands of troops might rush into Yecheng in an instant.Gao Wei felt a chill in his hands and feet.Although the enemy is unlikely to come to Jinyang soon.However, once the city of Ye was broken.The Northern Qi Dynasty also seemed to perish.His emperor has come to an end.

Gao Wei quickly calmed down.Asked with a serious face: "What is Han Aiqing's opinion? Do you want to let the rebels go temporarily. Let Gao Xing withdraw his troops and return to Huaizhou."

"No." Han Changluan resolutely denied. "Your Majesty, the rebel Gao Xin is becoming stronger and stronger. It is like a thorn in my throat. If I don't pull it out as soon as possible, there will be serious troubles in the future."

"It doesn't work if you fight, or you don't fight. What should I do..." Gao Wei was a little annoyed when he heard the words.

"Your Majesty, calm down. The above is just my humble minister's speculation. It hasn't happened yet. Therefore, we have enough time to deal with all changes."

Gao Wei calmed down a little.She nodded and said, "What Han Aiqing said is very true. You can continue."

"Your Majesty. In the past three years, you have ordered the encirclement and suppression of the traitor Gao Xin several times. But all of them lost troops. They were unsuccessful. Today, the traitor Gao Xin has a strong army. His strength is much stronger than it was before. But the Generalissimo of Rebellion is like this. Defeat it easily. I'm afraid there is something hidden in it." Han Changluan frowned deeply.said worriedly.

Gao Wei's expression changed suddenly upon hearing this.Hastily asked: "What's the secret? Han Aiqing come quickly."

"Everyone knows that Sui King Gao Changgong is used to fighting. When he confronted Chen General Wu Mingche, he lost more than he lost and won more. It made him unable to advance an inch. Since the King of Sui is so majestic, why did he fail to regain the lost ground in Jianghuai after three years. Even if It’s one city, one pool.”

"The anti-thief forces were in full swing. His Majesty ordered the bandits to be suppressed. However, three years have passed. There are more and more rebels. Not only that. The population under his rule has increased dramatically. The wealth is comparable to the enemy. West Chuzhou and Yangzhou rebelled Time. The king of Sui sent troops at the right time. He was wiped out in an instant. Because Renzhou is so close, Tongzhou and other places have been showing off their power for three years."

"The rebels are located in a barren area. There are many hills. It is not suitable for farming. But now it is rich in materials and rich in wealth. If no one violates His Majesty's prohibition to trade with it. How could it be so. The King of Sui only owned Huaizhou and Xichuzhou The land of two states. But he can support one hundred thousand soldiers. He is really good at running the army. He has long sleeves and is good at dancing."

"Your Majesty. Although the rebels are hateful, their rulers are now rich and powerful. If they are acquired by some people with ulterior motives or hostile forces, then..."


Han Changluan hadn't finished speaking yet.Gao Wei complained angrily.In the loud noise.The cups, plates and teacups on the table danced wildly.Those who fell to the ground were smashed to pieces.a mess.After practicing the "Secret of Longevity".Gao Wei's health improved a lot.Otherwise, no matter how angry he is in his heart.Never dare to pat the table with the palm of the skin and tender flesh.

"Your Majesty forgive me."

Han Changluan trembled all over.Hastily knelt down on the ground.Don't dare to let out the air.The guard maids standing around also knelt down to plead guilty to Gao Wei.Trembling all over.Abnormal fear.

"What a Gao Changgong. A wolf is ambitious. His heart can be punished. Bang." Gao Wei was furious.A fair face flushed red.Horribly twisted.He growled loudly.Kicked over the table in front of him.

Everyone in the hall pressed their heads tightly to the ground.Silence like a cicada.I'm afraid that a bad one will become Gao Wei's tool to vent his anger.Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger.You never know when he will suddenly show his sharp fangs.Especially a crazy and tyrannical monarch like Gao Wei.

"Han Changluan. Draw up a decree. I want the emperor to conquer Gao Changgong personally." Gao Wei's eyes turned red.Staring at Han Changluan kneeling in the center of the hall like a bloodthirsty beast.Said murderously.

"It's absolutely impossible. It's absolutely impossible." Han Changluan suddenly raised his head.Hastily stopped the road.

"What. Are you going to rebel too?" Gao Wei's eyes were tearing apart.He looked at Han Changluan coldly.Murder looms.

"No no no. Your Majesty calm down. Your Majesty calm down." Han Changluan was terrified.Sweat profusely.He argued sincerely and frightenedly: "Your Majesty, the sincerity of my minister can be learned from the world. The sun and the moon can show it. If this minister has the slightest disrespect to His Majesty, call me ten thousand arrows to pierce my heart. There is no place to die."

"You don't dare to be half-hearted." Gao Wei's face turned pale.But his eyes were still cold. "Tell me. Why stop me? If you can't satisfy me, watch your head carefully."

"Yes yes yes." Han Changluan finally breathed a sigh of relief.But he didn't dare to wipe the bean-sized beads of sweat on his forehead.Instead, he said cautiously: "Your Majesty. Although the King of Sui now has a hundred thousand troops, he is located in a remote place on the border. He is powerful. But he has not shown any disobedience. If His Majesty marches personally, it will not only cause the King of Sui to be furious. Rebellion will damage His Majesty's prestige. Furthermore, Chen Guo and Zhou Guo have always been eyeing our great Qi. If the enemy invites troops to attack when Your Majesty is seeking rebellion, we will be completely passive. The snipe and the clam will fight. The fisherman reaps the benefits."

"Hmph." Gao Wei snorted coldly.He clenched his fist.Shen Sheng asked: "That depends on your opinion. What should I do to get the best of both worlds."

Gao Wei is not a fool.He naturally understood what Han Changluan said was true.Gao Changgong has worked hard all these years.Loyal and patriotic.The so-called rebellion is just Gao Wei's suspicion.If Gao Wei really sent troops to attack him.It is bound to cause considerable riots across the country.Not to mention that the people have lost the protection of the benevolent and generous general.Naturally panic in the heart.All officials are in danger because of Gao Wei's decision.While civil war consumes one's own strength, it will also create opportunities for the enemy to take advantage of.

Just can't get out of the confidant quickly.You have to compromise with him for various reasons.It made Gao Wei, the ninth-five-year-old, very depressed and disturbed.

"Your Majesty. Now that Renzhou, Tongzhou, and East Chuzhou have been recovered, you can send people to take over these three places. First, you can make the Generalissimo happy and worry-free. You can focus on suppressing the rebellion. Second, you can also take precautions." Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to create chaos and seek to seize His Majesty's property."

paused.Han Changluan continued: "If the King of Sui is really rebellious, His Majesty can let the three states of Renzhou, Tongzhou, and East Chuzhou send troops. It will block the way for Gao Xing to go south. There is no supply. Even if Xing Xing has three heads and six arms. Big wind and waves. And Huaizhou is empty. Naturally, it can be easily destroyed."

"A great plan. A great plan." Gao Wei's eyes lit up when he heard this.Laughed out loud.

If you are happy to prevent yourself from sending people to take over the three states.Then the Sui king's charge of rebellion will be confirmed.As long as you send someone to tell the world.The world will naturally attack in groups.Gao Changgong's prestige will be weakened to the bottom.In the end, he had no choice but to lose.If Gao Changgong obeys the order.That's the best thing.Not only can he be placed to monitor him.You can even pocket the wealth of the anti-thief, which is incomparable to the country.It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"I don't know who Han Aiqing thinks can take on this important task. This person must not only be loyal to me, but also be used to fighting. He can fight against Gao Changgong and his son." Gao Wei sat back on the dragon chair.Look a lot easier.

"Return to Your Majesty. The king of Xihe County, Qi Fu Guihe, is loyal to His Majesty. He has always acted cautiously and carefully. He is worthy of this job."

"He." Gao Wei pondered for a while and said: "Since it was recommended by Han Aiqing, there is no need to doubt this person's loyalty. It's just that he can defeat Gao Changgong." Gao Wei's words were quite doubtful.To know.Today's Qi.Gao Changgong is one of the best generals.If the person sent is too weak.The result was very bad.

"The King of Xihe County may be slightly inferior to the King of Sui in battle. But General Fu Fu, the governor of the capital, is brave and good at fighting. He is witty and versatile. He will definitely be able to compete with the King of Sui."

"En." Gao Wei raised his mouth lightly.Showed a satisfied smile.

May 25.Gao Wei issued an edict.Awarded to Sui Wang Shizi for his meritorious service in suppressing the rebellion.He was granted the title of Duke of Beiping County.Reward a thousand pieces of silk and satin.at the same time.Gao Wei appointed Qifu Guihe as the platform.He served as the governor of Renzhou, Tongzhou and East Chuzhou.The governors of Ren, Tong, Xu, Hai, Qing, Jiao, Guang, Dongchu, Nanqing, Beixu, and East Xuzhou were the military forces of the eleven states.The governor of the capital, Fu Fu, was in the negative hand.He served as the rebel supervisor.

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