Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 380 Old Friends

"Report..." Yang Lihua was leading the Chinese army to advance slowly.Suddenly there was a long and mournful shout in front of him.Then I saw that Yiqi was in front of me in the blink of an eye.

The man who looked like a scout was covered in blood.Paled face.Eyes panicked and terrified.The horse is not quite stable yet.He jumped off the horse.In a panic, he stumbled.Get ashamed.The scouts didn't care.Rolling and crawling, she got close to Yang Lihua.Loudly said: "Generalissimo, we have fallen into the enemy's trick. General Niu's department has been surrounded by the enemy on three sides. There is no way to escape. The brothers suffered heavy casualties. Please also send troops to rescue the Generalissimo."

Yang Lihua's face turned cold.He asked in a deep voice: "How many troops are there in the enemy army? What is their combat strength?"

"Back to Generalissimo. There are no fewer than [-] enemy troops. All of them are tall and healthy. They are not afraid of death. They are not much worse than our army." The scout panted heavily.Said loudly.

The Huaizhou army was in an uproar.An impatient general even reprimanded loudly: "Nonsense. How could the bandit army have such combat power. Could it be that you were cowardly and did not fight. Exaggerated."

"Tell me. Are you a spy sent by the enemy? Trying to mess with our troops."

"Come here. Take down this spy who disturbed the morale of the army."

The generals were furious.They all spoke and cursed.these days.The Jiangsu Rebel Army was defeated in one blow.How could it be an elite comparable to himself.The reason why Niu Mang was at a disadvantage.Just because the enemy is several times bigger than oneself.He lay in ambush again.It caught him off guard.As long as the Grand Marshal ordered the rescue.Even if there are [-] enemy troops, what is there to fear?

"Generalissimo. The villain is not a spy. Please be careful." The scout looked as if he wanted to eat himself when he saw the generals.Immediately startled, three souls went to two souls.While crying loudly.On the one hand, he begged Yang Lihua with his head.

Yang Lihua watched the scout closely for a moment.Then he waved his hand and shouted: "Come on. Take this person down first. Dispose of him after the truth is found out. Ten teams of scouts will be dispatched to carefully investigate within [-] miles of our army. Return alternately. Don't neglect your duties. Take it lightly. Others stay alert. Speed ​​up."

After the order is issued.Yang Lihua's face sank like water.He rushed forward immediately.The other generals dare not slack off.All of them looked serious.While galloping horses.While shouting loudly.Command the soldiers under his command.


"Gaoxin dog thief. How dare you come out and fight me. Brothers. Kill. Kill these sons of bitches."

"Fuck you. How dare you slander the governor. Court death. Kill."


Listen to it.It is not difficult to see that it is a battle between the two sides.But the real scene is quite weird.

It is a green grass.A slightly narrow valley.There are now nearly ten thousand people in the canyon.But they are clearly standing in two directions.One of the two parties is the Jiangsu Rebel Army.Led by Wu Sangui.One is the Huaizhou Army.Led by Niu Mang.

Logically speaking, the two are opposites.One official and one bandit.It should be a deadly kill.But the people on both sides were nothing but shouting and cursing.They all stood still.There is no intention of making a move.And the commanders of both sides Wu Sangui and Niu Mang.At this time, they stood together.Laughter.We had a great time talking.There are only hundreds or thousands of people.Riding a steed to wreak havoc on the beautiful valley.On everyone at the same time.Pieces of bright red were sprinkled on the ground.With a pungent smelly liquid.

"Yeah. Brother Niu. You're married. It's really gratifying. It's a pity that I couldn't go to ask for a glass of water and wine. It's a pity." Wu Sangui looked at Niu Mang in surprise.Smash it and said with a mouthful.I don't know if it's a pity that I couldn't drink the wedding wine.Still envious of Niu Mang getting married.

"What a pity. This time the task of the little prince has been completed. Let's have a good drink." Niu Mang said with a smile.paused.He sighed with emotion on his face: "The little prince is really far-sighted. It's admirable. I was annoyed at you 'rebels', old cow, but I didn't expect you to be under the young prince. You boy. It's hard to hide it from my brother. ah."

Thinking of the march in the big tent last night.After the Generalissimo of Rebellion removed his armor.When she was a beautiful woman.The shock in my heart was undeniable.Almost drew their swords at each other.If it weren't for the woman claiming to be the wife of the little prince.In his hand is the Sui king's letter.He also knows everything about himself and Huaizhou Yiying very well.Niu Mang will definitely treat him as a spy.

After confirming Yang Lihua's identity.Niu Mang received a new task.But this task really made him dumbfounded.And only then did he understand.In recent years, the little prince is happy to do great things.My heart is full of admiration.And some fear.

Wu Sangui saw the changing expression on Niu Mang's face.Half-jokingly said: "Brother Niu. Because the matter is very important. So the little prince concealed it. I hope you don't blame it."

"Sangui, you are too serious." Niu Mang was originally a rough man.But this time he looked serious.The words are sonorous and authentic: "Old Niu is a soldier. He has learned the secrecy policy. He understands the importance of discipline. He also knows that obeying orders is a bounden duty. As long as it is the order of the young prince. Even if I am asked to kill myself, I will never frown. "

"Good job." See Niu Mang said so.Wu Sangui laughed loudly and punched the former in the chest.After a pause, he said in a low voice: "Brother Niu. The little prince is also planning for a rainy day. Our prince is too famous. It makes the one in Yecheng feel uncomfortable. The little prince should have made preparations earlier. In the end, he can only wait for the slaughter .This is not good."

"Gao Wei's stupid king. I have seen through the old cow. He is stupid and incompetent. He is violent. As long as he is in power, we ordinary people will have a hard day. Let me tell you. If the little prince directly led his troops into Yecheng and killed the dog The emperor pulled down his horse, so that the people all over the world can be as stable and prosperous as our Huaizhou." Niu Mang gritted his teeth resentfully.said angrily.

Wu Sangui spread his hands.He smiled and said: "Who says it's not. But the little prince naturally has his own considerations for doing this. As subordinates, I don't dare to speculate."

Niu Mang just wanted to say something more.I saw a lean young man running from the edge of the valley briskly.soon.The young man came up close.He rushed to Wu Sangui and said, "Captain. The Generalissimo has already arrived outside the valley. He will be able to enter the valley in another quarter of an hour."

The young man was dressed in grass green clothes.There is also a wicker circle on the head.His skin was dark and shiny.The eyes are shining.The muscles in the arms are tight and firm.There is a vigorous breath all over his body.It is no less than 3000 meters from the mouth of the valley to the center.The young man ran down in one breath, his face not red and his breath not out of breath.Move like a rabbit.Quiet as a virgin.Stand there with your back straight and your legs straight.Obviously, it is not something ordinary soldiers can do.

Looking at the young man in front of him.Niu Mang is extremely eager to appreciate.But deep down I feel a little lonely.As a veteran of the Huaizhou Army.Niu Mang naturally knew that this young man was a special soldier trained by Wu Sangui.It is the elite among the elite.then.The Huaizhou army is proud to be selected as a special soldier and Xuyi iron cavalry.I'm just glad that the requirements for these two arms are very strict.Although Niu Mang is also a good character with one as ten.But still missed the chance to join these two arms.It is a pity for life.

"Understood." Wu Sangui waved lightly.Then he said to Niu Mang, who had bright eyes beside him: "Brother Niu. The Generalissimo is here. Let's follow the plan."

"Okay." Niu Mang dispelled the emotions in his heart.After solemnly agreeing, he returned to his own camp to make arrangements.

"Brothers, let the ignorant clowns in front of you know the majesty of our Huaizhou army. Kill."

"Fuck the sons of bitches. Kill."

"A group of ramming goods. Come if you have a seed."


for a while.The shouts of killing that were already loud in the valley became louder again.Earth-shattering.deafening.The sound was heard miles away.The hearts of the Huaizhou army who rushed over were terrified.The pace under his feet couldn't help but become faster.

"The enemy's reinforcements are coming. Withdraw quickly." When most of the Huaizhou Army appeared in sight.Wu Sangui immediately shouted loudly.Then he rode his horse and raised his whip.He ran towards Taniguchi behind him first.The other Jiangsu rebels did not care about continuing to "encircle and suppress" the remnants of the enemy.Just run away.Nothing sloppy.


When Yang Lihua came to the valley.I saw blood flow like a river.Dead bodies littered the field.The scene where the Niu Mang Department was almost wiped out.His face turned livid.His eyes shone with hatred and anger.With a wave of his hand.Take the lead in chasing forward.

"Generalissimo. Beware of fraud ahead." The surrounding generals saw Yang Lihua's aggressiveness.Can't help but sound a reminder with worry.But Yang Lihua turned a deaf ear to it.Constantly urging the horse under his crotch to gallop rapidly.The generals are helpless.He could only urge the soldiers behind him to maintain their formation.Boost.

The [-] Huaizhou Army quickly swept across the valley like a gust of wind.Only the devastated valley was left quietly enjoying the sunshine.Maybe Yang Lihua and others rushed too hastily.Never noticed.Although the corpses in the valley are scattered all over the place.But it's all on the fringes.There is a large space in the middle for them to pass through.

"Get up. Get up." Suddenly.There is a steel knife stuck in the abdomen.The dead Niu Mang stood up from the ground with a carp.He shouted loudly.While pulling out the steel knife from his waist.Look at the holes in the shirt.There was some pain on his face.

"General. What are you going to do next? Is there any weird task." A young general slapped the dirt on his body.While walking towards Niu Mang.

The other Huaizhou soldiers who were lying on the ground and pretending to be dead also came forward one after another.He looked at Niu Mang in confusion.The previous order was really absurd.If it weren't for Niu Mang's hand in the hands of Sui Wang's handbook.There is also the golden arrow of the generalissimo.Everyone will regard him as a traitor.

"Don't ask too much. Just follow the brothers in Jiangsu." Niu Mang said with a straight face.Then he turned his head and asked loudly: "Brother Hong Bing. It's time for us to set off."

"Brothers, please wait for a long time. Let's go now." It was a strong man who spoke.Although it looks ordinary.With a kind face.But the occasional flashes of fierceness in his eyes made people dare not underestimate him.

Some officers in the Huaizhou Army recognized it even more.The speaker was once one of Xuyi's special forces.He is also the leader who once guarded the little prince happy to go to Yecheng.Three years no see.But I don't want to meet here.Doubts abounded in my heart.However, it is not convenient to ask at this time.

Hong Bing and Niu Mang quickly collected the troops of Huaizhou Army and Jiangsu Rebel Army.The two looked at each other.No nonsense.Hong Bing led the way.From the direction when Niu Mang came out of the valley.Fold into the dense forest.Turn around and head northeast.

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