Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 381 Why Isn't The Whole Army Annihilated?

Chapter 380 Why didn't the whole army be wiped out.

Jinyang.royal palace.

"Your Majesty. Great joy. Great joy." Gao Wei was enjoying Concubine Feng Shu's gentle and delicate service.While playing with the plumpness and softness of the beauty's chest.Han Changluan's excited shout suddenly came from outside the hall.Gao Wei was taken aback.The strength in his hands couldn't help but hit a point.It made the beautiful woman in her arms cry out coquettishly.A look of resentment and blame.Tears filled my eyes.Xuan Ran wants to cry.

"My concubine, don't be angry. It's all Han Aiqing's recklessness." Gao Wei said apologetically.He lifted Feng Xiaolian's skirt with his hands.leaned over.Leaning close to the white and smooth skin on the beauty's chest, she blows gently.The appearance is very gentle.

Feel the itching and numbness in the chest.Feng Xiaolian couldn't help turning anger into joy. "Giggle" laughed delicately.It made the pair of jade-like hemispheres on the chest jump happily.The amazing charm of the unleashed.

Gao Wei stared blankly.As soon as he lowered his head, he took the bud on Feng Xiaolian's right breast into his mouth.Suck up gently.


Feng Xiaolian groaned softly in her throat.The body suddenly turned into a pool of spring water.He fell limply into Gao Wei's arms.Pretty face flushed.Snorting.Star pupils are half-opened.Eyes like silk.Feeling happy and ashamed.If you want to refuse, you will welcome.Very tempting.

Gao Wei only felt that his heart was on fire.The index finger moved.It doesn't matter that Han Changluan is about to come in.He stripped off Feng Xiaolian's clothes cleanly.Press it under your body and love it freely.

Han Changluan came to the front of the hall.However, the warriors waiting outside the hall were slowly closing the heavy hall door.I was taken aback for a moment.Then it suddenly dawned on me.Han Changluan listened attentively.Sure enough, it seemed joyful to hear a faint woman in the hall.A moan that seemed to be in pain came out.

A person who even holds a naked meeting.It is not uncommon to prostitution in the daytime.So Han Changluan is not surprised.With all the samurai retreated back more than ten meters.Quietly waiting for Gaowei to end the war.

About half an hour later.Gao Wei's voice finally came from the hall: "Outside the hall is Han Aiqing."

"Your Majesty. It's my minister." Han Changluan trotted to the entrance of the main hall.said respectfully.

"come in."

Han Changluan entered the hall with small steps.First, he bowed to Gao Wei and then bowed his head obediently.Although it was only a glimpse just now.But Concubine Feng Shu is still messy.The hairpin on the temples is horizontal.His eyebrows are full of spring.Full of aftertaste after orgasm.Lazy and enchanting.Delicate and seductive appearance.It still made his heart flutter.But Han Changluan didn't dare to look up at Gao Wei.

Although Han Changluan is one of Gao Wei's closest friends besides the beloved concubine.But he has a very thorough understanding of Gao Wei's temperament.Never dare to make mistakes.This is also the pinnacle of his power in the Northern Qi Dynasty.Always a reason to be favored.

Han Changluan knew that Gao Wei was cowardly by nature.What I hate most in my life is when someone looks at him and talks.So never look directly at Gaowei.He also knew that Gao Wei regarded Gao Changgong as a serious problem.Want to get rid of it and then quickly.Therefore, he decided to let Qi Fugui and go south to monitor Gao Changgong.weaken his strength.

"I don't know what is the happy event. It made Han Aiqing so excited. Aiqing let's talk about it. Let me have fun together." The desire in my heart subsided.Gao Wei was in a very happy mood.

Han Changluan exclaimed: "Your Majesty, it is really brave to challenge the Generalissimo. Within ten days, three states will be conquered. Now the entire territory of Jiangsu that the rebels said is recovered. It is really a great joy."

"Conquer Sanzhou again." Gao Wei didn't show much joy when he heard the words.Instead, he frowned deeply.The hands caged in the sleeves could not help but clenched tightly.

"Please read, Your Majesty. This is the latest battle report from the south." Han Changluan glanced at Gao Wei secretly.See its gloomy face.I couldn't help but smile in my heart.But it didn't show on his face.But respectful and authentic.

Gao Wei was full of sorrow.I didn't want to read the battle report.But I was really amazed by Gao Xing's bravery.To know.Although the rebel Gao Xin has only 8 troops.But the imperial court encircled and suppressed it several times.More than [-] soldiers and horses were lost, but they could not be wiped out.I'm glad that a mere [-] people were able to defeat it steadily.Lost city and lost ground.How great that joy should be.

He took the battle report handed over by the palace servants around him.I watched for a while.Gao Wei's frown could not help but relax.Wait until the battle report is finished.He couldn't help laughing loudly: "Okay. Okay. It really is a great joy. Great joy. Come and have a banquet. Today I will have a drink with Han Aiqing. I can celebrate the marshal's great achievements again. Hahahaha."

Feng Xiaolian saw that Gao Wei was worried first and then happy.I feel strange.He couldn't help but peek at the battle report that Gao Wei casually placed at hand.soon.A playful smile appeared on the corner of Feng Xiaolian's mouth.She also finally understood why Gao Wei had changed so much before and after.

But it turns out.Although the generalissimo of rebellion is happy, he will go to the three states again.Annihilated 4 enemies.But he himself fell down several times.Of the [-] Huaizhou Army, only [-] remain.Lost half of it.Most of the remaining [-] horses will stay in the occupied cities.So happy and unable to go north.If Qifu Guihe arrived in Jiangsu.Keep these people.Gao Changgong's strength will be greatly reduced.No matter how powerful he is.In a short period of time, there is no way to set off any storms.

Except sensual dogs and horses.Gao Wei's favorite thing is probably that his cousin Gao Changgong, who is more talented than him, is heartbroken.It's like crying and wiping away tears.Now happy to help him recover a large area of ​​lost ground.He also lost soldiers and generals.How could Gao Wei not like it.However, Gao Wei still had some regrets in his heart: Why didn't the [-] Huaizhou Army be completely annihilated.


Compared to the joy of Gao Wei and Han Changluan.Qifu Guihe was worried.frowning.

Everyone knows it.The provinces of Jiangsu and Shandong under the rule of the rebel Gao Xin are the most affluent places in the whole Qi.Can work in these two places.Needless to say the oil and water in it.at first.He learned that he was appointed as the governor of the three states.When the military governor of the eleven states.Qifu Guihe couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Although Qi Fugui and the three nobles of the Northern Qi Dynasty are engraved on his body.This life can only be driven by the three nobles.But to be a local feudal official.Especially rich land.Naturally, it was more enjoyable than being a younger brother in Yecheng.But now Qifu Guihe is not happy.In his heart, he secretly hated Han Changluan for assigning him this very difficult and arduous task.

Things started eight days ago.On that day, Qi Fu Guihe and Fu Fu took their bags.Lead three thousand guards.Carrying the expectations of Gaowei.Han Changluan's entrustment left Yecheng early in the morning.Coming south.

When Qi Fugui was young, he could ride a horse and draw a bow.But in recent years, they have done a lot of things.Not only is the body much weaker.Even the heart is very lazy.The bones are full of decaying breath.

It's different from Fu Fu riding a horse.Majestic.He was riding in a large carriage.There is not only good food and wine on board.There are also two beautiful maidservants serving on the side.Soft words.Hearing the lewd voice and laughing, Fu Fu's face turned livid.Anger rose in his chest.So he quickened his pace and walked in the forefront.

Last year, Yu Wenyong, Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, came to commit the crime.Qi Guoben had a chance to turn defeat into victory.Beat Zhou Jun.But just because of begging and indecision.Fear in the heart and miss the opportunity.Let Zhou Wu escape.Zhou Jun's vitality has not been lost.

This time he served as Qifu Guihe's deputy.Fu Fu was unwilling in every possible way.But he dared not disobey the emperor's orders.However, there was always a cloud hanging over his heart.Confused and inexplicably panicked.I don't know if it's because of this trip.Or because of the future fate of Qi.

An excellent commander obviously does not only have a partial battlefield in his eyes.It is even more important to have a holistic view.Although Zhou Guo was defeated.But the vitality is not lost.Monarchs and ministers are wise.The national power will only become stronger and stronger; although Qi wins.But the traitor is in charge.The monarch is stupid.The national power is declining day by day.When a country is corrupted.Even if Gao Changgong, Dugu Yongye and others can withstand an attack from the enemy.Attack twice.Three times.

Count the commanders who can stand alone in Qi today.There was only Gao Changgong.Dugu Yongye.Wang Lin.Including myself, there are only four people.Others such as Pi Jing and .Begging for Guihe and his like.Which can be put on the table.Look at Zhou Guo again.There is not only Wei Xiaokuan who can make Emperor Shenwu Gao Huan less expensive.There are also famous generals Liang Shiyan, Yu Yi, Yu Wenxian and others.Which of the generals of the Twelve Pillars is the generation of Yi Yu.

However, even if Fu Fu understands that Gao Wei is not the master of Ming Dynasty.so on.It is inevitable that Qi will perish.But in addition to doing his own thing seriously.I can only sigh with regret.Watching helplessly as the huge empire slowly collapsed.

According to begging and request.The team is not moving fast.Therefore, Fu Fu believed in the rein of the horse.The heart is constantly changing minds.In order not to see Qi Fugui and that ugly face get angry.

"Oops. You driving pariah. You're blind. Do you want to die." Suddenly.A burst of exclamation and cursing came from behind, awakening Fu Fu who was in deep thought.

Fu Fu heard that the voice came from Qi Fu Guihe.Can't help frowning.Turn around and look.I saw Qi Fugui and that luxurious car overturned to the ground.The disheveled Qi Fuguihe was full of anger.He frantically kicked and beat the boy driving the car.

"My lord. What happened. It made you so angry." Even Fu Fu was not happy.He also had to drive his horse to come closer.Hurry up and get off the horse.asked with concern.

"What's the matter. This bastard actually wants to murder this king. If this king didn't dodge quickly, I'm afraid he will succeed." Qi Fuguihe gave Fu Fu a hard look.Continue to kick and beat the servant fiercely.It made the latter howl again and again.Mouth and nose bleeding.But dare not resist.

"My lord, calm down." Look at the pitiful look of that young servant.Fu Fu felt pity in his heart.He hurriedly stopped him and said: "My lord, the shaft of the carriage broke suddenly. It's not the driver's fault. The so-called adults don't count the faults of villains. This person is just a lowly person. It's not as good as the prince's case. If you kill him, not only You just stained your robes and lost your identity."

"General Fu's words are right. Come here. Kill this man. Leave the corpse in the wilderness." Qi Fuguihe glanced at the dirty robe.Nodding in agreement.

"Wait a minute, my lord."

"What. Is this bastard related to you? Or you allowed him to attack me." Qi Fugui and his face suddenly changed.He stared at Fu Fu fiercely.The soldiers behind him became nervous when they heard this.They all drew their swords at each other.

"Misunderstanding. The prince misunderstood the meaning of being humble." Fu Fu gritted his teeth with hatred.On the face, he said with sincerity and fear: "The reason why the prince does not kill this person is because of the humble position. It is not only for the sake of the prince. It is also to complete the task assigned by the Holy One."

"Oh. Come and listen to me." Fu Fu mentioned Gao Wei.Begging Fugui and his expression couldn't help but be a little dizzy.But he still looked at Fu Fu suspiciously.

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