Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 382 Haunted

You stupid pig.I am also angry.

Fu Fu cursed in his heart.But the face is full of respect: "My lord. The reason why the Holy Majesty sent you to the south is to take over the rebels. To convey his magnificent and boundless benevolence and virtue. Therefore, from now on. Our words and deeds are very important. We must not destroy the Holy Majesty." big event."

Fu Fu put on the emperor's big hat.Begging Fugui and even though he was disgusted and angry in his heart.At this time, I can only listen patiently.

"My lord. The coachman is a contemptible person. Death is not a pity. But killing him will damage your reputation of benevolence and generosity. If it is spread, it will make the southern rebels mistakenly think that you are a cruel and cruel person. Your Majesty will not tolerate them. Because of this, they have a heart of resistance. Then you and the humble official will definitely become sinners. I dare to speak out with the humble official. I hope the prince will think twice before acting."

Fu Fu held back the nausea and anger in his heart.Finally, I finished saying this sentence sincerely.But the fists hidden in the sleeves were too hard.His knuckles turned white.The reason why Fu Fu said so.Not all felt sorry for the coachman.The real purpose is exactly as he said.

Although Fu Fu knew.Cushman and Wakefield will never treat rebels with tolerance.But in order to easily recover Jiangsu.He can only praise Gao Wei highly.Qi Fugui and naturally did not dare to blatantly deny that Gao Wei is fatuous.Tyrannical and cruel people.

The so-called officials forced the people to rebel.If Qi Fuguihe and Fu Fu's attitude towards going south is still to use force to suppress and then suppress.The result is naturally counterproductive.The world only saw that the son of the Sui Prince was happy and triumphant all the way.The momentum is like a broken bamboo.But did not think deeply.Glad that the rebellion could be put down so easily.How much did Sui Wang Gao Changgong's reputation of benevolence and love for the people play a role.You have to try a high anarhammer.

"You are right. Everything is for the great plan of the Holy One." Qi Fuguihe said firmly.Then he gave the coachman on the ground a hard look.He shouted sharply: "Today I will spare your dog's life. If there is any negligence again, I will definitely kill you. Begging Fugui and his stomach full of anger have not been relieved. Seeing the coachman still lying there in a daze, he immediately kicked the past . Kicked the latter a somersault. "Still rolled up.Could it be that I still want this king to help you up. "

"Thank you, my lord, for your kindness. Thank you, my lord. The coachman knelt down on the ground in a hurry. He didn't care about his bleeding mouth and nose. He was full of gratitude.

Qi Fugui cast a disgusted glance at the filthy coachman, then turned his head away.He said coldly: Hurry up and prepare the horse. . "

"Yes, yes, please wait a moment, my lord. The car suddenly got up from the ground and ran to the side quickly.

This is a small episode.Everyone thought it was a coincidence, so it didn't have much impact on everyone's journey.Except for Qi Fugui and having to endure the pain of being bumped on horseback.

Because begging is expensive and the body is delicate and tender.So it's still early.He ordered to rest in a camp sixty miles away from the county seat.Go on the road the next day.The order came out.Everyone in the motorcade applauded.Come this day.Because of the loss of luxurious and comfortable driving.I can't enjoy the gentle embrace of a beautiful woman.Begging Fu Guihe's mood has not been going well.Therefore, there are people who are not pleasing to the eye.Beat and scold at every turn.Show no mercy.Fortunately, Fu Fu used Gao Wei as a shield before.Qifu Guihe didn't want to kill anymore.In other words, he helplessly hid his murderous intentions.

Beijing officials go on tour.Local officials naturally competed to curry favor.Even though the time is close to midnight.The county government is still brightly lit.Very lively.Begging Fu Guihe exchanged cups with local officials and gentry.Eat is red.Smelly of wine.Fluttering.Drink and eat.Qi Fu Guihe finally got tired of listening to other people's flattery.Then he hugged the two shyly and timidly.A graceful girl of twenty-eight years old stepped into the most luxurious bedroom of the county government office.

Banquet from beginning to end.Fu Fu is reticent.Don't drink alcohol.He has been practicing martial arts since he was a child.Although the character is straightforward and cool.But he has been in officialdom for many years.Naturally, I have seen too much of the dirty tricks.No more shame in my heart.But it won't be too obvious.So Fu Fu tactfully rejected the girl who the county magistrate arranged to sleep in.So Shi Shi ran out of the banquet hall.After carefully inspecting the defense forces in various parts of the county government office, he returned to the bedroom.

"Yeah! My lord. Itch. Itch. Cluck. How are you?"

"Oh, my lord. You can't wipe it with your hands."

Begging Fugui and drank a few more glasses.Although the steps are a bit vain when walking.But the two fat palms are very awake.Through the clothes, the backs of the two girls beside him were submerged.Will it still slide off the plump buttocks?It made the two girls blush.Panting softly.

Although the two women are still innocent virgins.But it is the skill of accompanying a man.Therefore, I spent time with Qi Fugui and Erbin along the way.Shy and timid.The appearance of wanting to refuse and welcome makes Qi Fugui and his wife Dasheng.A rich man like him.The more beautiful there are countless.If there are two extremely stiff virgins, naturally they won't be very interested.The only two well-trained girls are extraordinarily enchanting and seductive.

Just entered the house.Qi Fu Guihe couldn't wait to hold the two girls in his arms.Hands up and down.Hand and mouth.The man's heavy panting.The woman's crooning instantly raised the temperature of the sweltering summer night by a few points.

The three of them tore apart.There are fewer and fewer clothes on the body.Soon it became three white sheep.The time has come for begging and seeing.Then he pushed a girl down on the bed.Press the body tightly.Just ready to start a hand-to-hand fight.


Just when begging Fugui and the sword have reached their feet.When breaking in.The bedroom window suddenly opened.A cool breeze poured into the house.Instantly extinguish the candles in the house.The sudden change made Qi Fugui and his whole body tremble.He cursed bad luck in a low voice.But he didn't care.Prepare to continue to develop the beauties underneath.

"Old thief... Take your life..." But just when Qi Fugui and Gang focused on the soft body below him.An extremely hoarse and cold voice came faintly.Not loud.But it was enough for the three people in the room to hear clearly.The voice that seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hells was very permeating.

Qi Fuguihe couldn't help his scalp tingling.The wind gusts down my spine.A man and two women in the room looked at each other.By the faint moonlight.The three seemed to feel the fear in each other's hearts.Breathing is also disturbed by rapidity.


A shrill scream sounded.It was Qi Fugui and the woman under him who saw a woman with disheveled hair suddenly appearing outside the window.The woman was dressed in a loose white dress.Under the moonlight, it glowed pale white.Like her bloodless face.The most frightening thing is.Her eyes were strangely empty.The lips are extremely coquettish red.

"Begging Fugui and the old thief. Take your life..." The piercing voice came again.But the woman at the window didn't speak.Just staring fixedly at the house.

"Who are you? A human or a ghost..." Qi Fugui and his hands and feet were cold.The voice was also trembling.The bad thing in the lower body has already been pulled down limply.

"Quack. Old thief. You don't recognize me..." A male voice like a night owl sounded.The voice was shrill and piercing.It makes people dizzy.I want to vomit.The sound fell.The woman in front of the window suddenly slid past like a ghost.Feeling light and powerless.

at the same time.A man in white suddenly appeared in front of the window.The man's face was full of scratches.Deep bone visible.Blood was still dripping from the white meat that had been turned out.



"Quack quack..."

"Hey Hey……"

Eerie.Like weeping like complaining.Looming voices came from all directions.From time to time, a terrifying white shadow flashed outside the window.Seeing that Qi Fuguihe was cold all over.Can't stop trembling.And the two girls beside him were even more unbearable.Hugging Qifu Guihe desperately.Huarong paled.Scream again and again.

"Old thief. Take your life." Just when the three of them were attracted by the strange scene outside the window.That piercing voice sounded above Qi Fugui and the three of them again.The three looked up.Suddenly, a white figure floated down from the roof.The three-inch-long nails on the pale hands slowly grabbed Qi Fugui and his eyes.


Qi Fu Guihe couldn't bear it anymore.screamed terribly.A cloudy and smelly liquid flowed out from the lower body.Drenched the snow-white carcass under the body.But the woman didn't care to get angry.Guyin she had already fainted from fear.

When Shiro Shadow's sharp nails were about to touch his own skin.Qi Fugui rolled his eyes.With a tilt of the head, the two women passed out on the bed afterwards.

"What a worthless idiot. It's disgusting." Bai Ying stopped in front of the bed.Looking at the fat all over the body.The wet Qi Fugui said with disgust.The voice is very melodious.

"Lihua. Someone is coming. Leave quickly." At this moment.Another soft and gentle female voice came from outside the house.

The white shadow in the room let out an "oh".The delicate body turned lightly.Dexterously flew out from the window.Yuzu lightly paused.The body then landed lightly on the roof.There were two other people on the roof.A man and a woman.Shirai Shadow walked up to the woman.He called obediently: "Master."

"Call me sister. Don't call me master anymore." The woman frowned.Some blame.And a little helplessly.

"Let's go. It's not good to be found out." The man said.The voice is clear and gentle.But his face was full of bruises.Extraordinarily ferocious and terrifying.

The two girls looked at him tenderly.Nodding his head lightly, he ran towards another place together with the man.The three of them are nimble and agile.It moves and jumps like a civet cat.Flying over eaves and walls is very easy.

The three of them stopped in the back alley of the county government office.Three times, five divisions and two times tore off the white clothes on his body.Revealing the close-fitting night clothes inside.Wrap the whit in the package.Hearing the crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs from the county government.The commotion of people shouting and neighing.They looked at each other and smiled.They spread out their bodies together and headed towards the remote place of the county seat.


Qi Fuguihe looked at the unshaven beard in the glass mirror.Thin and sallow face.There was both anger and panic in my heart.From the day of departure.Qi Fu Guihe did not encounter a single thing that went well.First, the car suddenly broke and overturned, throwing him into disgrace.At night, he was frightened and intimidated by ghosts.The children and grandchildren have not recovered their former glory until now.

After a few days.There are countless strange things happening.Or wake up and find yourself lying naked in a manger.Or sleep with men.Or bloody human organs appearing in the rice bowl.Or there is a woman howling and crying in her sleep.There was a knock at the door in the middle of the night.Extremely weird and terrifying.

Qi Fuguihe did many bad things in his life.Countless people were tortured, killed and raped by him.He didn't care before.But now I am frightened by countless horrible things.His heart grew more and more frightened.Can't sleep at night.I don't know the sweetness.The spirit is even more exhausted.It's just eight short days of work.The fat on his abdomen has completely disappeared.

"Is it really God's retribution for me?" Qi Fuguihe muttered to himself.

"My lord. It's getting late. It's time to get on the road."

"Get on the road. Get off. Get off. Fuck your mother on the road. I will kill anyone who dares to make noise again. Bang." As soon as the word "on the road" was heard.Inexplicably, an evil fire rose in Qi Fuguihe's heart.He growled angrily.He kicked the dressing table in front of him to the ground.Things on the table crashed and fell all over the floor.The bright copper mirror was shattered into countless pieces.Looking at the countless selves on the ground.Qi Fuguihe roared frantically.Constantly smashing everything that is in the way of eyes.

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