Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 383 Battle on the Plains

The night is as cool as water and pitch black, but the Neishi Mansion in Jiyin County is brightly lit, as bright as day. Although the stingy Mr. Neishi of Jiyin County is very distressed by this extravagant and wasteful behavior, who is called Xihe County? Wang Qifuguihe is the celebrity in front of Sangui, if he doesn't treat him wholeheartedly, and slows down the year-end assessment and promotion, even his current position may not be secure.

Qi Fuguihe was really overwhelmed by the strange things in the past few days, especially at night, as long as there was the slightest sound, he would wake up instantly. Therefore, Qi Fuguihe asked the internal historian of Jiyin County to keep the mansion overnight. Outside the bright light, Fu Fu sent a thousand guards to guard outside the bedroom, so the panic and nervous mood was slightly relieved.

Fu Fu stood quietly outside Qifu Guihe's bedroom, listening to the snoring mixed with the "hissing" sound of insects, he felt a slander in his heart: This fat pig, let us stand guard, but he is sleeping peacefully, God If you had eyes, you should have received this evil from you.

In terms of duty, Qi Fu Guihe is his superior, and Fu Fu must guarantee his safety, but in terms of selfishness, he wished that Qi Fu Guihe would die suddenly on the spot, so that Northern Qi would lose a corrupt official who disrupted the government , the people also suffer less, and they don't have to look at him and act, hold hands and feet without saying anything, and have to endure the condemnation of conscience.

It was midsummer and the beginning of June. Although there were a lot of stars, it still couldn't hide the brilliance of the crescent moon.

"Your Majesty the wise Emperor Shenwu, can you tell me how many years of Daqi's fate is left? Is this vast country really going to perish at the hands of Gao Wei, a foolish king?"

Fu Fu looked up at the starry sky, looking at the quietly shining moonlight, his eyes couldn't help being a little deep and blurred. The moonlight is beautiful and eternal, but how much time is left for the prosperity of Qi.

Good news came again from the southern battlefield, but Fu Fu didn't have much joy in his heart, only confusion and sadness.

On the third day of June, Duke of Beiping County and Generalissimo of the Rebellion happily handed over the letter of challenge to the traitor Gao Xin.

The traitor Gao Xin has a total of [-] troops, but the area under his rule is huge, the cities are scattered, and he cannot rush to help and watch each other. Therefore, when the Huaizhou army came in mighty force and broke through Renzhou City, Jiangsu, the entire territory of Jiangsu was almost lost. Without the ability to resist, one defeat after another.

Although the Generalissimo of Rebellion regained a large area of ​​lost ground, the Huaizhou army was quite uncomfortable when the rebels who were forced to bite back from time to time. When they came, only half of them could account for [-] soldiers. It was the biggest time for Gao Changgong to take over Huaizhou, but the emperor's orders were hard to disobey. Even though he was concerned about the lives of his subordinates, he had to continue to fight against the traitors.

Losing the land of Jiangsu, Sun Art has suffered a great loss of strength. Not only has it lost its strategic buffer zone, but it has also lost countless wealth. What Sun Art lost was not just money and food, but those fine-grained trading networks and countless high-capacity factories. , is the greatest wealth. Now that Jiangsu is lost, Gao Xin has lost more than half of his wealth, and it seems a bit difficult to support the army.

If you ask Gao Xin what he is most afraid of now, he will definitely tell you "protracted war". The world knows that Gao Xin is making money every day, but only officials in Shandong Province know that the speed at which he spends money is even more appalling.

In troubled times, apart from money and food, the most important capital for competition is population. Only with population can we have a stable source of soldiers and sufficient labor force. It is based on this that Gaoxin absorbs and accommodates a large number of refugees who come to vote, and never rejects them. Although the consequences of doing so are that the populations of Shandong and Jiangsu have increased dramatically, and the cities have become more prosperous, which has made Gaoxin famous and popular, but it has also brought great pressure on finances.

Now that Gaoxin's industries have suffered such a huge blow, it is not a wise move to spend it with the Huaizhou army. The food Gaoxin buried in Shandong is enough to feed the [-] army for two years, but in this war In severe times, when the city's production capacity is almost zero, unless Gao Xin starves ordinary people to death, he will not be able to last long. If he does this, Shandong Province will not be able to defend it, and everything he has paid in the past three years will be destroyed Even if he escapes by chance in the end, it will be difficult to make a comeback.

Rather than breaking the city to the death and enduring countless sufferings, it is better to fight now and fight to the death, maybe you can turn defeat into victory. There are still 5 people in Shandong, while the Huaizhou army is only [-]. Cheap, so he did not reject the Huaizhou Army's gauntlet.

Even though he knew that the Huaizhou army took the initiative to invite the battle, which may be fraudulent, Gao Xin still decided to fight. Apart from being forced to, he also had his own considerations.

Half of the [-] Huaizhou Army lost. This loss is undoubtedly extremely huge for Huaizhou. There are still five prefectures and dozens of counties in Shandong, and [-] defenders. If the Huaizhou Army continues to advance layer by layer, one city and one pool will A strong attack may eventually overthrow Gao Xin, but I am afraid that I will be injured and devastated. If Huaizhou and Yecheng are united, even if the loss of [-] Huaizhou troops is nothing, but the two seem to be in harmony, Huaizhou One side is obviously unwilling to fight to the end.

On the fifth day of June, the Huaizhou Army and the Shandong Rebel Army fought on the plain outside Nanqingzhou. Nearly 10 people gathered here, and the place was covered in darkness. The colorful banners waving in the wind covered the sky and the sun, and the solemn momentum shocked the mind.

In the battle on the plains in the era of cold weapons, the main factors affecting the victory are the commanding power of the generals over the soldiers, the cooperation between the soldiers, and the combat effectiveness and morale of individuals. It is impossible to use a plan.

War is not a game, what it represents is only cruelty and blood, and secular morality and ethics can't restrain it at all, so there is the term "soldiers never tire of deceit".

As the weaker side, Gao Xin naturally hoped to win the final victory while preserving his strength. At the beginning of the battle, Gao Xin used the once famous killer weapon: gunpowder.

The power of gunpowder is still second, its deafening, thunderous momentum is the most frightening, even the modern people with advanced technology in the later generations will turn pale when talking about it, not to mention worshiping ghosts and gods and fearing nature. The ignorant of the ancients.

A round of gunpowder not only killed many Huaizhou troops, but also greatly damaged the morale of the Huaizhou troops. At this moment, Gao Xin dispatched another [-] cavalry. Incisively and vividly, the Huaizhou army was caught off guard by the Jiangsu rebels, and they were turned on their backs and retreated steadily.

Gao Xinxue hid gunpowder and cavalry, and Gao Xin also did not abide by the agreement. Among the 5 people who fought against Gao Xin's Shandong Rebel Army on the plain, only 1 were real Huaizhou troops, and the other [-] were civilians in charge of logistics. The real main force quietly walked around behind the Shandong Rebel Army, and came to hide and kill when the Shandong Rebel Army relaxed their vigilance because of the joy of victory.

When Gao Xin lamented the great victory in the battle and wondered why the combat effectiveness of the Huaizhou Army was greatly weakened. At that time, someone stabbed him in the back and almost suffered a devastating blow. Gao Xin knew that there was nothing he could do, so he immediately ordered to retreat, but only [-] people left the battlefield in the end, and the Huaizhou army did not pursue the poor, but It turned around and took advantage of the trend to regain Nanqingzhou.

Without the support of the city, the Shandong Rebels, who were short of supplies, were like naked lambs and motherless children. Even though they had sharp teeth, their attack power was really limited.

Although most of the cities in Shandong Province have not been lost, Gaoxin's 2 troops alone are no match for the Huaizhou Army. Defeat is a matter of time. The rebellion that has been raging for three years is about to be wiped out. For Qi, or for Gaowei It was a great happy event, but Fu Fu felt an indescribable irritability and confusion in his heart.

Loyal to the king and patriotic, if the king is blind, how can the king represent the country with only one person.

Unknowingly when the time came, the sweltering weather made the guards drowsy. Some of the tough ones leaned on their weapons and fell asleep straight up. Although Fu Fu saw that the soldiers were negligent and slack, No words to scold to stop.

Regarding Qi Fuguihe's practice of using 1000 people to guard the gate for himself, Fu Fu believed that it was purely a fuss made by the former. Excessive hallucinations, but he said in his heart that he was a guilty conscience. In fact, although he intuitively felt that this was done deliberately, Fu Fu was unwilling to investigate deeply, looking for Fugui and this troublesome person, maybe not Good guy, but definitely killing harm for the people.

A gust of cool wind blew by, and the cool feeling cleared Fu Fu's mind. At this moment, a gloomy voice suddenly came from a distance: "Begging Fugui and the old thief, take your life," followed by There was a sobbing sound like weeping, it was ethereal, but it made people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

"Who dares to pretend to be a ghost here," Fu Fu raised his eyebrows and shouted loudly.

"Qi Fugui and the old thief, take your life," the voice from before sounded again, with the same tone and tone, but it came from the opposite direction.

Fu Fu sucked in a breath of cold air, let out a soft drink, and suddenly stood up from the ground, borrowed strength from the column beside him, and deftly turned over and jumped onto the roof. Fu Fu raised his eyes and looked around, because the Neishi Mansion was as bright as day , but it was pitch black all around, and it was so dark that I couldn't see anything clearly.

"Who is your Excellency, who is so sneaky, hiding his head and showing his tail," Fu Fu's breath sank to his dantian, and Yang Sheng shouted loudly.

"June...month...first...nineth, return...life...time..." A hoarse female voice came, but it was erratic, and it was impossible to find the direction. The scalp is numb, and the hands and feet are cold.


Fu Fu was frowning and meditating, carefully inspecting all the abnormalities around him, but suddenly there was a slight muffled hum in his ears. Fu Fu was startled, and quickly looked down, only to see a soldier suddenly collapsed to the ground, his face not only There was no pain at all, but a peaceful and comfortable expression.

Fu Fu was about to ask what happened, but suddenly he felt the hairs on his back standing on end, and a vague murderous intent enveloped his body. Fu Fu suddenly turned his head, and saw a man standing quietly on the eaves two meters away. Looking at a woman in white with disheveled hair, her face is pale, her lips are scarlet, but her eyes are empty and lifeless, like a legendary ghost,

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