Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 384 The sky may really change

"It's a human or a ghost," said Fu Haoxie, a battle-tested veteran. Although he was shocked by the image of the female ghost in white at first, he quickly regained his composure. His feet were slightly separated, and his angry eyes were wide open. The female ghost in white yelled angrily.

"Son, you died so badly... The female ghost in white still stood still, not even moving her lips, but this hoarse and gloomy cry filled with endless sorrow was uttered by her.

Seeing that the female ghost in white didn't answer, Fu Fu couldn't help but feel a little angry. Thinking of the soldiers who fell down for no reason before, he uttered several times, but the Neishi Mansion was very quiet, and no one came out to check it out. His heart sank suddenly , shouted in a deep voice: "Pretending to be a ghost today, whether you are a man or a ghost, I will make you show your original form." As soon as the words fell, Fu Fu pulled out the sword from his waist and slammed towards the female ghost in white. Pounced, killing awe-inspiring all over his body, like a tiger descending a mountain.

"June...month...first...nineth...return...life...when..." Facing Fu Fu who was madly rushing towards him, the female ghost in white didn't realize it, her empty and lifeless eyes seemed to be... He was looking at Fu Fu, but also seemed to be looking at it, his whole body exuded a cold and gloomy aura, which made people dare not approach him.


There is no room for mercy on the battlefield, so Fu Fu goes all out when he makes a move. Senhan's long sword is wrapped in an extremely fierce wind and slashes at the white-clothed female ghost. Because the speed is extremely fast, the long sword The air was torn apart, leaving only a pale phantom, and at the same time, there was a screaming sound.

"June...month...first...nine...return...life...time..." Even if the strong wind brought by the long sword stirred up her messy hair flying around, the female ghost in white Still indifferent, just repeating the inexplicable and extremely eerie words again.

After being ignored several times, Fu Fu was very unhappy, especially after being called around by Qi Fugui for more than ten days, the anger in his chest suddenly burst out. The speed of the chopping was a little faster.

It's a long story, in fact, Fu Fu crossed the distance of 20 meters with only two breaths. Seeing that the sharp sword light was about to cut the white ghost into two halves from top to bottom, the white ghost suddenly appeared The light feathers couldn't stand the strong wind on the long sword, so they swung backwards like they were powerless, causing the long sword that Fu Fu slashed with all his strength to slam into the roof.


Seeing the female ghost in white floating down to the ground as light as nothing, without making a sound, Fu Fu couldn't help but gasp, his heart sank, no matter whether the person in this clothes is a ghost, the person who came was not good, and it was extremely difficult to deal with.

Fu Fu took a deep breath, rubbed his body again, jumped up from the roof, and rushed towards the white-clothed female ghost aggressively, just like before. It's counterproductive.


Fu Fu held the sword hilt tightly with both hands, his canthus was about to burst, his eyes were bloodshot, and he roared like a wild beast, about to pounce on the female ghost in white in front of him again.

However, Fu Fu didn't see that when he went crazy because he couldn't touch the female ghost in white for many times, the whole internal history darkened at some point, and all the torches and candles were extinguished.

The door of Qifuguihe's bedroom opened slowly, and the sound of "creaking" was extremely strange in the dark night, but no one woke up inside or outside the room, only the sound of Qifuguihe's loud snoring in the air.

Suddenly two men in white clothes came out from the darkness. The taller one had scratches all over his pale face, making it impossible to distinguish his original face. The exposed skin was not alluringly pink and tender, but as pale and cold as her complexion.

The two walked lightly and slowly into the room. Behind them was the cold moonlight, which made their faces darker and darker, and their aura even more eerie.

"Qifu Guihe, take your life..." The woman walked to the bed, looked at Qifu Guihe who was sleeping soundly, her eyes flashed with fierce hatred, she said in a hoarse voice, and slowly raised her long hair Two-way begging Fu Guihe's throat with inch-long nails.

Seemingly feeling the approach of death, or because he couldn't bear the extremely cold voice from the woman, Qi Fu Guihe finally opened his eyes at the critical moment.

"Ghost, ghost," Qi Fuguihe's confused eyes instantly dissipated, replaced by panic from the bottom of his heart. The woman in white fled under her sharp claws, and roared sadly: "Come on, come on, escort, escort,"

However, what made Qi Fugui and his heart sink was that no matter how he shouted, the outside of the house was still quiet and dark, without a single person.

"Qi Fugui and the old thief, it's been 15 years, you should pay for your life," said the unrecognizable person, his voice was hoarse and harsh, and he couldn't distinguish between men and women.

"Who are you and what do you want to do," Qi Fuguihe said in a trembling voice, swallowing hard.

"My dear brother, don't you recognize me," the tall man said with a smile, but his voice was sharper than Ye Xiao's, which made people feel very uncomfortable, and there was not even a hint of a smile in his tone. Intense hatred and anger.

"How could you..."

"How can I still be alive, or why can I still have the opportunity to stand in front of you,"

Qi Fugui and Mo Ran obviously meant that.

"Dear brother, you really take good care of me as a brother. First, you put poison in my wine, then you used random knives to destroy my face, and finally, it was the method of an onmyoji to make me immortal forever. , I have never dared to forget what you have done to me in the past 15 years. Fortunately, a group of tomb robbers dug up my coffin and let me escape from the endless darkness and coldness. , boring and lonely, "

"You...you..." Qi Fugui and his face changed in astonishment, his eyes widened, his lips trembled and he couldn't speak.

"Qifu Guihe, do you still remember me?" the woman glared at Qifu Guihe viciously, and said through gritted teeth.

"You are Hui Lin," Qi Fugui said hesitantly.

"It seems that you have a good memory, so we don't need to explain the reason for the killing," the woman said with admiration and sarcasm, and raised her right paw that had been hanging down her leg again.

"No, Hui Lin," Qi Fugui looked at the woman pleadingly and said, "Hui Lin was the one who hurt you in a flash of my head, and I have regretted it all these years. Please believe me, I didn't mean it, I really didn't. ,"

"It wasn't intentional, Qi Fu Guihe, when he was greedy for my beauty, he first brutally killed his elder brother, and then raped me in the husband's mourning hall. Now you say it was unintentional. Are you more vile and shameless?"

"Qifu Guihe, today is your death day, I will return you ten times the pain you inflicted on me, quack quack quack," the tall man's already ugly face became even uglier because of twisting.

"Go to hell, just as the tall man was laughing, Qi Fu Guihe, who was curled up on the bed, suddenly burst into a fit. He didn't know when there was a sharp short knife in his hand, and he pointed at the defenseless man who was close at hand. Hui Lin stabbed away.


The sharp knife pierced into the flesh, and Qi Fu Guihe was about to cheer, but found that there was no pain on Hui Lin's face. He looked intently, but saw that the dagger in his hand was being inserted into a bloody head, and the owner seemed to be Ji Yin Nei Shi.

"Do you still want to persevere, and then enjoy it, this is your last memory in the world," said the woman in white, and threw the head in Qifu Guihe's arms.

"Ah, oh," Qi Fugui exclaimed suddenly, feeling that the head in his arms was still warm, but only in an instant, his cry suddenly rose a few degrees, and the exclamation also turned into a howl of misery. The voice spread throughout the small half of Jiyin County.

Fu Fu, who was beating the female ghost in white, heard the screams in Neishi's mansion and immediately woke up from his madness. He panted heavily, stared at the female ghost in white, and said coldly: "Who is your Excellency?" , even if you lure me away, the Neishi Mansion still has two thousand elite soldiers, and your goal may be difficult to achieve."

"General Fu is extraordinary. He saw through my plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain so quickly," the female ghost in white said with a smile, but her voice was a gentle and clear male voice.

"Are you laughing at me for being late?" Fu Fu's face was full of anger when he heard the words. If he heard Qi Fu Guihe's screams, he still didn't know the real intention of the person in front of him. That's why Fu Fu boldly guessed the person in front of him. He is not a ghost, otherwise why bother to lure him away, he has no experience in killing.

The female ghost in white waved her hands and said with a smile: "General Fu misunderstood, even if there are millions of soldiers in Qi State and [-] cavalry, there are not many people chasing the emperor of Zhou State. I admire your courage and courage very much."

"You're going to kill me,"

"Of course not, I'm here to save you,"

Fu Fu sneered: "Save me, if the king of Hexi County dies, I will bear the blame."

"He must die, and you don't have to go back,"

Fu Fu raised his brows, "You are from the King of Sui." After finishing speaking, Fu Fu's face suddenly became overcast. The person who didn't want to beg for Fugui and go south is naturally the King of Sui, and no one would be willing to give up. The fat to the mouth, let others pick the fruits of their own victory.

"Smart, the boy is happy. After meeting General Fu, the female ghost in white clapped her hands and saluted respectfully.

"It's you," Fu Fu's eyes widened, and he said in shock. In his opinion, Gao Xing should be busy suppressing the bandits, and has no time at all, and shouldn't be here.

"It's me, I'm the son of King Sui, and I'm Gao Xin, the governor of two provinces, the biggest traitor in Gao Wei's mouth," Gao Xing smiled and nodded.

Fu Fu was stunned for a moment, his mouth was wide open, and he couldn't say a word. Although Gao Xing only briefly introduced his dual identities, the information revealed was extremely shocking.

The rebels have been "disasters" for three years, which means that the king of Sui had a rebellion three years ago. After three years of hard work, how much power has he accumulated, and when did he launch the action.

The sky of Qi State may really change,

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