Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 385 Be a Witness

"I'm happy, Mr. Gao, you have frankly stated your intentions to Fu, but you don't know how to treat me," Fu Fu quickly cleared up his mood, and looked at Gao Xing with a sinking face.

"How does General Fu think I will treat you," Gao Xing asked without answering, with a gentle and respectful tone.

Fu Fu raised his brows, and he naturally heard the friendly meaning in Happy's tone, but Fu Fu was unwilling to have anything to do with Happy, "Please forgive Fu for being blunt, and please speak clearly, Mr. Gao."

Gao Xing withdrew the smile on his face and shouted, "What if I want to kill you?"

Fu Fu's heart tightened, but his face was very calm and open: "Although Fu knows that he is not the opponent of Mr. Gao, Fu is not a fish on the chopping board. He just sits and waits to be slaughtered."

"Then what if I let you go?"

There was no joy on Fu Fu's face, but he said very seriously: "Qi Fu Guihe was the special envoy sent by the Holy Majesty to the south, and now he died for no reason. I think it's the culprit, I'm afraid it won't end well after I go back.

"Since Fu is a minister of Daqi, he should be loyal to death. Since he found out about your conspiracy today, how can he still live in vain? It is death anyway. Fu begged Mr. Gao to fight a fair fight. Even if he dies, he will have no regrets in this life. "

After finishing speaking, Fu Fu's face was righteous and fearless, his body was filled with murderous aura, and a strong fighting spirit came out vigorously. The momentum of going forward.

"Crack, snap, snap,"

He clapped happily and exclaimed: "What a good Fu Fu, he is indeed a good man who stands up to the sky, smart and brave, loyal and magnanimous. It is the blessing of Da Qi and the luck of Gao to have a loyal minister and brave general like you. Jun, you have harmed such a huge foundation for no reason, "

Although from history, Gao Xing knew that Fu Fu was brave and good at fighting, and he was loyal. When I saw him today, he really felt that way. Falling down, Gaowei's stupid level is really outrageous.

"Mr. Gao is absurdly praised. Fu is just a matter of eating the emperor's salary and being loyal to the emperor." Fu Fu was unmoved, and instead of saying indifferently: "Mr. I'm going to disappoint you, you are a traitor, I am an official soldier, we don't agree with each other, let's see the truth, if you can fight against a warrior like Mr. Gao, Fu Mou will die without regret, Ha ha ha ha,"

As soon as the laughter fell, Fu Fu didn't wait to speak happily, and his body suddenly shot out like an arrow from the string, with a monstrous evil spirit lingering all over his body. The strength is extremely astonishing. He is a tough and tenacious person, and he will be strong when he encounters the strong. Facing the most powerful opponent in his life, he has fully stimulated the greatest potential in his body.

Facing the menacing Fu Fu, he was happy without the slightest fear. He still looked at Fu Fu who was rushing towards him like a phantom with a smile, and his admiration in his heart became stronger.

Through the short fight just now, Gao Xing has already figured out Fu Fu's strength. Although Fu Fu is one of the best fighters in the battlefield, when it comes to personal fighting ability, he is a little worse than Xiao Mahe.

If Xiao Maha did not use hidden weapons to fight Gao Xing, the result would be ten battles and ten losses; if he used hidden weapons, his chance of winning would not exceed [-]%; .


Accompanied by an angry roar, Fu Fu finally got close to Gao Xing's body. The shining long sword made him regard it as a steel knife, cutting horizontally and vertically. It is so strong that it makes people feel like they are in the midst of strong winds and waves, and they will be torn to pieces if they are not careful.

Gao Xing smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, but with his pale complexion and scarlet lips, this smile really lacked warmth. Facing Fu Fu's stormy offensive, he moved lightly like a stroll in the garden, but he always Only moving within a radius of one meter, his slender hands danced around his body, dissolving all of Fu Fu's ultimate moves one by one.


For a quarter of an hour, an hour, maybe a day and a night, Fu Fu didn't know how long he had been madly attacking Gao Xing, but he felt that his strength was exhausted. Defense printed on the chest.

Fu Fuben thought his life was about to end, so he closed his eyes and went to die, but there was only a soft sound in his ears, a slight tremor in his chest, and he unconsciously stepped back a few steps, but the prickly pain he imagined did not came.

Fu Fu opened his eyes and looked at Qingxiao's joy. He was stunned at first, but then he was ashamed and indignant. His eye protectors instantly turned blood red, his face was ashen, and he was panting like a cow. But there is no trace of discomfort, obviously because of his mercy, for a person who is determined to die, the greatest insult is that the opponent doesn't bother to kill you.

"Since Mr. Gao thinks that Fu's blood will stain your hands, then I will kill it myself," Fu Fu said, raising the long sword in his hand and slashing towards his throat fiercely.

"General Fu, stop quickly," just as the long sword was about to touch Fu Fu's throat, a white shadow suddenly flashed behind him, and with a crisp "ding", the long sword in Fu Fu's hand was knocked to the ground.

Fu Fu looked blankly at Kong Kong's hands, and then raised his eyes to look at the person in front of him. This is a beautiful woman with delicate and fair skin like a twenty-eight beauty, but her eyebrows are full of mature style. She is dressed in a loose white dress. But it can't hide her plump and attractive body.

"Fu Fusheng has nothing to love, but why does Madam want to save me again?" Fu Fu looked at the mature woman in front of him in despair.

"General Fu has been on the battlefield for a long time, how come he doesn't understand the truth that 'victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs', so commit suicide, don't you think it's the act of a coward," Zhang Rong said gently with a warm smile on her face.

"Master, uh, sister, the world says that General Fu Fu is smart and decisive, but now it seems that he is just a pedantic guy. If he wants to die, you can let him die." The woman who lost to Zhang Rong looked at Fu Fu playfully and said while playing with a lock of black hair on her chest.

"Miss, Fu Mou has no grudges with you in the past, and has no worries these days, but I don't know why you are so slanderous." Fu Fu's face was serious, and he was disheartened because of failure. Now that he was ridiculed like this, his mood was even worse Depressed and irritable.

"Lihua, please stop saying a few words." Zhang Rong gave Zhang Lihua a reproachful look, and then said apologetically to Fu Fu: "General Fu, Lihua was young and ignorant, and I hope you don't blame me for saying some nasty things. "

"Sister," Zhang Lihua immediately pulled her face down, "this person is pedantic. That Gao Wei is perverted and commits all kinds of evil, but this brute is obsessed with obsession. If he wants to swear allegiance to him to the death, he can not only earn his own reputation of loyalty, but also for this man. The country, what has it done to the people of the world? It is more hateful to help the tyrant than to do nothing. No matter how brave and good he is on the battlefield, he is the biggest sinner to the people of the world and to Daqi. A person who only cares about his own reputation, A person who disregards the life and death of all beings is just a shameless and selfish person who deceives the world and steals his name. If he wants to die, let him die."

Zhang Lihua's tone was full of indignation and disdain, and she criticized Fu Fu bloody and worthless.

"You, you," Fu Fu's face changed suddenly, it was really red and white, his chest heaved violently, his fists were clenched tightly, and a pair of round tiger eyes stared at Zhang Lihua, but he couldn't say a word. He has been on the battlefield for more than ten years, has experienced life and death, and made great achievements in battle. Even Hu Luguang, Dugu Yongye, Gao Changgong and others praised him, but he was said to be penniless by this girl and became a sinner of the country. .

"Lihua," seeing Zhang Lihua uttering like popping beans, Fu Fu's complexion changed drastically, and his breath was heavy, Zhang Rong immediately called out reproachfully, then looked at Fu Fu worriedly and said, "General Fu, you are the hero in the hearts of the people. I admire you very much, so don’t think too much about it.”

"Hero, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh," Fu Fu laughed maniacally when he heard this, and said with a grim expression, "She's right, I'm just a selfish person, how can I be called a hero, I'm a sinner, a sinner , Let me die," Fu Fu staggered and picked up the long sword on the ground, laughing wildly, and slashed towards his throat again.

"General Fu," Zhang Rong exclaimed with a pale face.

"You coward, what else would you do but die? It's a waste of your husband's hard work to bring your family out of Yecheng. If you die, they will suffer even if they live. I'll let them go down to accompany you," Zhang Lihua said. But it is cold and authentic.

The movements in Fu Fu's hands paused, and he said hesitantly, "Family, what are you talking about?"

"Let me say it," Gao Xing stepped forward, gently took the long sword in Fu Fu's hand, and said gently: "General Fu, you are a smart man, and I will not hide it from you. Gao Wei will not tolerate my father. Anyone with a brain in Qi knows it.

"I want my father to be a direct descendant of Emperor Shenwu. His lineage is no less noble than Gao Wei's, and his talent is even more unmatched by Gao Wei. Over the years, my father has been born and died, and he has made many contributions to Daqi. He never expects high officials and honors. But Gao Wei didn't want to leave him a chance to survive. How could we be willing to take his life if he wanted to take his life several times? Besides, seeing that Daqi's country was declining and the sun was falling, how could my father have the face to meet his ancestors? .

"This Da Qi is not Gao Wei's Da Qi, but the Gao Clan's Da Qi. It is the Da Qi of the people of the whole world. How can Gao Wei be allowed to squander and destroy it so recklessly? See how the people of the world are living in the heat of the water. General Fu Are you willing to continue to be an executioner?

"I dare not force General Fu to change his ways, but I hope that General Fu can be a witness to how I re-established a prosperous dynasty that surpassed that of Emperor Shenwu, how to eliminate wars in the world, and how to make the people of the world live happily of a healthy life,"

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