Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 386

Seeing that he was happy, confident and determined, with the demeanor of being a hero in the world, Fu Fu's impetuous mood could not help calming down, replaced by heavy thinking and a little confusion.

In the education he received since he was a child, being loyal to the monarch means being loyal to Daqi, and it is the right thing to do. Although he disagrees with many practices of the current emperor and the court, and is extremely disgusted, there is nothing he can do.

Now, Gao Xing told him plainly that Gao Wei could not represent the Gao family, let alone the Great Qi Empire, and had no power to rule over the lives of millions of people across the country. Although this completely overturned his cognition, Fu Fu did not I also know that what I am happy to say is true.

Gao Changgong's reputation for benevolence and generosity spreads far and wide, and his talent is several times that of Gao Wei. He is also the direct descendant of Emperor Gao Huan of Shenwu, and he is fully qualified to replace him. Sibling struggles are not uncommon. Fu Fu is not so much loyal to Gao Wei as he sticks to his inner beliefs and integrity.

Therefore, when Fu Fu heard that his family had been happily taken out of Yecheng, and eloquently explained the pros and cons of the current situation, the will to die and stubbornness in his heart gradually faded away.

"Mr. Gao, Fu is willing to be this witness, and more willing to lead the horse and kick the horse for His Royal Highness the King of Sui, so as to do the work of a dog and a horse," Fu Fu, who wanted to understand everything, said seriously and solemnly, sweeping away the dejection on his face. , After finishing speaking, he respectfully bowed to Gao Xing.

"General Fu, you are too polite, please hurry up," Gao Xing hurriedly supported Fu Fu's arm, and said seriously: "You are a talented general, how can you lead a horse and make a fool of yourself, so that people in the world will not laugh at you?" " Paused, then happily said: "My father once told me that General Fu Fu is brave, courageous, intelligent and quick-witted, which is difficult for ordinary people. He also told me to have the opportunity to be more like the general and ask you for advice."

"You are truly young and promising, with both civil and military skills," the man in a sedan chair, everyone loves to hear good words, even if Fu Fu is a veteran general who is used to life and death, he can't be exempt, just because The grievances caused by being happy to completely control the situation dissipated a lot, so he respected Fu Fu from the bottom of his heart.

Soldiers always have less of the hypocrisy of politicians, more upright temper, focus on strength, respect the strong, and are happy to develop the prosperity of Shandong and Jiangsu provinces. Although he has the support of King Sui, his ability is naturally not bad. Especially when he was so crushed that he had no strength to fight back just now, Fu Fu was shocked and admired very much.

"General Fu, now is the right time. A man can bend and stretch, but please have a clear conscience. Don't be discouraged because of the momentary success or failure. Just now, the little girl's tone is a bit harsh. I hope General Fu will forgive me." See Fu Fu Surrender, Zhang Lihua said with a smile.

Fu Fu blushed when he heard the words, but he still looked at Zhang Lihua seriously and said: "Miss taught me that it was Fu Fu who was stupid and pedantic, and almost made a big mistake. Fu Fu will remember the kindness of Miss, and if you need it in the future, just ask That is, I will not dare to resign if I can do my best," Fu Fu respectfully bowed to Zhang Lihua to thank him.

Zhang Lihua moved her lotus steps lightly, stepped aside, smiled and waved her hands and said, "You are welcome, General Fu. If you really want to repay your kindness, please thank my husband."

Fu Fu was taken aback for a moment, and when he saw Zhang Lihua, he couldn't help turning to Gao Xing's gentle eyes, he suddenly realized, and quickly said: "So it's Madam, disrespect, disrespect,"

As he said that, Fu Fu saluted again, but this time Zhang Lihua accepted it calmly, with a happy and proud look on his face.

Although Zhang Lihua did not confront Yang Lihua tit-for-tat, they still competed secretly. After all, Yang Lihua was born noble, and served Gao Changgong and his wife early on, so the relationship was far closer than that of Zhang Lihua's master and apprentice; moreover, Yang Lihua was strong and decisive, and she always played the happy role in Xuyi. The role has greatly helped Happiness in his career.

From all perspectives, Zhang Lihua was at a disadvantage, so when Yecheng ordered Huaizhou to attack Jiangsu and Shandong provinces, the two came to Renzhou with Yang Lihua, and Gao Xing agreed to arrange for them Task.

Although the vase can be favored for a while, but when she is old and youthful, the only one who can accompany her is loneliness. Although Zhang Rong doesn't care about the ranking, she doesn't want to let happiness be distracted by it, but she also hopes I can help Gao Xing, although she is no longer the leader of the Moon Worship Sect and cannot use the full strength of the Moon Worship Sect, but occasionally there are some contacts available, which can also help Xing Xing a lot.

Long before Huaizhou dispatched troops, Gao Xing had already planned all actions with Gao Changgong in as much detail as possible. Therefore, when Gao Wei was impatient to send Qi Fugui and pick the fruits of victory, Gao Xing entrusted all affairs to Yang Lihua, Zhang Shunzhi, Cui Jishu, Zhang Diao and others, he led the two wives to meet Qifu Guihe who was going south.

Three years ago, I was happy to let Li Feng and Sun Li develop the power of the Beggar Clan in Ye City. The most important thing was to let the children of the family infiltrate into the rich and powerful families. In addition to spying on information, it can also come in handy at critical times .

This time, the happy couple pretended to be gods and ghosts to intimidate Fu Guihe, and they succeeded repeatedly. Apart from Gao Xing's excellent disguise skills, the biggest contributors were the extremely small part of the Moon Worship Sect loyal to Zhang Rong and the hidden children of the beggar gang. Thanks to their cooperation, the three of them were able to easily break through the impenetrable defenses of Qifugui, which made him fall into the trap every time. As the saying goes, an embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant's nest, and a strong city always disintegrates from the inside .


Qi Fugui and Ye Yu met a fierce ghost, and finally went mad and died of self-mutilation. It was already June [-] when news of his deputy Fu Fu's disappearance reached Yecheng.

The ancients were afraid of ghosts and gods, and Gao Wei, who believed in Buddhism, couldn't help being suspicious. He ordered the eminent monks enshrined in the court to pray for blessings, and at the same time sent people to investigate the matter thoroughly. At the end of June, Gao Wei received a report from his subordinates that Fu Fu's mansion had long since been deserted. The building was empty, and his family members were nowhere to be found. He suddenly became furious and furious.

On June 25th, Gao Wei issued an order to denounce Fu Fu for treason and sacked him from all positions, implicating the nine clans. The eagle dogs under Gao Wei's command were as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and they searched for the whereabouts of Fu Fu's relatives and friends, but five days passed. But even the shadow of the Fu family has not been found.

On the first day of July, the last trace of strength of the rebel Gao Xin was shattered, and he himself was killed by random knives in the chaotic battle. When the news spread to Yecheng, Gao Wei was not as relaxed as the thorn in his throat was pulled out. However, he became more and more anxious, driving wolves at the front door and tigers at the back door. No matter how you look at it, Gao Changgong's threat far surpassed Gao Xin's.

Gao Wei really wanted to give a glass of poisoned wine to kill Gao Changgong and his son, but such a blatant killing of heroes would not only chill the hearts of the officials, but also cause greater turmoil, and Gao Wei would not accept the result of being out of control.

Therefore, he could only force the anger in his heart, put on a smiling face, and highly praised Gao Changgong and his son, but the only thing that made Gao Wei feel at ease was that although Gao Wei wiped out the rebels and made great contributions, the [-] Huaizhou Army is no more There are only [-] left, and the vitality is seriously injured. Even if Gao Changgong is wise and tricky, it is impossible to train an elite soldier in a short time.

On the third day of the seventh month, Gao Wei issued an edict, conferring upon Gao Xing the title of Duke of the founding county of Beiping, General of Chariots and Cavalry, with countless amounts of gold and silver. Although Gao Xing’s former general of rebellion looked more imposing, but that position was no longer within the order , is only a zero-time official, but the Founding Duke is the highest title under the Prince, and the Chariot General is also the third rank among military generals.

Gao Wei did not reward Gao Changgong, except that Gao Changgong was already an extremely human minister and could not be sealed, but also because Gao Changgong was a serious problem in his confidant, how could Gao Wei be willing to increase the strength of the enemy? This reward can be described as extremely rich, and it also makes others unable to jump out of the fault.

However, compared with heavy rewards, the subsequent transfer order was really sinister. In view of Gao Xing's bravery and fighting skills, Gao Wei appointed Xing Xing as the governor of Shuozhou and the governor of Shuozhou's military, but he was restrained by King Ande Gao Yanzong, hoping that he could do a good job for the country. make a greater contribution.

Although Gao Yanzong and Gao Wei didn't deal with it very much, Gao Changgong was their common enemy. The humble guy who slept with him had the best skin and the most outstanding talent among all brothers, and his prestige was not even that of the emperor. Under the shadow of others, no one wants to live in the shadow of others, especially the arrogant and arrogant children from the perverted family.

Gao Wei transferred Gao Xing to the north of Jinyang. In addition to restraining Sui Wang Gao Changgong and telling him not to act rashly, it was also to let Gao Yanzong and Gao Xing restrain each other. Whether it is true or not, he must ensure that his life is not threatened.

On July [-]th, Gao Xing bid farewell to all his cronies and embarked on the road to the north alone. Compared with the worries of his beautiful wife and relatives, Gao Xing was calm and excited.

Familiar with history, he knows very well that 576 A.D. is the second time that the Northern Zhou Dynasty will attack Qi in an all-round way. The huge Northern Qi country will collapse. Of course, he can’t let Yu Wenyong take food from his mouth. He has always thought about how to participate in the war and completely Rewriting history, now Gao Wei has given him an excellent opportunity, how can he not be happy, as for the issue of safety, he really didn't think too much about it, except for the fact that Gao Wei is bold and confident in his own strength, There are also some reasons why he is used to dancing on the tip of a knife, living on the front line of life and death, and is not afraid of death at all.

Happy to ride alone, without any attendants, not like a third-rank general, but like a knight-errant. He even changed his accustomed white clothes into a tight-fitting Hu suit that is easy to ride and fight. It looks less elegant and romantic, and more masculine and brave.

Gao Xing was not fast along the way, only a hundred and eighty miles a day, but he felt very relaxed as he traveled northward. He was used to seeing the prosperity of Xinghua and Xuyi cities. Looking at the lives of the people in other places in Northern Qi, Gao Xing couldn't think of anything other than the word "miserable".

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