Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 387

On an unknown mountain peak outside Jinyang City, a plump young man was standing with his hands behind his back. Although the black clothes on his body were simple in style, the materials used were quite exquisite. Only people can dress like this.

Will be Ling Jueding, look at all the small mountains, the fat man stands proudly on the top of the mountain, looking at the greenery in his eyes, the rising sun, but there is no sense of open-minded comfort on his face, instead, there is a faint melancholy cloud between his brows, and the brows are wrinkled It made his small eyes even smaller. The fat man is not good-looking, but just standing there, he has a majesty that has been at the top for a long time, which makes people dare not commit lightly.

Fifty meters behind the fat man, about fifty strong men in armor stood upright like pine trees, patrolling around with eagle-like eyes, very vigilant.

The sky is bright and clear, and the wind is smooth, but because of the breath of the fat man, the vibrant, beautiful and soft scenery has lost its original color. Except for the occasional chirping of insects and birds, and the movement of wind and grass, the top of the mountain is very quiet and depressing .

I don't know how long it took, but the sound of "shua shua" footsteps suddenly came from the foot of the mountain. The guards tightened their expressions and looked down the mountain. Three figures appeared at the foot of the mountain, and they were rushing towards the top of the mountain. Although it wasn't very steep, it took some effort for the guards to come up, but the people at the foot of the mountain walked as if they were walking on flat ground, moving very fast.

Not long after, the three people from the bottom of the mountain came to the top of the mountain, but they turned a blind eye to the fifty guards, and they still rushed towards the fat man quickly like the wind. The guard leader's heart sank, and he immediately shouted: "protect the prince! "" As he said, the steel knife in his hand was cut off in response, like a white horse, slashing towards the person who came close with the overwhelming momentum of Mount Tai, the other guards did not dare to neglect, they drew their swords at each other, shouting in their mouths Drinking again and again, the momentum is terrifying.

Facing dozens of cold steel knives, the three of them were fearless. The speed on their feet not only did not decrease, but even accelerated. The leader, an old man with gray beard, even sneered, his body curled up like a whirlwind. Among the guards.

In the blink of an eye, there was a burst of "clinking" and the sound of gold and iron clashing. Fifty guards retreated one after another, but the three of them took advantage of the situation to get past the blockade of the guards and walked towards the fat man swaggeringly.

"Don't go, thief," the guard leader, ignoring the distress in his chest and the horror in his heart, roared and raised his sword again to pounce on the last enemy, his eyes were as red as bloodthirsty, and his whole body was full of murderous aura.

"Overestimate your own strength," walking at the end was a middle-aged man with a long sword in blue, so unrestrained. Hearing the strong wind blowing from behind, he laughed, and the long sword came out of its sheath with a clang, like a sword coming out of a cave. Like a spirit snake, it quickly and fiercely stabbed at the guard commander.

Although the man in blue didn't turn his head back, his back seemed to have eyes. The long sword in his hand was like a bit of cold star, piercing the throat of the commander of the guards very quickly. It was like the sword of a middle-aged man waiting there. The commander of the guards was so stupid that he bumped into it by himself.

Seeing that his throat was about to be pierced, and he was dying, the guard commander's eyes widened in horror. He wanted to stop his forward pace, but it was too late.

"Keep people under the sword," just when the middle-aged man's long sword was about to stab the commander of the guards, the fat man who was standing with his hands behind his back turned around at some point and shouted loudly.


The middle-aged man's wrist trembled slightly, and the tip of his sword trembled. Instead of piercing the guard commander's throat, it pierced his right shoulder.

"Ah," the guard commander cried out in pain, he could no longer hold the steel knife in his right hand, and fell to the ground with a "clang", while he tightly covered the bleeding wound with his left hand, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of panic and pain. .

"Stop it, these are my distinguished guests, how can you be so rude and apologize quickly," the guards who reacted a little slower were about to attack again, but the fat man sternly cursed.

The guards looked terrified and hurriedly saluted and apologized, but the three of them didn't even look at them, their expressions were quite arrogant.

"Several experts have come from afar, and this king welcomes you from far away, and I hope to forgive you," the fat man bowed to the three middle-aged men with neither humility nor overbearing.

"My lord, you're welcome," the old man who was the leader of the three clasped his fists slightly, then gently stroked the long beard under his chin with one hand, and said calmly.

An imperceptible look of resentment flashed in the fat man's eyes, but his face was filled with a respectful and joyful smile and he said, "I haven't asked the names of some distinguished people yet."

"My surname is Zhang, and the two behind me are the best disciples I teach," the old man paused, pointing to the man in blue and continued: "This is Luo Song," and then he pointed to another ten-year-old , dressed in white, handsome and haughty young man said: "This is Thunder,"

"Mr. Zhang is majestic and imposing. He walks like a dragon and walks like a tiger. At first glance, he looks like an extraordinary man. The two behind him are also outstanding talents, which are admirable." The fat man looked at the three of them carefully and admired respectfully.

"My lord's praise, I'm ashamed of myself," the man in blue, that is, Luo Song, said with a modest smile, but the young man next to him hummed lightly, with a haughty expression on his face, obviously thinking what the fat man said It is a fact.

Crazy boy, I'll deal with you well after I'm done.

The fat man suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked in a low voice with a smile on his face: "Mr. Zhang, I wonder what you can learn from me this time?"

"Xiao Xing will arrive in Bingzhou in three days. I hope the prince will entertain him well then," the old man mentioned Xing Xing, his expression obviously became a little gloomy, and there was a threatening evil spirit on his body, making the standing The fat man beside him frowned vigorously.

"Mr. Zhang, as the heir of the Sui Dynasty, Duke of Beiping County, General of Chariots, and Governor of Shuozhou, he is not as respected as much by me. He is not only superb in martial arts, but also extremely brave. If you make things difficult for him, I'm afraid it will cause His Majesty's dissatisfaction," the fat man looked at the old man surnamed Zhang worriedly, and said hesitantly.

The old man surnamed Zhang frowned, his face became more serious, but he stared at the fat man with a pair of cloudy eyes, and said in a dark voice: "What the prince said is true, if so, then I don't have anything to say Let's go," the old man quickly turned around, shouted "Let's go" in his mouth, and then took big steps to go down the mountain.

The fat man was at a loss for words, his face turned green and pale, and he was extremely angry, but he quickly regained his composure, caught up a few steps, and stopped Luo Song and the others who were about to go down the mountain: "Mr. Zhang, please stay."

"I don't know what the prince has to say," the old man surnamed Zhang said with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, looking at the fat man lightly.

The embarrassment on the fat man's face was fleeting, and he said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Zhang, although this king has a lot of glory, he has some unavoidable difficulties. I hope you will be more considerate." Sadly and bitterly, he continued: "Although this king is in charge of Bingzhou, most of his subordinates are the minions and eyes of treacherous people. Not to mention that the administration is severely constrained, and the people under his rule are even more miserable. This king has just recited his reputation for nothing. ah,"

"Xiao Xing is a hero handpicked by the Holy Majesty. If he is treated unfairly, he will inevitably be blamed by the Holy Majesty. In the past two years, this king has been treading on thin ice and being cautious. He really did not dare to offend the Holy Majesty and bring disaster upon him."

"So that's the case, but the old man misunderstood the lord." The old man surnamed Zhang turned pale, but obviously there was no sign of apology. "My lord, it will be of great benefit to you if you are lucky."

"The plan will be settled, and I hope Mr. Zhang will teach me," the fat man raised his brows and asked in a deep voice.

"My lord, come here with your ears," the old man surnamed Zhang whispered into Fatty's ear when he approached, what the two said was unknown to others, but judging from their cold smiles, it was obvious that the two had malicious intentions .


Looking up at Jinyang City, he sighed happily. Three years ago, he could still vividly remember the scene when he first came to Jinyang. However, after Nanan Wang Gao Sihao's rebellion, the majestic Jinyang City was still there, but the mottled walls The traces still showed the brutality of Zeng Jin's battle, and looking at Jinyang City, it was still a bit bleak.

Although Gao Sihao's rebellion was inevitable in history, Gao Xing was the driving force behind it. Hearing the lives that died in the Jinyang war, Gao Xing couldn't help but feel a little guilty and sad.

After a long time, Xing Xing dispelled the complicated thoughts in his heart, led the horse, and walked slowly towards the city of Jinyang. After entering the city, Xing Xing went straight to Prince Ande's mansion.

After a short time, Gao Xing stopped in front of Prince Ander's Mansion, looked at the luxurious and magnificent house in front of him, and then looked at the ragged people everywhere on the street, he couldn't help curling his lips in joy, and a cold look flashed in his eyes.

All the perverted families really have the same temperament, extravagant, lustful, violent, and Gao Changgong is able to keep himself clean and independent, which is a miracle.

Without waiting for the Xianbei guards who guarded the gate to step forward to question him, he was happy to hand over the bronzing customs clearance documents and famous assassins, "Quickly go and report to your prince, and say that the son of the Sui prince, the Duke of Beiping, and General Cheqi are happy to come to report ,"

The fourth-rank officials in front of the prime minister's gate, although these guards are usually bullish and unreasonable, they also know that the son of the Sui king, the Duke of Beiping, and the general of chariots and riders are very important figures, and they dare not neglect the slightest, while saluting respectfully, While quickly rushing in the door to report.

Looking at the locked red lacquer door that is still locked, and listening to the faint noise coming from inside the door, he couldn't help but sneer secretly: I want to show me off, hehe, I want to see what tricks you can play.

After a quarter of an hour, the huge vermilion lacquer gate slowly opened, and a long shout came out from the gate: "The son of the loving Sui prince enters the mansion," the voice dragged on for a long time, but it omitted the other titles of happiness, implying What really makes people think about it.

Gao Xing smiled lightly, handed the reins to the guards beside him, flicked the dust off his clothes, and walked towards Prince Ander's mansion calmly.

On the two sides facing the gate stood two teams of hundreds of guards, all of them tall and strong men with big arms and round waists, standing upright like pine trees, with stern faces, and a faint smell of blood on their bodies.

"Stand knife,"

As soon as Gao Xing entered the gate, there was a long shout from the second gate. As soon as the words fell, the two teams of guards inside the gate pulled out the steel knives at their waists and raised them above their heads, forming a steel knives formation. The door, the bright steel knife shone with a deep and cold light under the sunlight, making people feel cold for a while,

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