Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 388

"Small tricks," looking at the densely packed hundreds of steel knives in front of him, he sneered happily and disdainfully. Not only did his footsteps not stop at all, but he was even faster. The moment he stepped into the knife gate, he was so happy The speed suddenly increased to the extreme, like a hurricane passing by, everyone felt their eyes were full of afterimages, dazzled, and then there was a burst of tinkling and clanging noises.

When everything was still, everyone, including Gao Yanzong, who was hiding in the dark and observing, was stunned, his mouth was wide open, and he was speechless for a long time. It only took three or five breaths, and he was so happy that he not only crossed a distance of nearly 50 meters , and even handed over the weapons in the hands of the guards, but all the guards were not injured, they just stood there in shock.

Ghostly, shocked.

Gao Yanzong only had these two words left in his mind. Although Gao Xing defeated the traitor Gao Xin and recovered dozens of prefectures and counties in just over two months. The speed, the superb skill, in addition to the shock in his heart, the rest is only fear, and the inexplicable jealousy.

Among the six sons of Emperor Wenxiang Gao Cheng, the most prestigious are the fifth son Ande Wang Gao Yanzong and the sixth Sui Wang Gao Changgong. The latter is famous for his handsome appearance, benevolence, generosity, and bravery, but the latter is favored by Wucheng Emperor Gao Zhan. His talent and appearance are far inferior to his elder brother's, and his temper is even more brutal.

Among a group of perverts with distorted psychology, the normal ones are the perverts in their eyes, which will inevitably lead to the hatred and rejection of others. Gao Wei hates and fears Gao Changgong. , he has a deep sense of crisis.


He clapped his hands happily and casually, and slowly came to the sluggish Gao Yanzong, with a warm smile on his face, and respectfully saluted: "The governor of Shuozhou is happy to meet the prince,"

Gao Yanzong woke up immediately, the coldness in his eyes flashed away, and a smile filled his stiff face, "Nephew, what are you doing, get up quickly, get up, and doing such a big gift with Uncle Wang, wouldn't you hit me?" face," said Gao Yanzong, pretending to be angry and looking happy.

"My lord, I am glad that you are a junior, but this time I have official duties, and I must not abandon the public for personal reasons," said Gao Xing and bowed down again: "I haven't seen you for many years. Uncle Wang is as healthy as before, but his demeanor is far superior. Once upon a time, it was a joy to congratulate, "

"Hehe," Gao Yanzong's eyes were fixed, but the smile on his face was very strong, he grabbed Gao Xing's arm affectionately, and said with a sigh: "Okay, okay, nephew, I haven't seen you for a few years, you have already grown up, Quite like your father." After a pause, Gao Yanzong continued, "Xing'er, I wonder if Brother Wang is alright?"

"Ah," Gao Xing heard this, the smile on his face disappeared immediately, and he let out a long sigh with a look of sadness on his face.

"What's the matter, could it be that something difficult happened to brother Wang, my nephew can tell me, I will definitely not stand idly by," Gao Yanzong frowned and said with concern.

"Little nephew thanked Uncle Wang on behalf of my father, thank you for your concern," said happily and gratefully, "Father Wang has nothing difficult, but his body is not as good as before, extremely weak, which makes people worry."

"What's going on here? Brother Wang is only thirty years old, and he is in the prime of life, but how can he get sick? Don't worry, my nephew. I have a few doctors with excellent medical skills under my king's hands. Tomorrow, the king will order them to go south Heal for Brother Wang," Gao Yanzong said with sincerity and heartfelt heart, like an amiable, kind-hearted elder.

Gao Xing's eyes turned red immediately, and he said gratefully: "Thank you, Uncle Wang, for your kindness, but my father's injury can't be healed by simple medicine stones." Speaking of this, a look of resentment flashed in the happy eyes, and his fists tightened tightly. Clenched.

"How do you say that?" Gao Yanzong looked serious.

"Uncle Wang, you should know that my father was assassinated twice at the beginning of the year. Although he was lucky enough to save his life, the heavy injuries have seriously damaged his vitality. He has not recovered yet. The doctor said that even if my father recovers, his body will not be as good as before. , I can’t bear the slightest effort, let alone return to the battlefield.” With tears in the corners of Gao Xing’s eyes, he said in a sad voice: “My father has been a soldier all his life, and suddenly he can’t fight on horseback. heartache,"

"Ah," Gao Yanzong sighed with a dark complexion, patted the happy shoulder vigorously, and said comfortingly: "Nephew, this is the end, don't be too sad, brother Wang's illness will be cured, But you have to work hard to shoulder his burden, don't let him down,"

"Young nephew, please follow the teachings of Uncle Wang,"

"Let's go, let's go in and talk," Gao Yanzong said with a smile as he walked towards the inner mansion holding his happy sleeve, "I heard that my nephew is coming. I'm very happy. The inner mansion has been prepared." Banquet, today the king will clean up the dust for you, "

"Thank you, Uncle Wang," smiled happily, but sneered in his heart. How could Gao Yanzong expect him to come? On the surface, Gao Wei wanted Gao Yanzong to monitor and restrain Gao Changgong, but why not use Gao Changgong to coerce him? .

As soon as he came up, he greeted Gao Xing with a sword door, but Gao Yanzong wanted to give Gao Xing a disgrace, so that he could really kill Xing Xing with a knife. He didn't have this idea yet. It's not that he didn't dare. If you turn against Gao Changgong and let Gao Wei do what you want, what else can you get?

Gao Xing knew it well, but didn't point it out. He cleaned up the tears on his face, put on an expression of respect, gratitude, and joy, and followed Gao Yanzong affectionately towards the inner mansion. From the outside, Prince Ander's mansion was already very small. It is luxury, and once you enter the interior, you can't help but marvel at the extravagance again. Pavilions, pavilions, rockery pools, flowers, plants and trees are all exquisite, beautiful and dizzying.

After walking for a while, Gao Xing and the two came to the gazebo in the back garden. Gao Yanzong just clapped his hands lightly, and more than a dozen handsome young maidservants filed in, presenting delicious delicacies at a price, and soon filled the gazebo. The white marble round table was piled high, and the steaming heat was mixed with a tangy aroma, which made Gao Xing move his index finger.

Although the speed along the way is not fast, it is not comfortable at home. It is a good thing to be able to eat a sumptuous meal at this time. The happy appetite was not affected too much, and he opened his heart and began to feast on it.

For the ulterior purpose in his heart, Gao Yanzong frequently toasted to Gao Yanzong, and his attitude was extremely warm and friendly. When he was happy, the wine was drained, and he was not afraid at all. With a strong smile on his face, he made false claims with Gao Yanzong.

The two drank until the sun was setting and the dishes were changed three times before giving up. Gao Yanzong was blushing, his steps were vain, and he was top-heavy when he was happy. The matter of Wan Bingma being scolded by Gao Changgong for being a prodigal son was also revealed. In the end, the two uncles and nephews made an appointment to drink again the next day, and then went back to their houses to rest with the help of the maid and servant.

After the maid came out, he gently closed the door and lay down on the bed. Gao Xing, who was soundly asleep, suddenly opened his confinement eyes, which were so clear that there was no confusion and dullness of drunkenness. Not even a trace of blush.

"Huh," Gao Xing turned over and sat up, exhaled a long breath, and muttered to himself: "There are abnormalities and demons, Gao Yanzong is so enthusiastic, either he wants something, or he has a plan, let me see Let's see what tricks he wants to pull off."

Gao Xing was about to go down to pour tea, but his relaxed expression suddenly became vigilant, and he lay down on the bed suddenly, and pulled up the quilt, his breathing was heavy and long, and his face was flushed.

Two very light footsteps approached slowly. If it wasn't for the fact that he was happy that his six senses were far superior to ordinary people, people might see the fact that he was not drunk. Could it be them.

The sound of two footsteps stopped outside the door very quickly, and after a long while, a soft, young voice suddenly sounded: "Master, that villain is already hungover, why don't we rush in and kill him?" on the spot,,"

"Don't act rashly," said an aged voice that was deliberately lowered, "This man's martial arts are extremely high, and if we fight head-on, you and I are no match for him. A master like him, even if he's drunk, if we can't beat him Killing him will definitely let him escape, and there will be endless troubles when the time comes,"

"Zhang Fei is so brave, it's not like he was beheaded while drunk, no matter how powerful he is," the young man obviously didn't believe it.

"He can't die now, and we don't have to do it ourselves to kill him,"

"Borrowing a knife to kill people, rely on this fat man Gao Yanzong,"

"You don't know yet, just take care to protect Gao Yanzong. Also, don't provoke Gao Xing, let him know our identities, or you will know the consequences if something bad happens,"


When the footsteps went away, Gao Xing opened his eyes again, with a meaningful sneer on the corner of his mouth: I like killing people with a knife.

In the next few days, Gao Xing hangs out with Gao Yanzong almost all day long, enjoys delicious food and wine, and there is an endless stream of beauties of all kinds. Gao Xing not only does not refuse this, but also acts extremely enthusiastically. According to the principle, wine and meat are open to eat, but he doesn't touch women too much. With his means, it is not difficult to hide the truth.

On this day, Gao Xing finally had time to wander around Jinyang City. When Xing Xing saw a lively gambling hall on the street, he immediately rushed in with bright eyes. Xing Xing acted very good at gambling, but his level was really not flattering. However, within half a day, he lost all his money, and when he was happy, he became furious. He bluntly said that the shop had cheated and smashed two gambling tables arbitrarily.

The owner of the store was furious, and wanted to repair it to make him happy, but when he knew that he was the nephew of Ander Wang Gao Yanzong, he immediately suppressed his anger. I gave Happy 300 taels of tea money.

Excited to vent her anger and earn money again, she was in a good mood immediately, went out and entered a restaurant not far away, was happy for a while, ordered the waiter to prepare a table of sumptuous food and drink, then Shi Shiran went upstairs, The aloofness and arrogance on his face, the noble young man who looks like a real man,

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