Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 390 Name Kang

Gao Xing ran with the woman for a distance of 30 meters on the busy street.His eyes suddenly lit up.Go straight to a teahouse on the street.

It was meal time.There are not many customers in the teahouse.But hot summer.In this busy city.The tea house is a good place to cool off.Quiet and comfortable.

Happy to hold a woman but light as nothing.He rushed into the teahouse with one stride.At the same time, he rushed to a table of guests near the door with joy and shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze. Hurry up and help..."

There are about seven or eight guests at this table.They are all dressed up as officials.A burly man of stature.The demeanor is calm and chilling.Seeing joy suddenly appear.A few people couldn't help being a little surprised.Unanimously, they cast their gazes not far away.There was a man in white.Good looking.The young man with outstanding temperament looked at them and sipped tea leisurely.It seems that he didn't notice the sudden appearance of happiness.

"You son of a bitch, keep running. You offended my young master. Even if you have three heads and six arms. You can fly to the sky and escape from the ground, but you can't escape from Jinyang City. If you are sensible, hurry up and catch it. You can suffer less. It will also save the man It takes a lot of effort; if not, don't blame the man for being merciless. The taste of broken bones is not very good."

Luo Bing's servant entered the teahouse right after Gao Xing.The originally spacious teahouse was packed to the brim in an instant.The original quiet and leisurely environment also disappeared.The leading servant was panting heavily.Looking at it happily.The look of a winning ticket.

"Brother Hu. What are you talking about with this reckless boy? Hurry up and hand him over to the young master. Don't waste time because of this brazen boy. Otherwise, you and I will suffer." A servant Looking at happy with resentment.Shen Sheng said.

The servant in the lead suddenly became alert.A look of fear flashed across his face.He said affectionately and sternly: "Come on. Grab this kid. Their eyes are wide open. We can't let him get away again." He said.He spread his hands.Rushed toward happiness like a hungry tiger pouncing on food.Other servants followed suit.He cursed sharply in his mouth.Rush to delight.

"What a bold dog slave. He dared to be so rude when he saw King Ander's personal guards. He was really desperate..." Seeing that Luo Bing's servants were about to rush forward.Gao Xing suddenly stood behind the hesitant guards.The fox reprimanded angrily.His expression was very arrogant.

The bodies of the servants who rushed forward froze suddenly.Happy to be confident.The housekeeper's attire on the people in front of him made them have to consider whether what Gao Xing said was true or not.There was some hesitation for a while.It's a dilemma.

"The boy is really brave. How dare you pretend to be someone from Prince Ander's residence." At this moment.The young man who had been drinking tea quietly opened his mouth.Although the voice is weak.But full of disdain.

"Wow. The kid is going to die." The servants found themselves cheated.Immediately furious.They all roared.Dash to joy again.The guards who were about to get up heard the boy's words.The tense expression immediately relaxed.Then he ate the snacks on the table with peace of mind.Turn a blind eye to the happy and fierce servants.

Do you think this will work?

Happy heart sneer again and again.A trace of panic finally appeared on his face.He suddenly pulled the woman behind him.Push forward suddenly.At the same time, he yelled loudly: "You bitch. Didn't you say that you are a maidservant in Uncle Wang's mansion? Why have you become Mr. Luo Bingluo's concubine again..."

Gao Xing roared angrily: "That day I saw that you were not a virgin. I also said that Uncle Wang once favored you. But I don't want everything to be a lie. Tell me. Who are you? Why are you slandering Uncle Wang? Frame me." Said with.Gao Xing kicked hard on the buttocks of the woman in front of him.Kicked the latter staggeringly.He fell headfirst into the arms of the servants.Let their forward momentum stop abruptly.

I am so happy that my eyes are tearing apart.Facial contortion.The blood-red eyes immediately stunned everyone present.It doesn't look like he is fake.The servants couldn't help but doubt his identity here.Luo Bing and his son are not afraid of King Ander.But they dare not stroke the tiger's whiskers.an oversight.It is small to lose one's job.Losing the lives of the whole family is a big deal.

"Boy. Empty words are nothing. How can you prove that what you said is true." The leader of the servant let go of the woman in his arms.His face sank like water.asked seriously.

"Then look at what this is." Gao Xing sneered.Then reached into his arms.


Just when the servants wanted to see clearly.When I am happy with what I have in my hand.A dozen hidden weapons suddenly flew out from behind Gao Xing.Shooting at everyone overwhelmingly.

"The boy is playing tricks." All the servants immediately retracted their hands and covered their heads.Hidden in Tibet.Although they dodge fast enough.But there was still one person who was unfortunately recruited.The leader of the servant looked at his companion who was dying with regret.The pent-up anger broke out again.And more intense.talking.He is like a mad bull.Pounce on joy here.Others are not slow.

"Are you sure you want to do it?" Just when the servants came one meter in front of Gao Xing.A happy and cold voice suddenly came.

The crazy servants all stopped.They all looked at the things in their hands in horror.This is a bright yellow scroll.The materials are exquisite and luxurious.Sophisticated and beautiful.It is also printed with a lifelike dragon.Majestic and dignified.

Holy decree.

Although everyone is illiterate.Little knowledge.But really know.Happy to name something in hand.The whole country of Qi.Only one person has the right to write something.It represents the power and majesty.Even the king of Chengyang County, one of the three nobles, can't match it.

quiet.Deathly silence.

Whether it is a tea guest in a teahouse.Spectators on the street.When you see the imperial decree that you are happy to take out.They all widened their eyes in unison.Mouth grew.But he couldn't say a word.Although many people do not know the imperial decree.But also heard rumors of it.True or not.Its deterrent power is great.

"People. Where are the adulterers?" At this moment.An extremely angry voice broke the silent atmosphere.But Luo Bing, who simply bandaged the wound, finally arrived.

"What's going on. You are all stupid. What are you doing in a daze. Are you going to rebel..." Luo Bing saw Hao Duanduan's happiness standing there at a glance.Look at the sluggish servants again.My heart suddenly became angry.Can't help yelling.

"Young Master Luo. Please be quiet and don't be impatient." Happy took a step forward.He smiled gently.

"Be safe and don't be impatient." Luo Bing pointed at the blood that hadn't been wiped off his face.The face is distorted and hideous.He roared sharply: "You beat our family. You told our family to be safe and not to be impatient. Today either you die or I die. You bunch of dog slaves. Don't do it. Do you want our family to do it yourself?"

"Luo Bing. Look more clearly. I am the Duke of Beiping County who was personally appointed by the emperor. The general of chariots and cavalry. The governor of Shuozhou is happy. You dare to offend the superior." Gao Xing sent the imperial edict in his hand forward.Then he took out a golden token from his pocket.He stared at Luo Bing majestically.

"What?" Luo Bing was startled.He is not a servant.Naturally, I am happy to know the imperial decree in my hand.Tokens are genuine.The anger in my heart was instantly replaced by shock.Although his uncle Luo Dipo is in power, he is in power.Don't be afraid of Sui Wang Gao Changgong.But his father was only a duke.And state history.A little less than happy.How can it be compared to the King of Sui.

"Mr. Luo. Gao is not the one that Duo Ren loves. I thought that woman was a maidservant of Prince Ande's mansion. How did I know that she was your concubine? If you knew this, Gao would never do it. I also hope Mr. Luo will forgive me a little bit."

Luo Bing's face was livid.If you are happy, you are only from an ordinary rich family.He needn't be afraid.But Gao Xing is not only an official of the court himself.And he is the son of King Sui.How dare ordinary people with this status dare to provoke them.

"Mr. Luo, Mr. Gao thinks that this matter is very strange. Let's discuss it in a long-term way. Otherwise, it would be very bad to fall into the villain's tricks." Looking at Luo Bing happily, he said.

Luo Bing's face was uncertain.Changing constantly.a long time.The anger on his face was completely dissipated.With some smiles.Although still somewhat reluctant.But the attitude has always eased a lot. "General Gao. I didn't know your identity before. How offensive. I hope you will forgive me."

"You don't know each other if you don't fight. You don't have to blame yourself, Mr. Luo." Gao Xing smiled gently.He waved his hands generously and said, "Mr. Luo, Mr. Gao suspects that the woman has other intentions. You'd better interrogate her carefully."

"What General Gao said is true." Luo Bing immediately cast a stern look at the woman.

"Gao Lang. You, you..." The woman didn't look at Luo Bing.Instead, heartbroken.Xuanran looked happy with tears in his eyes.That resentful and desperate gaze seemed to be able to melt even steel.

"Are you still refusing to tell the truth?" Gao Xing didn't take Luo Bing to have extra time to think.Then he looked at the woman playfully and said: "Although Gao came to Jinyang for a while, he always drank and chatted with Uncle Wang in Prince Ande's Mansion. Even if he sings and sings every night, he is also a maid in the Prince's Mansion. Don't you forget gone."

"You are talking nonsense." The woman immediately denied it: "I went to the temple to offer incense that day. You followed me all the way. And you showed great hospitality. You swore to me forever. We will go to the cloud and rain together. Why don't you dare to admit it now? Do you The majestic assassin, can't you protect a weak woman like me?" He said.The woman wept silently.The sad and mournful appearance made everyone around feel sympathetic.I can't help but doubt the happy words.

"Okay. That's a good point." Hearing this, Gao Gao clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "My friend. Did you come out by yourself. Or should I invite you to come out."

Everyone was stunned.I don't know, so I looked around.I don't know who is happy to say.

"It seems that you don't want to come out." Gao Xing said flatly.A look of disappointment flashed across his face.The voice fell.His body moved suddenly like the wind.Everyone's intuition blurred.In the next moment, Xing Xing had already appeared a few meters away.His right hand was gently resting on the shoulder of a boy in white.

"Zhang Mingkang. The former leader of the Moon Worship Sect. The grandson of the current Great Elder. Could it be that he just hides his head and shows his tail?" Gao Xing looked with horror on his face.He looked at his boy in white in disbelief.Said with a light smile.

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