Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 391 He Is Not a God

Zhang Mingkang was shocked, and looked at Gao Xing in horror, his face was no longer arrogant and indifferent. At this moment, he felt as if he was naked in front of Gao Xing without any cover, even His inner thoughts seemed to be able to be peeped by him.

Although Xing Xing's right hand was only casually placed on Zhang Mingkang's shoulder, without a firm grasp and almost no strength, Zhang Mingkang felt like a thorn in his back, his body was stiff and he did not dare to move.

"Did General Gao admit the wrong person?" Zhang Mingkang resisted the fear and anger in his heart, and forced a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Wrong person, you are not Zhang Mingkang," Gao Xing took a closer look at Zhang Mingkang, with a trace of regretful affection on his face, and then said seriously: "For my wife's sake, I didn't intend to embarrass you. If you belong to the Moon Sect, since you are not a person who worships the Moon Sect, then I don’t have to make trouble anymore,” said Gao Xing, his face turned cold, and his right hand suddenly exerted force.

"Uh huh," Zhang Mingkang snorted suddenly, the veins on his forehead twitched, and his fists were clenched. Strength, Gao Xing's seemingly slender arms were indeed pressing on his shoulders like a majestic mountain, making it very difficult for him to stand up straight, and the zhenqi in his body pouring into Gao Xing's body was like a mud cow entering the sea.

Boundless fear shrouded Zhang Mingkang's heart, tearing up all his pride. Although he had learned about the strength of happiness from his elders, he had never believed it. Only now did he know that the strength of happiness is not It is even more unfathomable to spread rumors.

I think Zhang Mingkang is the most outstanding disciple of the new generation of Moon Worship Sect, but now he is defeated by a young boy, and he has no strength to resist. Such a blow made him suddenly fall from heaven to hell, and never again. Not a ray of light could be seen.

Seeing Zhang Mingkang's face change from anger to fear, and then from fear to despair, until finally he gave up resisting, and a disdainful smile flashed on the corner of his happy mouth, then he slowly released his right hand, came to Luo Bing, and smiled lightly He said: "Young Master Luo, I will leave the rest of the matter to you. You and I are both people of status, so don't be deceived by some despicable people."

After finishing speaking, he happily and deeply glanced at the affectionate and dull woman with wet tears on her face, then ignored Luo Bing, who was frowning and thinking, and walked out, and quickly disappeared into the crowd. The figure is so handsome.

Children born in wealthy and powerful families, as long as they are not congenitally mentally ill, are generally very smart. After all, the living environment has taught them many things subtly, even if some people often display perverted and tyrannical behavior, like barbarians. Think about it, but that's just that they know that the strength behind them is enough for them to freely choose the way and style of doing things.

Although Xing Xing didn't explain the specific things, Luo Bing still knew a lot of things. First of all, the crying concubine was definitely not a good man and a faithful woman;

According to what Gao Xing said, he didn't go out a few days ago, how to tease others, this kind of thing can be known as long as one investigates, the credibility is extremely high, Gao Xing said that he saw his concubine in Prince Ander's mansion, but this is obviously impossible Yes, unless King Ander is asking for trouble, inferences like this, Gao Xing and his concubine don't know each other at all, everything is framed by that woman, and the reason why Gao Xing admits to knowing her is just to tell himself that behind him is King Ander, let him not be blindly impulsive.

"Come on, take that slut and that kid away, how dare you tease our family so boldly," Luo Bing said with a gloomy face after thinking through everything, looking murderously at Zhang Mingkang and the concubine.

"Hmph," Luo Bing's concubine looked at the vicious looking servants approaching her, the sadness and weakness on her face disappeared instantly, replaced by a cold and murderous look, with murderous intent raging in her beautiful peach eyes, " Luo Bing, at least you are the one who can move, if you are sensible, get out of the way, thinking about our past friendship, I will not make things difficult for you, "

"Hahahaha," Luo Bing suddenly laughed back angrily, "Bitch, are you crazy? How dare you threaten me?" After a pause, Luo Bing yelled fiercely, "Come on, pick it up for our family!" If she's gone, our family will deal with this shameless, vile woman in the street, "

"Don't cry if you don't see the coffin," the woman's eyes turned cold, and she didn't wait for the excited and crazy servants to rush in. She twisted her slender waist and rushed into the crowd. After a burst of body collisions and screams, the teahouse instantly became empty. The servants who had been flaunting their might all fell to the ground and wailed endlessly.

"You, you," Luo Bing widened his eyes, pointed at the woman with trembling fingers, and was speechless for a while.

"Some people are not something you can offend at your level, hmph," the woman gave Luo Bing a cold look, then respectfully walked up to Zhang Mingkang, who was a little out of his wits, and said in a harmonious voice, "Young master, what should we do?" left,"

"it is good,"


Outside Jinyang City, in a dense forest.

"Do you know that your actions have not only alarmed the enemy, but also damaged our relationship with Gao Yanzong," the middle-aged man in blue looked at Zhang Mingkang angrily, and asked loudly.

"I just want to complete the task earlier, so that I can avenge the shame of worshiping the moon," Zhang Mingkang said stubbornly, poking his neck.

"Is it as simple as you think?" The blue veins on the forehead of the middle-aged man throbbed violently, breathing heavily, like a bellows. Is the siege of the Great Protector a man you want to be with? Is it all accidental that he can easily escape Zhou Guo's pursuit and wipe out the traitor Gao Xin?"

"Shut up," Zhang Mingkang was already depressed and annoyed because he lost to Gao Xing, and then the middle-aged man in blue clothes yelled at him, and the negative emotions in his heart burst out instantly, "You all look forward and backward, it's not because you are greedy for life and afraid of death, no Do you dare to deal with him? I worship the moon and teach thousands of disciples. Even grinding is enough to grind him to death. You keep saying that you want to borrow a knife to kill someone and let him die in Bingzhou, but what is the result? "

Zhang Mingkang looked at the middle-aged man in blue with blood-red eyes, like a mad beast, his eyes were blood-red, and he roared through gritted teeth: "You must die if you are happy, you must die." After finishing speaking, Zhang Mingkang turned and left, covered with With a strong evil spirit.

The middle-aged man in blue looked at Zhang Mingkang's leaving back, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end it turned into a helpless and worried sigh.


"Nephew, it was my uncle who was not strict with his orders, which led to today's incident. Those guards were bribed by traitors, so they neglected their duties. Don't worry, nephew, those soldiers have been cleaned up by uncle. It's gone, and such a thing will never happen again," Gao Yanzong looked at happily with remorse and guilt.

You are really talking nonsense, without your tacit consent, how dare those soldiers leave their posts without permission, old fox, do you want me to help you deal with the troubles around you? Don't even think about it.

Gao Xing sneered again and again in his heart, but his mouth was extremely moved: "Uncle Wang, you are too out of touch, it's all the servant's fault, how can I blame you,"

"Nephew, the more you say this, the more guilty uncle feels. Fortunately, you are safe and sound, otherwise how could I be sorry for Brother Wang?" Holding the wine bottle in both hands, he said: "Nephew, uncle punishes himself with a glass, and he has the right to give it to you." You make amends," after finishing speaking, Gao Yanzong raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. Gao Yanzong was old and cunning, not only changed his name, but also took the initiative to punish him with fine gestures. shameless.

"Uncle Wang, don't be like this, my nephew is ashamed," Gao Xing quickly toasted and drank, very humble.

The two were hypocritical again, after three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, the smile on their happy faces faded slightly, and they sighed a little sadly.

"Why is my nephew sighing? Could it be that something has happened to me?" Gao Yanzong looked at Xing Xing suspiciously and asked with concern.

"I'm not going to hide it from you, Uncle Wang, but my nephew is worried about the situation in Shuozhou." After a pause, he continued happily: "Thanks to the trust of the sage, my nephew is the governor of Shuozhou, and he should manage Shuozhou well for the emperor. But my nephew is here to eat, drink and have fun with you. I am so happy that I don’t want to go to Shuo. I am really ashamed of the trust of the emperor. Therefore, my nephew imagines that Uncle Wang will leave and leave for Shuozhou tomorrow to take over the defense of Shuozhou. Now that the autumn is high and the horses are fat, the Turks are likely to take advantage of the situation and go south , my nephew still needs to make preparations early, "

Gao Yanzong frowned, lowered his head and pondered for a long time before he smiled and said: "My nephew is indeed a person entrusted with high hopes by the Holy One. It is really commendable that he is so sincere. In this case, uncle will definitely support it."

"Thank you, Uncle Wang,"


"Why, Zhang Mingkang didn't dare to come by himself, only you guys," Gao Xing looked at the hundred black-clothed masked men blocking the way in front of him, with a playful smile on his lips, and said coldly.


All the masked men in black answered with only one word, followed by the sound of swords unsheathed, and everyone rushed forward together, shrouded in the shadow of swords and swords in an instant of joy.

Gao Xing shook his head helplessly, pulled out the steel knife on the horse's back with a clang, and gently met the rushing man in black.



In this empty wilderness, a tragic fight was staged, the sound of gold and iron clashing, screams mixed together, bright red blood splashed everywhere, stumps and broken arms flew everywhere.

After a quarter of an hour, everything returned to calm. Only Gao Xing was still standing on the field. His white clothes were already stained with blood, and the steel knife in his hand was even more dilapidated. Although he won the final victory, there were only a few minor injuries on his body. But there was no excitement on his face, only deep pity and sadness.

If you don't kill, people will kill you. The law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest are the eternal laws of nature.


"Failed, unexpectedly failed," Zhang Mingkang staggered and sat down on a chair with an unbelievable expression on his face. 100 people, a full hundred disciples of the Moon Worship Sect, were killed by Gao Xing, and no one escaped .

"You are a human being, not a god, and I must let you die," Zhang Mingkang snapped off the upper armrest of the chair with both hands, and roared with a ferocious face.

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