Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 392 Turkic Attack

July thirteenth.Happy finally arrived in Shuozhou.Although it is still hot summer.But Shuozhou is still full of desolation.Watching the scorching sun hang high.Somewhat bleak Shuozhou City.Looking at the mottled city gate.Occasionally passers-by are disheveled.Sallow and thin.Look indifferent and negative look.The joy is very heavy.

Gao Sihao failed to rebel.One dies.However, the people of Shuozhou suffered from the torment of the war.Not just because of the fighting between the rebels and the imperial army.It is even more because of Gao Wei's cruelty and inhumanity.Killing meant more to him than just consolidating power.means of excluding dissidents.It's a way to get used to having fun.After Gao Sihao was defeated.Nearly three to four out of ten people in Shuozhou were implicated and died.This made Shuozhou, a remote city on the border of the Northern Qi Dynasty, even more desolate.The life of the people is even more miserable.

When Gao Sihao was stationed in Shuozhou.Although it is not said that everyone is rich and healthy.But it can guarantee their safety.Turks did not drink horses by the shore of the Yellow River.It is also thanks to Gao Sihao's painstaking efforts to manage Shuozhou.However, Gao Sihao's defeat directly led to Shuozhou City becoming what it is today.Many people have become lonely ghosts because of his ambition.Gao Sihao is a hero or a bear.This is really indefinable.

Under the slightly dilapidated city wall.Five or six soldiers with crooked armor leaned lazily on the city gate.The eyelids droop.It seems to be sleeping soundly.A look of disdain flashed in happy eyes.He led the horse expressionlessly and walked towards the city of Shuozhou.

"Stop. You haven't paid the city gate tax yet." Gao Xing just stepped into the city gate.He was still drowsy just now.The listless soldier suddenly stood up straight.Whoops.Diao Erlang surrounded him.Head held high.Said loudly and domineeringly.

"City gate tax. Who stipulates that you have to pay the tax when you enter the city. Do you have to pay the tax no matter how many times you enter and leave the city in a day." Gao Xing asked with a frown.

"Yo ho.. The kid has a lot of problems. But he is also very smart. No matter who he is, how many times he enters and exits the city a day, he must pay the city gate tax. Otherwise, he will go to jail. This is what your general grandfather decided. "

An angry look flashed across his happy face.He said in a low voice: "Who is the general you are talking about? He dares to set taxes privately. Doesn't he know that this is illegal?"

"Hahahaha." All the soldiers suddenly burst into laughter.Looking at the happy eyes is like looking at an idiot.Jokingly said: "Boy, my general is the master of this Shuozhou. His words are the law of the king."

"If you are sensible, you should pay the city gate tax quickly. Don't delay the military master's rest."

"Your horse is not bad. It is tall and has strong legs. It would be good if you kill it for a tooth sacrifice."

"Wonderful and wonderful."

All the soldiers, you talk to me.Talking all over the place.Unexpectedly, there was no one else discussing the ownership of the steed that I was happy to lead.

"Are you done? I'll leave after I finish." Gao Xing glanced at the few people indifferently.Then said lightly.

"Let's go." The soldiers' eyes widened immediately.It was as if something strange happened.The sound dragged on for a long time.All a little distorted.

"What. You want to keep me for dinner. No need." There was a sneer at the corner of Gao Xing's mouth.embrace the chest.The tone suddenly became milder.

"Damn it. You're dreaming."

"The kid wants to die."

"What a boy. How courageous. Master Jun has been in Shuozhou for more than ten years. It's the first time I've met a guy who knows nothing like you."

All the soldiers laughed back in anger.All of them stared at Gao Xing fiercely.He cursed again and again.

"Waste of time." Gao Xing was already impatient.Seeing that they are still noisy.The body moves leisurely.Everyone's eyes went dark.After a burst of "crackling" sound.All the soldiers were thrown out.Fell to the ground unconscious.

I am happy to ignore the shocked eyes of the people at the city gate.Get on the horse by yourself.Shake the rein.He ran towards the city like the wind.

"Master. Come. Drink some iced sour plum soup. To relieve the heat."

"Master. Come. You have some snacks. This is the third watch of my concubine. I cook it myself."


Lu Hong was enjoying the considerate service from his beautiful wife and concubine beside him.A pair of hands full of fat are constantly walking around the seductive area of ​​the woman's body.Is it still on the woman's smooth and delicate face?A kiss on the ruddy mouth.A face full of comfort and satisfaction.


Just as Lu Hong stroked the two girls beside him, their faces turned red.When panting delicately and moving endlessly.There was an earth-shattering loud noise in my ear.

Lu Hong was clever.He frowned.He said displeasedly, "What's going on."

"It's not good, my lord. It's not good." At this moment.A servant rushed into the back garden rolling and crawling.He looked panic-stricken.

"This residence is here in good order. What's wrong..." Lu Hong's originally unattractive face became even more gloomy.snapped.

"Yes, the villain deserves to die. The villain deserves to die." The servant hurriedly knelt down on the ground.Hastily admitted his mistake.

"Well. Tell me. What happened?" Lu Hong's face paled.asked majestically.

"My lord. Just now..."

"Let me tell the story." Jia Ding was about to tell.A clear voice came in from outside.Everyone followed the sound.I saw a young man in fluttering white clothes, Shi Shiran, walking in.There is a faint smile on the corner of the mouth. "Your gate is not very strong. I knocked it down accidentally. Sorry."

"Who are you? Don't you know that trespassing on the governor's mansion is a felony?" Lu Hong sat on the seat with a firm determination.Asked arrogantly.Eyebrows and eyes raised.It also has a bit of power.

"I'm happy." Happy stood ten meters away from Lu Hong.Let the family guards who heard the news surround him.Said lightly.

"You're just happy..." Lu Hong stood up suddenly.He looked happily with surprise on his face.

"Fake replacement." Gao Xing said.Then he took out the gold order from his pocket.Shines brightly in the sun.It was so shaking that people couldn't open their eyes.

Looking at the token in Gao Xing's hand.Lu Hong's complexion was ever-changing.Cloudy and sunny.A cold light flashed in his eyes.Clenched teeth.There was even a faint murderous look on his body.Glad to stand still.He looked at Lu Hong leisurely.He turned a blind eye to the forty or fifty hostile guards around him.

a long time.All the momentum on Lu Hong dissipated.There was also a humble smile on his face.He pushed away the guard in front of him.Organized the clothes.Then strode up to Gao Xing.Dali paid homage and said: "The next official Shuozhou Sima Lu Hong. See the Duke of Beiping County. The general of the chariot. The governor of Shuozhou."

"See Lord Inspector." The guards around him.And Lu Hong's concubines immediately fell to the ground.shouted in unison.

"Master Lu, you are too polite. Please hurry up." Gao Xing sneered in his heart.On the surface it was a smile.The friendly appearance of Corporal Li Xian.Newcomer.The situation is unclear.Although I am happy that I don't plan to clean up Lu Hong for the time being.But his fate had already been sentenced to death when he was happy to enter the city.

The so-called upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.The soldiers guarding the city were foolish.It can be seen that Lu Hong, the original governor of Shuozhou, was not a good guy.In particular, Lu Hong was originally the governor of Shuozhou.Now he was demoted and lost power because of the happy arrival.It would be unbalanced in anyone's mind.

Shuozhou is located in the border.The environment is tough.The land is barren.It is always under the tujue's soldiers.It's not a good thing to be sent here on duty.Especially for today's Northern Qi.The regime is chaotic.Corruption is rampant.Places like Shuozhou and Huaizhou are marginalized by the power center.

Lu Hong was born in a bad family.He also failed to establish a good relationship with Sangui of the Northern Qi Dynasty in time.That's why he was dispatched to Shuozhou.Although Shuozhou was not originally prosperous, it was like a piece of brocade.But it is also thriving.But after Gao Sihao's defeat.This place has plummeted.Lu Hong came here.How can the heart be happy.

Gao Wei transferred Gao Xing to Shuozhou.In addition to hoping to use Gao Yanzong to suppress Gao Changgong's strength.I hope that the complicated situation in Shuozhou will make Gao Xing dizzy.It is best to be beheaded by Turkic or local forces.That would be tantamount to breaking Gao Changgong's left and right arms.

"Thank you, Lord Inspector." Lu Hong bowed respectfully again.Then stood up.But he didn't pay attention to the blinking dirt on the brand new robes.paused.Lu Hong said again: "My lord, I have specially prepared a banquet in the mansion. I will clean up the dust for you. I hope you will respect me."

"Lord Lu has a heart." The smile on Gao Xing's face became more and more gentle.Nodding with satisfaction.See you so happy.The boulder hanging from Lu Hong's chest was immediately lowered.But in his heart he thought to himself: You arrogant brat.Let me give you three points today.In the future, I will ask you to pay back twice as much.

next few days.Happy feasting continues.Except for all the big and small officials in Shuozhou.There are also local wealthy nobles.The so-called reach out and don't hit smiling people.Newcomer.It's not good to be happy and tear your face on the spot.And it can also be used to inquire about the situation in Shuozhou.Lay out slowly.

July [-]th.Gao Xing finally got the chance to come to the Shuozhou military camp.When you see a serious military camp.The soldiers were in groups of three.gang of five.Or gambling.Or frolic.Armor askew.Flowing.When there is no trace of a soldier.The happy face suddenly stretched.

Shuozhou is an important border town in the Northern Qi Dynasty.The guarding soldiers are a group of hooligans who can't even compare with the mob.The invincibility of such a country is simply unacceptable.

Just when Gao Xing was ready to reorganize the army.Suddenly, a shrill and rapid alarm sounded in the city.I was so happy that my heart suddenly tightened.He quickly looked at Lu Hong and said, "Lord Lu, what's going on here."

Lu Hong frowned.But he said lightly: "My lord. It's a Turkic. The Turkic is here."

"Turk..." Gao Xing's heart sank suddenly.His gaze instantly became icy cold.Looking at Lu Hong seriously, he said: "Send the order. Close the four doors. All soldiers gather quickly. Get ready to fight."

Xu Shixin's serious expression frightened Lu Hong.Perhaps Lu Hong was afraid of the ferocity of the Turks.For a while, he stayed in place.Nothing moves.

"What are you doing in a daze. Send an order." Finished.Gao Xing immediately raised his voice and shouted: "Enemy attack. Assemble." The sound shook the whole field.Almost the whole city heard it.

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