Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 393

When Gao Xing came to the north gate of Shuozhou.Immediately stunned.Looking at the strange scene in front of him.I was speechless for a long time.

Hear the shrill siren.All the people in Beicheng hid in their homes.It made the already bleak Shuozhou City even more empty and lonely.However, the north city gate is wide open.Seven or eight city guards just casually leaned against the city wall.Talking and laughing.They turned a blind eye to the nearly [-] Turkic warriors who were one mile away from the city gate.

Are they so brave and fearless.Or with confidence.Can defeat the Turkic cavalry who are sharpening their knives.The answer is obviously no.The whole Northern Qi.There is a heartfelt fear and awe of Turks from top to bottom.Perhaps only Gao Changgong and his son and the soldiers under Dugu Yongye can fear no enemy.

Compared with the calmness of the soldiers guarding the city gate.However, the Turkic cavalry had a good time.Although the Turks are strong and healthy.Very brave.But discipline is lax.At this time, they were standing outside the city even more loosely.A face of relaxed freehand brushwork.It seems that they just came to Shuozhou City to hang out.Rather than waging a war of plunder.

Happiness is just the time to take two breaths.Brainstorm.Reminiscent of Lu Hong's expression just now.He quickly understood the reason for the strange scene in front of him.Figured it all out.The anger in Gao Xing's heart instantly climbed to the extreme.But it didn't show on his face.It's just that the eyes are deeper and calmer.Let the gentle smile at the corner of his mouth reveal a piercing chill.

"Lord Inspector is here." Gao Xing took a deep breath.Then raise your voice and drink for a long time.

The roar full of true energy sounded like thunder above Shuozhou City.The defenders closest to Gao Xing were the first to bear the brunt.He was dizzy directly from the shock of the sound.Mouth and nose bleeding.He fell to the ground with a dazed expression.The Turkic cavalry a mile away were caught off guard.Many war horses were frightened.Caused quite a riot.

"See, see Lord Inspector." An officer who looked like a small school staggered from the sound.About to curse.It was only then that Gao Xing, dressed in white, was standing behind the city gate.Suddenly woke up.He hurriedly straightened his crooked helmet.He trotted down the city wall.Respectfully and apprehensively pay homage to Gao Xing.

"Hmph." Gao Xing snorted coldly.I don't even look at the small school.It made the latter's uneasy heart hang high.The atmosphere did not dare to come out.The whole body is sweating profusely.

"Drumming." Gao Xing coldly glanced at the dull-looking drummer.The latter suddenly became agitated.He picked up the drumstick beside him and beat on the huge cowhide war drum on the top of the city.

The soldier who was beating the drum was obviously frightened by the happy roar.At this time, the drums were beaten with extra effort.The dull and rapid drumbeat spread far away.Vigorous and desolate.A tense and chilling atmosphere slowly permeated the air.A layer of cloud was cast over the hearts of all the people in the North City of Shuozhou.Heaviness and tension for no reason.

Listen to the drumbeat.The coldness in Gao Xing's eyes receded a little.His unemotional eyes fell on Xiaoxiao in front of him again.It made the latter tremble.I can't wait to shrink my body into the seam of the ground.

"Get the knife."

The happy voice was very weak.But it is an order beyond doubt.The small school suddenly felt amnesty.He scrambled and ran to the side.not long time.He ran back with a sharp steel knife.Although his face was flushed like blood from the rapid running.But he didn't dare to breathe heavily.

Happy to take the steel knife.Weigh it.Then shook his hand and pulled a few knives.After leaving a sentence of "Looking good", he walked out the door with big strides.

The small school opened its mouth in shock.want to say something.But in the end, he silently closed his mouth.It's just that his eyes are fixed on the outside of the city.Everyone in Shuozhou Beicheng City was shocked and puzzled by Happy's move.All of them locked their eyes tightly on Gao Xing.

What is he going to do.Do you want to fight against [-] Turkic cavalry alone?This is bravery.Still dead or alive.Overreaching.

"Who is your leader?" Gao Xing walked away unhappily.But only ten breaths covered a distance of 200 meters.His voice is not loud.But spread far and wide.It's like talking in the ear.

The Turkic cavalry was shocked.The commotion was instantly silenced.They all looked happy in disbelief.nearly ten years.Turks are growing stronger.Zhou Guo and Qi Guo were in constant conflict.In their eyes, he is a well-behaved grandson.Fat lamb.However today.A frail young man shouted at ten thousand warriors all by himself.How not to surprise them.

"Crackling".The sound of hooves came to mind.But it was a Turkic warrior dressed in horseback riding out of the crowd.Soon he came to Gao Xing and stood ten meters in front of him.This person is wearing a tight Hu suit.But the materials are extremely luxurious.There is even a brightly colored dress wrapped around her waist.Soft-haired tiger skin.Let him add a bit of fierce wildness.

"Your Excellency, Shuozhou trust governor is happy."


"Your Excellency still remember me."

"Ashina Kuhezhen. The seventh prince of Turkic. Long time no see. You are much stronger." Gao Xing smiled.The tone is gentle and authentic.

"Very good. You still recognize me." Ashina Kuhezhen raised his head slightly.Mie said happily, "Long time no see. Your Excellency has been promoted. Congratulations."

"Thank you." After a pause.Gao Xing continued: "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for coming all the way to congratulate Gao on his promotion. It's just that the people in Shuozhou are poor. I'm afraid I can't entertain the prince. I'm really sorry."

"Happy. You Han people are really hypocritical." Ashina Kuhe looked at him with some sarcasm and said, "The prince of Japan came here today for two purposes. The first is to see the little Sui king who is famous in Qi; The second is to collect this year's offerings."

"Offer." Gao Xing frowned and said, "Prince, did I remember wrongly. The enshrinement seems to be personally escorted by the imperial court. It is not in my Shuozhou."

"No, no, no." Ashina Kuhezhen waved his hand and said, "That's not what this prince is talking about. It's an offering that Shuozhou entrusted to me alone. This is what this prince has agreed with Master Lu Hong."

"I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. Now I'm the master of Shuozhou. Everything before doesn't count."

"That's why I came to renegotiate with you." Ashina Kuhezhen pondered for a moment.Then he said: "For the sake of our acquaintance. This prince can take half of your offerings less. I only charge you [-] shi for grain and [-] bolts of cotton cloth."


"What." Ashina Kuhezhen didn't react for a moment.He looked happy in astonishment.

Happy but did not answer.The body suddenly flew out like an arrow from the string.Who could have expected the speed of happiness to be so fast.Before the attack, there was no sign at all.When the Turkic cavalry in the rear wanted to remind him.Happiness has crossed a distance of ten meters in the blink of an eye.Come to Ashina Kuhezhen.


Turks are different from the Central Plains.Even as noble as a prince.If you don't have a certain skill in hand.Wanting to gain the respect and recognition of the tribe is simply wishful thinking.So when the happy figure came near.He finally reacted.Ashina Kuhe was really dumbfounded.While leaning back.The scimitar at his waist was unsheathed in an instant.Take advantage of the trend and cut it towards happiness.

"too weak."

Happily chuckled.With a flick of his body, he disappeared in front of Ashina Kugazhen and circled behind him.When the steel knife rested on Ashina Kuhezhen's neck.People also jumped on horseback.The five fingers of his left hand were clasped around his waist.


Ashina Kuhezhen felt his eyes go dark.The next moment there was numbness in the waist.His strength receded like a tide.The scimitar in his hand couldn't hold it and fell to the ground.Gao Xing casually stunned Ashina Kuhezhen.Then took the reins from his hand.Lift the rein.Then he rode his horse and rushed towards the Turkic knights.

"Be careful prince."

When the Turkic cavalry reacted.When riding a horse towards happiness.I am happy but I have already restrained Ashina Kuhezhen.Riding a horse to greet them.Everyone immediately voted against the mouse.They tugged at the reins.Want to stop the galloping horse.However, front and back are crowded.People shouted.But there was great confusion.

"Kill." He was happy but didn't mean to stop at all.Like a preying beast.Violently crashed into the chaotic crowd.The steel knife in his hand waved rapidly. The sound of "噗噗" sounded repeatedly.Accompanied by shrill screams.Turkic warriors continued to fall.

The Turkic cavalry wanted to fight back.But looking at the master who is wielded happily as a weapon from time to time.They could only retreat one after another.Let the joy kill the Quartet.Come and go freely.It's only half an hour's work.Happily penetrated hundreds of kilometers of formations.Although not many people were killed.But the Turkic cavalry were shocked and angry.Miserable.

"Retreat. Retreat."

finally.The Turks no longer wanted to take Ashina Kuhezhen back.They all backed away.Just surrounded by joy from afar.Angry and looking happy.

"Inspector Gao. We are willing to agree to retreat. Shuozhou will be exempted from offering this time. Please don't hurt the prince." A middle-aged man who looks like a leader stepped forward.Looking at the smiling face with sincerity, he said happily.

"Okay." Gao Xing nodded and said: "Leave 1000 people waiting outside the city. The others retreat to the grassland. Otherwise, die."

"This..." The middle-aged man frowned suddenly.It is very embarrassing to look happy.

"You have no room to bargain. Unless you are sure to snatch someone from me." Gao Xing interrupted the middle-aged man's words coldly.The bloody steel knife in his hand was raised again.There was a strong and astonishing evil spirit all over his body.

Looking at the unquestionable expression of joy.The middle-aged man was shocked and angry.But he could only suppress the indignation in his heart.He forced a smile on his face and said: "Inspector Gao calm down. We will retreat now." Finished speaking.The middle-aged man sternly shouted: "Retreat."

"Woo..." Accompanied by the sound of a low horn.Ten thousand Turkic cavalry retreated slowly in the direction they had come.It will disappear soon.On the empty and desolate land.Soon there were only Gao Xing and Ashina Kuhezhen left.If it weren't for the bright red blood on the ground and the dead Turkic warriors.It seems like nothing happened.

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