Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 394 The day finally came

"Lord Lu. The Turks have already retreated. Why do you still close the city gate?" Gao Xing stood in front of Shuozhou City.Looking at the standing at the top of the city with a half-smile.He was yelling at Lu Hong who ordered the soldiers to close the city gate.asked with some doubts.

"Uh..." Lu Hong was suddenly at a loss for words.Looking at happy with embarrassment.It took a long time before he said with a smile: "Lord Inspector. The lower officials are worried that the Turks will turn back suddenly. They rushed into the city. That's why they ordered the city gate to be closed."

"Lord Lu has a heart." Gao Xing said lightly.It seems to be a compliment.But Lu Hong's heart skipped a beat.Cold sweat broke out on the back.

Happily glanced at Lu Hong meaningfully.With a peaceful smile on his face.He rode his horse and ran towards the half-open city gate.

"Congratulations to the Inspector General for defeating the bandits."

Happy just entered the city.Cheers resounded like a mountain roar and a tsunami in the city.It was after the people in the city heard the news of victory.All of them came out of the house.Spontaneously welcome the victorious hero.

Looking at the sallow and thin faces of the common people, they lost a little numbness.A little more excitement and joy.The joy is heavy, but there is also some burning pain.For a vegetarian meal.The unscrupulous Lu Hong and a bunch of corrupt officials in the Northern Qi Dynasty hated him even more.

The rest of the time was peaceful.Shuozhou seemed very calm.Gao Xing didn't seem to notice Lu Hong's real and sinister intentions.Perhaps it was because of the fear of Lu Hong's entangled forces in the local area.He did not pursue the matter of Lu Hong bowing his head to the Turks.Only the city gate tax of Shuozhou City was cancelled.At the same time, he began to train the army step by step.

July passed quickly in the joyous and monotonous training.The hot August is approaching quietly.Lu Hong's hanging heart finally let go.Although he acted more restrained than Zeng Jin.But when faced with happiness, he is not as afraid as before.However, Lu Hong and Shuozhou City were drunk and dreamed of death.The extravagant and powerful don't know it.A thousand-member detachment entered Shuozhou City in disguise a few days ago.

The third day of August.Lu Mansion in Shuozhou City.

Happy to come.Naturally, Lu Hong could no longer live in the Governor's Mansion.But he has been domineering in Shuozhou City for a long time.There are many good places to live.

"Lord Lu, the young master has urged you several times. I don't know when you will be able to complete the task assigned by the young master. You have to be clear. As long as you are happy, you can only stay in the remote place of Shuozhou. In his shadow under."

It was a masked man in black who spoke.Because the black robe is too wide.He was in the dark again.So in addition to being able to see that he is tall and tall.Others can't see clearly.It can only be heard from his voice that he is not very old.

"Master Special Envoy. A few days ago, the young Ben and the Turkic Seventh Prince Ashina Kuhezhen negotiated to kill Gao Xing in the flames of war. But he didn't want Ashina Kuhe to stumble. He was captured alive. The Turks had no choice but to retreat. Back. These days, in order not to let Gao Xing find out, but also to carefully search for Xing Xing’s weaknesses. The little one has been working hard. Keeping a low profile. Facing Xing Xing’s hypocrisy and obedience. Finally gained his trust.”

Lu Hong looked at the shadow hidden in the dark.There was a flash of fire in his eyes.Resolutely said in a deep voice: "Now. Please let me take charge of Shuozhou's finances. The treasury has been quietly emptied. There is not enough money, food and equipment. As long as the Turks attack again, Shuozhou will not be able to hold on. Happy will definitely Pushed to the forefront by the panicked and angry people. At that time, as long as the little ones raise their arms. Coupled with the help of the Turks, they will surely die if they are happy."

"Master Lu is indeed very calculating." The man in black suddenly turned around.He sighed deeply.The tone was full of irony.

Hear this sudden change.An unusually familiar voice.Lu Hong was taken aback.Then he was enveloped by infinite fear.His hands and feet were icy cold.His legs went limp and he collapsed to the ground.Lu Hong's face turned pale.I was sweating profusely.Weeping bitterly, he begged: "Lord Inspector, the little one is just nonsense. Don't take it seriously. Don't take it seriously. The world can learn from the little one's sincerity. I have no intention of harming you at all." He said.Lu Hong's whole body trembled like chaff.Constantly grabbing the ground with the head. The sound of "bang bang bang" is endless.

The man in black tore off his mask.Showing a very handsome cheek.There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.He quietly looked at Lu Hong who was kneeling at his feet.There is no sadness or joy in the eyes.Although the happy face is comparable to a stunning woman.But the thin black beard on his lips gave him a touch of charm and majesty.

"My lord Lu, you have used your power for private use these years. You have corrupted a lot of imperial property. You must have plundered a lot of people's anointings. Expropriation. Talk about it yourself. Your many crimes. How should I deal with it to calm the anger of the people." Although the happy voice was very weak.But there was vigorous anger in his tone.

"Your Excellency, you are wronged." Lu Hong was so shocked that he almost lost his wits when he heard this.Hastily argued.

"Injustice. Just now, our government heard with your own ears that you were going to join forces with the Turks to murder me. You even emptied the treasury and used it for your own use. What else do you have to say? Collaborate with the enemy and treason, and implicate the nine clans." Said The last sentence.I was so happy that I suddenly stared and drank.Immediately, a majestic murderous aura emanated from his whole body.The pressure made Lu Hong prostrate on the ground.Almost suffocated.

"My lord, please spare my life. As long as you spare my little one's life, I am willing to treat you like an ox or a horse. I will give everything." Lu Hong resisted the physical and mental discomfort.Voice trembling.said with difficulty.Say the last word.He seemed to have run out of energy.Apathetic.Panting like a cow.

Happy to ponder for a while.Then he said indifferently: "For the sake of your sincere confession. This government can give you a chance to make up for the crime. It's just that I don't know if you are willing to accept it."

"I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. As long as my lord spares my life." Lu Hong suddenly looked at him with ecstasy.Some said incoherently.

"Get up first."

"Thank you, sir." Lu Hong had already exhausted his strength due to the ups and downs of emotions.Standing up now is a bit difficult.He staggered for a while before standing up straight.But it still looks a little flimsy.


August [-]th.Shuozhou Sima Lu Hong held a banquet in the mansion.Invite the big and small dignitaries in Shuozhou City to discuss the distribution of benefits in the second half of the year.

at first.There was no doubt that the head of Shuozhou Gao Xing did not attend.After all, although I am happy to be the governor.But the real master of Shuozhou is Lu Hong.I am glad that this outsider has been unable to speak.Otherwise, he has been in office for dozens of days.But he didn't say anything.

However, they found out when everyone arrived at the banquet hall.What awaits them is not food and wine.It's a knife, a gun, and an axe.Before they have any questions.Lu Hong gave an order.A massacre ensues.

half an hour later.Glad Shi Shiran came.Looking at the blood and broken limbs all over the place.There was no discomfort on his face.Some are just calm and indifferent.It's just that he felt a little sad in his heart.No matter how big mistakes these people have made in life.How can there be a way to kill.But it is a living life after all.

Although I am happy and don't want to make more murders.But he knows better that killing is sometimes the best way to deal with problems.

"My lord. According to your order. All the powerful family heads in Shuozhou City were killed on the spot because of their rebellion." Lu Hong looked happy with a flattering expression.The look on his face was as respectful as it could be.But what is in his mind is unknown.

Nodding happily and satisfied, he said, "You did a good job."

"Really." Lu Hong's eyes widened in disbelief.His eyes were full of excitement and joy. "Then can the adults see that the young one is dedicated to his duty and handed over the property of the treasury. Spare the villain's life."

"Okay. But there's one more thing you need to do."

"What's the matter?" Lu Hong looked at Happy in bewilderment.The tone is quite hopeful.

It's not that he didn't think of violent resistance to be happy.But I am glad that I can clearly know all the details of his collusion with the Moon Worship Sect.In addition to his own outstanding strength.The forces in the dark are even more unfathomable.Lu Hong is just a frail scholar.Speculation.She is good at flattering the superior and bullying the inferior.But he is extremely greedy for life and afraid of death.

Glad did not speak.He just picked up a bloody long sword from the ground and handed it to Lu Hong.

Look at what remains on the long sword.Shocking blood.Lu Hong's heart trembled.He couldn't help but asked in a trembling voice: "My lord. What do you mean by this." After finishing speaking.Lu Hong swallowed with some difficulty.

"You are dead. The resentment in the sky above Shuozhou City can be completely dissipated. The government can also sit back and relax. There is no need to guard against someone secretly plotting against me every day." The happy tone was very light.What he said was murderous.It made Lu Hong tremble all over.Like being blown by a dark wind.

"No, no, my lord. The little one will never dare to harm you again. You must trust me." Lu Hong knelt down on the ground with a "plop".Howled with tears streaming down his face.

"It's late." Happy sighed.Then turn around and walk out.Only a long shadow in the sun is left behind.

"I'll kill you." Looking at Gao Xing's defenseless back.Lu Hong's face suddenly became hideous.Both eyes are blood red.He growled angrily.Get up suddenly.Holding a long sword.Struggle towards happiness.

"Alas." Accompanied by a helpless sigh.Lu Hong's forward figure suddenly paused.There is a sound of "ho ho" in the mouth.The pupils dilated instantly.The light of life slowly dissipated.


Happy to keep walking.Don't look back.When his figure stepped out the door.Lu Hong's body finally collapsed unwillingly.


"My lord. The disciples of the Beggar Clan have sent back letters for several days. Yu Wenyong dispatched 30 troops to attack Qi. It is estimated that they will arrive outside Bingzhou in two days." This day.Glad to be reviewing paperwork.Zhang Shunzhi, who hadn't shown up for a long time, dressed lightly.Came to the governor's mansion in disguise.Said with a serious and nervous face.

Happy heart tightened.Excessive force.The wolf hair in his hand snapped instantly.The black ink stained his clean white shirt.But the joy seems to be unconscious.Instead, he looked at Zhang Shunzhi solemnly and said, "Be careful."

"It's absolutely true." Zhang Shunzhi replied affirmatively.

The happy and heavy face suddenly relaxed.A relieved yet excited smile appeared on his face.He muttered to himself, "This day has finally come."

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