Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 395 Xiao Ling Kneeling 1

Seeing Gao Xing's expression and words, Zhang Shunzhi was puzzled, but also had some suspicions. Thinking of that possibility, he couldn't stop trembling with excitement. Zhang Shunzhi took a deep breath, suppressing the disordered heartbeat and breathing, a little He asked dryly, "My lord, I don't know what you mean,"

Glad to see Zhang Shunzhi's face looking forward, his eyes blazing with hope and excitement, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Shunzhi, do you still remember what I said more than three years ago?"

"My lord once said that we should form a gang of beggars, accommodate all beggars in the world, and help more suffering people." Zhang Shunzhi was a little excited, paused, and then said sadly: "Now there are nearly ten thousand disciples in the gang of beggars, and the tentacles are nearly ten thousand. All over the Qi State, there are countless poor people who have been helped by the Beggar Gang. However, there are still countless people in the world who are struggling. change their fate,"

"You're right," Gao Xing nodded, and then looked at Zhang Shunzhi seriously: "Now the opportunity has come,"

"Could it be that what your lord said is..." Zhang Shunzhi asked hesitantly with the pupils of both eyes constricted suddenly.

"Yes," Gao Xing nodded solemnly, then got up to help the case, walked to the window, looked at the starry sky, and said in a somewhat ethereal and heavy voice, "Since the Yellow Turban Uprising, the world has been in chaos, and heroes have emerged in large numbers. The flames of war almost never stopped. Even though the Sima clan finally ended the chaotic war of the Three Kingdoms and established a new order, the despicable, greedy, selfish character of the Sima clan and the struggle for power among the noble families still made the Central Plains just calm down. The earth is once again in flames of war,"

"The Rebellion of the Eight Kings led to the decline of the Han Dynasty, which gave the barbarians in the north an opportunity to take advantage of it. So far, the Han nationality has been reduced to the lowest nationality. It has been enslaved and destroyed by foreigners from time to time. , the proud and intelligent Han nationality fell apart and went far away, "

"Every time I think of the treasures handed down by my ancestors with countless painstaking efforts being desecrated by foreigners and abandoned by incompetent descendants, the anger in my heart can't be appeased for a long time. Although my Gao family is Han Chinese, I have lived in six towns for a long time and lived with Hu people. The ancestors have long forgotten their true affiliation, so even if he established the mighty state of Qi, the Han people are still under the oppression of foreign races, "

"Three years ago, I made a great wish. In my lifetime, I will end the war in the world, let the artifacts of Kyushu return to the hands of the Han people, recast the glory of the ancestors, and let the foreign races submit to our feet forever. Three years With painstaking efforts and patience, the opportunity has finally come, this time when Yu Wenyong comes to attack, Gao Wei will definitely lose, this is the good time I have been waiting for for a long time, "

After finishing speaking, Gao Xing suddenly burst out with an aura like a huge wave. This aura did not contain a trace of murderous aura. Although it put Zhang Shunzhi under great pressure, he did not have the slightest fear. Admired by his heroism, convinced, and want to pay homage to him.

"My lord, this subordinate has already made complete preparations. As long as you give an order, no matter whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, you will never refuse," Zhang Shunzhi said sonorously as he knelt down on the ground with a "plop".

"Shunzhi, I understand what's on your mind, get up," Gao Xing turned around, looked at Zhang Shunzhi seriously, and while helping him up, said solemnly: "I said a long time ago that you are not only my happy subordinate, but also my subordinate." my friend, is my brother, was, is, and will be,"

Zhang Shunzhi's whole body trembled, his heart was agitated, his eye circles were reddened, he couldn't utter a word except nodding his head vigorously, a woman looks like a man who pleases himself, and a man dies for a confidant. If you are happy, even if you die immediately, he will not be able to say a word. Also willingly.

Gao Xing patted Zhang Shunzhi on the shoulder vigorously, then returned to his seat, and asked in a harmonious voice, "Shunzhi, do you have any news about the person I asked you to find?"

"I found it, but my subordinates asked him not to move. In the end, brother Xiao lost his patience and directly tied Mr. Zhang and his family here. We will be able to arrive in Shuozhou tomorrow afternoon," Zhang Shunzhi calmed down. , seriously answered.

"Hehe," Gao Xing chuckled, and said with satisfaction on his face: "Sure enough, Xiao Ling has never let me down, okay, okay, as long as Zhang Yanjun is in Shuozhou, I can get out and have a good time with Yu Wenyong, see How much is he capable of?"


"Let go of me, you rude guy, let me go, you simple-minded reckless, mean and shameless," a middle-aged man with a handsome appearance and extraordinary bearing looked angrily at the cold Xiao Xiao in front of him. Ling roared loudly while struggling hard, but even though he exhausted all his strength, he still couldn't break free from Xiao Ling's shackles.

Xiao Ling didn't say a word, just kept a cold face, directly ignoring the middle-aged man's scolding.

The middle-aged man yelled and cursed for a while, but Xiao Ling's face didn't change at all, but he himself was tired and panting like a cow. He stared again at Xiao Ling, who was as cold as ice and had no emotion at all. The middle-aged man's heart surged. There was a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Lord Inspector is here," at this moment, a long voice rang out, the middle-aged man and Xiao Ling followed the sound, and saw an extremely handsome young man in fluttering white clothes walking out of the arched door in the backyard, with a noble demeanor And chic, who else is not happy.

"I'm glad I met Mr. Zhang Yanjun and Mr. Zhang," Gao Xing walked up to the middle-aged man in a personable manner, with a slightly thicker smile on his face, and saluted cordially and respectfully.

"You're just happy. What's the purpose of you pulling me here?" Zhang Yanjun was startled for a moment, then stared at Gao Xing angrily, and shouted loudly.

"Lord Zhang, calm down. Although the way Mr. Gao invited Mr. Zhang was inappropriate, please believe that I have absolutely no malicious intentions. I am happy with Meng Lang and hope Mr. Zhang will forgive you," Gao Xingwen explained with an apologetic expression.

"No malice, no malice, you kidnapped my family, and you kept threatening me with their lives along the way," Zhang Yanjuan's already angry mood rose to the extreme in an instant, and he yelled, staring blankly.

"Master Zhang, I'm sorry, I've wronged you," Gao Xing looked at Zhang Yanjun with a guilty face, and his straight waist suddenly bent forward ninety degrees, with a very sincere and humble attitude.

Zhang Yanjun wanted to say something, but when he met Xiao Ling's extremely indifferent eyes, he was so happy with the fake sincerity and guilt on his face, all the words got stuck in his throat and he couldn't speak anymore.

"Master Gao, tell me why you brought me to Shuozhou," Zhang Yanjuan's tone was still a little stiff, obviously there was still a grudge in his heart.

He stared at Zhang Yanjun with happy eyes, and said solemnly and authentically only when the latter was a little unnatural: "I would like to beg Mr. Zhang to be Shuozhou Sima and take charge of Shuozhou government affairs for me,"

"What?" Zhang Yanjuan looked at Xing Xing in disbelief, and exclaimed in surprise. He never expected that Xing Xing spent a lot of time "inviting" him to come here for this purpose, even though Zhang Yanjun once served as Jinzhou Zuo Cheng of Xingtai, but now he is a worthless grassroots citizen. He thought that he would never be in the officialdom again in this life, but he didn't want to be happy and sent him an invitation.

Zhang Yanjun, although he was not a showman, but among the tens of thousands of officials in the Northern Qi Dynasty, he was still a rare talented and practical man.

Zhang Yanjun is a loyal, upright, industrious and agile man. When he served as Jinzhou Xingtai Zuo Cheng (the political secretary of the Central Special Government), he had all the military supplies in reserve. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the frontiers were always peaceful. This man has extraordinary talents.

It's a pity that Zhang Yanjun's fate was the same as that of most underappreciated people in Northern Qi. Only then did the government affairs become chaotic, with no distinction between public and private, and a miasma, so that when Yu Wenyong came to Jinzhou later, the Qi army had little resistance.

"Master Zhang, you also know that now our Daqi is chaotic internally, treacherous and sycophant are rampant, and powerful external enemies are waiting for you. If you are not careful, you will be doomed. It's a pity that the emperor and other dignitaries are still drunk and blind. How can the descendants of Gao's royal family bear the loss of their ancestors' foundation," Gao Xing said with righteous indignation.

Zhang Yanjun's eyes flashed brightly, but he asked calmly, "I don't know what Mr. Gao meant by what he said, and why did you ask me to come here again?"

"Master Zhang is a smart person. Since you already know my intentions, why bother to ask?" He smiled playfully, but his face became extremely serious. "Master Zhang, Mr. Gao has received accurate information. Zhou Guoyu Wenyong has sent 30 troops to attack, and will arrive in Jinzhou in a few days."

"Hiss," Zhang Yanjuan gasped when he heard the words, he was shocked by the explosive news, of course he knew how bad the consequences would be if Zhou sent troops to Jinzhou.

"Master Zhang, Mr. Gao intends to lead troops to fight against the enemy, but the Turks in the north have to guard against them. Looking at the world, you are the only one who has the ability to control the military affairs of a state. I hope you will see the millions of people in Daqi. For the sake of this, please suspend the wrath of the thunder and agree to Gao's request, please," Gao Xing finished speaking earnestly, and saluted deeply again.

Zhang Yanjuan stared blankly at Xing Xing, the words "for the sake of bringing together millions of people" kept echoing in his ears, and he was speechless for a long time.

Although the young man on the opposite side is not yet 20 years old, he has already reached the third rank. He is not only the Duke of the founding state, but also the son of the King of Sui. If you don't like it, you can't help but be moved.

"Master Zhang, if you are still angry in your heart, then blame me," Xiao Ling said at this moment. He looked at Zhang Yanjun with a serious face, and his straight body suddenly fell into a golden mountain and fell like a jade pillar. , "Plop" and fell to his knees.

"Xiao Ling, what are you doing, get up quickly," Xiao Ling's actions shocked Gao Xing, and while he was talking, he was about to go forward to help Xiao Ling.

You know, the proud Xiao Ling has only kneeled three people so far, one is the dead master, the other is happy, and the last one is the present Zhang Yanjuan. Of course, happy knows that the reason why Xiao Ling is like this is not only for his happiness, but also for his happiness. It is for the suffering people of the whole Northern Qi Dynasty. Although he is taciturn and extremely lonely, the kindness in his heart has never been wiped out.

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