Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 396 Whose Chance

Zhang Yanjun looked at Xiao Ling with a surprised face, and his heart was very shocked. From Jinzhou to Shuozhou, he had a deep understanding of Xiao Ling after spending time together these days. He knew that under the extremely cold appearance of this young man was an extremely With a proud heart, now he takes the initiative to kneel down to himself, which shows the great charm of Happy's personality and the high status in his heart.

It is true that as Gao Xing said, today's Qi State has reached a precarious state, and the rotten state can't be worse. If no one stands up, what awaits it can only be its downfall. Think back to those days when you learned the teachings of Confucius and Mencius, and the sages Isn't the purpose of the way of honoring the ancestors to do something for the common people? It's just that decades have passed, and the years have passed, but I still achieve nothing and do nothing.

"Master Zhang, Daqi is not only the Daqi of the Gao clan, but also the Daqi of the people in the world. How many eggs will be lost under the overthrow of the nest, without the protection of the country, how many people will be destroyed and displaced under the flames of war? "

"My lord, although Yu Wenyong is a great man, he loves the people like a son, but he is only a Sinicized barbarian. If the Xianbei continue to rule the Central Plains, how much of the treasures left by the ancestors will be left behind, and how will the nation be restored? Continuation, do you want to watch countless people fall in pain in front of you for the sake of your so-called fame and modesty?"

Gao Xing looked at Zhang Yanjun with red eyes, and shouted hoarsely, at this moment, Gao Xing hated Confucius and Mencius's way of loyalty to the emperor, because of this, how many capable people suppressed their own hearts, doing things that made people feel heartbroken, But something helpless.

Fu Fu is like this, Zhang Yanjun is like this, Dugu Yongye is like this, and even Gao Changgong is like this. It is not so much that they are stupidly loyal to the faint king, but that they are sticking to the belief in their hearts, which makes people respect and hate.

Zhang Yanjun's complexion was like the clouds in the sky, changing erratically, cloudy and sunny, every word of happiness was like a clock in the morning and a drum in the evening beating on his heart, giving him a kind of enlightenment, and his whole body trembled slightly.

What did I pursue in my life? Is it just to be obedient in front of the foolish ruler and courtiers, and to sigh silently when no one is around? Could it be that I have studied hard for decades just to be a private school teacher in the countryside to teach people to read and write? With bold words and lofty ambitions, all that remains now is the extremely decadent beard on his chin.

These thoughts flashed through Zhang Yanjun's mind, and the confusion and depression in his heart disappeared in an instant. Seeing the excitement and indignation, Zhang Yanjuan suddenly fell to his knees, and said respectfully and resolutely: "Zhang Yanjun Thanks to my lord for not giving up, I am willing to do the work of dogs and horses, and I will never give up from now on,"

Gao Xing was startled at first, then ecstatically, "Okay, okay," Gao Xing hurriedly stepped forward to help Zhang Yanjun up, his voice trembling, and said with emotion: "I have Mr. Zhang, like a fish in water,"

"Your Excellency's praise, Zhang Yanjuan is ashamed and dare not take it." Zhang Yanjun's face did not show the slightest arrogance, but only humility and respect. Now that he has made up his mind, he will naturally place himself in the right place.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yanjun turned around again, squatted down, grasped Xiao Ling's arm with both hands, looked at Xiao Ling sincerely, and said with a gentle smile on his face: "Master Xiao, please get up quickly." , you and I will work together in the future, let the previous misunderstanding go with the wind," Zhang Yanjuan pulled Xiao Ling up with both hands.

"It's fine as long as Mr. Zhang doesn't blame you. The people of Shuozhou still need your comfort." Xiao Ling twitched his lips slightly. Although there was no obvious smile, his mood finally improved a lot, especially when he knew how to speak Advance and retreat, taking into account the overall situation, is his biggest improvement. Now he is no longer the killer who only knows how to kill with a knife like Zeng Jin, but a killer who is alone.

The actions of Zhang Yanjun and Xiao Ling were happy to see in their eyes, and they were happy in their hearts. No one really hoped that the people under their command would fight endlessly, and doing things like that would have much effect.

The ancients said: "One sage in a thousand years is like a sage; one sage in 500 years is like a sage." It can be seen that wise people are rare.

Yan Zhitui, a famous writer during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, once wrote "Yan's Family Instructions", in which Mu Xian's seventh article commented on Zhang Yanjun in this way.

Zhang Yanjun is Jinzhou Xingtai Zuocheng, the chief general of Kuangwei, towns and fields, used for accumulating utensils, loves to live the common people, hides like an enemy country, the group is small and cannot act, and moves together; after the generation, public and private disturbances, Zhou Shi In one fell swoop, the town was flattened first, and the traces of Qi's death were opened up.

The reason why Gao Xing values ​​Zhang Yanjun so much is precisely the reason. With Zhang Yanjun's talent, he can definitely guard the rear for him, so that he can concentrate on dealing with Yu Wenyong. Now, Chen Guo and Sima Fu are fighting endlessly, unable to look north, as long as the operation Properly, Northern Qi has a great possibility to turn defeat into victory, and happy to be able to establish its position and foundation for hegemony in one fell swoop.

Zhang Yanjun was pleased to be appointed Sima of Shuozhou immediately, but in fact he was in charge of the governor. Zhang Yanjun was flattered by this. Thinking about how he was once squeezed and suppressed by the slaves and jesters of the three nobles in Jinzhou, but now he is happy. Confidentially, entrusted with a heavy responsibility, the difference is no different from heaven and earth.

Every year after each grade, Zhang Yanjun reminded himself in his heart that he must do his best to protect Shuozhou for happiness and not let Turkic go south half a step. Although this is an extremely difficult task, Zhang Yanjun is steadfast. In two months in Shuozhou, the situation in Shuozhou has greatly improved. Although the soldiers cannot be said to be very capable, they are still in good shape. Otherwise, even if Zhang Yanjun has all kinds of wise plans, facing this chaotic crisis situation, I am afraid that he will frown and lament .


"My lord, General Qin and General Fu have arrived," on September [-]th, when Gao Xing was handing over official duties to Zhang Yanjun, Zhang Shunzhi's excited voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

Gao Xing paused the movements in his hands, stood up suddenly, and said excitedly: "Please hurry up," saying, Xing Xing put down the file in his hand, and said to Zhang Yanjun: "Master Zhang, please wait a moment, I will come as soon as I go."

"The two generals have come from a long way, and I will accompany you to greet them," Zhang Yanjun said, stood up quickly, straightened his clothes, and walked out the door with happy steps.

A flash of approval flashed in Gao Xing's eyes, he nodded lightly, and without hesitation, strode towards the door.

"The last general sees Qin Qiong (Fu Fu) sees the general," said Gao Xing as soon as he left the house, when two loud voices came.

"Hahahaha," Gao Xing laughed and stepped forward to help Qin Shubao and Fu Fu up, and said gently: "Please hurry up, two brothers, it's been a tough journey."

Qin Qiong and Fu Fu were humble for a while. Compared with before, Qin Shubao has matured a lot, and his body has become taller and stronger. A person is like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, extremely sharp.

Since serving as the commander of the cavalry division, Qin Qiong has experienced many wars. First, he was happy to send him to Jingzhou to harass Chen *jun Huang Faqu, and later he fought with Dugu Yongye in Yanzhou. Qin Qiong has grown and matured rapidly, and now he is in charge of his own affairs. The cavalry under his command has also become a rare elite in Gao Xing's hands.

Compared with Qin Qiong, Fu Fu is more stable and introverted. Compared with a few months ago, his attitude towards happiness is much more respectful and gentle. With a deeper feeling, I am even more admiring and admiring for the most joyful.

"You are really General Fu Fu. Didn't you defect? ​​Could it be..." Zhang Yanjun looked at Fu Fu in surprise, and asked hesitantly.

"As you think," said happily with a smile: "General Fu, this is Mr. Zhang Yanjun, who once served as the Zuo Cheng of Xingtai, Jinzhou, and now serves as the Sima of Shuozhou, Mr. Zhang. This is the governor of the capital, Fu Fu." General, is also the commander I have recruited to take charge of Shuozhou's soldiers and horses."

"Fu Fu has met Mr. Zhang, and he has long heard that Mr. Zhang is loyal, upright, hardworking and agile. It is very fortunate to see him today," Fu Fuhu's eyes lit up, and he had heard Zhang Yanjun's name before, and he was serious as he spoke. to salute.

"General Fu, you are being polite. Your name is very impressive to me. Compared with you, my achievements are really nothing." Zhang Yanjuan calmed down and respectfully returned the gift to Fu Fu.

I was happy to introduce Qin Qiong and Zhang Yanjun again. After the ceremony, I took the three of them into the banquet hall. After a few simple greetings, the banquet was served on the table. , looked at the three of them with a smile and said: "Everyone, starting today, I will hand over the [-] soldiers and civilians of Shuozhou City to you. You," he said, raising his head happily and gulping down the wine in the cup.

"Don't worry, my lord, I'll wait and do my best," the three said happily, looking at each other resolutely.

"Okay, okay, there are three people who will help me, so why not worry about things failing,"


While happily drinking with Qin Qiong and the three of them, a mysterious guest was also welcomed in Prince Ande's Mansion in Jinyang City.

The person who came was a boy, about thirteen or fourteen years old, and his appearance was very handsome. Although this person was dressed as a man, King Ander, who had seen countless women, could tell at a glance that this boy was actually a daughter. Gao Yanzong was quite surprised by the beauty of a girl. His heart was moved, but her identity made Gao Yanzong deeply jealous, so he could only bury that thought deeply in his heart.

"My lord, Zhou Emperor Yu Wenyong sent 30 troops to attack and will arrive in Jinzhou in a few days. Do you know," the woman's voice was clear and sweet, but Gao Yanzong was shocked immediately by the faint tone and the news revealed in the words. He jumped up in shock and suddenly changed color.


"Yu Wenyong is here, and the prince's opportunity has also come." The woman's face was very calm, but her eyes were so deep and wise, which did not match her age at all.

"Opportunity," Gao Yanzong was taken aback, confused.

The woman smiled lightly, and it was as if ice and snow melted immediately, and everything was in spring, Gao Yanzong was stunned. A trace of disdain and pride flashed in the woman's eyes, but she said indifferently: "Yes, the long-awaited opportunity has arrived."

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