Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 397 What Does War Look Like?

In late September, Shuozhou City already has a bit of autumn scenery in northern Saibei. The sky is extraordinarily blue, like an extremely clear mirror, without a trace of blemish, and the high-hanging sun also lacks the frightening scorching of summer. More kind and gentle.

"Brothers, cheer up. Since the governor has raised our salary, we can't be careless. We must do our best to protect the safety of Shuozhou and not embarrass the governor," Fu Fu stood in Shuozhou. On the top of the city, looking around at the soldiers standing on the top of the city, he said loudly: "We are the heroes of Shuozhou City, we must have heroic spirit and heroic demeanor, come and hold your head high."

Hearing the words, all the soldiers retracted their stomachs and puffed up their chests, with serious faces, standing upright like a javelin, with a faint murderous aura on their bodies.

After several months of training, the soldiers in Shuozhou City can be said to be completely reborn, with a new look, neat military appearance and strict discipline. Maybe their combat effectiveness is still lacking, but they are much better than when Lu Hong was in power.

In fact, it is no wonder that when Lu Hong was in power, all he thought about was how to search for the people's anointing, corruption, and domineering. He only treated these soldiers as servants and servants, and he would not respect them and care about their lives.

However, happiness is completely different. Not only has their treatment been greatly improved, but also generous military pay has been paid on time. The most indispensable thing in troubled times is soldiers. In order to protect you, they are willing to give their lives to you. This kind of behavior seems stupid, but it is sincere, and it is the embodiment of the most real and touching part of life.

Shuozhou is adjacent to the Turks, the environment is harsh, and the situation is harsh. The people of Shuozhou are aggressive and strong. The Shuozhou army is just lax in discipline and numb in thinking. As long as these two points are changed, their combat effectiveness is still considerable.

Fu Fu has been a soldier all his life, and he has extremely deep feelings for the military. Although he only took over the military affairs of Shuozhou for two days, he got along well with the soldiers and established his own prestige. The army is a complicated place, but It is also a pure place, as long as you are strong and sincere enough, you will be truly accepted by it.

Fu Fu nodded in satisfaction, looking at the slightly yellowed withered grass on the vast grassland in the distance, feeling the coolness of the autumn wind blowing across his cheeks. worry.


Suddenly, a small black shadow appeared in the sky and gradually enlarged. At the same time, the sound of the hurried hooves became more and more clear.

Fu Fu withdrew his thoughts, fixed his eyes on the approaching black shadow, and his face was serious.


The black shadow was still far away, so he raised the signal flag exclusive to Shuozhou City, and shouted loudly at the same time. Fu Fu waved his hand, and the noose on the city gate creaked, and the heavy city gate slowly opened.

The black shadow is the scout of Shuozhou. He ran all the way into the city of Shuozhou. Before the horse under his crotch was stable, he turned over and climbed up to the top of the city briskly. He came to Fu Fu and said, "Report to the general, the Turkic seven Prince Ashina Kuhezhen came with fifty thousand cavalry and arrived at the city of Shuozhou in the afternoon."

Fu Fu's heart sank, but the expression on his face did not change at all, he was still calm and serious, he just waved his hand lightly, and said in a deep voice: "Explore again." After being vigilant, he went downstairs alone, looking for Zhang Yanjun.

Ashina Kuhezhen led [-] cavalry, obviously not visiting relatives and friends, sightseeing, a month ago he was happy to recruit them before the battle, he was cited as a great shame in his life, violent and proud like him, how could he bear it Take this bad breath.

Especially Ashina Kuhezhen once heard that his fiancée, Princess Dayi, the granddaughter of Yiyang King Zhao Yanshen had an ambiguous relationship with Gao Xing. Although Zhao Jing was robbed and ended up missing, he also married For other women, but for Zhao Jing, he never forgets, maybe this is the best thing if he can't get it.

New and old hatred, Ashina Kuhezhen hated Gao Xing very much, but in prison, Ashina Kuhezhen could only swallow his anger, no, as soon as he returned to Turkic from Shuozhou 20 days ago, he began to call up soldiers Ma, now is coming for revenge.

As soon as Fu Fu arrived at the gate of the Governor's Mansion, Zhang Yanjun came out from inside. Zhang Yanjun looked at Fu Fu with a smile and said, "General Fu, I heard the news about the Turks' invasion. Let's discuss countermeasures together."

"Master Zhang, please," Fu Fu was very satisfied with Zhang Yanjuan's non-procrastinating style, so he nodded and said.

The two walked into a quiet room together and sat down. Zhang Yanjun said, "General Fu, I'm not good at marching and fighting. You'll have to worry about everything. I'll do all the logistical work for you."

Fu Fu's eyes lit up, he stood up, and saluted respectfully: "Thank you, Mr. Zhang, with you in Shuozhou, Fu will have no worries. Even if the Turkic army doubles, I have the confidence to deal with it. What's more, there is General Qin on the sidelines, "

"What General Fu said is that as long as we work together, we don't have to be afraid no matter how strong the enemy is." It's up to you, but General Fu must also pay attention to safety, if you are injured, I can't defend Shuozhou,"

"Master Zhang is too modest, Fu Fu is just a reckless man, and I need you to comfort him a lot," Fu Fu said modestly, and after discussing with Zhang Yanjun for a while about defense scheduling and other issues, he hurried back to the city to start making arrangements.

Although he is not afraid of any enemy, he is not arrogant to the point of being arrogant. War is not a child's play. One of his wrong decisions and orders may kill thousands of lives. This heavy responsibility does not allow him to be careless.

When Ashina Kuhezhen led [-] cavalry to Shuozhou, where are Qin Qiong and his cavalry division's [-] elite cavalry now?

Although the border of the Northern Qi Dynasty is bounded by Hengzhou in the northeast of Shuozhou, there is still a large piece of land outside the Great Wall. However, the Northern Qi has become weaker and weaker these years. The huge piece of land outside has long been a pasture for the Turkic people, allowing their iron hooves to wreak havoc, but Qi is powerless.

In the northwest of Shuozhou, near the border of Zhou State, on the vast grassland, a cavalry of 2000 cavalry is slowly advancing towards the north. These knights are all wearing bright red armor, and the flags that are waving in the wind clearly bear the symbol of Qi State. Dressing up like this is really a bit ostentatious in the Turkic territory, and if one is not good, it will cause the two countries to fight each other.

At the front of the team was a young man with a height of nearly 1.9 meters ten. His dark face was as sharp as a knife and an axe, exuding a resolute and courageous atmosphere.

At this time, the young man was holding a sheepskin map in his hand. The mountains, rivers and waters were marked in great detail. It was the north of the Northern Qi Great Wall, the west of Hengzhou, and the place that Zhou Guo and the Turks wanted to connect.


"Reporting to the teacher, all the departments of our division are already in their positions, please give instructions,"

Hearing the scout's report, the young general's eyes lit up, his whole body was full of momentum, and he asked a little excitedly: "Really,"

"It's absolutely true, now our division has completely encircled [-] Turkic cavalry. As long as the division commander gives you an order, we can launch a full-scale attack at any time, and Ashina Kuhezhen, who was caught off guard, will definitely be defeated."

"Pass down the order, keep your distance, and slowly compress the encirclement, but you must be careful, and you must not reveal your whereabouts," Qin Qiong nodded vigorously, and ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes," the scout agreed, straddled away excitedly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


On September 2, Yu Wenyong of the Northern Zhou Dynasty arrived in Jinzhou (the state government was set up in Pingyang, Linfen City, Shanxi Province), stationed in Fenqu, and sent Qi Wang Yuwenxian to lead an army of 2 people to block the Queshu Valley. Chen Wangyuchun led the cavalry 1 people blocked Qianlijing, Duke Zheng Da Xizhen led 5000 cavalry to block Tongjunchuan, General Han Ming led 5000 cavalry to block Qiziling, Duke Yisheng of the Yan family led 1 cavalry to block Guzhong Town. Xinshao, the Duke of Cheng, led cavalry to block Pujin Pass. King Zhao Yuwenzhao led 1 cavalry to attack the cities of Fenzhou in Qi State. Yu Wensheng of Zhu State led [-] cavalry to block Fenshui Pass.

(Several checkpoints blocked by the Zhou army are all on the banks of Fenshui. As long as they are cut off, Jinzhou will lose its reinforcements and become an isolated city. With 30 troops, it can be wiped out in an instant.)

Zhou Jun's strategic goal is to take Jinzhou as quickly as possible, and then use Jinzhou as a breakthrough point to directly hit Jinyang City in Bingzhou not far to the north. Apart from Yecheng, Jinyang is the largest city and the most important city in the Northern Qi Empire. An influential city, the most important thing is that Gao Wei left Yecheng in early August and is now in Bingzhou. As long as Gao Wei can be captured alive, other places in the Northern Qi Dynasty will naturally be able to spread the call. This is the most time-saving and labor-saving method. method.


"Boom, boom, boom,"

The dull and chilling drum sounded, accompanied by the thunderous footsteps, rumbling and deafening.

Looking at the earth dragon covering the sky and covering the sun, feeling the increasingly oppressive and murderous aura coming towards him, Li San's face became paler and his legs swayed involuntarily, even though he had been in the army for three years. years, but never went to war.

Originally, in order to have something to eat and not be starved to death, I joined the army on a whim, but now I really regret it. Although a person is dead and a bird is in the sky, and his head is no more than a bowl of scars, when he is really facing death, who can do it? Really so free and easy.

"Zheng Xing, you, tell me, what is war like?" Li San looked at the comrades standing upright with a serious and calm face, and asked in a trembling voice. His voice was a little dry because of being overly nervous. And distorted.

"Blood, sacrifice,"

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