Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 398

"Blood, sacrifice," Li San said, his already pale face became even more terrifyingly pale, and his whole body trembled like chaff. If he hadn't held the spear tightly in his hand against the ground, he might have fallen to the ground immediately.

"Everyone is afraid of death, and I am the same, but I know better that escape cannot solve the problem. If you want to survive, you have to kill all the enemies in front of you." Zheng Xing licked his lips lightly, and said lightly. Fear, there is only the courage to go forward and give up everything.

Zheng Xing was actually pretending to be happy, and he hurried to catch up with the Zhou army's attack on Pingyang. Although Jinzhou without Zhang Yanjun was extremely chaotic in all aspects, it was located on the border after all, and the quality of the army was better than that of Zhou Jun. Shuozhou is much stronger, but a place with three noble minions, even if it is good, how good can it be? With happy skills and a little money offensive, it is not difficult to sneak into the defenders of Pingyang City.

Li San was taken aback, his trembling body became quieter, and there was something inexplicable in his confused and desperate eyes. He shook the spear in his hand vigorously, and tried his best to straighten his back. Although his heart was still fearful and nervous, but After all, he is no longer as helpless and full of despair as before.

As the footsteps became more and more shocking, stretching for dozens of miles, under the earth dragon that covered the sky and the sun, the mighty Zhou army finally stopped three miles outside Pingyang City. The 10 people in the dark, feel the chill and oppressive atmosphere in the air, and the more than [-] soldiers and civilians in Pingyang City are very depressed.

"King Haichang is here," right here, a long shout sounded from the suppressed city of Pingyang.

"See you, my lord," all the soldiers trembled, their faces tightened, and they knelt down on one knee, respectfully looking at the general who had just climbed up to the top of the wall.

This general was about four o'clock, with a thick black mustache, a slightly fatter figure, and a red face, obviously used to being pampered. The joy in the crowd chattered in disdain.

There are only a handful of people in Northern Qi that he can truly admire, but Xingtai Pushe (Deputy Executive Director of the Central Task Force Government) and Haichang Wang Wei Xianggui in front of him are not qualified enough.

Behind Wei Xianggui, there stood a thin middle-aged man with a faint haze between his brows, and his aura made people frown secretly. A loyal lackey, flattering superiors and bullying inferiors, greedy for life and afraid of death, extremely despicable and shameless.

"Soldiers, the emperor is in Jinyang, Bingzhou, and he can send troops from Jinyang in an instant, so you don't have to worry about it. Why should you be afraid of a mere [-] Zhou army?" For a while, now is the time for us to contribute to the country and serve His Majesty, and I hope that you can fight the enemy bravely and defend Pingyang to the death."

"Fight the enemy bravely, swear to the death and never retreat," Wei Xianggui suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist, raised his head high, and shouted loudly.

"Fight the enemy bravely, swear to the death and never retreat," the echoing voices of the soldiers sounded intermittently from the top of the city, and it became louder and louder, and finally they became one piece, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, the momentum was quite majestic.

The deafening slogans made the blood of the soldiers in Pingyang City slowly boil, the fear in their hearts was slowly dispelled, and the low morale also improved a lot.

There are two exceptions, one is happy, he is like a spectator at this time, his heart is like an ancient well without the slightest ripple, and there is a touch of sadness in his deep eyes, the other is Hou Ziqin, his brows are furrowed and his face is gloomy What he didn't know was that he was worried about the war in the near future, but he was happy to find that he glanced at Wei Xianggui from time to time with resentment and viciousness in his eyes.

The sound of horseshoes sounded, and everyone looked down the city, and saw a general from the Northern Zhou camp galloping out. Soon, this general of the Zhou army approached Pingyang City, and he was very happy with his excellent eyesight. Seeing his appearance clearly, this person has a black steed under his crotch, and an iron spear about one foot long in his hand. He has a thick back and a waist, a rough face, and a murderous look all over his body, which is very mighty.

Just when he was within a stone's throw away from the city, General Zhou suddenly pulled the reins, and the steed stood up in pain, but he sat firmly on the horse's back, his upper body was straight and did not shake at all.

This technique of controlling horses by hand made Gao Xing secretly nod. Only one of the partial generals who came to summon him had such ability. No wonder the Northern Zhou Dynasty was able to unify the entire north in history. There is no chance to seek power and usurp the throne until death, and the Han nationality may really be lost and wiped out.

"Who is the person in charge, please come out and speak," General Zhou pointed at the top of the city with his right iron scorpion, and looked at the handsome flag on the top of Pingyang city with burning eyes, and shouted, there was no respect in his tone, more like an order.

Wei Xianggui's face darkened immediately, and he walked up a few steps under the escort of his personal guards, looked down at General Zhou under the city, and said coldly: "I am the Zuo Cheng of Daqi Xingtai, so is King Haichang, Who is yelling in the city, "

"Hahahaha," General Zhou laughed out loud when he heard the words, "You are Wei Xianggui, but that's all." As soon as these words came out, Wei Xianggui's face, which was not very good, turned even livid, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

"Zhang Kuangshu, what do you want to do, tell me quickly, if not, I will not be polite," Wei Xianggui gritted his teeth and sternly sternly.

"Wei Xianggui, your grandfather, my name is Duan Wenzhen, and I am the vanguard under the command of General Wang Gui, the Great General of Zhu Kingdom. I have come here to convey the words of my general to you,"

After a pause, Duan Wenzhen went on to say: "Mr. Qi is going against the grain, the courtiers are in power, the government is chaotic, and the people are in dire straits. How can you be qualified to rule the world? Wei Xianggui, do you think that the mere Pingyang City can hold off our 30 army in Dazhou?

"My general said that as long as Mr. Wei Xianggui can switch and surrender, he will not only be lenient to the army and civilians in the city, but will also invite me, the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, to add officials and ranks for you, and you will enjoy endless glory and wealth,"

"Hey, go back and tell Wang Gui to let him come and see what he can do to break the city," Wei Xianggui roared fiercely as he looked at Duan Wen angrily.

Duan Wenzhen looked up at Wei Xianggui with a smile on his face, and said kindly: "He who knows the current affairs is a hero, and I hope Mr. Wei Xianggui can think carefully, after all, there is only one chance." With a serious face, he said: "Wei Xianggui, if you still resist after half an hour, don't blame my general for being ruthless."

"Shoot the arrow," Wei Xianggui's extremely cold order was the answer to Duan Wenzhen, but when Duan Wenzhen came, he had calculated the distance, and seeing the feathered arrow shot from the top of the city powerlessly falling two meters away in front of him, he couldn't help mocking , laughing presumptuously and said: "Wei Xianggui, wash your neck and wait for your grandpa to chop it off." After speaking, he shook the reins, turned around and left without delay.

"Wow, I'm so angry with you, come and follow me out of the city to kill this thief," Wei Xianggui roared furiously with red eyes.

"My lord calm down, calm down,"

"My lord, please calm down, don't fall into the enemy's tricks," the Qi generals around Wei Xianggui tried to dissuade him.

Because Jinyang is not far from Pingyang, they didn't panic in their hearts, and they also understood that the enemy's purpose was to anger Wei Xianggui and force him to leave the city for a fight. No one can guarantee that the best way is to rely on the city and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Wei Xianggui was only angry for a while, and he regained his sanity after being persuaded by everyone for a while, let alone let him go out of the city to fight, he was really not sure of victory.

"Master Hou, has the news from here been sent to Jinyang?" Wei Xianggui took a deep breath, turned to look at Hou Ziqin, and asked in a low voice.

Hou Ziqin said respectfully: "My lord, I have already sent someone out, so don't worry, Pingyang has enough money, food and supplies, enough for us to last for two months, not to mention that as long as we stick to it for four days, Bingzhou reinforcements will come. When the siege of Pingyang is resolved, the Zhou army will surely be defeated."

Wei Xianggui secretly breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "That's good, fortunately, Lord Hou."

Hou Ziqin hurriedly humbled: "It's my duty, I dare not take credit for it," but there was a hint of complacency and viciousness in the depths of his eyes.

Half an hour can be said to be long or short, but it is extremely long for both sides of the battle, and the emotions such as nervousness, fear, excitement, excitement, etc. are very complicated and difficult to understand.


"Boom, boom, boom,"

With the sound of the shrill horn, the dull drum sounded again, and the rhythm changed from the initial slow and low to the rapid and high-pitched.

The footsteps of "啪啪啪" sounded, and the Zhou army, which stretched for tens of miles, moved forward again. Looking at the shrinking encirclement, everyone at the head of Pingyang city was breathing quickly and disorderly, and the breath of war became more and more intense. It became more and more depressed, and even the nimble wind seemed to be forced to stop by the chilling breath.


When Zhou Jun came to the best reunion position, there was a chorus, earth-shattering cry, and the sword and shield hands, under the cover of catapults and crossbowmen, carried ladders, building carts, siege carts and other siege equipment to launch an attack. The first wave of offensive officially opened the prelude to Zhou Wuyu Wenyong's second attack on Qi.


Bingzhou, Qilianchi.


Gao Ana frowned displeasedly and looked at the stage horse kneeling in front of him, sweating profusely, with a tired face, and said: "What's the matter?"

"My lord, one hundred thousand troops of the Zhou army are besieging Pingyang City. Pingyang is in danger. Lord Haichang asks for help,"

"Such a trivial matter should alarm His Majesty, Wei Xianggui is really so incompetent," Gao Ana frowned, and his fair and fat face darkened instantly: "Occasional friction between the border troops is a common thing, and it is so surprising that His Majesty is now Huanchang, how can such a trivial matter affect your mood, go back and tell Wei Xianggui, tell him to fight bravely, what fear is there for a mere [-] Zhou army?"

Although the posthorse was not angry, but afraid of Gao Anak's ferocity, he could only swallow his anger, and Nuonuo left in response.

One morning, a total of three posthorses came to report the military situation in Pingyang, but they were all reprimanded by Gao Anagong. In the evening, another Pingyang envoy came and reported that "Pingyang has fallen," and Gao Anagong sent them back. Report this matter to Gao Wei,

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