Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 399

Chapter 390

In the afterglow of the setting sun.The trees are covered with a layer of gold.The light golden color softens this dense and beautiful forest a lot.Add a little bit of hazy and mysterious color.

Deep in the forest.There is a pair of Bi people riding side by side.While admiring the beauty of the sunset.While chasing all kinds of wild animals in the jungle.From time to time, a woman's clear and gentle voice came out.It made the orioles in the forest feel ashamed.

These two people were Gao Wei, the emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty who came to Bingzhou for leisure, and his favorite concubine Feng Xiaolian.Concubine Feng Shu.

"Your Majesty. Look. There's an elk over there." The two walked for a while.Feng Xiaolian's eyes suddenly brightened.Pointing 30 meters away.An elk looking down for food in a bush.Said in a low voice.

"Oh." Gao Wei frowned.Waiting to follow the beauty's green onion fingers to see the quiet elk.He couldn't help but chuckled and said, "My concubine, wait a moment. It's up to me." She said.Gao Wei untied a very gorgeous one from the saddle.A longbow decorated with intricate patterns.Lift your breath and tighten your stomach.Zhang Gong took the arrow and held his breath.Aim up.

Now Gao Wei's "Longsheng Jue" has reached the second level.Physical fitness has been greatly improved.It's no longer that Zeng Jin can't pick up on his shoulders.You can't lift it with your hands.There is no distinction between grains and grains.A cowardly and inactive emperor.There is also some strength on the shoulders.Open your bow.There is no need for guards to drive wild animals to the center as in the past.Let him have fun.


Shaoqing.Gao Wei exhaled and opened his voice.Let go of your right hand.The feather arrow shot towards the elk with a shrill howling sound.

Xu felt the murderous aura in the air.The elk with its head down looking for food suddenly raised its head.Four hooves.The body suddenly jumped forward.Only a faint black shadow remained in the air.

Gao Wei was originally confident that he could achieve success with one arrow.Who would have thought that the feather arrow could just hit the elk's tail.No real damage was done to it.And the frightened elk spread its hooves.In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

"Yeah." Feng Xiaolian saw the elk running away.Suddenly exclaimed.His face was full of disappointment.Gao Wei saw it.In the heart.I wanted to show off in front of the beautiful woman.But never thought of an ugly one.Let his emperor's face be greatly damaged.I was very unhappy in my heart.

"Little beast. Let's see where you are going. Drive." Gao Wei looked angrily at the figure of the elk that was about to disappear.With a loud reprimand, he wanted to gallop his horse in pursuit.

"Your Majesty..." At this moment.Suddenly, there was a long and anxious shout from Gao Anajiao behind him.Gao Wei reined in the horse's reins.Turn around and look.I saw Gao Ana's arm riding Juechen.He was rushing towards him at full speed.Gao Wei frowned.He looked at Gao Anak with some displeasure.

"Your Majesty, I have an urgent military report." Gao Ana jumped off the horse without waiting for the horse to stop.He came to the high position in embarrassment.While saluting.While presenting the battle report in his hand.

"What's going on." Gao Wei gestured to the guards around him to take the battle report.He frowned and asked in a low voice.Although Gao Anagong is his confidant.But it disturbed Gao Wei's interest in having fun.How could Gao Wei give him a good face.If it is an official who is generally not pleasing to the eye.It's not as simple as being sober.Likely to lose his head.

"Return to Your Majesty. 30 Zhou troops rushed to Jinzhou. [-] troops besieged Pingyang. It only took two days. Pingyang fell into the hands of Yu Wenyong." Gao Anaku adjusted his disordered breathing.Said with a look of horror.

"What?" Gao Wei exclaimed.Pulled through the battle report.Check it out carefully.His face was cloudy and uncertain.soon.Gao Wei raised his head.With a heavy and serious face, he said: "Gao Ah Aiqing. Send the order down. You can break out of the camp and return to the city. At the same time, let King Ande summon [-] defenders in Bingzhou. Prepare to go south to fight against the Zhou army."

"Yes." Gao Anagong solemnly agreed.After saluting Gao Wei, he rode away.

"Your Majesty, my concubine knows that you are worried about the war in Jinzhou. Returning to your heart is like an arrow. However, haste makes waste. Mistakes are easy to make when you are busy. According to my humble opinion, you should calm down before you can better handle military affairs." Feng Xiaolian With a face of obsequiousness.Looking at Gao Wei with concern.Seriously.

Gao Wei was taken aback.Some hesitantly said: "What Aifei means."

Feng Xiaolian chuckled lightly.In the afterglow of the setting sun.Her fair and pink cheeks were covered with a faint golden glow.Even the fluff on the face is clearly visible.It looks hazy and graceful.Gao Wei was stunned.

"Your Majesty, you might as well take a step further. Let the worry and anger in your heart be vented." There was a pause.Feng Xiaolian went on to say: "Although Pingyang City has fallen, the Zhou army cannot arrive in an instant. King Ande is the vanguard. Bingzhou is not in danger for the time being."

Gao Wei thought for a moment.A smile appeared on his face.He nodded and said: "What Aifei said is true. Let's go. It won't be too late to pay attention to that old man Yu Wenyong after I catch that beast."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for taking pity on your concubines." Feng Xiaolian looked happy.Blushed looking at Gao Wei.A pair of little birds leaned against Gao Wei's side.

"Hahahaha." Gao Wei suddenly let out a hearty laugh.The whip flicked. There was a "snap" on the buttocks of the horse.The horse suffers.A hiss sounded like electricity sprang out.Gao Wei's actions were also heroic.But he never saw it.There was a flash of pride in Feng Xiaolian's eyes.And a little complicated look.

Time back to two days ago.Pingyang City.

"Ah. You sons of bitches. Die. Die. Kill." Li San ruthlessly stabbed the spear in his hand into the body of a Zhou Jun who had just climbed up the city wall.His face was distorted and hideous.Both eyes are blood red, selfish and bloodthirsty.There was a roar like a beast in his mouth.

It may take years for a person to grow.Even decades of accumulation.But sometimes it may only take a moment.war.die.Undoubtedly a catalyst that can transform a person in a matter of moments.

Li San will never forget it no matter what.A comrade-in-arms who was close at hand was thrown on the city wall by the enemy's catapult and smashed into meat paste.

That moment.He witnessed with his own eyes that the heads of his comrades exploded like watermelons.Red and white brains splattered in all directions.The neck and spine were shattered.Viscous, foul-smelling blood splattered everywhere.not only.He still clearly remembers the astonishment and despair in the eyes of his comrade-in-arms before he died.That look was engraved on Li San's heart like a brand.Make him tremble.make him crazy.

He was originally a person who was extremely afraid of death.But when he witnessed the tragic death of his comrades in arms.The whole person suddenly became crazy.If there is no Zhou Jun.Maybe there would be no war.You can feed yourself in the army.The old mother at home can also have something to eat.Maybe in two years, I can talk about a daughter-in-law.However, Zhou Jun's sudden arrival.Let his lowly and humble wishes be shattered.he hates.He is angry.Since you are going to die.Why not pull on a few pads.

If you don't want to be strong.Fearless is strong.A crazy person who is not afraid of death.The fighting power that can be erupted is really terrifying.Just like Li San now.Although the whole body is dripping with blood.But the whole person is still extremely excited.Extremely fierce.


However, Li San didn't have time to be proud.A Zhou army climbed to the top of the city.The steel knife in his hand was hideously covered by his companion's corpse.He stabbed viciously at Li San's ribs.If it is solid this time.How could Li San survive.However, at this time, he used his old strength to go.The heart is not born.It is impossible to escape.

Are you going to die?fair enough.Can finally be freed.

Li San looked up at the distant sky.The colorful sunset is so beautiful.It's just that he can no longer appreciate it.However, Li San waited for a long time.The enemy's steel knife still didn't penetrate his body.A familiar voice sounded in his ear. "Why are you in a daze. You don't want to live anymore."

Li San turned his head to look.But he saw Zheng Xing standing beside him with blood on his face.Stared at himself angrily.And all Zhou Jun around him died.

"Thank you." Li San said gratefully.Zheng Xing ignored him.He said coldly: "If you don't want to die, be serious. I can save you once, but I can't save you twice." Finished.Zheng Xing threw himself aside.With one knife, a Zhou Jun who had just climbed up the city wall was chopped down to the city.


A long horn sounded.Zhou Jun, who was attacking frantically, suddenly lost his momentum.In the blink of an eye, it receded like a tide.Let go of the devastated battlefield.

from the beginning till now.The war has been going on for three hours.The moat under Pingyang City was filled by Zhou Jun under the cover of catapults an hour ago.The Zhou army's infantry were able to climb the city wall to fight.

The earth-shattering shouts of killing have already made the two warring parties forget where they are.I only know how to move forward.Shred all enemies in front of you.The strong evil spirit shattered the beautiful autumn scenery.Dark red blood soaked the earth.It was so frightening.

"Huh..." Watching Zhou Jun retreat.Li San breathed a sigh of relief.It was as if all the strength was suddenly drained from his body.He collapsed limply against the icy city wall.Although panting like a cow.Looking tired.But there was a joyful smile on his face for the rest of his life.

"Not dead. Very good." Zheng Xing, who played happily, slowly sat down beside Li San.glanced at the latter.It seems to be talking to himself.It seems to be said to Li San.

"Hehe. Hiss..." Li San twitched the corner of his mouth.But suddenly touched the wound on the thigh.Suddenly grinned in pain.

Happy sighed.He took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to Li San.But his face was cold.The body is shrouded in a strong evil spirit. "Apply. Stop the bleeding."

"Thank you." Li San licked his dry lips.Said in a hoarse voice.Happily snorted softly.But he didn't speak.

Glad that's the case.Except that he didn't want to expose his identity too high-profile.It is also because of some unhappiness in my heart.

Although the Pingyang defenders were not soldiers brought out by themselves.But they are all living beings.He is a citizen of the Great Qi Empire.He is a poor man who is loyal to the Gao family.Watching them die innocently one by one.It's really cruel.

Gao Xing really wanted to mobilize all the forces under his command to kill Yu Wenyong without leaving any behind.But he does.Once you take action.Gao Wei will definitely try his best to strangle himself.At that time, countless people will be killed or injured because of this.So he can only endure.Waiting for the best time.It's all done in one battle.

In Pingyang City, the soldiers eat nervously.Help the wounded.When repairing fortifications.The Hou Mansion in Pingyang City looked a little strange.Not to mention the addition of several guards outside the Hou Mansion.There are three steps and one post in the mansion.Five steps and one whistle.It is heavily guarded.Very quiet.

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