Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 400 Breakthrough

Pingyang City, Jinzhou, Houfu study.

"Master, the villain has already arranged everything. Please show me when to do it." This is Hou Ziqin's territory, but the strange thing is that he is standing there with a respectful face. Underneath, the proud Hou Ziqin was taking his place as a very ordinary-looking young man, who was slowly trimming his nails with a dagger.

"You did a good job," the young man gently blew off the crumbs of the nails on the skirt of his clothes, then raised his head, and said lightly, his tone was very light, and there was no emotion at all, but there was a hint of joy in Hou Ziqin's eyes And a look of relief.

Hou Ziqin clasped his hands together, and said sincerely: "The villain dare not be greedy for merit. If there is no master, how could I have achieved what I am today?"

"It's good if you know it," the young man gave Hou Ziqin a cold look, then stood up slowly, straightened his messy clothes, and continued, "When you act in the middle of the night tomorrow, remember to be careful, and don't leak any news. Otherwise," the young man paused, glanced coldly at Monkey, and continued, "Hmph, you know the consequences,"

"Yes, yes," Hou Ziqin hurriedly agreed, trembling all over, with a look of fear on his face.

"Well," the young man hummed, opened the door, swung his robe sleeves, his body flew out like the wind, and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye, but the guards outside the courtyard didn't notice it at all.

Looking at the empty study room, Hou Ziqin suddenly let out a long sigh, sat on the chair a little tiredly, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and his eyes couldn't help being a little blurred.

This night was particularly long for the Northern Qi defenders in Pingyang City. The strength of the Zhou army exceeded their expectations, and the death of their companions finally made these soldiers who were far away from the flames of war clearly realize that war is not a trifling matter, but full of turmoil. Death and gore.

When a touch of light red with a golden edge appeared in the sky, everyone at the head of Pingyang City couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The boulder that was pressing on their hearts finally relaxed a little. Darkness always brings people more intense depression and fear. Especially as the passive side, they are always facing the night attack of the Zhou army, and they dare not rest at ease. At this time, facing the rising sun, their fatigue and panic seem to be dispelled. few.


When the day was bright, with the sound of the Zhou army's offensive horn, the day's war started again.

For the two parties in the fight, time passed quickly, but also very slowly. They shouted hoarsely, squeezing all the strength in their bodies, in order to make contributions, for glory and wealth, and even more for survival.

In one day, the Zhou army attacked the city wall ten times, but they were all repelled by the Qi army. However, Zhou's two-day attack at the cost of 3000 casualties would not be in vain. The Qi army suffered nearly [-] casualties. There are even huge cracks in several places on the city wall, and countless supplies on the city are consumed. From this data, it is not difficult to see that in terms of the quality of the army, the Qi army is obviously not as good as the Zhou army.

If Gao Xing had to choose a battlefield, he would never choose a tough battle anyway. The reason is that such a war would not only cause a lot of casualties, but also be protracted. Not only was it very passive, but it also lacked the artistry of war. Avoid siege warfare.

However, now Xing Xing is just a small pawn at the head of Pingyang City. He can't command the war, can't control the battle situation, and it is even less likely to change the outcome of the war.

The so-called killing the master with random punches, although the martial arts of Gao Xing are outstanding, but facing the overwhelming stone bullets and arrows, as well as Zhou Jun who went on and on, endlessly, fearless and fearless, his personal strength was infinitely reduced, Although he tried his best, when dusk came and the light was about to go, Li San still couldn't break free from the call of death, and was nailed to the city wall by a cold arrow through his chest.

For this temporary comrade-in-arms, Gao Xing didn't have much affection, but when he left with unwillingness and nostalgia for this world, Xing Xing's heart still twitched slightly.

From a personal point of view, Yu Wenyong is an enemy and should be hacked into pieces, but compared to Gao Wei, he is a rare wise king. For the sake of the people of the world, it seems that it is natural for him to be in charge of the Kyushu artifact. But Gao Xing also knows that Yu Wenyong was born short-lived, and Zhou Guo's prince Yu Wenyun is an adou who cannot be supported, and is the root cause of the world's turmoil.

The two-day war and the many times of life and death have already made the defenders of Pingyang City numb and indifferent. The endless, high-intensity fighting has almost exhausted all their energy. The soldiers immediately collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily in the air mixed with a strong smell of blood, feeling the luck of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

On the battlefield, no one knows when they will die, so the feeling of being alive is extraordinarily wonderful, and the survivors will seriously enjoy every minute and every second of being alive before the next war comes.

"My lord, do you think we can win?" Gao Xing was leaning against the wall and wiping the blood-stained steel knife with some curly blades when a young face suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. It was a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old, Her childish face was covered with dirt, and her eyes were full of fatigue and confusion.

"Do you have the confidence to win?" Gao Xing asked indifferently as he kept moving his hands.

The young man was startled, thought for a moment, and shook his head lightly. Two days of fierce fighting gave him a deeper understanding of the combat effectiveness of the Zhou army. Thinking about the [-] elite Zhou army outside the city, his heart It was heavy, especially after two days, and the expected Bingzhou reinforcements were still far away, which made the already anxious Pingyang defenders even more panicked.

He happily smiled silently, and said in a low voice: "I am not the governor, let alone the emperor. I cannot decide the victory of the war. I can only guarantee that I am alive. To live is to win,"

The young man frowned, but seeing that Xing Xing didn't intend to answer his doubts, he didn't ask any more questions. He just sat quietly beside Xing Xing and closed his eyes to rest his mind. Not only because Gao Xing is his current boss, but also because Xing Xing saved his life.

Troubled times are an era in which the survivors are kings. No matter what means you use, as long as you survive to the end, you will be the biggest victors. In the past two days, the Qi army defending the city has fallen one after another, but they are happy but still standing. He killed countless enemies and rescued many comrades in arms, so he was promoted to the captain of the thousand-man team.


The autumn night is already quite chilly, especially in the north. The soldiers of the Northern Qi Dynasty sitting on the top of the city unconsciously huddled up, leaning on each other, absorbing each other's warmth. Suddenly, the joy of sitting upright opened his eyes, Two sharp lights shot out, almost able to light up the night.

"God, wake up," Gao Xing pushed, and the boy beside him whispered.

"What's the matter, my lord," the young man broke away from his sleepy eyes and slammed his mouth, his voice was still a little fuzzy.

"Notify all brothers, no matter what happens later, don't leave my side," Gao Xing prostrated on the top of the city, staring at the dark wilderness outside the city, and ordered in a low voice.

The boy was taken aback for a moment, but he still nodded seriously, got up and called his companions around him, when everyone was surprised, there was a loud shout outside the city: "Kill!" Then they heard the sound of "咻咻咻" piercing through the air, and everyone's scalps went numb , Reflexively shrank his body behind the city wall, avoiding the cold arrows in the dark.

"Ah," even so, there were still many Qi soldiers who were recruited and fell to the ground screaming. The city suddenly exploded. .

The footsteps of "rumbling" sounded, and everyone looked out through the firelight at the top of the city, and saw a large number of Zhou troops suddenly appearing in the dark night, with swords like forests, full of murderous intent, probably no less than 3 to [-] people.

"Catapult, archers, hurry up," Gao Xing raised his arms, and the thousand soldiers under him moved at the fastest speed, drew their bows and fired arrows, and shot back at the Zhou army outside the city. Others also woke up one after another. Following Gao Xing's order to act, a powerful counterattack was soon formed.

After the initial chaos, the Qi army stabilized their position, and once again fought the Zhou army step by step. Although the Zhou army was numerous and powerful, it was not easy to break through the city in a short time.

Just when Gao Xing led his soldiers to fight selflessly and the resisters Zhou Jun attacked frantically, a commotion suddenly broke out on the north side of Pingyang City.

"The city is broken, the Qi army is surrendered, the city is broken, the Qi army is surrendered,"

Suddenly, flames broke out outside the city, and the generals of the Zhou army shouted like a mountain roaring and a tsunami. The waves were higher than the waves, almost tearing the world apart.

"My lord, what should we do," Gao Xing's soldiers all cast their panicked and confused eyes on Gao Xing, all at a loss what to do.

"Set fire, kill," a cold light flashed in Gao Xing's eyes, and with a shake of the steel knife in his hand, his body ran towards Beicheng like a wild horse that had run wild.

Upon hearing this, Goudan and the others immediately carried out the happy order, overturned the oil pans they had set up one after another, and then set fire to them. The fire quickly spread throughout the West City, and at the same time covered Zhou Jun's sight and hindered their movement. Attack, but at this time, Gao Xing led more than [-] soldiers on the west city wall to rush down the city wall like lightning, and rushed towards the east city gate.

"Kill," came to the South City Gate, happy to slap the seven or eight soldiers who were blocking the gate away with a few palms, and quickly commanded his soldiers to open the South City Gate.

"Zhou Jun has entered the city, if you want to survive, you can rush out with me," Gao Xing glanced at the Zhou Jun who was approaching from outside the Nancheng City, shouted sharply, and rushed towards Zhou Jun.

"Where are the thieves running away?" As soon as Gao Xing ran out of Pingyang City, he heard a loud shout like thunder. Gao Xing raised his eyes and saw that the person who came was an acquaintance, with broad shoulders and broad back, rough and sturdy, and he was holding a heavy handle in his hand. The iron spear, so majestic, could not help but sneer at the corner of his mouth when he was happy, and said "Good job", and went straight forward instead of retreating.

"Looking for death," Duan Wenzhen saw that Xing Xing's soldier was not afraid, he was furious, roared sharply, and smashed the iron rod in his hand to Xing Xing's head.

"Hey," Gao Xing reprimanded softly, twisted his body between lightning and flint, and came under Duan Wenzhen's horse, before the latter could change his moves, the steel knife in Gao Xing's hand pierced silently from under his ribs.

"Ah," Duan Wenzhen let out a miserable cry, chasing down the horse with disbelief on his face, not wanting to rest in peace, but happily he took the opportunity to turn over and climb onto the horse's back, holding Duan Wenzhen's iron rod in one hand and the rein in the other, and shouted loudly: "Duan Wenzhen is dead, who dares to stop me,"

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