Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 401 Goodbye Li Feng

Don't forget the national humiliation, don't forget September [-], the Diaoyu Islands belong to China.

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Zhou Jun, who was about to swarm up and block the Qi army who rushed out of Pingyang City with joy, was suddenly shocked by the sudden change and stayed on the spot.

Although Duan Wenzhen is not as famous as Qi Wang Yuwenxian and other Twelve Pillar Generals, he is brave and brave, and he is well-known in the army, but now he was defeated by a little-known pawn in the Qi army , so the result was naturally difficult for everyone to accept for a while.

Happiness held up the iron spear with his right hand, and pulled the rein with his left hand. The war horse, which was quite upset at the crotch, suddenly suffered pain. It roared and was about to stand up, but Happiness snorted coldly. The boundless evil spirit instantly enveloped the war horse, making it The latter calmed down and snorted uneasily.


Taking advantage of Zhou Jun's sluggish mouth, he stared happily and shouted loudly, kicking the horse's belly with both legs, the horse's crotch trembled suddenly, its hooves slammed, and its body jumped out like an arrow off the string.

"Stop him and avenge General Duan." Seeing Gao Xing approaching, Zhou Jun also woke up, shouting and rushing towards Gao Xing.

"court death,"

The cold light in Gao Xing's eyes flashed away, and his eyes were instantly as deep as a cold pool, as calm as an ancient well, and a compassionate smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again, and the speed of the war horse under Gao Xing's crotch increased again, and the iron spear in his hand waved slightly, and the next moment he held With unmatched strength, he drew out a phantom, and smashed it fiercely at Zhou Jun who surrounded him.



Destroyed, when the iron spear in Gao Xing's hand swung forward, all obstacles seemed to be paper, vulnerable to a single blow, and the blades broke one after another. About fifteen soldiers of the Zhou army were sent flying by Xing Xing, luckier He smashed his bones and tendons with an iron spear, and what was worse was that he turned into a ball of meat sauce on the spot and died.

The power of a lance is so powerful.

If Duan Wenzhen's death only made Zhou Jun feel shocked and unbelievable, then this joy made Zhou Jun feel fear from the bottom of his heart.

Is this still a human being? The legendary Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, is no more than that.

Zhou Jun looked at joy inexplicably in horror, swallowing his saliva continuously, with a nervous and panicked face, and didn't dare to approach any further for a moment.


Happy greeted the Qi army behind him, and the horse rushed forward again, happy to take the lead, picking or sweeping the iron spear in his hand, but all the enemies standing in front of him were either disemboweled by him or swept away, in a state of embarrassment Unbearable, with Xing Xing as the front arrow, the pressure of the Qi army was greatly reduced, and they gathered together one after another, following Xing Xing's footsteps and rushing forward.

Although the generals in the Zhou army kept yelling at their soldiers to stop them with all their strength, their encirclement circle had not been formed, and with the loss of morale, they could only watch nearly [-] Qi troops break through the blockade and Yang Chang left. Pingyang City has been broken, Yu Wenyong's strategic plan has been completed, and the mere [-] defeated troops are insignificant.

Gao Xing led the [-] Qi army all the way northward, and escaped forty miles in one breath, and did not stop until everyone was exhausted. As soon as they stopped, everyone lay down on the ground in disarray mouth, greedily breathing in the fresh air.

"My lord, where are we going next," Goudan wiped the sweat off his face, licked his dry lips, panted and asked happily.

"Let's rest first, we'll talk about it later," Gao Xing had a strong longevity zhenqi by his side, and although he didn't feel much tired, he was in a bad mood right now.

On the night of September 576, 22 A.D., Hou Ziqin, Zuo Cheng of Jinzhou Xingtai, with the consent of the governor Cui Jingchong, led his guards to kill the guards at the north gate of Pingyang City, and put Zhou Guokaifu Yi and General Wang Gui outside the city into the palace. When they came to the city, after Wang Gui entered the city and joined Cui Jingchong, they rushed to Wei Xianggui's residence together, and captured him with lightning speed. Afterwards, after the leaders of Jinzhou's military and government surrendered, Pingyang City completely gave up resistance and became the capital of Zhou Dynasty. In the pocket of the country, only more than [-] defenders escaped from the east gate in the chaotic place.

Pingyang City was broken. Although the process was slightly different, the result was the same as in history. Even if you were happy to participate in it, its result still remained unchanged.

If Gao Xing was the general, he would definitely be able to reverse this ending. Even if he was just an ordinary soldier, he would have a great chance to change this period of history, but he did not choose to do so.

Facing the [-] well-trained Zhou army, even if he is happy to be covered in iron, how many people can he kill? Still nowhere in sight, what a blow to the morale of the Jinzhou defenders.

The city can be built without life, but if the soldiers have no life, can they still stand.

"Shua, Shua, Shua,"

Just as Gao Xing and the others took a breath, there was a sudden light noise from the dense forest not far away, and it was getting closer and closer. Under the dark night, countless light spots suddenly appeared in the violently swaying forest.


"Enemy attack, enemy attack,"

Everyone was startled, their nerves that had been relaxed just now became tense again, and they all jumped up from the ground, holding their weapons tightly, watching those moving light spots in the jungle vigilantly, not daring to breathe.

Gao Xing didn't get up, with a calm face, but his right hand couldn't help clenching the iron lance beside him. Although he had some guesses about the visitors in the jungle, he had to be on the safe side. If Zhou Jun chased him, There must be another tragic fight.

After a while, the light spot in the jungle came to the front, followed by the flickering fire, and everyone finally saw the true face of the comer, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there were nearly a thousand people who came, they were all men, women and children, and their clothes were varied and simple. Some people could even be described as "ragged". It doesn't matter, it looks like a group of poor refugees, or a group of beggars to be precise.

"Heavenly King Gaidihu," looking at the group of beggars, a smile appeared on the corner of his happy mouth, he got up and came between the two sides, and said loudly.

"Pagoda Town River Demon," a young man with a stern face stepped out from among the beggars, looking at him with joy, excitement, and joy.

He happily smiled and said, "Xinghuagao,"

The young man replied: "Yecheng Li,"

Happy calmed down, and asked loudly: "Have you brought anything?"

The young man nodded, turned around and waved: "Come on, lift it up,"

The inexplicable dialogue between the two made Goudan and the others feel like monks in Zhang Er, puzzled. Just as they were surprised, they suddenly moved away from the beggars in front of them, and a group of porters walked out from behind them. There are two full bamboo baskets hanging, count carefully, but there are no less than a hundred baskets.

"Goudan, come here," Gao Xing waved to the confused Goudan with a satisfied smile on his face, and when Goudan came close to a thousand, Gao Xing stepped forward to lift the cloth cover on a bamboo basket, revealing the inside Things, and then said: "Take these dry food and water and share it with the brothers, so that they can fill their stomachs and have a good rest,"

Running desperately all the way, Goudan was already a little hungry. Now when he saw the food and clear water, his eyes lit up, his throat moved involuntarily, and his face was full of longing. The other Qi soldiers were not much better. All of them stared at the bamboo basket tightly, swallowing their saliva unceasingly.

"There's enough dry food, don't grab it," sighed happily, patted Goudan on the shoulder, and then looked at the stern-faced young man. The young man nodded and waved his hand. Those porters immediately understood, and carried their poles and walked towards the Qi army camp. go.

"Let's go over there and have a talk," Gao Xing sighed again as he watched the crowd sharing dry food, and then walked slowly into the distance.

"Li Feng, you have worked hard all the way,"

The young man shook his head, "Master, you are serious."

He waved his hands happily, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for some days, your kung fu has improved a lot, and you have become stronger." Li Feng smiled lightly, with a humble face, and asked happily: "How is the situation in Yecheng recently? ,"

Li Feng replied: "It's still the same, the rich and powerful are still singing and singing every night, drunk and dreaming of death, the people of Li can only struggle hard, but they are powerless to resist,"

"It won't be long before everything will end," Gao Xing clenched his fists, paused, and then asked, "Is everything on the road arranged?"

"everything's ready,"

"Keep some if you can," Gao Xing nodded, looking at the sparse stars in the sky, and sighed again.


On September 23, the second day after Pingyang City was broken, Zhou Guoqi Wang Yuwenxian conquered Hongdong and Yong'an. After a short revision, he was going to continue to attack north. All places were strictly guarded, and the Zhou army could not be allowed to advance northward, so the Qi army burned bridges, destroyed roads, and guarded various dangerous areas, finally curbed Yu Wenxian's advancing momentum, and turned to garrison Yong'an City.

Yu Wenxian was stationed in Yong'an City. While clearing out the stubborn Qi army in the territory, he ordered Yu Wenchun, the Duke of Yongchang, to station in Jiqiyuan (northeast of Yong'an), cut down pines and cypresses, built a semi-permanent round tent, and established a Great Britain to prevent the Qi army from counterattacking.

(On the east side of Fenshui, Jiexiu, Queshu Valley, Gaobi, Fenshuiguan, Jiqiyuan, Yongan, Qianlijing, Hongdong, Pingyang, Gaoliang Bridge, Fenqu)

On September 25th, Emperor Gaowei of the Northern Qi Dynasty sent 1 troops to reinforce Qianlijing (east of Yong'an), and then sent troops to reinforce Fenshui Pass, while he personally led the main force to attack Jiqiyuan, the general of the Northern Zhou Dynasty who was stationed at Fenshui Pass. Yu Wensheng couldn't resist, and hurriedly asked for help from the camp. Qi Wang Yu Wenxian immediately led his army to help.

The Qi army has neglected training in recent years. Where is the opponent of the elite Zhou army? As soon as he came into contact with the Zhou army, he was defeated. Yu Wenxian took advantage of the victory to pursue and repelled the Qi army in a short time. Yu Wenxian wanted to completely defeat this group The Qi army, but Duke Yongchang of Jiqiyuan suddenly came to report that the Qi army was gradually approaching, so Yu Wenxian had to lead his troops back to help.

Because of running back and forth, the soldiers of Zhou were tired and horses were exhausted, so it was not appropriate to take the initiative to fight, so Yu Wenxian set up a solid battle formation and confronted the Qi army until night. When retreating, Yu Wenxian ordered his subordinates to hold grass and horses, and wrap their feet with cotton cloth without making a sound. When the Qi army saw that Zhou Jun's tent was intact, he thought the enemy was sleeping soundly. It was not until the next day that Zhou Jun had already gone to camp. null,

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