"All counter-revolutionaries should be killed!"

He bowed his head and spat hard at Zhukov who was lying on the ground unconscious, and the guard turned away cursing.In his opinion, there is absolutely nothing good about being locked up in prison, especially the counter-revolutionary troublemakers whose epaulets have been torn off like this are the most hateful. These people can make up any kind of story in order to survive, and they actually want to find Luo by themselves. Comrade Ginovsky reports?Still keep saying that the Chinese are going to start a violent attack, this kind of inferior trick is simply ridiculous.

Who is Comrade Loginovsky?Although the supreme military and political chief of the entire Krasnoyarks said that there is no high or low in revolutionary work, only the nature of the work is different, but is such a big man a small prison guard who can see it at a glance?If you report it like a fool, let alone Comrade Loginovsky, it is estimated that the leaders of the prison will have to trouble themselves first.Besides, this guy's nonsense is simply inconsistent. The cessation of gunfire is a signal that the Chinese are preparing to attack. It doesn't make sense logically.He must have fabricated this kind of lie in order to escape the crime. This kind of garbage should not be locked up here to waste precious food, but directly pulled out and shot. The corpse buried in the soil as fertilizer is his best attribution.

After leaving the dark basement and returning to the warm duty room, the guard took out a small wine bottle from his arms and took a sip of the wine comfortably, then carefully put the wine back in his arms, pulled down the brim of his hat, In the middle of the night, he fell asleep quickly.

Since the Chinese rushed to Krasnoyarks, large and small battles have occurred every day without interruption. For a few days, there were even gunshots all night long. The small-scale infiltration and harassment tactics of the Red Army soldiers were a headache.And today, somehow.The Chinese on the opposite side suddenly stopped their small-scale infiltration warfare that they had been conducting at night, which made the frontline commanders very puzzled. At first they thought that the Chinese were planning to fight in another way, but when they were sent out The scout replied that the squadron on the opposite side seemed to be retreating, and the number of enemies on the front had decreased a lot.The commanders were surprised, followed by ecstasy. They thought it was because the Chinese felt that night infiltration warfare was ineffective and planned to change their tactics. They even felt that Krasnoyarks could not be captured and simply prepared to retreat.

The information was reported immediately, and soon the above made a judgment on the situation.The views of the general headquarters and the judgments of the frontline commanders are basically the same. Everyone believes that this behavior of the Chinese means that they have been beaten to death in front of the heroic Red Army. Frightened by the presence of many Red Army soldiers, they completely gave up this attack, and may even voluntarily withdraw their troops due to excessive casualties.This marks a great victory for the Soviets, a great victory for the Bolshevik spirit.And a great victory inspired by the spirit of Stalin!

"Let everyone rest in batches, scouts pay attention to observation, and do a good job of vigilance!"

The commander issued such an order and arranged for the soldiers to rest separately.These days, the spirit that has been tense by the Chinese attack can finally be relaxed. According to the regulations, the commanders also returned to their barracks and drank a mouthful of warm soup.Sleep peacefully.

It was very late at night, and the squadron on the opposite side was still retreating.As the Chinese retreated in large numbers, the scouts who were in charge of security work were gradually relieved.It seems that the Chinese have indeed retreated, and we will observe the situation after dawn. If all the Chinese withdraw their troops, then the heroic Krasnoyarks can officially announce that they have blocked the Chinese attack.Thus winning the defense battle.The Red Army guarding Krasnoyarks will also receive due feats and honors.

The Red Army in Krasnoyarks was very happy with the retreat of the Chinese, and even began to think about how to report the good news to Moscow tomorrow. The airport is brightly lit, and the Chinese Air Force is nervously making final preparations before the war.

"Ziheng! Ziheng!"

Below a fighter jet, a young fighter pilot in a flight jacket checks the condition of the under-nose machine gun.Hearing the shout, he looked back.

"Zhigao, what do you want me to do?"

"I didn't see you in the lounge. So you came here. Why did you come out more than an hour before departure? Just leave the inspection to the ground crew." The pilot Long Zhenglong Zhigao from the same brigade said hello , approached with a smile and asked.

"It's better to see it for yourself." Gao Mingjiu looked carefully at the condition of the machine gun and replied with a smile.

"You have such a temper, you have to trust the ground staff." Long Zheng said with a smile: "It's almost there? Go back soon, the captain will have to give a lecture later."

"Hehe, you still don't know about me? The plane must run well once it takes off. The ground staff is the ground staff. I am me. I just can't let it go if I don't see it." Gao Mingjiu nodded after looking at the machine gun on the left, He lowered his head and turned to the other side to continue to look carefully, saying so in his mouth.

Knowing his friend's personality, Long Zheng shook his head helplessly. This Gao Mingjiu is good at everything, but he is too careful.However, it is also true that Gao Mingjiu’s first attack on the entire brigade was the most brilliant. The fighter jet he piloted alone destroyed five Red Army positions. He was specifically praised at the combat meeting.

"I said Zhigao, how long do you think the Red Army on the other side can last?"

"It's meaningless to persist for a long time. In my opinion, fighter jets are used to fight in the air, not to target ground targets like bombers. This kind of flying combat is really too simple." Gao Mingjiu replied with a wry smile. The veterans of the Great War have personally seen the air battles between the Allied Powers and the Entente Powers on the European battlefield, and the scene is still fresh in my memory.But now, the Chinese Air Force, which is the pride of the sky, can be said to be invincible against the Soviet Red Army. The opponents on the opposite side don't even have anti-aircraft machine guns, and they have no defense against the Chinese Air Force.The result of this kind of battle can be imagined, as long as their planes are dispatched, the enemy is the target of being beaten.

"Okay, I know you want to fight against the air force on the opposite side, don't worry, there will always be a chance." Knowing what his friend was thinking, Long Zheng comforted, although the Soviet also has an air force, but the air force is thousands of miles away in the northwest of the country , which is near the capital Moscow, and their air force cannot be compared with the Chinese Air Force at all, and most of the aircraft used are old-fashioned aircraft left over from the European War.But no matter what, an airplane is an airplane after all. As a pilot, of course, he yearns to fight against opponents in the air, instead of fighting such unchallenging wars like bombers unilaterally. It's too bland.

After slightly adjusting the angle of the machine gun, Gao Mingjiu clapped his hands with satisfaction: "I hope this opportunity comes sooner, this kind of battle is really a bit..." Smiling, he greeted Long Zheng: "Okay, let's go to the meeting .”

In the barracks of the temporary airport, when Gao Mingjiu and Long Zheng walked into the meeting room, the pilots of the entire brigade had basically arrived.Some patterns and lines were drawn with chalk on the front blackboard. A colonel and an air force officer were standing in front of the blackboard and talking in a low voice with the lieutenant colonel beside him. This colonel was Yu Jianfei, Gao Mingjiu's team leader.

"Why did you come here?" Xu Kangliang, a pilot who graduated at the same time as Gao Mingjiu, couldn't help asking when he found a seat to sit down.

"You don't know Zhigao's temper yet, you went to inspect the plane."

"Hehe, do you need to be so serious about dealing with this kind of unresisting ground target? Zhigao, you are really serious. With the help of the ground crew to prepare, why not take advantage of this time to recharge your batteries."

"It's different. No matter how weak the enemy is, they are still enemies. If there is a problem, it will be troublesome." Gao Mingjiu shook his head and said seriously. Xu Kangliang and Long Zheng smiled wryly and were speechless. The two were about to say something when they heard Yu Jianfei coughing in front of him. , to declare the meeting open.

Due to the brilliant results of the Air Force in the early stage, Yu Jianfei, who has been unsmiling since the start of the war, has also relaxed a lot.After announcing the start of the meeting, he made arrangements according to the attack plan. The target missions of each squadron, including bomber squadron and fighter squadron, were marked on the blackboard one by one.

After speaking for about half an hour, all the combat plans were explained, and Yu Jianfei frowned slightly when he saw that the group of pilots below were all at ease, as if they were not going to fight but an outing.

"This group of boys should be beaten..." Yu Jianfei thought so, and immediately reiterated the battlefield discipline in a stern tone. Although the intelligence shows that the Red Army has no effective countermeasures against the Chinese Air Force, anything is possible on the battlefield. In order to avoid unnecessary problems, Yu Jianfei asked all pilots to raise their spirits to face the upcoming battle, instead of underestimating their opponents like they are now.

After a reprimand, the pilot's expression became serious, and Yu Jianfei nodded in satisfaction after seeing everyone's response.Raising his hand to check the time, it was not long before the scheduled attack. Yu Jianfei announced the end of the meeting, and all squadrons should prepare for the battle and attack at any time.

Time passed minute by minute, and soon the pointer pointed to that moment.The pilots who had been prepared for a long time rushed to the location of their respective planes when the alarm bell rang suddenly, and boarded the plane with the help of the ground staff.

At the moment when the white belly was exposed in the eastern sky, the first plane took off from the runway and rushed towards the still black northwest. One, two, three... Ten minutes later, the first plane All the flying squadrons took off, lined up in the air to form a formation, and began to attack under the order of the ground airport. (to be continued..)

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