Gao Mingjiu was one of the first batch of pilots to take off. The planes of the squadron took off one after another and formed a formation in the air.Gao Mingjiu is the lead plane among the three planes. The left and right wingmen are Long Zheng and Xu Kangliang. After climbing to an altitude of 3500 meters, they fly to the northwest at a cruising speed of 180 kilometers per hour. In the middle of the fighter formation is a squadron of Overlord bombers, and Compared with the Sirius fighter, the Overlord bomber is much bigger. With four engines, wide wings, and a big belly full of bombs, it looks so majestic in the air.

Today's weather is very good, cloudless and breezy, it is the most suitable day for the Air Force to attack.About half an hour later, looking at the ground from the air, you can clearly see the shadows of the ground troops, as well as the heavy artillery clusters waiting to be deployed and the tanks ready to go.

Compared with China, Krasnoyarks in the northwest is still peaceful. Except for the slight lights in some places, the entire Krasnoyarks gradually reveals its figure under the morning light in the east.

"All formations are ready for battle! All formations are ready for battle!"

The dialogue machine installed on the plane rang suddenly, and Gao Mingjiu lifted his spirits immediately, checked the instruments and machine guns of the plane for the last time, and then gave thumbs up to the left and right to show his companion that everything was ready.

The distance of more than ten kilometers is only a few minutes for the plane, and it is over Krasnoyarks in a blink of an eye. At this time, the Red Army troops guarding Krasnoyarks did not realize that the danger was approaching. The sky came, and the guards on the position only looked at the front, while most of the officers and soldiers were still resting in the barracks at this time.

Arriving in the sky above Krasnoyarks, the flight formation first drew a graceful arc, and as the official attack order was issued, the bombers under the escort of fighter jets rushed to the target one by one.

"Old men. Please try the iron watermelon of the uncle...!"

The bomber grenadier stared intently at the intended target, and when the target was set into the front sight, he could only hear the grenadier laughing and pulling the grenadier lever.The hatch under the belly of the aircraft was opened, and 70 50-kilogram aerial bombs rolled and tilted down one after another like an old hen laying eggs, and made a sharp whistling sound.

In just a few tens of seconds, the important positions of Krasnoyarks rose into the sky, and billowing smoke and explosions almost completely enveloped the entire periphery of Krasnoyarks.Before the Soviet Red Army below could react from the sudden blow.The bomber squadron continued to drop bombs one after the other in order, and the Red Army positions were filled with constant bombing and terrified soldiers running around looking for shelter.

Half of the bomber squadron was bombing various positions, and the other half continued to move forward under the cover of fighter jets, heading straight for the city center of Krasnoyarks.According to the information obtained by the Chinese government, the Krasnoyarks city government is already the command center of the entire Krasnoyarks theater. Fortifications of frontline positions.In addition to providing coordinated operations for the armored forces and infantry behind, another more important task is to directly bomb the city government in order to completely destroy the enemy's headquarters in the shortest possible time.

Different from the bombers that bombed the positions, the bombers that went straight to the city center carried heavy aerial bombs up to 250 kilograms, and these heavy aerial bombs not only contained explosive bombs, but also mixed with a large number of anti-destructive bombs, enough for the personnel of the Red Army command center to drink. It's time for a pot.

The Chinese air strike came very suddenly, and the headquarters in the city center responded immediately after hearing the overwhelming explosion.The staff officers desperately called and sent telegrams to the front to ask what happened and whether the Chinese launched a heavy shelling on Krasnoyarks.But they haven't waited for them to contact the front line.I heard a buzzing sound above my head from far to near. I looked out of the window and was stunned to see a large group of unknown flying objects flying from the east. In a blink of an eye, these flying objects were getting closer and closer. When I just saw clearly what they were At some point, the hatch under the huge bomber suddenly opened.Dozens of huge bombs fell from the sky with the scream of death.

The person with a quick mind and quick response changed his expression drastically, dropped the phone in his hand and crawled under the table holding his head.The slow-response person stood there blankly, still holding the microphone in his hand and watching the bomb fall with his mouth open.

"Boom...! Boom...!"

When the first bomb fell on the city hall building, there was a deafening explosion while the ground shook and the mountains shook.The blazing fire and the tumbling air wave immediately swept away everyone nearby, followed by huge smoke and dust rising into the sky.

The Russians are a rough nation. Due to their national characteristics, they often like to use solid rocks as materials in building construction.The same is true for the city government of Krasnoyarks. This majestic building built in the Tsarist Russian period is almost entirely made of granite. This kind of building is not to mention an ordinary earthquake. It may not be able to blast away.

However, under the repeated dropping of 250 kg high-explosive aerial bombs by the Chinese Air Force, no matter how strong its buildings are, it cannot withstand it.When the bombers dropped all the bombs within ten minutes, shook their wings and swung away, the Krasnoyarks city government building was beyond recognition. Except for one-third of it still standing there tenaciously, the rest of it was completely destroyed. It became a pile of rubble and rubble, and not only that, but fires were everywhere, and the fire that could not be extinguished for a while engulfed everything.

That's not counting, the bomber left first, and then the fighter jets rushed over.Compared with the bombing of high-altitude bombing, although fighter jets are far inferior to carrying bombs, they are not inferior in accuracy and lethality.Before some Red Army commanders and fighters who had just escaped from the hellish bombing had time to climb out of the ruins, they saw the Chinese fighter jets rushing down from the sky, and the two large-caliber machine guns mounted on the nose suddenly started shooting, and the bullets were like splashing water. Generally hit hard and accurately.

The machine gun of the Chinese Air Force's Sirius fighter jet is specially made, and its caliber is larger than that of the Maxim. This kind of bullet is not to mention hitting someone, even a light hit is enough for the opponent to suffer.Under the howling bullets, the people below were often cut in two by the flying bullets, and flesh and limbs were flying everywhere. The extremely bloody scene made people horrified.

At the same time that the air force began to attack, the ground forces also began to attack.As the air strikes on the outer positions of Krasnoyarks had just come to an end, the heavy artillery group of the squadron began to show off.

The overwhelming cannon roared at the same time, and what was even more terrifying was the howling of rocket launchers. Thousands of shells turned the entire Red Army position into a sea of ​​flames, and the Red Army was almost powerless to fight back.

"Extend the artillery, let the tanks start attacking! Notify the 101st and 102nd divisions at the same time!"

Bai Chongxi held the binoculars and stared at the front. After a few minutes, he nodded with satisfaction and gave the order for a full-scale attack.Zhang Zhizhong, who had been waiting by the side for a long time, hurriedly took a few staff officers to record separately, and then hurried out to give orders.

The artillery fire extended forward after the order was given, and shelled the center of Krasnoyarks a little bit.At this time, the tanks that had received the order and were ready for battle also set off rumblingly.On the two wings of the 101st Armored Division are the elite 102st and [-]nd Divisions, forming a huge arrow, piercing Krasnoyarks like a sharp knife.

When the ground troops successfully attacked the forward positions of the Red Army, the second batch of air forces arrived just in time.In the face of the steel torrent of fighter jets, bombers and the [-]st Armored Division, all so-called impenetrable defenses became so ridiculous.The First Armored Division tore through the front opening without any difficulty, broke through three lines of defense in one breath, and quickly reached the rear of the position.

After breaking through the front line of defense, the [-]st Armored Division did not stop. Except for some troops left behind to repeatedly sweep and drive away the frightened Red Army troops, most of the troops rushed from the northeast to the position on the southwest bank of the Yenisei River. Yenisei bridge and link to Siberia.

"Where is my army? Where is my army? Who can tell me where the army is!"

The commander-in-chief of the Red Army, General Loginovsky, was lucky to escape the bombing by not being there when the Chinese Air Force bombed the city hall.As a staunch Bolshevik party member, General Loginovsky did not forget his enthusiasm for reforming class enemies during the war.When he was awakened by the sound of explosions in and outside the city, he jumped out of the bed with bare feet, ignoring the bourgeois Miss Jiao who was lying next to him and had undergone his political education all night.

Putting on the military uniform as quickly as possible, General Loginovsky didn't realize that he had buttoned his clothes by the wrong hole, and just ran out of the room with his pistol in a panic, when he ran into the man he had arranged downstairs. guard.

When he finally arrived near the city hall, he stared dumbfounded at the ruins of the general headquarters. General Loginovsky's face turned pale, and his hands trembled slightly involuntarily.

It has been less than an hour since the Chinese launched the attack, but with the destruction of the headquarters and the breakthrough of the forward position, the entire Krasnoyarks defense force has fallen into chaos.There are constant cannons, gunshots and the terrible whistling of planes in and around the city. Groups of soldiers are running around like headless chickens. Many of them don't even have a gun in their hands, just looking for a safe place to hide. where.

After a lot of effort, General Loginovsky managed to gather about a regiment of troops, and there were people from various troops in this regiment. He couldn't figure out for a while which troops these soldiers originally belonged to. branch.Reluctantly arranging a few junior officers to lead him, General Loginovsky hurriedly retreated to the northwest. When he ran to the northwest of the city, he learned that the Chinese armored forces had captured the position on the southwestern bank of the Yenisei River. He was shocked. Can't help but howl. (to be continued..)

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