Super black turtle clone

Chapter 103 Battle against deep-sea sharks!

() Although these elixirs are not treasures of the same level as Tiancaidibao, they are also grown from the essence of heaven and earth, and the water aura contained in them is very helpful for the growth of the black turtle's strength.

In just over half a month, the size of the black turtle has improved a lot again, and it is already close to seven meters in length.

The tortoise shell is black and shiny, it looks like casting black iron, the dragon head-like head looks even more ferocious, even teeth began to grow in the beak, the four small teeth that are as sharp as blades make the tortoise's body The bite force is even more terrifying.

Under Zhuo Yun's control, Xuan Gui opened his mouth and swallowed the green grass into his stomach, and quickly refined the green grass while the vitality in his body surged.

The green grass turned into traces of water aura and blended into the black turtle's body and vitality, transforming and strengthening the black turtle's body.

It took an hour or so for Xuangui to completely refine the medicinal power of the green grass, and his stature grew again, but compared to before, the growth rate was much smaller.

Zhuo Yun could feel that Xuangui seemed to be stuck in a bottleneck, and if he wanted to break through again, he might just swallow an elixir of the level of green grass, which would not help. Only the elixir of heaven, material and earth treasures would be possible Break through this bottleneck.

"Hiss!" The fire python's sharp hiss sounded, and a pair of red snake eyes cautiously looked into the distant sea water.

"There are enemies!"

Zhuo Yun's heart moved slightly, and he turned his head to look at the sea area where the fire python was looking. A huge figure was swimming fast in the distance.

Soon through Xuan Gui's pair of blood-red eyes, Zhuo Yun could clearly see the true face of this huge figure.

"I really came here for whatever I wanted. A deep-sea shark can just show me how strong the black turtle is now." Looking at the huge shark that was at least 15 meters long, Zhuo Yun was secretly pleasantly surprised.

If it was the mysterious turtle in the past, it would have been a little timid in the face of such a huge monster, but now it has enough strength to kill the deep-sea shark in front of it.

"Roar!" Xuangui raised his head and let out a roar similar to a dragon's chant. While waving his thick limbs, the surrounding water flow turned into a powerful driving force, and he rushed towards the deep-sea shark at high speed. .

The mysterious tortoise made such a big noise that it immediately attracted the attention of the deep-sea shark. It roared as if it was facing a formidable enemy, swung its thick tail, and rushed towards the mysterious tortoise without showing any weakness.

As a bystander in a third-person state, Zhuo Yun felt like watching a blockbuster American movie, and it was in 3D mode.

Soon the black tortoise collided with the deep-sea shark, and waves of water surged out from the violent force.

Deep-sea sharks are worthy of being called deep-sea killers. Their entire bodies are grown for survival and hunting in the deep sea. The skeleton of the whole body is formed of cartilage, which has a much stronger ability to resist impact and pressure than ordinary bones.

Under the all-out impact of the black turtle, the deep-sea shark just shook its head, but it was not injured at all.

"Ho Ho!" Seeing this situation, Xuangui let out an angry roar.

The strength of these suns has grown considerably, coupled with the assistance of some fire pythons, it can be said that in the rampant and deep sea, there has never been a deep sea beast that can withstand its full speed impact.

The vitality in the turtle's body surged and spread, as if it was integrated with the surrounding water. The turtle seemed like a fish in water. With the help of the sea water, it rushed up again nimbly. The body of the shark blocks its figure.

Taking advantage of the comfort of the sea water, the black turtle quickly rushed in front of the deep-sea shark, swung its front claws fiercely, and slashed heavily on the body of the deep-sea shark.

"It's too late!" The sharp claws tore open the skin of the deep-sea shark, and the bright red blood immediately spread into the surrounding sea water.

The deep-sea shark screamed, and its huge body shook like a hill, shattering all the seawater ropes bound on its body, and whipped its thick and powerful tail at the body of the black turtle.

"Touch!!" The black tortoise shot out like a cannonball, blasting a passage in the deep sea, flying tens of meters away before controlling the sea to stop.

"This deep-sea shark is so powerful, the force of its tail swinging, actually hurt the black turtle's body through the turtle's shell."

Although Zhuo Yun, who was a bystander, did not control the Xuangui, he could still see clearly what was going on in the Xuangui's body. If it wasn't for the protection of vitality, the blow just now would have severely injured the Xuangui's soft body.

Not only the strength of the deep-sea shark, but also the physical defense of the deep-sea shark also surprised Zhuo Yun. Just now, the sharp claws of the black turtle seemed to have opened a hole in the body of the deep-sea shark. But it wasn't a serious injury.

Just as the black turtle stabilized its figure, the deep-sea shark in the distance has already twisted its thick tail, breaking through layers of sea water and rushing towards it.

The deep-sea shark itself is known for its ferocity, and the smell of blood immediately aroused its viciousness, especially the pain from the body, which made the deep-sea shark's bloodthirsty instinct burst out.

The runaway deep-sea shark was extremely terrifying. The sea rope controlled by the black turtle couldn't resist for a moment. In the blink of an eye, it rushed in front of the black turtle. It opened its huge mouth while roaring, and its sharp sword-like teeth gleamed coldly.

"Haha, this idiot wants to bite the black turtle with its teeth, it's really a birthday star who always eats arsenic and wants to die."

Zhuo Yun, a bystander, was amused by the behavior of the deep-sea shark.

"Ka Ka Ka!" There was a scalp-numbing sound like grinding teeth, and there was a crisp sound of teeth breaking.

Just as Zhuo Yun thought, the deep-sea shark will be tragic at once. Although his teeth are very sharp, they are not the strongest blade, but the shell of the black tortoise can be called the strongest shield. It's not something it can bite.

The pain from the mouth made the deep-sea shark wake up suddenly, shaking its head and trying to throw the black turtle out of its mouth, but unfortunately the angry black turtle would not give it this chance.


Accompanied by a roar like a dragon's chant, the sharp claws of the black turtle pierced deeply into the mouth of the deep-sea shark, and bright and violent electric currents shone all over its body.

"Chi Chi Chi!" The raging electric current was like bursting fireworks, illuminating the dark sea water around it brightly, and the terrifying electric current even scared the fire python in the distance and hastily pulled a distance away again.

It took a while for the raging electric current to gradually dissipate, revealing the deep-sea shark whose body was twitching and whose eyes were full of unwillingness.

(The book will be on the shelves on the [-]st of next month. I hope everyone will support and subscribe. Hey, I feel very disturbed when it is on the shelves. Many parts of the book are not satisfactory. Xiao Zhai can only work hard and work harder!)

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