Super black turtle clone

Chapter 104 Rescue mission to Wa country!

() Looking at the deep-sea sharks that have outgassed more than inhaled, Zhuo Yun didn't feel much joy in his heart.

If it wasn't for the fact that the deep-sea shark was too stupid and planned to crush the black turtle, and let the black turtle burst out the absorbed current in one fell swoop, it would go straight into the deep-sea shark's interior. It would not be so easy to kill the deep-sea shark.

Just now when the black turtle released the current, he had been observing and found that the surface skin of the deep-sea shark has a great resistance to the current. Although it cannot be completely insulated, if the current is released directly outside, it is difficult to kill the deep-sea shark.

In addition, the attack method of the black turtle needs to be strengthened.

Especially the ability to control water can only play a supporting role now.

According to Zhuo Yun's estimate, if Xuangui can break through the current bottleneck, it should make rapid progress.

Zhuo Yun's consciousness was attached to Xuan Gui's body, although he could no longer control his body, he still had a subtle feeling.

After killing the deep-sea shark, he noticed something strange in his body, and quickly returned his consciousness back to his body.

After regaining consciousness, Zhuo Yun suddenly sat up from the bed, and there were bursts of violent knocks on the door. If the door of the underground base was not built very solidly, it would have been knocked open long ago.

He stepped forward and opened the door, revealing Tashi Dorje who was raising his fist outside, intending to keep pounding on the door.

"I said Tashi Dorji, can you be gentle, my door is almost smashed by you." Turning his head and glanced at the door which was obviously sunken, Zhuo Yun said speechlessly.

"Sorry, the captain has something urgent, let's meet in the meeting room." Tashi Dorji touched the back of his head honestly and smiled.

"It's urgent!" Zhuo Yun thought in surprise, not understanding what Ouyang Zuo was doing.

Following Tashi Dorji to the conference room, Ouyang Zuo, Dao Feng, and even Leng Ji had already arrived in the conference room, and they were sitting in the conference room waiting.

"Okay, we're all here now, this meeting has officially started!" Ouyang Zuo said solemnly after glancing at Zhuo Yun and Tashi Dorji.

"Captain, what the hell happened? You called us here in such a hurry. I was picking up girls. I was about to get it. Now you have ruined it." Dao Feng, who was sitting next to him, had a resentful look on his face. Dissatisfied Road.

"There is a problem with Can Leopard." Ouyang Zuo looked at Daofeng calmly, and said with a heavy tone.

Hearing Ouyang Zuo's words, Zhuo Yun was at a loss and didn't understand what he was talking about, but the expressions of Dao Feng and Tashi Duoji beside him suddenly changed, and even Leng Ji frowned slightly.

"No, Can Leopard's strength is in our third group, and he is also one of the best madmen, and as far as I know, their task this time does not seem to be too difficult, just to steal something." Said with a surprised face, an unbelievable look.

Tashi Dorji and Leng Ji did not speak, but they both had the same question on their faces.

"Hey!" Ouyang Zuo sighed, shook his head helplessly and said: "The task of Can Leopard and the others is not too difficult. With the hidden ability of the shadow, coupled with the strength of Can Leopard and others, it is indeed easy. It’s just that you also know that guy Can Bao, he is definitely a fighting maniac, after completing the task, he even provoked the masters of several major sword sect schools in the Wa Kingdom, and was ambushed by them, and Can Bao was also seriously injured.”

"How could this be? All the sword sects in the Japanese country are pulling like two hundred and five. What did Can Leopard do to make these self-confessed noble sword sects want to ambush them?" Dao Feng was stunned. road.

"As far as I know, it seems that Can Leopard killed the inheritors of several kendo schools such as Feitian Yujianliu."

"Damn, this guy is really fierce, no wonder, but this guy Can Leopard is really a troublemaker."

Zhuo Yun next to him was surrounded by clouds and mist. He had just joined the Fifth Army, and he didn't know many things, such as what kind of remnant leopard, what kind of flying sword style, he didn't know anything.

Ouyang Zuo saw Zhuo Yun's doubts, and explained the specific situation, so that he finally understood the content of the conversation.

In the past, Zhuo Yun thought that there were only five of them in the third group of the fifth unit, but now he realized that his idea was completely wrong. Apart from Leng Ji and the others, there were more than a dozen team members outside, some of them were doing missions and some were on vacation. .

Can Leopard is also a member of the third group. Just by the nickname, it can be seen that this person is as ferocious as a leopard, and he is a full-fledged fighter. Even Ouyang Zuo has a headache because of his unruly nature.

As for Feitian Yujianliu, it is a school of sword sects in the Wa Kingdom, and it has a very high status in the Wa Kingdom's kendo, second only to the highest school of the Wa Kingdom's kendo, the Shenjianliu.

The most important thing for the Japanese sword school is inheritance. Can Leopard killed Kazuo Nandao, the suzerain of Feitian Yujian school, who planned to train the son of the next suzerain, as well as the inheritors of several other major kendo schools that were together at that time.

This is not only a huge loss for the Feitian Yujian School and other schools, but also makes them lose face, which makes Nandao Kazuo not hesitate to ambush Can Bao and others.

After some discussion, Ouyang Zuo decided to let Zhuo Yun and the other four go to the country of Wa to rescue Can Bao and others who were seriously injured.

Zhuo Yun, who originally planned to leave for a while, was so depressed that he had to accept his first mission after joining the Fifth Army.

The relationship between the Wa Kingdom and Huaxia is very tense now, which has led to the Wa Kingdom's strict inspection of immigrants, especially the Chinese people will be subject to almost rude searches. It is very difficult to enter the Wa Kingdom with guns and weapons. Once they are checked Come out, things will become very troublesome.

This trip to the Wa country, it is very likely that he will fight with the Japanese sword masters. To be on the safe side, Zhuo Yun asked Ouyang Zuo to get him a pair of high-tech nano-metal gloves.

This kind of glove is very tough, similar to the invulnerable silk gloves in martial arts novels. It is made of a special metal by nanometer means. It is not very effective against bullets, but it is not effective against sharp weapons such as swords. Very useful, ordinary swords will not even leave a trace.

It took a whole day to prepare, and Zhuo Yun and the other four, who made everything ready the next day, finally boarded the passenger plane to Japan.

(Thanks to Xu Fenghui for the 100 starting point coins, there is still a chapter today, the update ticket for breaking through the shackles of the soul yesterday, it should be a reminder for today, I am not very clear, I hope it is correct!)

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