Super black turtle clone

Chapter 105 Idiot Customs!

() A few hours later, at the Osaka International Airport in Japan, Zhuo Yun and Leng Ji, dressed like tourists, stepped off the passenger plane.

As soon as he walked out of the airport, a man in black came walking quickly. After Dao Feng stepped forward and said a few secret words to him, a group of four people left the international airport in the car of the man in black.

During the conversation, Zhuo Yun learned that the man in black was named Qin Chao, and he was the captain of the three groups of non-staff personnel in the country of Japan.

Soon a group of five people came to a residence called Chaoyang Hotel. Qin Chao had already prepared in advance, and the four of them directly checked into the four adjacent rooms.

"You will stay in this hotel for the time being. This hotel is run by us Chinese, and safety can still be guaranteed."

"What about Can Bao and the others, are they also hiding in this hotel?" A group of four sat on the sofa, Dao Feng asked suspiciously.

Qin Chao shook his head, and said with a solemn expression: "This time, Can Bao and the others pissed off the Feitian Yujian School and other schools of sword sects, and the whole of Osaka is almost completely monitored by the forces of several major sword schools. They were not in the city, but fled to the mountains not far from Osaka and hid."

"That's it, that kid Can Bao is very arrogant, this time he's really in a mess." Dao Feng gloated and said, judging by his appearance, he probably suffered a lot before.

"How can we contact Can Bao and the others now?" Leng Ji, who had been keeping a cold face and silent, suddenly asked in a cold voice.

Qin Chao, who originally had a fluent conversation with Dao Feng, was obviously a little nervous when facing Leng Ji, and his speech was not very fluent.

"I have sent people to follow the signal left by Can Leopard and the others to search for it. I believe there will be news soon. You should stay here for two days."

After learning about some specific situations, the four of them went back to their own rooms to rest and recharge their spirits. After all, once they found Can Leopard and the others, they might be chased by Feitian Yujianliu and other great sword sects.

Back in his room, Zhuo Yun didn't feel sleepy at all. This was his first time abroad, and his spirits were still quite high.

While he was idle and bored, he shifted his consciousness to Xuan Gui.

To be on the safe side, before setting off for the Wa country, he had already sent Xuan Gui to the sea area where the Wa country was located, and he had already rushed to the waters near Osaka at this moment.

After all, he was in Wa country now, Zhuo Yun didn't stay with Xuan Gui for a long time, after asking Xuan Gui to find a place to hide, he quickly returned his consciousness to his own body.

"Dong dong dong!" As soon as he woke up, a knock on the door came to his ears.

"Dao Feng, why didn't you rest!" Zhuo Yun asked suspiciously when he opened the door and saw Dao Feng standing outside.

"What are you resting for? I'm full of energy now. I finally came to the Wa country. How can I waste it on sleep? Would you like to go out with me for a walk? I heard that there are many beauties in the Wa country, and you know. "As he spoke, a wretched smile appeared on Dao Feng's face.

Contemptuous of Dao Feng's wretched appearance, to be honest, Zhuo Yun was really moved. Compared with Dao Feng who often went abroad, this was his first overseas trip, and the country he came to was still the country that many men yearned for. < In the ren education film, it would be a lie to say that you are not curious about this land that gave birth to Teacher Cang, Teacher Ozawa, and many other top life mentors.

"Hey, I said Dao Feng, do we need to be so careful? We're not thieves." Under Dao Feng's careful leadership, the two left the hotel, Zhuo Yun asked suspiciously.

"You don't know about this. If Leng Ji finds out about our desire to go out and play, it will be in vain. And that guy Tashi Dorji, once he finds out, he will definitely ask to follow. I'm going to be annoyed to death by him." Dao Feng taught like a habitual offender.

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun nodded approvingly. With Leng Ji's icy personality that could freeze people to death, she was definitely of the business-like type, and it was impossible to be flexible.

Walking on the streets of the Japanese country, feeling the exotic style, made Zhuo Yun feel very novel.

Especially the women from the Japanese country who walked around made him admire. Of course, this is not to say that the women from the Japanese country are so beautiful, but that the women from the Japanese country are dressed in cool clothes, and the short skirts of each one can hardly cover their buttocks. People look very angry. < ren educational film, when he really came to Japan, he realized that it was far more exaggerated than the film.

Along the way, he saw several men taking advantage of the opportunity on the pedestrian road, and those women struggled symbolically, as if they enjoyed being sexually harassed.

After asking about Dao Feng, I found out that the sex culture of the Japanese country is very prevalent, and there are no more people like tram idiots, and gradually even some elementary and middle school students take it as a glory to be harassed by others, which shows that they are beautiful Good figure, but those female students who have not been harassed by selves have low self-esteem, thinking that they are too ugly to attract others.

Zhuo Yun was a little stunned by Dao Feng's words, he really couldn't understand how a country can have such a cultural atmosphere, it is really unbelievable.

Under the leadership of Dao Feng, the two soon came to a wine with a Japanese name. Although it was not evening yet, there were still quite a few people in the wine.

Walking into the wine, the first thing Zhuo Yun saw was a gorgeous stage.

On the stage, two Japanese beauties in hot outfits are doing a sexy pole dance.

While dancing, one can even see a dark part of it through the thin underwear.

With his extraordinary eyesight, Zhuo Yun even noticed that the slightly sunken crotch of one of the pole dancers was even wet.

The seats in the wine are built around the stage, forming a circle. Many men and women are drinking and chatting, looking at the two dancing on the stage with great interest.

"Hey, Zhuo Yun, it's not bad here."

A lewd smile appeared on the corner of Dao Feng's mouth: "This wine is one of the most famous wines in this area. There are often many beauties here. As long as you like each other, you can book a room on the second floor of the wine. One night, relying on my big brother's charm, I can definitely win three or four beauties easily, and I will give you one or two later if you want my brother."

"Cough, you'd better keep it to yourself." Speechlessly glanced at the swaying blade, wondering whether his pale face was caused by doing these things.

(Thanks to the beggar in a suit for the reward of [-] starting coins!)

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