Super black turtle clone

Chapter 107 Carrying a Bazooka!

() Get rid of Liangmin Feitian Yujianliu's disciple, and the two quickly left the wine.

"This man looks familiar, he seems to have seen it somewhere before." Standing on the side of the road, Zhuo Yun was secretly puzzled as he watched an Arab man walking fast not far away.

After hailing a taxi, Dao Feng sat in the back seat, seeing Zhuo Yun standing there without moving, he hurriedly urged: "What's wrong with you, come in quickly."

"By the way, this person seems to be the subordinate of the pirate Thomas." A flash of inspiration flashed in Zhuo Yun's mind, and Zhuo Yun suddenly remembered.

In his sight the Arab turned into an alleyway.

"Oh, I got it!" Came back to his senses, Zhuo Yun remembered the location of the alleyway where the Arabs left just now, walked on the taxi, and returned to Chaoyang Hotel as fast as possible.

Gathering Leng Ji and Tashi Dorji together, Dao Feng told the news about the torture from the two Feitian Yujianliu disciples, and Leng Ji's cold and expressionless face also changed slightly.

After the four of them had a brief discussion, they immediately called Qin Chao, and soon a modified van roared to a stop at the door of the hotel.

Sitting in the modified van, Zhuo Yun couldn't help being astonished when he saw the things he visited in the van.

In the rear compartment, there were all kinds of firearms and weapons, even grenades and rocket launchers. It was like a small mobile arsenal.

"Four, because the matter is more urgent, I can only get these weapons now. If I were given a little more time, I could get a few heavy machine guns." Qin Chao showed a trace of shame while speaking.

Hearing Qin Chao's words, Zhuo Yun was speechless. He wondered if this guy would be able to get a few missiles if he was given ten days and half a month.

"Thank you, these weapons are enough." Tashi Dorji smiled honestly, reached out and grabbed a submachine gun, loaded it with bullets, tried the weight and nodded in satisfaction.

Both Leng Ji and Dao Feng also began to choose weapons that suit them, preparing for the next battle, and there was a tense atmosphere in the air.

"What's the matter, bro, you're not scared anymore." Dao Feng, who had a pistol pinned to his waist, saw Zhuo Yun standing there without moving, and teased with a smile.

Facing Dao Feng's ridicule, Zhuo Yun shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm afraid, I'm just a little nervous."

"It's like this for newcomers. When I joined the Fifth Army for the first time, I was so nervous. Don't worry, brother, I will protect you when the time comes." Dao Feng said with a smile while playing with the sharp dagger.

Seeing Dao Feng's sloppy look, Zhuo Yun didn't feel safe, but after Dao Feng said this, the tension in his heart eased a little.

The van drove for nearly two hours, and finally came to the forest where Can Bao and the others were.

In an inaccessible place, a group of four people in full armor got out of the car. To be on the safe side, Qin Chao didn't park the van here, and the one who started the motor disappeared from the sight of the four people.

"Zhuo Yun, are you sure you're carrying this big guy?" Dao Feng glanced at Zhuo Yun's shoulder, his eyelids twitching slightly.

Except for Tashi Dorji's relatively normal expression, even Leng Ji looked at Zhuo Yun like an idiot.

"Of course, this guy is powerful, I like it." Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand and patted the portable rocket launcher on his shoulder, and nodded without caring about the strange expressions of the two.

Seeing Zhuo Yun's insistence, Dao Feng didn't say anything more, and a group of four rushed into the forest at full speed, heading towards where Can Leopard was.

The four figures in the mountain forest were running at high speed, their running speed was comparable to that of a runner in a [-]-meter race, but the runners in a [-]-meter race were finished after sprinting [-] meters, but they continued to run at such a speed. Running, especially the current environment is still in the mountains and forests, the difficulty of running is far from comparable to that on a flat track.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye. In the eyes of Leng Ji and the others, Zhuo Yun, who was carrying a bazooka, would definitely be overwhelmed soon, but the result surprised them. After half an hour passed, Zhuo Yun was still the same. With a calm appearance, except for a little shortness of breath, there is hardly any fatigue.

Zhuo Yun, who cultivates the turtle's breath gun, is not only amazing in terms of defense and strength, but also terrifying in terms of endurance and physical strength. Let alone carrying a bazooka, even if he is fighting against a few, it is not at all for him question.

An hour later, the four of them sat and rested exhaustedly in an open space. Everyone was panting and looked exhausted. Compared with the three with relatively light equipment, Zhuo Yun was the one who looked the most relaxed inside. Leng Ji, who watched his good show, felt even more upset, her face was as cold as ice.

"Not far ahead is the valley where Can Leopard and the others are. I think the surrounding area should be surrounded by people from the kendo school such as Feitian Yujianliu at this moment. We must find a way to open a gap. It is best to be able to fight with Can Leopard." The inside should cooperate with the outside, otherwise if we rush in, it will not be so easy to rush out." After a short break, Dao Feng analyzed calmly.

"Now we have no way to contact Can Bao and others, how can we cooperate with them." Tashi Dorje scratched his head in confusion.

Leng Ji's tone was still cold and said: "Out of the four of us, one of us must rush in and notify Can Bao, so as to achieve the effect of cooperating with the inside and the outside."

Hearing the conversation of the three, Zhuo Yun nodded. This is the only way at this stage. Once the people from the major kendo schools launch an attack, there will be no way to cooperate with the inside and outside.

This plan is very good, but there must be a person who rushes in at the risk of danger. The plan is drawn up, but there is no one to charge forward.

"Hey, what are you three looking at me for?" Zhuo Yun, who was thinking, raised his head when he noticed something strange, just in time to see the three of them focus their eyes on him.

"You don't mean to let me go, I'm a newcomer." Zhuo Yun's face changed slightly and he quickly shook his hands. He joined the Fifth Army just to gain an identity. If you really want him to jump into the fire pit, he won't willing to do.

(I'm dizzy. I've suddenly become busy at work recently. I often work overtime. I'm dizzy. In addition, I was hit hard by the book friends before. The manuscript is basically consumed. It's hard work. It seems that something broke out after it was put on the shelf. I'm going to die, I'm dizzy, I can only hope that I've been busy recently, and it will explode next month, hey, depressed!)

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