Super black turtle clone

Chapter 108 Infiltrating the Big Battle!

() Dao Feng stepped over and said with a helpless expression: "I don't want to do this either, but among the four of us, you are the most suitable candidate."

"Tashi Dorji is not bad in terms of strength, but he is not good at hiding his figure and speed. As for Leng Ji, she is quite suitable in all aspects, but once she encounters an enemy, she can only use the ice ability. It's easy to expose our identities, after all, this time our mission is to be kept secret, and the relationship between our country and Wa is very tense now, so we can't let them catch anything."

"Then there is still you, I think you are very suitable." Zhuo Yun said without compromise.

Dao Feng was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and Tashi Dorji next to him answered, "The relationship between Dao Feng and Can Bao is very stiff. If Dao Feng goes, Can Bao will not honestly follow the plan to break through. So this time it's up to you."

"At that time, we will give you enough fire support, and as far as I know, you have used our news network to look for old wild ginseng before, and that kid Can Leopard has collected a hundred-year-old wild ginseng. You come forward to save him, because of his character of repaying favors, as long as you ask him, he will definitely give you the century-old wild ginseng." Dao Feng put away the dagger in his hand awkwardly, and persuaded.

"Coward, if you are afraid, I can replace you." Leng Ji frowned, mockingly with a look of disdain.

Glancing at Leng Ji who always liked to fight against him, Zhuo Yun snorted coldly and said: "Some Japanese devils are not enough to scare me, just go!"

He said these words not because he was stimulated by Leng Ji, but after some deliberation.

In fact, when he heard Dao Feng's words just now, his heart was a little moved.

After taking 50-year-old wild ginseng, he has been wanting to buy wild ginseng again, but what makes him depressed is that wild ginseng that is less than 50-year-old contains too little medicinal power and cannot satisfy his desire at all. need.

However, with the development of science and technology, air pollution and other reasons, the ecology has undergone great changes, coupled with excessive excavation and sale, now the pure wild ginseng over 50 years old is very rare, even if he has money, it is difficult to buy it. buy.

Of course, in addition to the temptation of century-old wild ginseng, there is also Zhuo Yun's confidence in his own strength.

Through the two disciples of Feitian Yujianliu, he learned that this time the several major kendo schools of the Wa Kingdom encircled and suppressed Can Leopard and others. They only joined forces with more than a dozen Japanese special forces armed with guns, and the others came with swords. In this way, his pressure will be relatively much less.

Came to the hilltop a few hundred meters outside the valley where Can Leopard and the others were, and through the high-power binoculars, one could see the disciples of several major kendo schools surrounding them, as well as the special forces snipers lying on several key commanding heights. .

"For a while, you will first look at the valley below, try not to be discovered by the enemy, and wait until we shoot and kill the snipers on the commanding heights, and then rush into the valley." Putting down the high-powered binoculars in his hand, Leng Ji Said in an unusually calm tone.

"I understand!" Zhuo Yun nodded despite being a little uncomfortable being directed by Leng Ji, after all, this was related to his own life.

According to the plan, Leng Ji, who had the best marksmanship among the four, took out her sniper gun and looked for the best position to kill the special forces sniper, while Dao Feng and Tashi Dorje each held submachine guns in different positions and were ready to support Zhuo Yun at any time.

Taking a deep breath, Zhuo Yun put on special gloves, with two pistols pinned to his waist, and cautiously approached the valley. During the approach, he used the turtle's breath formula, and the breath on his body quickly disappeared, unless Hearing the sound or seeing him, otherwise, even a soldier who has experienced the battlefield and can sense the danger of murder will not be able to detect the existence of Zhuo Yun. If he stands still at this moment, in the eyes of some animals a statue.

While being careful about the approaching valley, Zhuo Yun was adjusting his mentality. This was the first time he participated in this kind of battle. If he said he was not nervous, it would be a lie. Of course, compared to some recruits, he had killed people and With his strength far exceeding that of ordinary people, his situation is still much better.

Under self-adjustment, when he came near Taniguchi, less than ten meters away from the disciples of the Kendo school in front, he had already adjusted his mentality, as if he was completely immersed in cultivation, his eyes were calm like a wild beast waiting for an opportunity to prey .

Hidden in the grass, Zhuo Yun secretly thought about how to deal with the four kendo disciples less than ten meters ahead.

If it was in normal times, these four people would not be his current opponents at all, and he could completely knock them down with Xingyi Quan within 1 minute.

Now it is not normal, 1 minute is enough for many accidents to happen, once it is discovered by other special forces, or masters of the major kendo schools, then things will become troublesome.

Facing the four disciples of the kendo school, the best way is to wipe them all out. He has two high-explosive grenades on him, but he has no intention of using them.

Ever since he cultivated the ability to control water, he hasn't tried the real power in actual combat. The four people hiding in the woods in front of him are undoubtedly the best targets.

In this kind of place, you don't have to worry about being discovered by others, and you don't have to worry about the time it takes to condense the water polo.

The more he thought about it, the more reliable Zhuo Yunyue was. With a slight movement of his mind, the vitality in his body surged violently, and the already very humid water vapor in the forest quickly gathered in the direction of his palm. After more than ten seconds, a fist The size of the water polo condensed out.

"Just to be on the safe side, it's better to make it bigger." With that in mind, Zhuo Yun continued to inject vitality into it, and the water polo rapidly expanded and became bigger.

A few more seconds passed, and the fist-sized water polo had grown to the size of a basketball. At this moment, he was horrified to find that the water polo had become very unstable, and the energy contained in it was too strong, somewhat beyond his current control ability.

Just when Zhuo Yun was about to lose control and was extremely anxious, the expectant gunshot suddenly rang out, which was like the most pleasant sound to him now.

At the same time as the gunshots sounded, Zhuo Yun's figure shot out from the hiding place like a predatory beast, his speed was so fast that he covered a distance of four or five meters in the blink of an eye, and included the four disciples of the kendo school in front of him. The attack range of your own water polo.

"Baga!" The four kendo disciples who were stunned by the sound of gunshots suddenly spotted Zhuo Yun rushing out from behind. One of them reacted first, and with a loud cry, he stretched out his hand and was about to pull out the samurai sword at his waist.

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