Super black turtle clone

Chapter 110 Killing!

() "Boom!!" The signal bomb exploded in mid-air, despite the roar of gunfire and bullets outside, Leng Ji and the others discovered the explosion of the signal bomb in the first place.

After seeing the signal bomb explode, Leng Ji and the others completely let go of their firepower, and began to suppress the Jianzong sect with all their strength, as well as the few remaining special forces.

Compared with the disciples of the Sword Sect, the special forces armed with guns undoubtedly pose a greater threat. Therefore, in the gun battle just now, Leng Ji and others specifically killed the special forces of the Japanese country.

Compared with the special forces of other countries, these dozen Japanese special forces are still very good. It is a pity that they met people from the fifth unit this time. There were a lot of casualties, and the few remaining people were too suppressed to look up.

Taking advantage of Leng Ji's three people fully erupting, Zhuo Yun led Can Leopard and the others to rush towards Taniguchi quickly. Along the way, Zhuo Yun and the shadow acted as cover, and several disciples of several major kendo schools who tried to get close were all shot to death. .

This is the sorrow of warriors. For today's technologically advanced society, no matter how good martial arts are, one shot can knock them down. Unless they have cultivated to an extremely advanced level, even if they can withstand bullets, they cannot withstand the bombardment of missile atomic bombs. Everything led to the decline of martial arts.

After rushing all the way, the five of them rushed out of the valley and ran towards the forest not far away. As long as they entered the forest and relied on the shelter of the trees, they would be much safer.

The sudden attack by Leng Ji and the others caught the people of the Kendo school by surprise, but it didn't mean that they were powerless to fight back. When Leng Ji and the others suppressed the special forces with firepower, a small group of disciples of the Kendo school sneaked into their place. The place.

When Zhuo Yun and the others rushed out of the valley, the kendo school disciples who sneaked past finally launched an attack, which caught Leng Ji and the others by surprise, and the fierce fire support disappeared in an instant.

Without the suppression of Leng Ji and others' firepower, the people of the Kendo school who had been passively beaten all rushed towards Zhuo Yun and others with swords in their hands as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

"Not good!" The situation in front of him made Zhuo Yun's heart skip a beat. He glanced at the four wounded Leopards and said resolutely, "I'll resist them for a while. You rush in first, and I'll follow you." arrive."

The shadow four hesitated for a moment, looked at Zhuo Yun gratefully, supported Can Leopard decisively, and ran at full speed into the forest.

They understand that if the four of them are surrounded by the disciples of the Kendo school in their current state, they will definitely become a burden. In comparison, Zhuo Yun's decision is more maneuverable.

"Baga, #¥¥%¥!"

A sharp scream came from the mouth of the kendo school disciple who rushed up, holding the samurai sword in his hand with a murderous look, and the hatred in his eyes seemed to regard Zhuo Yun as meat sauce.

"Huh!" With a cold snort, Zhuo Yun reached out and took out the two pistols around his waist. In the terrified eyes of the disciples of the Kendo school, flames of death shot out from the black barrels of the guns.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

With half a month of practice, Zhuo Yun shot almost one shot at a time, and while shooting, his figure retreated backwards.

The bullets are limited, and soon all the bullets in his gun will be fired. The kendo disciple who retreated in fear, once again showed murderous intent in his eyes, screaming and rushing towards Zhuo Yun.

"That's good, I can just experience the swordsmanship that the Japanese nation is proud of." Glancing at Can Leopard and the others who hadn't yet entered the forest, Zhuo Yun threw away the pistol, staring coldly at the disciples of the swordsmanship school who rushed up, his body The billowing vitality surged like a tide.

"Baga!" A Japanese kendo disciple rushing to the front waved the samurai sword in his hand, screaming and slashed at Zhuo Yun.

Just when the samurai sword in his hand was about to slash on Zhuo Yun's body, causing a fatal wound on his body, he disappeared in place.

Before the Japanese kendo disciple came back to his senses, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and a surging force knocked him into the air.

"Wow!" With blood spraying from his mouth, this Japanese kendo disciple screamed as if he had been hit by a speeding car, and crashed into other kendo disciples rushing up from behind.

Facing the Japanese kendo disciples, Zhuo Yun showed no mercy at all, and used Xingyi Quan to the extreme. With the gloves on his hands, he didn't have to worry about the sharp blade of the samurai sword. He vomited blood and flew backwards.

In the blink of an eye, four Japanese kendo disciples were killed by his fierce and domineering punches. That terrifying strength made the Japanese kendo disciples, who were originally full of murderous aura, feel a little fear.

"It's time to retreat." Glancing at the Japanese kendo school disciples who were constantly gathering in front of him, Zhuo Yun quickly turned around and rushed towards the rear of the mountain forest while using his own strength to frighten the enemy.

Under the impact of Zhuo Yun at full speed, the distance between him and the forest is getting closer and closer, and the distance of tens of meters will soon be less than ten meters, and he will be able to rush into the forest immediately. If the disciple wanted to catch up with him again, it would be wishful thinking.

Seeing that he was about to rush into the mountains, a strong sense of crisis burst out from his heart. With his keen senses, he could feel an invisible force bound to him, and the hairs on his back stood up one after another. stand up.

"Damn it!" Zhuo Yun shouted angrily, and he didn't dare to stop for a moment. Once he was intercepted, the situation would be even more dangerous.

The vitality in the body surged towards the legs, and the legs jumped up from the ground as if springs were installed, and shot towards the forest in front of them.

"Chi Chi Chi!" A sharp cold light flashed by, Zhuo Yun's back was torn instantly, and the whole body was shot into the mountain forest with blood dripping, and disappeared into the weedy mountain forest, disappearing in a blink of an eye not see.

"Baga!" Accompanied by an angry shout, an old Japanese man in kendo costume appeared at the position where Zhuo Yun jumped just now, his eyes were full of anger, and he was hesitating on a samurai sword with a cold light in his hand. A creepy blade.

A figure in the mountain forest was running fast like an ape, and drops of blood fell on the surrounding trees and ground with the violent movement of the figure.

"Huhu, it's so dangerous, it was almost split in half."

Enduring the tearing pain coming from his back, Zhuo Yun didn't dare to stay for a moment, and his heart was still in shock.

If he hadn't reacted quickly just now and dodged the blade of the samurai sword in time, but was affected by the sword energy, even with the strength of his body, he couldn't resist the extremely fierce sword energy.

While running away, Zhuo Yun circulated the vitality in his body to repair the wound on his back.

Incorporating the energy similar to water aura contained in the mysterious beads, the ability of vitality to repair injuries has been greatly improved. It only took a while for the bloody wound to stop bleeding, although the injury cannot be fully recovered in a short time , at least not too much bleeding.

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