Super black turtle clone

Chapter 111 The way to leave Osaka!

() Relying on Zhuo Yun's speed, he quickly caught up with Can Bao and the others who were fleeing ahead, and according to the original plan, he led Can Bao and the others towards the agreed place.

Ten minutes later, Zhuo Yun and the five finally met Leng Ji and the three of them at the agreed place.

Compared to Zhuo Yun, who was in a state of distress and had a cut in his back, Leng Ji and the other three were also having a hard time. They all suffered some injuries to some extent under the surprise attack of disciples of the Sword Dao school.

After a brief treatment of the wound, everyone hurriedly set off again. After another hour, they finally left the forest and went outside.

I called Qin Chao, and soon the original van drove over, and a group of people got in the van and left the forest as quickly as possible.

In a residential building where Qin Chao and other intelligence personnel were located, Zhuo Yun and others were lying on the bed exhausted after being treated by professionals.

After sleeping for a whole day, Zhuo Yun woke up refreshed.

Recalling yesterday's rescue operation, he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart. He almost died there several times in a row. It is difficult for ordinary people to understand the feeling of life and death in a flash.

The scorching pain on his back made him feel deeply that all this was not a dream, but happened in reality.

Ever since he had the avatar of the black turtle and realized the aura of the turtle's breath, he gradually became a little self-righteous, thinking that his strength was already very strong, except that he was slightly inferior when he faced Leng Ji last time, in his opinion, it was also because of the other party's extraordinary power. Because of his ability, now he realizes that his strength is still very weak.

Recalling the sword made by the Japanese swordsman at the time, he thought that even if he tried his best, he would not be able to resist it.

It might be possible to condense a powerful water polo by using the water control ability, but at that slow speed, it is estimated that it will be cut apart before it condenses.

This experience gave him a stronger desire for strength. He didn't like the feeling that his life was out of control, especially for him who had joined the Fifth Army.

For the next time, Zhuo Yun and the others kept hiding in the residential house to heal their injuries, and learned about the specific situation in Osaka through Qin Chao.

Since Can Leopard was rescued, several major kendo schools in Osaka are like wasps that have been stabbed in their nests. They not only launched their own forces to search, but also joined forces with the Japanese police to carry out high-intensity vigilance against Osaka.

Patrolling police can be seen everywhere on the roadside, whether it is sea, road, or air transportation channels, all of them have been blocked.

In the living room of the residential building, Zhuo Yun and others sat on the sofa, eating breakfast and discussing the next move.

"Osaka is tightly packed now, even I have no way to send you out." Qin Chao sat on the side and said with a worried expression.

"It's a big deal, let's kill them out." Can Bao, who looked fierce and looked fierce, shouted in a cold voice indifferently.

For Can Leopard's thoughtless words, everyone present directly chose to filter them.

After these days of getting along, Zhuo Yun gradually understood that Can Leopard's personality definitely belonged to the type of brave and foolhardy. It was more difficult for him to think of a good way than to let a pig climb a tree.

"What should we do now, are we going to be trapped to death here?" Dao Feng leaned helplessly on the sofa, spinning a sharp dagger in his hand.

"Don't worry, this place is very safe. After a while, the blockade will be weakened. Then I can find someone to smuggle you back." Qin Chao comforted.

Zhuo Yun, who had been sitting on the sofa without speaking, couldn't help but think of the Arab he had seen at the beginning.

"I believe that Thomas and the others also came here by smuggling. Maybe through Thomas, there may be a way to leave here."

With the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Zhuo Yun said, "Maybe I have a way. You guys wait here, and I'll go out for a while."

Hearing this, the spirits of everyone present were lifted up. Although Leng Ji and the others doubted Zhuo Yun's words, just as Zhuo Yun thought, now the dead horse can only be treated as a living horse doctor.

"The search outside is very strict now. If you go out, you must be careful." Qin Chao instructed Zhuo Yun after sending Zhuo Yun to the door.

"Don't worry!" Nodding his head, Zhuo Yun drove Qin Chao's car and left the residential area.

Arriving near the wine where Dao Feng led him, Zhuo Yun parked his car on the side of the road according to the laneway he remembered, and walked in.

Fortunately for him, he found a small Chinese restaurant nearby, which gave him hope.

As the saying goes, the eyes of fellow villagers are tearful when they see fellow villagers, not to mention that this is still abroad. Facing Zhuo Yun's arrival, the Huaxia fellow who opened the restaurant is very enthusiastic.

"Friend, have you seen a dark-skinned Arab with weird clothes recently?" Zhuo Yun asked straight to the point after talking for a while.

"Arab, oh, you are talking about that weird guy, I know, he is very weird, he often calls me, asking me to order takeaway for him, and then come here to pick it up by himself,"

Hearing what the Huaxia fellow said, Zhuo Yun was already pretty sure that that guy should belong to Thomas and his gang, so he quickly asked, "So you know where they live."

"No, I don't know where they live. That weird Arabian guy just comes here to get takeout every day. If you want to find him, I have his mobile phone number here."

Zhuo Yun got the Arab mobile phone number from a Chinese fellow, and Zhuo Yun couldn't help but feel very comfortable. He was still thinking about how to get in touch with Thomas, but now he is fine. With the phone number, he can use the phone instead of meeting directly. First, it is better to fool Thomas.

Back in the car, Zhuo Yun took out the mobile phone specially issued in Japan, and dialed the Arab's mobile number.

"%%...*...!" As soon as the phone was connected, there was a burst of chattering Arabic, which made Zhuo Yun feel dizzy.

"I'm looking for Thomas!" Zhuo Yun said in English after the other party finished speaking.

The other party fell silent immediately after hearing his words, as if they were discussing with each other. After waiting for a while, the voice came from the phone.

"Hi, I'm Thomas, who are you, what can I do for you?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Zhuo Yun smiled.

What he was most worried about was not being able to find Thomas. Now that he has found him, he is absolutely confident that he can convince him. When he was in the Fifth Army, he got a lot of stories about Thomas through the news network of the Fifth Army. These are all things he can use.

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