Super black turtle clone

Chapter 112 Big Fudge!

() "Hello Thomas, you can call me Sea King, I believe you don't know me, but I have known you a long time ago, do you still remember the last time when the red coral pirate ship besieged your Thomas, that suddenly The exploding red coral pirate ship, and the violent attack encountered while robbing a merchant ship."

In a residential house, Thomas, who was leaning on the sofa with a leisurely expression, suddenly sat up from the sofa after hearing these words. The sudden movement shocked his pirate brothers next to him.

"Who are you!" Thomas blurted out in astonishment.

"I said, I am the king of the sea, the king of the sea, everything about you is in my hands, if it wasn't for me, you would have died in the sea twice."

"The merchant ship you robbed the first time was actually a group of smuggled cargo ships. At that time, the Huaxia Navy was already chasing after you. If it weren't for me, you would have been surrounded by naval regiments. The second time, the Thomas was forced into by three red coral pirate ships. When you are in a desperate situation, I helped you destroy a red coral pirate ship, so that you can escape the encirclement smoothly." Zhuo Yun lied and talked without paying taxes, with a smug smile on his face, he didn't expect that he was just forced to, Or they acted on their own accord, but now they have become the capital of fooling people.

Thomas, who was originally in the resident's house with a shocked face, turned pale when he heard this, and the scene of the red coral pirate ship being destroyed at that time could not help appearing in his mind. It was unbelievable to him, perhaps only a god could do it.

"God, this can't be true." Thomas was stunned by Zhuo Yun, and it took him a while to react.

"Who the hell are you? Are you from Red Coral? I tell you that I, Thomas, will not give in." Thomas shouted angrily. In his opinion, the most likely person was from the Red Coral pirate ship, deliberately scaring him with alarmist words.

"No, no, no, I think you misunderstood. I am not from Red Coral. Once again, I am the king of the sea, Sea King. I know the grievances between you and Red Coral. I also know your embarrassment of being displaced. As long as you submit For me, I can help you destroy the Red Coral Pirates, let you regain your original territory, and even become the largest pirate group in Malaysia."

Hearing Zhuo Yun's words, Thomas' breathing became short of breath. Zhuo Yun's offer was very tempting, so tempting that he couldn't refuse it. These days, he was hunted down by the Red Coral Pirates, like a bereaved dog. Wherever you go, you can only be cautious and timid. This is definitely a shameful and embarrassing thing for pirates who admire freedom and are used to being superior.

Of course, although Zhuo Yun's words were very tempting, Thomas did not agree immediately. As the former pirate leader, he was able to escape from the trap of the red coral pirate ship, but he was not a hot-headed reckless man. In the case of Zhuo Yun, he dare not show up casually now, who knows if this is the second trap.

The silence on the other side of the phone, Zhuo Yun was not disappointed, it was all in his expectation, after waiting for a while, he realized that it was time to use his trump card.

"I think you are still hesitating and don't really believe what I say, then I will let you see the strength of the sea king. Today I will sink a maritime patrol boat from the Wa country into the sea forever. I believe you will be in the sea soon." I saw it on TV, and I hope you will make the right choice when the time comes."

After speaking, Zhuo Yun didn't give Thomas a chance to speak, and hung up the phone resolutely, and drove the car back to the residential building where the team members lived in a good mood.

After briefly parrying the talkative blade, Zhuo Yun returned to his room, locked the door behind him, and directly shifted his consciousness to Xuan Gui.

The black tortoise and the fire python have been lurking in the waters near Osaka, except for eating every day, they hide in the dense seaweed.

Taking over the consciousness of Xuangui, Zhuo Yun controlled Xuangui to swim up from the bottom of the water, and looked out with a slight probe. Through careful sensing, he quickly locked the direction of advancement.

After less than 10 minutes of searching, Zhuo Yun was pleased that a maritime patrol boat appeared in his sight.

He didn't know that it was precisely because they made such a big commotion in Osaka that Japan sent a large number of maritime patrol boats to patrol the sea, otherwise even with their keen senses, they wanted to run into a maritime patrol boat. Boats also take a few hours.

Because of the increasingly tense relationship between Japan and China, Japan is vigorously developing its sea power. The maritime patrol boat that appeared in Zhuo Yun's sight is obviously specially improved and strengthened, and its hull is also larger than ordinary maritime patrol boats. .

"Hehe, it's better this way, I think Wa will be very heartbroken after losing this maritime patrol boat." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun controlled Xuan Gui and immediately rushed towards the maritime patrol boat.

Before, he was worried that if the ordinary patrol boat with one or two people was silent, its influence would be too small, it would not attract too much attention from Japan, and the media would not make a big deal of it. Now this patrol boat just fits his needs. Require.

The speed of this maritime patrol boat was not fast, and Zhuo Yun easily swam to the bottom of the maritime patrol boat with the fire python.

Since he intends to let Thomas see his own strength, he must maximize the deterrent effect.

Kojimagawa Shiro is a new recruit. He has just graduated from military training and joined the navy. This is also his first patrol as a maritime patrol ship. Compared with other veterans, he seems to be more conscientious and more excited in his heart. Walk around on the deck from time to time to check the movement in the distance and on the sea.

"Cuckoo!" Kojimagawa Shiro heard a strange sound when the Japanese soldiers on the maritime patrol boat were not aware of it.

Stepping to the edge of the deck, Kojimagawa Shiro looked towards the sea, and in his sight, strings of bubbles emerged from around the patrol boat like boiling water, and the sea water began to become unstable It surged violently.

"Nani!" Kojimagawa Shiro was taken aback for a moment, because he had no idea what was going on with his experience as a recruit.

"Boom!!" There was a deafening roar and impact. Kojimagawa Shiro, who was observing the bubbles on the sea surface, felt a huge force like a tide rushing along the hull, and he flew into the air uncontrollably .

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