Super black turtle clone

Chapter 120 It's Not Mine, It's Yours!

() The two walked side by side, Zhuo Yun looked at Teacher Chen's somewhat bald head, and couldn't suppress the doubts in his heart and asked: "Mr. Chen, what's the matter with your hair? Ah, my graduate student When you were born, your hair was still very lush, now how..."

Hearing Zhuo Yun's question, Teacher Chen touched the top of his head in embarrassment, and sighed helplessly.

"There is a lot of social pressure now, even in school. It becomes like this unconsciously, but it doesn't matter. At my age, it shows that I have profound knowledge."

Under the leadership of Teacher Chen, the two came to the graduation class building.

Z City University of Finance and Economics can be regarded as a famous school in the whole country. Every tutor has his own personal office, and the hardware conditions in other aspects are also very good. It is precisely because of this that a large number of students and teachers are attracted. , also wants to enter the University of Finance and Economics, not only the students but also the teachers are under pressure.

As the saying goes, the wave before pushes the wave behind, and the wolf in the back is caught on the beach by the wave before. Sitting in Teacher Chen's office, Zhuo Yun sighed secretly in his heart. He used to think that teachers were very leisurely. , In the university of the ivory tower, there will not be too much pressure, and now he realizes that this is not the case at all. If he can't keep charging himself and making continuous progress, for the current college student who walks everywhere, the time for a master's degree is long, Doctoral students are not uncommon in society, and they can easily be replaced by those who come later, not to mention those who rely on relationships, even if they are not highly educated, they can also get positions that other people can't get.

"Dizzy, I found out that since I came to school, why am I so sentimental? Could it be that menopause has come." After a cold war, Zhuo Yun resolutely despised his own idea, quietly waiting for Teacher Chen to arrive .

Soon Teacher Chen opened the door and walked in, followed by three young men and women in school uniforms.

"Hehe, Zhuo Yun, let me introduce you. The three of them are one of the top students in my class, and they definitely meet your requirements." Teacher Chen introduced the three students one by one with a smile.

The one on the far left with a slightly wretched appearance is named Zhang Kun. He is proficient in computers. The one in the middle is named Cao Xiaohu, who is thicker and honest. All ships at sea have corresponding certificates.

The last college student on the right is a girl named Mu Xue who caught Zhuo Yun's eyes. It is said that she is a descendant of Prince Mu's Mansion during the Qing Dynasty.

Mu Xue is a top-notch existence no matter in appearance or temperament. Although her figure is not that hot type, she still looks exquisite and upright in a school girl uniform, giving her a feeling of a small family.

Especially the snow-like pure temperament exuding from his body makes him feel very comfortable, and he can't help but want to take care of it.

Slightly nodded, the three people in front of him are very good, especially the things they learn are complementary to each other, it must be Mr. Chen who helped him choose after thinking, and he couldn't help but secretly grateful in his heart.

"Zhuo Yun, how is it? Are the three of them satisfied?" Teacher Chen smiled after the introduction.

"Hehe, how can I be dissatisfied with what Mr. Chen introduced." Zhuo Yun smiled, glanced at the third person and said: "It's just that my company is just starting up, and the salary can only be two thousand a month. Of course you You don’t need to go to work every day like white-collar workers, you just need to stay in the company for a few hours every day.”

At first, Zhuo Yun thought that the salary he offered was very small, and the third person would hesitate, but what he didn't expect was that the third person readily agreed. This made Zhuo Yun secretly depressed, and he would have investigated it beforehand. Quotes.

In fact, employment is so tight now, especially internship positions are even more difficult to find. After all, interns are too unstable, and the cost of training interns for companies is much higher than other graduates. Many companies do not Willing to recruit interns, even the threshold for willing interns is relatively high.

The salary of 2000 yuan is already considered a good price for interns, and the three who have already figured out these situations have no hesitation.

In this way, Zhuo Yun officially recruited three interns. As a boss, he should not be too stingy when it is time to celebrate.

Originally, he planned to invite Teacher Chen to be with him, but he still had classes later, so Zhuo Yun could only take his three interns and left the teaching building to celebrate.

"Boss, this car of yours is pretty good, at least hundreds of thousands." When Sanru came to the parking lot, Zhang Kun looked at one of the Volvos with envy.

Although a Volvo worth hundreds of thousands is not a good car in a metropolis, it is not affordable for ordinary people. It is enough for some white-collar workers to work hard for a lifetime. Zhuo Yun is able to drive it at such a young age. It made Zhang Kun a little envious.

"Ahem, it's this one!" Seeing the three staring at the Volvo endlessly, Zhuo Yun pointed his finger not far away speechlessly.

Zhang Kunsan heard the words and looked in the direction of Zhuo Yun's finger. After seeing the vehicles in sight clearly, they all opened their mouths in disbelief.

Of course, the expressions of the two big men are not attractive, but Mu Xue's slightly parted red lips are full of temptation, especially in front of beautiful women, even Zhuo Yun feels more face.

"Boss, you are not joking. This sports car belongs to you." Zhang Kun said without closing his mouth for 1 day. Even he himself didn't notice it.

Amusedly glanced at the startled Zhang Kun, Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand and patted him with a smile and said, "It's not mine, isn't it still yours? Go away!"

Zhuo Yun took out the key and pressed it, a buzzing sound sounded from the Lamborghini sports car, and all four doors opened automatically.

It wasn't until this time that Zhang Kun and others were sure that Zhuo Yun was not lying, and rushed into the sports car in surprise and excitement, looking around with a look of enjoyment.

"Hehe!" Zhuo Yun couldn't help but smile when he saw the appearance of the two, thinking of his time, if he had just graduated, he would not have had more concentration than the two of them.

"Hey, this chick is not simple!" Smiling Zhuo Yun glanced at Mu Xue next to him, and to his surprise, apart from being a little startled at the beginning, Mu Xue looked surprisingly calm now.

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