Super black turtle clone

Chapter 121 The Absorbing Fairy!

() According to the normal situation, ordinary people will definitely be surprised and curious when they see such a luxury sports car. This is something that ordinary people cannot suppress, similar to an instinct.

Unless the person has unfathomable concentration and the ability to conceal, this curiosity and surprise can be covered up. Another possibility is that the person is used to this kind of sports car and has no curiosity at all. Nature will be very peaceful.

The former possibility is very slight, Bi Jing Muxue's temperament determines that she cannot be the kind of person who is extremely good at concealing, so there is only the second possibility.

"It seems that I recruited a little rich girl this time!" Thinking of Zhuo Yun's mouth, a smile appeared, and he stepped to the driver's seat indifferently. Anyway, no matter what Mu Xue's identity is, it has nothing to do with me relation.

He left the school in a sports car, asked about Zhang Kun, Mu Xue, and others, and finally came to a liquor store called Chao.

It was obvious that Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun often came here, and they ordered a few drinks on the stage, and led Zhuo Yun and Mu Xue to find a place with the right lighting.

Compared with other wines that are chaotic, this chao wine is played with comfortable light music. Although it does not have the faint feeling of venting like heavy metal, it also makes people feel relaxed, especially when drinking a glass of wine. It's really a great place to chat with each other, and it's also a great place for men and women to date.

"Boss, it's not bad here." After taking a sip of the cocktail, Zhang Kun said with a smile.

"En, it's pretty good." Zhuo Yun nodded, and glanced at the relatively dark place not far away, with a slightly stunned expression.

Mu Xue and the others also noticed Zhuo Yun's strange behavior, and looked there too, but just took a look at Mu Xue's face, her face turned red all of a sudden, her expression was awkward, and she quickly retracted her gaze in an erratic manner.

"Damn, did I make a mistake? As for that?" Looking at the thrilling scene in front of him, Zhuo Yun was stunned.

I saw a relatively dark place in the distance, there were several couples kissing and touching, some of them even unbuttoned a large piece of their clothes, exposing their snow-white skin, and some women even shook their heads up and down under the man's crotch Zhuo Yun couldn't help but marvel at that impatient look, Guojin is really strong in this aspect.

Withdrawing his gaze, Zhuo Yun glanced at Zhang Kun, who had a wretched expression and an unfinished expression, and said speechlessly: "This is the good place you mentioned, I think you like to peep here."

Hearing Zhuo Yun's words, Zhang Kun blushed slightly, looked at Mu Xue who was glaring at him in embarrassment, and quickly waved his hands: "Boss, you misunderstood me, how could I have such dirty thoughts, come here before It's just for relaxing here, and people like that are rare."

Seeing Zhang Kun's righteous and dignified look, Mu Xue guessed that she had misunderstood Zhang Kun, and looked at him with an apologetic expression.

"This kid!" Zhuo Yun glanced at the obviously guilty Zhang Kun, and smiled. This guy was just trying to trick a simple, silly girl like Mu Xue.

At the beginning, the wine intake was still a little low, but as time went by, the wine intake increased, and the wine became very lively. After a few glasses of sake, Mu Xue also forgot the embarrassment just now, and the four people talked to each other. Chatting.

"A very tempting beauty, damn it, it really makes my mouth water. Look at that figure, that butt, and that chest, it's almost fatal."

"If you can spend a night in bed with her, even if you die, it's worth it!"

"As far as you are concerned, I think you will be sucked into the house in one night. Look at those white and strong thighs on that butt, they are definitely strong enough!"

While chatting with Zhang Kun and others, Zhuo Yun heard obscene conversations and the sound of swallowing saliva from time to time, just like a hungry wolf clinging to him.

"What beauty, so attractive."

Hearing the conversation, Zhuo Yun turned his head curiously and glanced around, and soon locked on a figure that stood out from the crowd and was full of infinite temptation.

Even he, who is used to seeing beautiful women, couldn't help but feel a big shock in his heart. A strong desire surged from his lower abdomen, and he almost couldn't help but stand up.

"Damn it, this woman is simply a goblin. If anyone marries such a woman, he probably won't be able to get out of bed without doing it a dozen times a night."

Shocked, Zhuo Yun quickly suppressed the desire in his heart, just now he just took a rough look, but now he looked at it carefully, and he felt even more coquettish and charming, revealing the charm that makes men arouse infinite desire.

The coquettish heavy makeup outlines the seductive beauty like a vixen. She is wearing a sexy black leather jacket all over her body, which outlines the bumps of the figure. The figure is hot but not bloated. The dress is not very revealing, but it is faintly visible It's full of expectations, and everything seems so just right.

Every inch of skin seems to be exuding ecstasy-like charm, especially the temperament of the whole man. Standing there can make a man full of desires, and he is simply a peerless stunner.

The appearance of this woman, like a pink light bulb in the dark night, immediately attracted the attention of most of the men in the drink. As for the other few men, they were concerned about their own affairs, and did not notice this attraction. stunner.

In the face of such a stunner, even Zhuo Yun felt his blood surging, and he couldn't help but feel uncontrollable desire, not to mention the other men, all of them were as crazy as wolves seeing blood, that* The naked eyes seemed to devour the woman.

Under the excited eyes of everyone, this woman who is as charming as a vixen, twisting her slender waist, and her plump buttocks, is walking forward step by step, every step seems to contain strong Charm.

"She's here. Could it be that she's taken a fancy to me? I'm so, so excited." Zhang Kun looked at the charming woman who was walking towards him, almost drooling, his eyes full of excitement, his whole body The blood involuntarily rushed to a certain position under his body, and his face flushed red.

"Handsome guy, can I sit next to you." The charming woman came gracefully to stand in front of Zhuo Yun, and said in a soft voice with her vermilion lips parted.

Zhang Kun, who was still very excited at first, sat there discouraged like a balloon that had been pricked, and even his little brother who was standing up couldn't help but soften.

Not only Zhang Kun entered, but the men around him were also disappointed, but their disappointment soon turned into jealousy and anger.

A series of very unfriendly eyes locked Zhuo Yun firmly, as if he wanted to kill him immediately, and sat in that position by himself.

Sensing the aggressive eyes of everyone around him, Zhuo Yun smiled wryly in his heart, facing this woman's request, he really couldn't find any reason to refuse.

"Of course." Zhuo Yun nodded, forced himself to calm down, and moved to the side.

The attractiveness of this beauty is too strong, he can't guarantee that he can maintain his composure when facing her at close range.

Seeing Zhuo Yun's obvious move to keep a certain distance away, a look of surprise flashed across the beauty's eyes. She didn't expect that under her own charm, there would be men who wanted to distance themselves from the club, and most men would try to find ways closer distance.

"Interesting!" the beauty thought to herself, and sat down beside Zhuo Yun with a smile on her lips.

"Hello, my name is Beitanglan!" The beauty chuckled, and stretched out her tender, snow-white palm.

"Beitang!" Hearing this surname, Zhuo Yun was a little surprised, the surname Beitang is very rare in the compound surname, and he had never met someone with the surname Beitang before.

"Hello, my name is Zhuo Yun!" Stretching out his hand to hold Bei Tanglan's delicate palm, Zhuo Yun immediately felt an inexplicable tremor, the feeling was like an electric current pouring into his body, and there was a surge in his heart. A fiery desire.

"Hoo hoo!" The men watching from a distance panted heavily, their envious and jealous eyes were self-evident.

Just when Zhuo Yun was holding Bei Tanglan's hand, feeling the urge to knead it, five or six men in strange clothes walked over quickly from a distance, the leader was a topless man with tattoos The bald brother with the blue dragon and white tiger pattern.

Several men were obviously also attracted by Bei Tanglan, their eyes were full of naked desire, especially the bald brother in the head, his eyes were burning and unscrupulous, he licked his lips from time to time, looking hungry Unbearable appearance.

"Little girl, go out and play with brother, brother has something good for you." The bald man came to Bei Tanglan and said with a sinister smile.

"Yes, little girl, our Brother Long is very powerful, and I promise to satisfy you. Seeing how you want to be dissatisfied, Brother Long happens to be physically strong all the time!"

"If you are still not satisfied, we can also take Brother Long's class to make you feel refreshed."

The gangsters following behind the bald man all uttered dirty words and smiled, their appearance was even worse than that of the bald man.

"I don't know you, and I don't think you are very good, you are not as good as this handsome guy." Bei Tanglan glanced at the bald man with disdain, and glanced at Zhuo Yun with twinkling eyes, with a hint of spring on the corner of her mouth Full of smiles.

Zhuo Yun, who was still holding the mentality of watching the excitement, couldn't help but secretly depressed when he heard the words, this Bei Tanglan was clearly causing trouble for him, so saying this was simply drawing fire on him.

Just as he thought, after Bei Tanglan finished speaking, the bald man immediately shifted his gaze to Zhuo Yun's body, his fierce eyes seemed to tear him to pieces.

The men watching from a distance gloated and transferred the envy and hatred just now to the bald man, expecting the bald man to give Zhuo Yun a hard lesson, so as to give them a sigh of relief.

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