Super black turtle clone

Chapter 122 Disaster!

() "Boy, if you don't want to be beaten, get out of here." The bald man moved the strong muscles in his chest and said with a ferocious grin.

"Boss, let's hurry up. This guy is the gangster boss in this area. He is called Brother Long. He is very cruel. I saw him break a leg of a man who offended him before. We don't need to argue with them." Zhang Kun came to Zhuo Yun's side with a look of fear, muttering in a low voice.

Both Mu Xue also showed a look of fear. As college students, they rarely come into contact with this kind of dark corners of society.

Hearing Zhang Kun's words, Zhuo Yun smiled indifferently. Although this Zhang Kun was a bit wretched and timid, he was still loyal enough and didn't run away immediately.

"Don't worry, I know what's in my heart, you just watch from the side." Zhuo Yun patted Zhang Kun's shoulder indifferently, and let him sit back to his original position.

Zhuo Yun doesn't like to make troubles, but it doesn't mean that he is afraid of troubles. Now that things have found his head, he will not be afraid, especially because of women.

"Brother Long, if I don't leave, I don't know what you plan to do." Standing up, Zhuo Yun smiled flatly.

Hearing his almost provocative words, Zhang Kun, who sat back in his seat, almost fell to the ground, secretly regretting that he shouldn't come to this restaurant.

The crowd watching the excitement, looking at Zhuo Yun and the bald man Long Ge standing opposite, secretly disliked Zhuo Yun's bravado in their hearts.

There is no comparison between the two sides in terms of size and shape alone. Zhuo Yun, who is 1.8 meters three, is obviously one size smaller than the bald Long brother, and there are four or five younger brothers behind him. Brother Jialong's opponent.

"Boy, are you kind? Since you want to show off in front of women, then I will grant you, Da Pao, teach him a lesson and let him know what will happen if he offends me, Brother Long." The corner of Brother Long's mouth curled up. With a smirk, he stepped back.

"Okay boss, I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Among the five subordinates, the strongest man came out, his muscular muscles were stronger than Brother Bald Dragon, he grabbed the chair next to him with a grin, and threw it at Zhuo Yun's head.

"Oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !" There was a burst of female screams from the crowd watching the excitement. The real deal.

The imaginary violent impact did not sound, the woman who closed her eyes in shock, slowly opened them in surprise.

I saw the burly man named Da Pao, still maintaining the motion of swinging the chair, but there was a pair of white arms in front of the chair that didn't seem to have much strength.

"Oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Da Pao roared angrily, his arms bulged, and he swung the chair vigorously, trying to throw Zhuo Yun and the chair out together.

"What, what's going on!"

His companions standing behind the cannon looked at the situation in front of them in astonishment. No matter how vigorously the cannon was swung, Zhuo Yun just stood there indifferently, with one arm resting on the leg of the table, his whole figure They are all motionless.

As for the power of the cannon, no one is more familiar with the power of the cannon than the few companions of the cannon. It is not difficult for the cannon to throw away one or two hundred catties.

"Da Pao, stop playing, get rid of him quickly." Brother Long, who was standing aside, frowned slightly, and shouted in a cold voice with some displeasure.

Hearing Brother Long's words, Da Pao, who had exhausted all his strength, almost burst into tears, and there was a look of horror in his eyes looking at Zhuo Yun.

He wasn't playing, just now he even used his strength to eat milk, but Zhuo Yun didn't even shake it, which only shows that Zhuo Yun's strength far exceeds his.

Thinking of this possibility, a burst of cold sweat rose up Cannon's back.

"Why, you've run out of energy, then it's my turn." Feeling Da Pao's frightened eyes, Zhuo Yun showed a devilish smile.

"Don't!" Da Pao yelled in horror, trying to let go of the bench he was gripping tightly, but it was too late.


The huge cannon seemed to be hit by an oncoming motorcycle, and the whole person flew backwards, knocking the two companions behind him into the air.

"Oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" A scream came from six or seven meters away.

The sudden change shocked everyone present. No one expected that Zhuo Yun, who seemed weak and weak, had such terrifying power.

It wasn't until this time that Brother Long realized that it wasn't Da Pao who was playing just now, but that he really couldn't move Zhuo Yun. Thinking of this, a layer of cold sweat ran down his forehead.

"Brother Long, whose turn is it next? It's the two of you, or Brother Long, you can do it yourself." Zhuo Yun grabbed the chair with a smile on his face, and with a little force in his hands, he dismantled the solid chair into a piece. pile of parts.

"Brother, I was just joking with you just now, it was really just a joke." Brother Bald Long said with an embarrassed smile on his face, his legs trembling slightly.

"Just kidding, but I just don't like joking. What do you think should I do?" Zhuo Yun leisurely grabbed a table leg, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Brother Bald Long's complexion changed slightly, and he leaned forward and said in a low voice: "Brother, it was my fault just now, please don't argue with us if you have a lot of money."

Just as he was speaking, the figure who stepped forward rushed up fiercely, took out a switchblade from his pocket with his right hand, and stabbed Zhuo Yun in the stomach with a ferocious expression.

Brother Bald Long didn't need to remind, the remaining two younger brothers were obviously not the first time this kind of thing happened, they immediately reacted and rushed towards Zhuo Yun.

When Brother Bald Dragon stepped forward, Zhuo Yun noticed that he had a strange expression, even if he hadn't noticed that it was impossible to hurt him with Brother Bald Dragon's strength.

"Looking for death!" shouted angrily, Zhuo Yun moved his footsteps to the side, cleverly dodged the stabbing switchblade, and at the same time threw his right leg violently.

"Oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa then bald-headed man screaming!" The bald-headed Long brother slammed into the two little brothers rushing up.

The tragic three were just like the previous two, flying upside down and rolling into a ball, lying on the ground in pain and unable to get up for a while.

Especially the bald-headed Longge and Da Pao who were directly hit by Zhuo Yun, the two people suffered more serious injuries than the others, at least they would have to lie on the hospital bed for ten and a half months. Remember it forever.

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