Super black turtle clone

Chapter 124 The Scenic Chapter Family!

() Outside the range of the flames, Zhuo Yun looked at the raging flames with an ugly expression. If he had reacted a little slower just now, he would have been almost enveloped by the flames.

At this moment, it was too late to catch up, and now that the house was on fire, he had to quickly take out the fire extinguisher not far away to put out the fire.

With the help of the security guards who rushed over quickly, the flames in the living room were completely extinguished soon, but the furniture in the living room was basically burnt down, and he had to repaint the walls and buy a new set of furniture.

Although the fire was extinguished, the anger in Zhuo Yun's heart was not extinguished, he did not expect that Japanese assassins would try every means to assassinate him.

Especially the fire from the opponent at the end, its power is definitely not comparable to ordinary flames, even if he is hit head-on, it will definitely not end well.

"Could it be that woman is also a supernatural being?" Thinking in his heart, Zhuo Yun shook his head helplessly.

Knowing that the other party is a Japanese assassin, he has no way to retaliate. After all, Jing doesn't know who is responsible for it. Only by capturing the female assassin who assassinated him can he find out.

On the second day, Zhuo Yun led Zhang Kun to get acquainted with the working place, and Almighty Maritime Company officially opened.

For things like the opening of the company, Lei Yao and Guo Jun would inevitably be brutally slaughtered.

In the following time, Zhuo Yun was busy with the company's publicity, and in the process of practicing and improving his strength. He hardly had any free time every day, and the Mid-Autumn Festival was coming soon on August [-]th.

Since he came to Z city to look for a job before graduation, he has not been home for more than a year. In the past, he felt ashamed to go home because he couldn’t find a job and couldn’t do anything. Now he has made some money and opened his own company. It's time to go back and honor your parents.

In order to make up for not being home for more than a year, Zhuo Yun spent two days wandering around the various shopping malls in City Z, and finally chose the gift that he thought was most suitable for his parents. No matter how expensive or not, at least it represented a heart of one's own.

Zhuo Yun's home is not too far from City Z. Driving a Lamborghini sports car, it only took him a day to return to the small county where he was born and raised.

Driving in the small county town, he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable feeling in his heart. When he was admitted to university, he always had a wish in his heart, that is, to get in and out, drive his own small The car came back in a good mood, but he didn't expect that he had already fulfilled his wish back then after he graduated for more than a year.

The society has developed to the present, even in small towns, cars are not new anymore, but such a cool sports car like Zhuo Yun is definitely as rare as a giant panda, and it is the focus of sight wherever it is driven along the way .

"Hey, the feeling of being the center of attention is quite good." Sitting in the sports car, Zhuo Yun was in a somewhat ecstatic mood, feeling like he was returning home.

"Dad should not be off work at this point, just go to pick him up and go home together." Zhuo Yun glanced at the time on the car monitor, made up his mind, followed the direction of memory, and soon came to a large cement factory in front of the gate.

This large cement plant was invested and constructed by the state. At the beginning, because of the pollution, the residents in the town did not find Zheng Fu less. Later, after giving up some jobs and providing some compensation for each household, this matter It is the end.

Zhuo Yun's sports car had just stopped at the gate of the cement factory, and there were some listless security guards, but all of a sudden he became energetic, looked up and down at the blue Lamborghini sports car, and discussed enviously, his eyes full of envy The color of longing.

Glancing at the three security guards not far away, Zhuo Yun's expression was slightly startled, and he saw an acquaintance among the three.

"Brother Lu!" Zhuo Yun shouted to one of the security guards as he opened the door and got out of the car.

Lu Yuan, who was looking at the Lamborghini sports car, saw Zhuo Yun who got out of the car. After looking at it carefully, he hurried to come forward in surprise.

"Zhuo Yun, why is it you? We haven't seen each other for several years." Lu Yuan looked at Zhuo Yun and said in surprise.

"Yeah, since I went to college, we haven't seen each other very much. By the way, I heard from my dad before that you opened a small shop yourself and became the owner. Why are you here as a security guard now?" Zhuo Yun also smiled happily.

Lu Yuan is his neighbor. When they were young, Lu Yuan's family often helped them. The relationship between the two families was very good. When he was in school, Lu Yuan often took care of him, just like Zhuo Yun's big brother, but later Lu Yuan went to high school He dropped out of school, and the two gradually lost contact.

"Hey, it's hard to explain in one word." Lu Yuan showed a bit of bitterness on his face, and shook his head with a somewhat decadent expression.

"Hehe, don't talk about me, it's you. Did you become a driver for the boss in City Z? Oh, this car should be a sports car. In my opinion, it costs at least 80." Lu Yuan smiled and turned back. Come on, looking at the Lamborghini sports car, he sighed enviously.

In his opinion, being the driver of a big boss and driving such a cool sports car every day is definitely something worthy of envy and envy.

Seeing Lu Yuan's expression, although Zhuo Yun didn't want to hurt him, he had to tell the truth, shook his head and said, "This is the car I bought. I recently made a small fortune in City Z and bought this car Fill up the facade."

"What!!" Lu Yuan, who was still envious at first, was stunned when he heard the words, and took a deep breath after a while, his eyes protruding slightly and said in disbelief: "You, You said you bought the sports car."

"Yes, this time, I came here to pick up my dad from get off work. He should be off work soon." Zhuo Yun smiled, and glanced at the cement factory. Entering, walking out of the factory with a tired face.

Lu Yuan, who was standing next to him, stood there with a sluggish face. He never wanted to be that Zhuo Yun back then, but he would have the current future. It was only one year after graduation that he drove such a high-end car. sports car.

Just when Lu Yuan was full of emotions, the workers in the cement plant came out one after another. Everyone couldn't help but take a second look at the eye-catching sports car. , talking to each other as if seeing a ufo.

"Little Cloud!"

Hearing the cry, Zhuo Yun turned his head and looked, his father, who was wearing a ragged 1st day work uniform and his hair was already a little gray, was standing in the crowd and looking at him with surprise.

"Dad!" Zhuo Yun shouted a little excitedly. He hadn't returned home for more than a year, and the longing in his heart completely burst out at this moment.

"Hahaha! You didn't say a word when you came back. Your mother and I thought you wouldn't come back today. Your mother has been nagging you for the past few days." Dad walked forward with a pleasant expression Come on, looked Zhuo Yun up and down, and said with a smile on his face.

In Zhuo Yun's impression, his father was a person with relatively few words, but today he suddenly became nagging, but this kind of nagging made him feel very warm.

"Old Zhuo, this is your son o, I heard he is a college student, he is really talented."

"Your son is really filial. He came to see you just after he came back. Hey, he's much better than my unfilial son."

Several co-workers who were close to Dad also gathered around, looking at Zhuo Yun while smiling and praising him.

Hearing the praise from the workers, the smile on Dad's face became brighter, and his wrinkled face seemed to be much younger.

"By the way, Xiaoyun, how did you get here? Is there a bus or something near here? My motorcycle broke down. I came here on a bicycle today." After a few words modestly, Dad was surprised Looking around, he frowned.

"Uncle Zhuo, what kind of bicycle do you still use? Look at what is in front of you." Lu Yuan on the side finally came to his senses, put away some complicated emotions, and pointed to the conspicuous Lamborghini sports car.

"What do you mean o Ah!" Dad looked at the sports car with some envy and asked in surprise.

Even if he doesn't have much culture and hasn't seen much of the world, he can still see that this Lamborghini sports car is definitely worth a lot of money. He doesn't think about linking this sports car with his son Zhuo Yun at all. It's almost impossible.

"Uncle Zhuo, this sports car was bought by Zhuo Yun himself. Now he is rich. When you get old, you can enjoy the blessings with him, and you don't have to work in this broken cement factory anymore." Seeing Dad's expression Appearance, Lu Yuan said with a smile.

"Xiao Yuan, are you kidding me?" Hearing Lu Yuan's words, Dad showed a look of surprise on his face, but he soon smiled in relief.

Seeing his father's expression of disbelief, Zhuo Yun could only quickly say: "Dad, Brother Lu is not joking, I actually bought this sports car. I recently made some money in City Z for work. It’s convenient to spend money to buy this car.”

In order to convince his father, he took out the key and pressed it a few times. The Lamborghini sports car parked there buzzed twice, and the four doors opened and closed automatically.

This time, not only my father, but even the workers who surrounded me were a little stunned, their mouths grew slightly, and their appearance was very funny.

"Xiaoyun, you're not kidding dad, but dad wants to tell you that our Zhuo family is poor, so we can't do anything sneaky." Dad recovered from his shock, with a look of disgust on his face. He shouted in a serious anger.

Hearing his father's words, Zhuo Yun looked gloomy, and shook his head with a wry smile. This matter is really unbelievable. Bi Jing has only graduated for more than a year, and was still worrying about work before. In a few months, even such a high-end car can be afforded.

"Hey, I would have bought a more ordinary one if I knew about it." Secretly regretting in his heart, Zhuo Yun quickly explained, and even took out the original purchase contract from the car, and the purchase price on the contract clearly stated Zhuo Yun At the time of these two words, Dad let go of his hanging heart.

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