Super black turtle clone

Chapter 125 Shocked Parents!

() "Two, 280 million!"

Dad held the car purchase contract, and when he saw the transaction amount on it, the boss opened his mouth and exclaimed in disbelief.

"What, 280 million, my god!" Lu Yuan, who always thought that this sports car had at least one million yuan, looked surprised like seeing a Jurassic dinosaur, and hurriedly pulled away from the sports car in fright. some distance.

For a luxury car of this price, even a little bit of paint damage would cost him several years of wages, so the pressure in his heart was indeed a bit high.

Glancing at the stunned father and the other people around, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Originally, he just wanted to come over to pick up his father, and he also wanted to show off a little bit to show off to his father. Thoughts, I didn't expect this to happen.

"Ahem, Dad, let's go. I came straight here when I came back. Mom doesn't know I'm back." Before Dad recovered, Zhuo Yun quickly pulled him closer to the co-pilot Sir, if you stay here any longer, who knows what will happen.

Looking at the Lamborghini sports car that disappeared like a stream of blue light, Lu Yuan and others who were present at the scene came back to their senses. All of them had complicated expressions, as if their ingredients were brought together.

Along the way, Zhuo Yun was explaining to his father the source of this sports car and how he earned so much money. Of course, he didn't tell his father the truth. It wasn't that he didn't trust his own, but that It's useless to say this kind of thing, it will only increase the psychological burden on Dad and his old family.

So it is much better to say nothing than to say it.

There is nothing to say about the performance and speed of the sports car. Even on some uneven roads, it can still run fast. It only took more than ten minutes to arrive at the street where I live.

Looking at the familiar bungalow courtyard not far away through the car window, Zhuo Yun felt a feeling of being close to home, but he didn't know what to say when he saw his mother.

He parked the car at the door of the house, and amidst the sound of the horn, the mother walked out of the door suspiciously.

Seeing his mother's slightly hunched back and gray temples, Zhuo Yun felt apologetic in his heart, secretly regretting that he shouldn't have been so stubborn after graduation, caring about his career and forgetting about his mother who was worried about him at home .

"Mom, it's me!" Zhuo Yun poked his head out and smiled like a child when the car window was lowered.

"Oh, it's Xiaoyun!" Seeing Xiaoyun, my mother walked over happily and looked at my father who was sitting in the car with a surprised expression.

"Xiaoyun, why didn't you tell mom when you came back, and why did you and your dad come back by car? Who owns this car? It looks very expensive, so don't let your family ruin it."

The familiar nagging sound rang in his ears. In the past, every time his mother nagged, Zhuo Yun would get a little impatient, but now he felt extraordinarily warm.

Although it has only been a few months since he obtained the avatar of the black turtle, Zhuo Yun has been completely reborn. Several trials of life and death have made him understand the preciousness of family affection and know how to cherish it, but he just thought of explaining this to his mother. Zhuo Yun couldn't help feeling a little overwhelmed by the problem of a sports car, so he could only throw this problem to his father next to him.

Dad, who had just recovered from the shock, had no choice but to become a commentator to help explain the news of Zhuo Yun's fortune.

What surprised Zhuo Yun was that after learning about this, his mother was so happy that she didn't need to explain how she got rich, nor did she need to explain other issues.

This may be the biggest difference between father's love and mother's love. Father's love is relatively dignified and rigorous, while mother's love is gentle and selfless.

That night, my mother cooked a table of meals with her own hands, and even called Lu Yuan's family over, and the two families had a lively dinner.

It wasn't until after twelve o'clock in the evening that those who left the show went home to sleep.

Lying on the familiar little bed, Zhuo Yun couldn't fall asleep anyway. Originally, he planned to turn his consciousness to Xuan Gui, but he was afraid that he would frighten his mother if he forgot the time, so he could only sit cross-legged and practice the exercises. It was only when his mother woke him up in the morning that he withdrew from his practice.

Eating the familiar soy milk fritters, Zhuo Yun felt unprecedentedly happy, this feeling is something that he didn't have in Z city before.

"Mom, Dad, this time I came back and bought a gift for you all. In the bag I brought back, the long one is for you, and the short one is for my dad. Check it out Satisfied." While eating breakfast, Zhuo Yun suddenly remembered and pointed to the bag on the sofa.

"I'll come back when I come back, what kind of gift can I buy?" While speaking, my mother reached out to open the bag and took out the two wrapped boxes inside.

"This, this is a gold necklace!" Looking at the golden necklace in the gift box, my mother couldn't help exclaiming.

The dad next to him also opened his gift, and inside was a high-end watch with tiny diamonds inlaid on the surface.

"Mom, didn't you keep nagging me that when you married my dad, you didn't even buy a necklace for you. This gold necklace is just as if my dad bought it for you, and dad, you brought it with you before. Your watch always stops and starts, so I bought you a watch."

"Xiaoyun, how can this work? How much will it cost? Even if you earn some money now, you can't spend it like this. You still have to save money to buy a house in city z. I heard that It's so precious, you quickly take the gold necklace back and return it." My mother said hastily and resolutely, holding back her love for the gold necklace.

"Yes, your mother is right. Now your most important thing is to save money to buy a house. You can't spend it like this. We are satisfied with you being careful." Dad closed the gift box, shook his head and followed.

Seeing his parents who obviously liked it but were reluctant to spend money, Zhuo Yun secretly laughed in his heart.

"Mom and Dad, I bought everything back. How can I refund it when I enter the house? Besides, you have no confidence in your son. Buying a house is not a difficult thing for me." Zhuo Yun said with a smile , reached out and took out a card from his arms and handed it to his mother.

"Mom, there is 10 yuan in this card. You can save it for yourself. Don't save money to buy a house for me. To tell you the truth, I have a house in Z City. Don't go to work in a cement factory anymore, the environment there is not good, once you inhale too much cement dust, if you really feel a little uncomfortable, it can't be solved by [-] to [-] yuan."

Under Zhuo Yun's strenuous saliva and persuasion, his mother reluctantly accepted the 10 yuan card, which made him secretly admire his wisdom. Fortunately, he didn't save 200 million yuan in the card. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to get my mother to accept it.

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