Super black turtle clone

Chapter 126 Threatening Civil Servants!

() In today's society, news spreads the fastest. Soon Zhuo Yun drove a nearly 300 million sports car, and the news of Jin Yi's return to his hometown quickly spread.

Some neighbors around got the news one after another, and the water around their house was blocked.

Even some neighbors who had a bad relationship with their family in the past couldn't help but come over and humbly admit their mistakes under the pressure of money.

Even Zhuo Yun didn't think that it would take nearly half a day just to deal with the enthusiastic neighbors, especially when many of them came to introduce him to girlfriends, which made him even more so. My head was so big that I regretted that when I asked before, I said that I didn't have a girlfriend.

"Huhu, it's really exhausting."

Sending away the last lady from the neighbor who came to be a matchmaker, Zhuo Yun wiped the sweat off his brow with a wry smile, feeling that talking to these old ladies was more tiring than fighting with him for [-] rounds.

When I returned to the living room and took a sip of water, there was a sound of arguing outside. The sound seemed to be that my mother was arguing with others.

Zhuo Yun hurriedly walked to the yard, and saw three men in suits with briefcases arguing with his mother about something.

Seeing the arrogance of those three people made him very upset, he walked quickly to his mother, glanced at the three people and said in a cold voice: "Who are you, what are you doing here at my house?"

"We are in charge of the demolition. Your local country needs to develop and build a commercial area in a unified way. As citizens of the country, you are obliged to cooperate with us in completing the demolition work." The middle-aged man headed by Sanru said righteously.

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun frowned, his expression a little surprised, if this is the case, there is no need to argue at all.

The country has been doing a good job in this regard. Once demolition will not only distribute to buildings, but also corresponding economic subsidies. In small towns and rural areas like this kind of national demolition, it is a good thing that people can only dream of. Things made a windfall.

"Mom, what's the matter? Ah, it's a good thing that the country wants to demolish this place. Why are you still arguing?" Zhuo Yun turned to look at his mother and asked.

Although my mother is a bit preoccupied, it's not that she doesn't understand right and wrong. Besides, this kind of thing is obviously a good thing, and there is no reason to refuse it.

"Xiaoyun, come here." While speaking, his mother made a look, and Zhuo Yun took advantage of the situation and followed, to a place not far away.

"Mom, what's the matter, it's making you talk about it."

"Hey, Xiaoyun, don't listen to the fooling of these three people. Things are not as simple as you think. The buildings they built for us are all shabby projects. All the people here have gone to see the buildings. Many of them are tilted, and there are cracks in some places just after the construction is completed. If you live in the buildings they built, it is estimated that they will all collapse in a few years." Sighing, the mother said with a worried expression.

"It turned out to be like this." Hearing this, Zhuo Yun finally understood, and secretly sighed in his heart that the current level of corruption in the country, compared to the ethos of not picking up things in the middle of the country when the country was founded, is now almost like being eaten by moths. big tree.

"You two, we are indeed obliged to cooperate with you in the demolition, and you are also obliged to let us have peace of mind after the demolition. You should be more aware of the current situation than us, and we will not send it away." Three demolition officers came In front of the state worker, Zhuo Yun said calmly.

"The demolition of this place is the decision of the country. Your behavior is a hindrance to the country's decision and development, and you will have to pay legal responsibility. I advise you to think about it carefully, or you will end up regretting it when the demolition is forced. .”

"Why, are you threatening me?" Zhuo Yun's indifferent expression turned slightly cold, sharp gazes shot out from his eyes, and an invisible aura radiated out.

This kind of momentum was tempered by fighting and killing. How could the three state workers of the demolition office be able to bear it? Immediately, they felt a chill welling up in their hearts, as if they were being targeted by a ferocious beast.

"Okay, okay, you'll regret it." The leading man shouted angrily and restrainedly, and hurriedly left in embarrassment, unable to suppress the fear in his heart.

He coldly glanced at Sanru's back, if his mother wasn't by his side, he really wanted to go up and teach them a good lesson, even if two officials of the country dared to threaten him, it would be courting death.

After dismissing the three people, the family became calm again, and Zhuo Yun could finally enjoy the life at home.

Having nothing to do, he gathered Lu Yuan and a few friends who grew up together in a small restaurant, but the original lively atmosphere disappeared this time.

Except for Lu Yuan, the others were more or less flattered and less casual, and their speech was no longer as unscrupulous as before.

At this moment, Zhuo Yun realized the distress of the rich and powerful people. Although you want to be free, those people around you will always unconsciously become restrained, and they will no longer be called brothers and brothers like before. This may be the so-called There are gains and losses. While gaining money and power, some precious things are also lost.

In the blink of an eye, two days have passed since he returned home. Even though August [-]th has passed, he still plans to spend more time with the elder at home. Compared with money and material things, the elder wants his children by his side , Zhuo Yun still understands this truth.

This morning Zhuo Yun got up in the morning and still had soy milk and fried dough sticks. Even though he had eaten it for more than ten years, he still didn't feel tired.

After eating and drinking, he stretched his waist. These days at home, he basically either eats or sleeps, or finds something to play with. The whole body feels as if it is rusty.

"Son, hurry up and change your clothes, and go somewhere with mom later."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun glanced in surprise at his mother who was dressed formally, even wearing a gold necklace, and was very puzzled.

"Mom, where are you going? You are so beautifully dressed, I thought you were going on a date with my dad."

"Go to the side, how can you say that shit.""

The mother gave Zhuo Yun a fierce look, and quickly waved her hands: "Hurry up and pack up, remember to put on your best clothes."

"It's really strange. Why is my mother acting abnormal today? Could it be that she went to a relative's house? No, it's not the New Year or the holidays now!" Guess, after changing into more formal casual clothes, he drove away with his mother.

Under the guidance of my mother, after driving for more than half an hour, I finally arrived at the destination.

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