Super black turtle clone

Chapter 127 Gold Digger!

() "British western restaurant, what is mom doing here!"

Taking a glance at the high-end western restaurant here, Zhuo Yun was even more puzzled.

"Mom, why did you bring me here, you didn't want to tell me my real life experience." After parking the car, Zhuo Yun asked smoothly, and some plots that only appeared in movies appeared in his mind Well, my mother brought me here to let me recognize my biological father.

"Stinky boy, what are you thinking? I brought you here this time to introduce a girlfriend to you. I asked you to come and see him today. He is my mother and I found it with great effort. Listen He said he also works in Z city, and now he is the sales manager of their company, so he is a perfect match for you." My mother gave Zhuo Yun a dignified look, and said with a smile on her face.

"Oh, no, Mom, are you cheating on me? Why didn't you tell me earlier." Hearing this, Zhuo Yun, who was originally curious, suddenly became bitter.

"Stinky boy, mom knew you would be like this a long time ago, so she cut it first and played it later. Now that you have come here, whether you want to meet or not, you must go and meet her. I heard that the girl is very beautiful. You I will definitely not be as dissatisfied as I am now.”

Under the urging of his mother, Zhuo Yun followed helplessly, and he was so regretful that he could almost keep up with eating Coptis chinensis. He secretly lamented that he should have made up a lie at the beginning, saying that he already had a girlfriend, so he would not Come on a blind date like now.

"This is the one I'm on a blind date with, she's pretty good looking." Looking at the woman who was sitting upright in front of her, with light makeup on, giving her the feeling of a small family jade, with a more delicate face, Zhuo Yun secretly evaluated in his heart .

If other people hear Zhuo Yun's words, they will definitely envy and hate. From the eyes of ordinary people, the woman sitting there is already very beautiful, although it cannot be compared with female movie stars. 1ri is definitely a lot of face.

It's not that Zhuo Yun has high vision, but that the girls he met these days are all the kind of top-notch beauties. Compared with them, the woman in front of him looks much inferior, so naturally she can only be called It's not bad for being long.

"I'm really sorry, I'm late due to the traffic jam on the road." The two came to the dining table. After the mother apologized, she quickly introduced with a smile on her face: "Zhuo Yun, this is your Aunt Liu, and this is her daughter Ma Hui .”

It wasn't until the mother spoke that Ma Hui, the mother and daughter, who were sitting there stood up from their seats. Aunt Liu was polite, while Ma Hui put on a perfunctory smile, with a bit of a smile on her face. Absent-minded look.

Zhuo Yun, who saw everything in his eyes, even though he felt a little unhappy, still obeyed his mother's words, called auntie politely, and said hello to Ma Hui.

After exchanging pleasantries, the waiter came over, Zhuo Yun opened the menu, and randomly ordered a few common Western dishes.

When the food was not ready, Ma Hui's mother across the street began to change the topic to the blind date, but what displeased Zhuo Yun was that Ma Hui's mother directly asked questions about the house and car. Finding a husband for my daughter is like choosing a house or a car for my daughter.

"Sister Liu, don't worry about the house issue. Our family has only one son. Even if it's a waste of money, we will buy him a house in Z City. As for the car, Xiaoyun has already bought it himself. He has now opened a small company by himself. , I believe I can give Ma Hui a good life in the future." Mom replied with a smile, she was not too clear about Zhuo Yun's specific situation, so she didn't dare to speak too harshly.

Ma Hui's mother on the opposite side nodded in satisfaction when she heard her mother's words, but Ma Hui curled her lips slightly with a disdainful expression on her face.

"Mom, can you and auntie leave first, let's have a talk by ourselves." Ma Hui, who was sitting next to her, interjected.

"Oh, okay, I think we are annoying, then you two have a talk, let's go to the side." Aunt Liu nodded with a smile, winked at her mother, and both of them smiled Walked to the side seat and sat down.

Seeing the two leaving, Ma Hui looked at Zhuo Yun coldly and said, "My mother tricked me into coming here on this blind date. My mother also told me about your situation just now. You just graduated from university not long ago. I heard that I was the vice chairman of the student union when I was in school, so I believe it will be a potential stock, but I only believe in blue-chip stocks, not potential stocks, so you understand."

Looking at Zhuo Yun opposite, Ma Hui breathed a sigh of relief after saying this. When she graduated from school that year, she was also full of passion and desire for outsiders, but only after a few years of hard work in society I found that many girls who are not as good as her have been promoted faster than her in the company, and they are carrying thousands of yuan or tens of thousands of designer bags every day.

It wasn't until this moment that she suddenly realized that instead of pursuing a love that is illusory and unreal, it is better to find a rich husband and live a rich life. .

She didn't think there was anything wrong with this. After all, many girls were like her, with a dream of marrying into a wealthy family in their hearts, so naturally they looked down on Zhuo Yun, a poor boy who was barely considered a potential stock.

"So that's the case, I know!" Zhuo Yun looked slightly startled, and nodded amusedly.

Naturally, he didn't want to get along with Ma Hui, but he didn't expect Ma Hui to be so direct, so that he didn't have to waste his words.

The gold-worshiping girl Ma Hui didn't stay too long, she reached out and waved to her mother in the distance, and got up to leave.

"Huihui, why did the conversation end so quickly?" Aunt Liu walked up quickly and asked in surprise.

Ma Hui looked dissatisfied and said, "Mom, the two of us are not suitable. He is not my type. I have my own criteria for choosing a mate. Don't let me go on a blind date."

"You child!" Aunt Liu looked at Zhuo Yun in embarrassment, and said to her mother apologetically, "Look at this trouble, it seems that our two families have no fate."

"It's okay. If you don't get married, you are still friends. It's good to meet a friend." Mom nodded with a disappointed expression and smiled.

Seeing his mother's disappointed look, Zhuo Yun felt a little uncomfortable.

"Zhuo Yun!" At this moment, a familiar and charming voice came from behind.

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun turned his head in surprise, and in his line of sight was a charming and charming figure standing not far away, with a look of surprise on his charming face.

"Sister Rou, why are you here?" Zhuo Yun was also a little surprised when he saw coming.

The one who appeared in his line of sight was none other than the manager of Leiting 4S shop, the charming and alluring mature Wang Yanrou.

"Why can't I be here, but why are you here? I didn't bother you." Wang Yanrou saw the posture in front of him and Ma Hui standing not far away, and immediately understood in her heart. She didn't know why. Mentally feel a little sour.

Zhuo Yun, who was keenly sensitive, noticed that Wang Yanrou's tone was not right, and was a little stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"Xiaoyun, this is it!" The old mother standing beside looked at Wang Yanrou with a curious expression.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce her. Her name is Wang Yanrou, and she is a friend of mine." Zhuo Yun realized and introduced quickly.

"Hello, Auntie!" Wang Yanrou stepped forward and shouted obediently with a smile on her face.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Mother nodded with a smile, and looked at Wang Yanrou with the eyes of a mother-in-law looking at her daughter-in-law. She felt a little disappointed because of Ma Hui just now, and suddenly she was full of fighting spirit again.

Ma Hui, who hadn't left yet, saw Wang Yanrou suddenly appearing, with a look of jealousy in his eyes.

Compared to the average girls, she is quite good-looking, but compared with Wang Yanrou in front of her, she is nearly two grades behind, neither in terms of figure nor face.

"Hmph, dressed so flirtatiously, it looks like a woman who is not serious at first glance, that is, she attracts men with her face and figure, even such a poor boy is seduced, and she is not a man of high quality" Thinking maliciously in my heart , Ma Hui finally felt better, took Aunt Liu's hand and turned to leave.

Zhuo Yun and the others ignored Ma Hui's departure, and even Zhuo Yun's mother was attracted by Wang Yanrou, so she couldn't care less about Ma Hui who had always been indifferent.

Standing by the side, seeing his mother asking questions like a daughter-in-law, Zhuo Yun stroked his forehead speechlessly.

"Mom, Sister Rou must be busy here, let's go home first, don't delay the work at home." Zhuo Yun hurriedly interrupted his mother's question, and if he continued like this, he really didn't know what would happen. become what.

Wang Yanrou glanced at Zhuo Yun with a pair of winking eyes and said with a smile: "Auntie, don't listen to Zhuo Yun, I don't have anything to do, I don't know why I see you, I feel very kind, if you don't mind If I'm bored, I invite you to chat while we eat."

"Hehe, you child, why does auntie think you are annoying, let's not eat here, why not go to my house, I will cook for you myself." Mom smiled happily from ear to ear.

"If Auntie doesn't mind disturbing you, I will naturally ask for it." Wang Yanrou smiled obediently, she didn't have the kind of training she had when she was the manager of the Leiting 4S store, but gave her a kind of frankness like a little girl.

Seeing Wang Yanrou's well-behaved appearance, my mother nodded happily, and compared Ma Hui and Wang Yanrou in her heart. Ma Hui, who was originally very good, suddenly paled in comparison.

Although my mother had been smiling all the time before, it wasn't that she couldn't see Ma Hui's indifferent and disdainful look. She just wanted to find a good wife for Zhuo Yun, so she didn't care much.

Now compared with Wang Yanrou, who is cute, beautiful and charming, my mother is secretly happy. Fortunately, the blind date did not succeed, otherwise such a good girl would have been missed.

In the mother's heart, she has made up her mind that she must develop the gentle and approachable Wang Yanrou into her own daughter-in-law.

Zhuo Yun didn't know what his mother was thinking, otherwise he would have smiled wryly. He didn't expect that just after dismissing Ma Hui, another Wang Yanrou, who was even more difficult to mess with, came.

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