Super black turtle clone

Chapter 140 Someone Boiled It!

() Thinking of conquering the deep-sea crab king, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but feel a little headache. This guy is definitely a stubble. After the previous battle, it became more difficult to lure him out of the cave again.

After tossing and thinking on the bed for a while, an idea suddenly burst out of his mind, secretly making up his mind to immediately transfer his consciousness to Xuan Gui.

Zhuo Yun, the mysterious turtle possessed, did not immediately go to the cave to find the trouble of the deep sea crab king, but led the fire python to wander in the deep sea.

"I found the target!" After wandering for nearly an hour, his eyes finally brightened.

Among the seaweeds not far away, there is a deep-sea fish with a body length of more than three meters, a strong body, and looks full of aggressiveness. It is swimming leisurely, hunting some small fish in the seaweed from time to time, without knowing it at all. The danger has quietly approached.

The tragic deep-sea fish became Zhuo Yun's bait to seduce the deep-sea crab king. He and the fire python hijacked it to a place a hundred meters away from the huge cave, and threw the wounded one outside the cave.

Zhuo Yun's control strength is very good, the injury can not only make the deep-sea fish lose the ability to continue to escape and swim, but also prevent him from dying. He still has a lot of fighting power on the ground.

The smell of fresh blood spread, and in the distance Zhuo Yun controlled the mysterious tortoise and the fire python and waited quietly. Just when they thought that the deep sea crab king was about to appear, they were shocked to find that it was not the deep sea crab king at all, but the deep sea crab king. It's an army of deep-sea crabs.

One or two deep-sea crabs may not be the opponent of the injured deep-sea fish, but a group of deep-sea crabs is enough to kill it, and it will be pulled into the cave in a mighty manner.

"Damn it, this lazy deep-sea crab king." Zhuo Yun, who was hiding in the distance, almost couldn't help yelling when he saw this scene. After working for more than an hour, all previous efforts were wasted.

Such a situation made him very unwilling, and he was so angry that he wanted to rush up immediately and kill the deep sea crab king directly in the cave.

Thinking angrily in his heart, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but glanced at the fire python swimming around, his heart moved slightly, and the eyes he looked at the fire python became a little strange.

The fire python, which was swimming leisurely, immediately felt a sense of uneasiness by instinct. The scales all over his body opened slightly, and he nervously looked at the mysterious turtle possessed by Zhuo Yun, "Hey!" Fortunately, he is possessed by Xuan Gui at the moment, otherwise just this smile would scare away the fire python.

The tragic fire python failed to escape the fate of the bait in the end, and was forcibly sent by Zhuo Yun to the huge cave.

One of the very important reasons why he let the fire python go is that the strength of the fire python has no advantage over the deep-sea crab king who is wearing armor and can spit bubbles. The killing intent of the deep sea crab king.

In Zhuo Yun's anticipation, the fire python almost turned around once after walking for a while, reluctantly and generously going to die, he burrowed into the dark cave entrance like the mouth of a giant beast.

"I hope the fire python can lure that damned deep-sea crab king out." Praying secretly, Zhuo Yun controlled the mysterious turtle to carefully detour close to the entrance of the cave, crawled down not far from the nearby place, and performed the turtle's breathing formula. Casting it instantly turns into a stone-like convergence of all life characteristics.

Just like that, Zhuo Yun waited quietly. After a while, the sound of fighting came from inside the cave, and it became more and more intense.

"Very good!" Hearing the sound of the battle, Zhuo Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the Deep Sea Crab King would not dare to fight. As long as he dared to fight the fire python, he would have a chance to lure it out.

"Huhu!" Accompanied by the violent water gushing out of the cave, in Zhuo Yun's sight, a fiery red figure fled out of the cave in embarrassment, it was the fire python that rushed in.

At this moment, the image of the fire python can be said to be very miserable. Its panicked appearance is like a bereaved dog. There are many wounds on its body. The most shocking thing is the wound in the middle of the body, which was directly torn open. It gushed out of it like a spring, staining the surrounding water with blood.

"Squeak!" A sharp cry came from the cave behind, and the huge figure of the deep-sea crab king appeared at the entrance of the cave, but it did not immediately pursue it, but glanced around cunningly, making sure that the black turtle It wasn't near here, so it rushed towards the fire python domineeringly.

The fire python itself has taken Yaocai Dibao, and the flesh and blood in its body contains a lot of spiritual energy. If the deep-sea crab king hunts and devours it, it will also be of great benefit to it, which is why it takes the risk of chasing and killing it.

"Finally hooked." Seeing the deep sea crab king rushing out, Zhuo Yun was secretly happy, and the vitality in his body was surging and ready to go.

The deep-sea crab king, who didn't know anything, passed by the place where the black turtle was crawling domineeringly. He didn't care much about the sudden appearance of a big rock. It was precisely because of this reason that his tragedy began.

"Boom!" The violent current surged, and the sudden roar made the Deep Sea Crab King jump, and before he could react, the sudden eruption of the black turtle had already hit it without hindrance.

"Crack!" The toothache sounded, and it was also because of the bad luck of the deep sea crab king. Zhuo Yun controlled the position where the black tortoise hit, which happened to be the place that was torn apart before. Just after healed, he was attacked violently again, and was hit all at once. split.

"Squeak, creak!" The deep-sea crab king who flew upside down screamed in pain. Unlike other creatures, the crab's fleshy body relies entirely on the armor outside the body. Once the armor is broken, it is more deadly than a turtle without a shell. .

The fire python, who was fleeing desperately, saw the mysterious turtle that knocked the deep-sea crab king into the air, and immediately became angry. The burning pain on his body made his red snake pupils full of cold killing intent.

"Hiss!" Hissing, the fire python twisted its body, and flew like a sharp sword in front of the flying deep-sea crab king, opening its mouth with a blazing flame.

Facing the flame impact of the fire python, the deep-sea crab king barely had time to spit out a white bubble, and was crushed by the flame after resisting it for a while.

"Boom!" The fiery flame rushed towards the Deep Sea Crab King like a wave, turning the place where it was into a sea of ​​flames.

"Squeak!" The deep-sea crab king screamed in pain, struggling to rush out of the sea of ​​fire with a domineering figure.

Seeing the deep sea crab king's reddened appearance as if it was cooked, Zhuo Yun almost burst out laughing, remembering a famous joke, big brother, he was boiled.

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