Super black turtle clone

Chapter 141 You hurt me!

() The tragic deep-sea crab king made a wrong step. Under the double blow of Zhuo Yun and the fire python, those who had no time to fight back were beaten to the bottom of the sea and couldn't get up.

With the experience of recovering the fire python last time, Zhuo Yun used all methods, and under coercion and temptation, he finally managed to recover the stupefied deep-sea crab king.

After finishing the deep sea crab king, Zhuo Yun took his two younger brothers to the inside of the cave, and under the leadership of the deep sea crab king, they dived under the huge spring.

"Wow, such a rich aura is even better than I imagined." Feeling the feeling of being in the ocean of aura, Zhuo Yun couldn't help moaning comfortably.

Originally, Zhuo Yun wanted to explore the secrets at the bottom of the spring, but what he didn't expect was that there was a huge stone wall underneath. If he wanted to find the secret of the spring, he could only destroy the huge stone wall .

After thinking it over and over again, he finally gave up on this idea. After all, once Jing destroys the stone wall, who knows what will happen. If the spirit spring loses its effectiveness because of this, it will be too late to cry.

With the nourishment of the abundant spiritual energy from the spiritual spring, the injuries on both the fire python and the deep-sea crab king are recovering quickly. In just half an hour, there is basically no serious problem. It may only take a day or two to cultivate be fully healed.

By the time Zhuo Yun returned to the main body from Xuangui, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning. After a simple breakfast in the villa area, he immediately drove a sports car to his company.

As soon as he entered the company, Zhuo Yun saw Cao Xiaohu yawning and sitting on the office chair, and Mu Xue was also boredly looking at the magazine in his hand on the sofa not far away.

"Xiaohu, where's that kid Zhang Kun?" Zhuo Yun walked in, Zhuo Yun said to the drowsy Cao Xiaohu.

The dazed Cao Xiaohu woke up suddenly, and quickly stood up, with a slightly embarrassed expression, as if he was caught by the teacher for not paying attention to the lecture.

"Hello boss, Zhang Kun, he, he went out for a while, anyway, we have nothing to do here, and he will be back soon."

"Hehe, relax a bit, I don't blame you, you call Zhang Kun and ask him to come over immediately, just say that our company is about to start work." Patting Cao Xiaohu on the shoulder, Zhuo Yun smiled and walked to Mu Xue's side sat down on the seat.

After more than ten minutes, Zhang Kun, who was out of breath, ran in from the outside. Seeing Zhuo Yun sitting there, he grinned with embarrassment.

"Okay, don't be so good, I won't deduct your salary today, sit down quickly, I have work to order." Glancing at Zhang Kun who is playing tricks, Zhuo Yun smiled and pointed to the opposite sofa seat .

Scanning the three people, Zhuo Yun smiled and told about the cooperation with the Mingtian Group, and clearly assigned them different jobs for each of the three people.

Finally, the three people who have something to do are all refreshed, feeling like they are sharpening their swords, especially when they heard that Qiandehao can increase wages and pay bonuses, Zhang Kun and Cao Xiaohu were even more frightened Light, of course, except for the little rich woman Mu Xue who Zhuo Yun can't see through.

Mu Xue's expression only changed slightly when Zhuo Yun said that she was cooperating with Mingtian Group. At other times, she didn't have any big mood swings at all. Feel.

After finishing the mobilization meeting, Zhuo Yun left the company in a hurry. In the past, he was idle and had nothing to do. It hurts to be idle, but now he is really busy.

First, I negotiated with Ming Zhenbo again, and finally completed a series of signings, and then went to the shipping company to spend 200 million to buy a small fishing boat and hired several crew members.

"Huh, busy days are not easy." Stretching his tired waist, Zhuo Yun yawned and got off the sports car, and walked into the villa he lived in. After a busy day, Even he felt a little tired.

In addition to physical exhaustion, there was more mental tension. After all, this was his first business negotiation, and there was no room for sloppyness.

"Huh!" Just as he walked to the door of his own villa, Zhuo Yun stopped in his tracks, staring at the door in front of him with a slight concentration in his heart.

After being assassinated by the Japanese female assassin last time, he became more aware. The door of the villa has a special mark. Once someone else opens the door, he can detect it. Now the mark he set has changed. This means that someone opened the door of his room after he left.

"Could it be the Japanese assassin again!" Thinking of this, a murderous intent shot out in his eyes, the last time he let the female assassin run away, this time no matter who dares to harm him, he will die.

With a killing intent in his heart, Zhuo Yun pretended to have nothing to do on the surface, took out the key, opened the door and walked in.

Turning on the light in the living room casually, illuminating the dark living room, and after scanning the surroundings, he cautiously walked towards the second floor.

Since the living room was not ambushed, it was most likely on the second floor.

Walking to the corner of the second floor, Zhuo Yun's eyes showed a look of doubt, and after hesitating for a while, he still walked forward.

The moment he turned the corner, a white and tender arm suddenly protruded from the corner, grabbing at his neck.

Zhuo Yun, who had been prepared for a long time, grabbed Bai Nen's arm fiercely and threw him out of the corner.

"O!!" A sharp female voice screamed, and the woman who had sneaked up on Zhuo Yun was easily pushed to the ground by him.

"Zhuo Yun, you big villain, let me go quickly, you hurt me." Before Zhuo Yun could interrogate, the woman suppressed by him made a familiar voice of complaint.

Slightly startled, Zhuo Yun let go of his arm, and finally saw clearly who the woman he was holding was.

"Bao'er, why is it you!" Zhuo Yun said speechlessly when he saw the kawaii woman rubbing her arms with a pained and aggrieved expression.

"Why can't it be Rujia? I originally planned to give you a surprise, who knew that you would throw Rujia to the ground as soon as you came up." Lei Baoer stared at Zhuo Yun angrily with a look of grievance on her face. said angrily.

"Hey, is this a surprise? I think it's a shock." Criticizing secretly in his heart, Zhuo Yun chose to keep silent.

In the face of such an unruly young lady like Lei Baoer, the best way to deal with it is to stay the same and respond to all changes. If you really want to argue with her, you will be unlucky in the end.

Helping Lei Bao'er to his bedroom and sitting down, Zhuo Yun said strangely: "Why are you here, and who told you that I live here?"

"Hey, can such a small matter be hidden from me, Miss Lei? I just need to inquire about it. Besides, this is the villa area built by our Lei family. Naturally, I can get rid of the key and open the door." Lei Bo'er smiled smugly.

"By the way, how's the gunshot wound on your body? It didn't hurt you just now." Seeing Lei Bao'er kneading his arm, Zhuo Yun asked worriedly.

Hearing Zhuo Yun's concerned words, Lei Bao'er, who was originally savage and willful, showed a rare gentle expression on his face.

"It's all healed now. I didn't have time to thank you last time. Thank you for taking the risk to save me last time."

"It's okay, didn't you also block a bullet for me?" Zhuo Yun smiled.

Although Lei Baoer's gentleness makes people uncomfortable, her gentle appearance is indeed very attractive, especially coupled with that kawaii appearance, she is definitely the favorite of Wei Shushu.

Standing up and sitting on the chair next to him, Zhuo Yun rubbed his temples and said, "Why didn't you call me when you came, making me think a thief came in."

"Huh, you still have the nerve to say, why don't you visit me these days, you don't know how boring it is to be alone in the ward." Lei Baoer, who was very gentle just now, returned to her unruly personality again, dissatisfied pouted.

"I went home recently, and it's not long since I came back." Zhuo Yun smiled wryly, and looked up at the electronic watch in the room: "It's already past ten o'clock, why don't I take you back."

"No, I just saw you, so I don't want to go back." Lei Baoer shook her head resolutely, as if determined not to go back.

No matter how much Zhuo Yun tried to coax him, he would only reply with one sentence, that is, he would not go back.

Helplessly looking at Miss Lei Baoer who was playing a rascal, Zhuo Yun felt a little helpless for the first time, the difficulty of this lady was like a mess.

"Okay, it's okay if you don't want to go, but I only have such a bed here, and you will sleep on the sofa in the living room after a while."

"No, I don't want to sleep on the sofa. Besides, I'm a sick person. How could you treat me like this." Lei Bao'er said with a cunning smile on her face, "How about the two of us sleeping together?" How about in bed."

Zhuo Yun was overwhelmed by Lei Bao'er's words, and was stunned for a while, then shook his head and went to the wardrobe next to the bedroom wall, and took out bedding, pajamas and other necessities.

"Forget it, I'm going to sleep in the living room."

Hearing Zhuo Yun's compromising words, Lei Bao'er had a strange smile on his face, besides the smile, there was also a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Putting the bedding on the sofa on the first floor, Zhuo Yun walked to the bathroom on the second floor.

After a busy day, he was really tired. He took off his clothes, and under the hot water of the shower, he felt a sense of comfort. It seemed that the fatigue in his whole body had been relieved a lot.

"I love taking a bath, there are so many bubbles, ouch!" While taking a bath, Zhuo Yun hummed a little song, feeling the rush of the shower happily, he prefers the running water of the shower to the bathtub.

Just as he was taking a refreshing bath, the sound of light footsteps came to his ears from outside.

Although the other party deliberately lowered his voice, he still couldn't escape his super hearing.

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