Super black turtle clone

Chapter 144 Thomas' Plan!

() "Phew, managing a company is really tiring. I really don't know how the bosses of those big companies live every day." Lying on the bed, Zhuo Yun stretched a little tiredly.

In fact, he doesn't know that once the company really develops, the boss only needs to make some important decisions, and they don't need to manage some trivial matters at all. Unlike his current Almighty Shipping Company, the entire company only needs four employees , and the manager is the only one.

Lying on the bed and resting for a while, Zhuo Yun couldn't help thinking of something in his mind. Before that, he went home to visit his relatives, and then he was rushing about the company, so he forgot an important thing.

After dialing the phone, a burst of color ringing sound came from the phone, but the language of the ringing ring was not Chinese, but Japanese.

"Hello, may I ask who you are looking for?" A male voice with authentic American pronunciation came from the phone.

Hearing the cautious tone in the other party's voice, Zhuo Yun smiled and said in English: "I'm looking for Thomas, but you just say that Sea King has something to do with him."

"Oh!" There was an exclamation from the phone, followed by a burst of noisy voices and chaotic footsteps.

"Your Excellency Neptune, you made me wait so hard. I thought Your Excellency Neptune abandoned me. God, these days of waiting make me feel like I am in hell." The call came Thomas's words were full of complaints like a bard.

Zhuo Yun didn't pay much attention to Thomas's complaints. Through this incident, Thomas' temper was sharpened. After all, the other party was a vicious pirate leader, and people like this were rebellious people. A pigeon knock is still necessary.

"Thomas, put away your complaints. I don't want to hear any dissatisfaction from you. It will make me feel bad." Zhuo Yun said coldly.

"Ouch, I'm sorry, great Lord Neptune, Thomas didn't intend to offend you, but we've had enough of hiding in this ghostly place of the Japanese country, and we're eager to find revenge for those damned bastards of Red Coral, and I hope Your Majesty Neptune will understand." Thomas hurriedly explained with some trepidation.

"I understand your eagerness, but do you think you guys can defeat the Red Coral Pirates with your current strength? I don't want to support someone who has no ability and short-sightedness. That just makes me doubt you It doesn't have that value." Hearing Thomas' words, Zhuo Yun questioned.

Despite the existence of strange beasts such as black turtles, it is still difficult to deal with the well-equipped Red Coral Pirates, unless the black turtles can break through the bottleneck and gain absolute control over the sea water. The turtle will be able to solve the Red Coral Pirates, but not now.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency Neptune, I will naturally not deal with the Red Coral Pirates immediately. I have already thought of a series of plans before, but this plan needs your help to be successful."

"Oh, what's the plan, let me tell you about it." Wen Yan Zhuo Yun asked with some interest.

Next, Thomas explained all the plans they had discussed. Zhuo Yun, who didn't care much at first, couldn't help but sigh that Thomas was indeed a talent. Very little means.

According to Thomas, besides a large amount of funds, what their pirate group lacks now is a considerable number of pirate ships and a group of pirate men.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the red coral pirate ship, all their pirate ships have been reimbursed, and even the Thomas pirate ship has been seriously damaged, and some repairs must be carried out if they want to go back on the road.

The pirates also suffered heavy casualties in the previous pursuit. With the current number of people, let alone the Red Coral Pirates that dominate the Malay Archipelago, even ordinary small pirates are difficult for them to deal with, so the most important thing now is The task is to expand the power.

According to Thomas' idea, it is to annex some small pirate gangs, so that they can not only obtain the ships of the small pirate gangs, but also recover a group of obedient subordinates, and get some wealth. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone. Only in this way can the Thomas Pirates develop rapidly in a short period of time. Otherwise, relying on robbery at sea, it is estimated that they will be caught and destroyed by the navies of other countries before they develop.

After discussing the implementation of the specific plan with Thomas, Zhuo Yun hung up the phone, and with a slight movement of his mind, he possessed his consciousness on the black turtle, letting him leave the deep sea where he was originally, and head towards the sea at full speed.

The satellite navigator that Xuangui used before was damaged, so he had to buy a better one again, and when Xuangui came to the beach, he handed over the satellite navigator to it.

Then let Xuangui swim in the agreed direction according to the route shown on the navigator.

After all this was done, Zhuo Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief, and drove a sports car leisurely on the streets of City Z.

Ever since he got the avatar of Xuangui, he has been busy making money and strengthening his strength. He really hasn't enjoyed life well. Now that the company's business has stabilized for the time being, it will take some time for Xuangui to reach his destination. Let him Finally time to rest.

Driving a cool Lamborghini sports car, the rate of turning heads on the streets of the city is absolutely high, so Zhuo Yun also feels the thrill of being watched by everyone, and by the way, admires the beauties who pass by the roadside and even wink at him.

Now that August 1th has passed and the weather has turned colder, the beauties on the side of the road still show their beautiful demeanor, and they still feel cool in their clothes, which makes the men's eyes focus on their chests. The bulging white flesh, and the miniskirt that is so curled up that it can cover the little butt.

Scanning the beauties on the side of the road, Zhuo Yun's gaze suddenly stopped on the street not far to the right, "Hey, this girl seems to be in some trouble." Thinking in surprise, he stopped the car and looked Looking at Mu Xue who was walking briskly in her direction.

Behind Mu Xue was followed by a handsome man dressed in high-end clothes, who looked like a second-generation rich man. There seemed to be some conflict between the two, and they were pulling each other. Mu Xue's face was full of anger and impatience.

Zhuo Yun had a good impression of Mu Xue, a girl. In addition to being a beautiful woman, she also had a gentle personality, and she worked in an orderly manner. After hesitating for a while, she stretched out her hand and honked the car horn a few times.


The sound of the whistle sounded, including Mu Xue, the surrounding roads were immediately attracted by the sound.

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