Super black turtle clone

Chapter 145 Stubborn girl!

() "Hey, Mu Xue, why are you here? Do you want me to give you a ride?" Zhuo Yun lowered the car window, smiled and waved to Mu Xue who was looking over.

Seeing Zhuo Yun appearing suddenly, Mu Xue was obviously surprised, hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and quickly sat on the passenger seat.

"Who are you!" The man who was following Mu Xue came to Zhuo Yun's car and said coldly with a dissatisfied expression.

"Sorry, what kind of person am I, it seems that there is no need to tell you, and I don't know you." Sensing the other party's hostility, Zhuo Yun shrugged disapprovingly.

The man's expression became even uglier, and he glared at Zhuo Yun angrily and said, "Xiaoxue is my fiancée, this is a matter between the two of us, no matter who you are, I have no right to intervene."

"Fiancee!" Hearing the man's words, Zhuo Yun looked back at Mu Xue in the passenger seat in astonishment.

"Who is your fiancee? This is just an engagement between my father and your father. I have not agreed to it." Mu Xue glanced at the man angrily, and said to Zhuo Yun: "Boss, let's go, I don't want to be with you." He continued the conversation."

Hearing the conversation between the two, the fire of gossip in Zhuo Yun's heart could not help but ignite. Before, he thought it was a man who harassed Mu Xue, but now it will turn into such a situation.

From the conversation, he could hear that the relationship between the two people is probably the bloody plot in the TV series. The two people with similar family backgrounds and a good relationship will marry each other after the birth of the child. The doll's relatives.

"Brother, you heard it too, Mu Xue didn't want to talk to you at all, I'm sorry."

After Zhuo Yun finished speaking, he didn't give the man a chance to speak, stepped on the accelerator, the sports car whizzed away, and the angry man gritted his teeth behind him.

"Boss, I'm sorry to cause you trouble." Mu Xue said with an apologetic expression after the sports car drove a few kilometers.

Zhuo Yun smiled and said indifferently: "It's nothing, that kid has heavy dark circles under his eyes, and his face also reveals a weak look. He doesn't look like a good bird at first glance, but what is the fiancée he said just now?" It's going to happen."

After hesitating for a moment, Mu Xue said with a helpless expression: "This is the baby kiss my father made with Bie Ru when he was young, and it is precisely because of this that I ran away from home and came to Z city. I found it."

"Oh, so it's like this." Zhuo Yun nodded, seeing that Mu Xue's mood was a little depressed, he didn't continue to ask gossip.

Ten minutes later, the sports car stopped outside an aging residential area. This residential area looked old, not only the buildings were dilapidated, but even the walls and guards were not there.

"Mu Xue, you are living here now." Looking at the living environment in front of him, Zhuo Yun asked in astonishment.

Judging from these days of getting along, Mu Xue is definitely a rich lady, she should be the kind who would not worry about money since she was a child, and now she is living in such a dilapidated residential area, which is simply unbelievable for him.

A rare blush appeared on Mu Xue's face: "When I ran away from home, I didn't bring much money with me, and my bank card was frozen by my father, so I can only rent a house in this kind of place."

"That's not right, isn't there housing in the university?"

"The university is too far away from the company. I can't bear the transportation expenses just to go to work. It's not as cheap as renting a house here." Mu Xue replied indifferently.

Hearing Mu Xue's words, Zhuo Yun couldn't help admiring her.

A young lady who can think of these things and is willing to endure hardships is definitely not comparable to ordinary women who are delicate and delicate.

"How about, I'll take you up." Zhuo Yun asked hesitantly after glancing at the dark environment around him.

"No need, I can go up by myself, thank you very much today." Mu Xue shook her head, thanked everyone in a very demeanor, got out of the car and walked into the dilapidated residential area ahead.

"What a stubborn girl." Looking at Mu Xue's back, Zhuo Yun smiled and shook his head.

He believed that as long as Mu Xue went home obediently, or confessed her mistake to her father, she would definitely be able to return to the life of a young lady, but she has persisted until now, and chose to work part-time to earn living expenses.

Starting the sports car, just when Zhuo Yun was about to leave, he suddenly saw in his eyes three young men with non-mainstream clothes, dyed hair, and tattoos on their shoulders. They followed Mu Xue and sat in the residential area. .

"This kind of place is really not safe!" After sighing, Zhuo Yun stepped off the sports car and quickly chased after him.

As soon as he walked into the alleyway of the community, he heard a burst of obscene laughter from a man and a scream from a woman in front of him.

"Hey, chick, our three brothers have been staring at you for a long time, and we obeyed obediently. As long as we make our three brothers feel comfortable, maybe we can reward you with a few hundred dollars. It seems that you should also listen to the lack of money now." .”

"Yes, our three brothers are very powerful. We will definitely let you taste what is called bliss in the world. You can't stop wanting immortals and dying. You can't satisfy your desires, and you can't fill your desires."

"Sir, shut up and stop showing off your idiom proficiency, or you won't be able to do it in a while."

The three gangsters blocked Mu Xue in a corner. It was already afternoon, and with Yao's bad weather, the surroundings looked a bit dark, which brought out the evilness of the three gangsters.

"Don't come here. If you come again, don't blame me for being rude." Surrounded in the corner, Mu Xue reached out to take out a police baton from her bag, and shouted at the three gangsters who surrounded her.

The three gangsters didn't expect that Mu Xue had an anti-wolf electric baton in his hand, so they couldn't help but took a step back in fright. Seeing this, Mu Xue let out a sigh of relief. He rushed forward and snatched the anti-wolf electric baton.

"Haha, girl, you're still a little too young. If you don't turn on the power, the anti-wolf electric baton is just an ordinary stick." Electricity burst out from the electric baton.

Not far away, Zhuo Yun, who saw everything in his eyes, couldn't help shaking his head. Before seeing Mu Xue calmly pulling out the anti-wolf electric baton, he secretly admired it, but he didn't expect to be anticlimactic , under the tension, he didn't even open the switch, but was robbed by the gangster instead.

Seeing Mu Xue's terrified face turned pale, Zhuo Yun knew that he could no longer stand by and watch, and he displayed his Xingyi Yizibu under his feet, and under the urging of his vitality, he appeared on the third floor almost in the blink of an eye. Behind a gangster man.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Three muffled crashes sounded one after another. Before he could react at all, he was kicked out by Zhuo Yun, and the three of them drew a parabolic arc and fell to the ground like an arhat.

However, the tragedy of the three people was not over yet. The anti-wolf electric baton exuding raging current was just right in the middle of the three people.

"Chi chi chi!"

The raging electric current burst out suddenly, and the anti-wolf electric baton with full power immediately showed the super power of anti-wolf.

A shrill scream sounded in the alleyway, and even the birds that were resting and resting around were startled into the air.

When the power of the anti-wolf electric baton was completely exhausted, the three gangster men who were still alive and kicking just now were all glorious, foaming at the mouth and passed out, lying there with black smoke all over their bodies, flashing from time to time After passing through an electric arc, the body trembled subconsciously and instinctively.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the three gangsters, Mu Xue opened her mouth slightly, and said in a trembling tone: "Boss, the three of them won't die."

"Don't worry, the anti-wolf electric baton itself has safety restrictions. Besides, the power of the anti-wolf electric baton is shared by the three of them. It is impossible to die. As for whether there will be any sequelae, that is not something we should worry about." Zhuo Yun smiled indifferently, he had done so many times, not to mention just teaching three little thieves a lesson.

"Mu Xue, it's too unsafe here, I think you'd better move to another place." Zhuo Yun frowned and said after glancing at the surrounding environment.

There is no security in this kind of place, and there are no decent monitoring facilities, and the residents are not even rich. It is really unsafe for a girl, let alone a daughter like Mu Xue who has temperament, figure, and appearance. Missy.

Today he happened to see in time that he would not have such good luck next time.

Hearing Zhuo Yun's words, Mu Xue also showed a hesitant look on her face. This is not the first time she has been harassed. Before, someone often took pictures of her door, and sometimes she was so frightened all night. Can't sleep.

"I know your concerns, how about this, I will add a housing subsidy to your salary, so that you can rent a better house." Zhuo Yun saw Mu Xue's hesitant expression In his eyes, he spoke directly.

Mu Xue shook her head and said, "You don't get paid for nothing, boss, I can't ask for your housing allowance."

"That's it!" Facing Mu Xue's stubborn character, Zhuo Yun felt a little helpless.

"How about this, if you trust me, you can live in my house first, help with cleaning, cooking and so on, so as to offset the rent of the house." After hesitating, Zhuo Yun said.

The stubborn Mu Xue pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Then I'll bother you, boss. When I have money, I will move out immediately."

Originally thought that Mu Xue would refuse again, but unexpectedly she agreed so readily, which surprised Zhuo Yun. <My heart is rippling, it must be like this. "

Zhuo Yun felt good about himself, thinking that if he knew that Mu Xue was just forced to do something helpless, compared to receiving housing subsidies, staying at Zhuo Yun's house temporarily and helping with cleaning and cooking would be easier for Mu Xue to accept, and he would definitely Depressed vomiting blood.

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